Between Heaven and Texas Blog Hop

Join us starting April 29th for a blog hop to celebrate the release of Marie Bostwick’s latest book, Between Heaven and Texas. Twelve talented designers will each be creating a 12″ star-themed quilt block tutorial just for you. Each of the participants will also be giving away a copy of Marie’s book to one of their lucky readers. We have a Flickr group too.


Monday, April 29 Tuesday, April 30 Wednesday, May 1
Marie Bostwick Michele – Quilting Gallery Bonnie – Quiltville
mirror-mirror-starMirror-mirror Star star-of-hope-150Star of Hope wonky-wishes-150Wonky Wishes
Thursday, May 2 Friday, May 3 Saturday, May 4
Kim – Persimon Dreams Melissa – Happy Quilting Jo & Kelli – Jo’s Country Junction
Starry-Night-150Starry Night star-value-150Star Value pin-up-star_150Pin Up Star
Sunday, May 5 Monday, May 6 Tuesday, May 7
Wendy – Ivory Spring Victoria – Bumble Beans Inc. Vicki – Quilting Lodge Blog
Orange Eyed Susan Star Block-150Orange Eyed Susan Star Block sawtooth-star-squared-150Sawtooth Star Squared SeeingStars_150Seeing Stars
Wednesday, May 8 Thursday, May 9 Friday, May 10
Melissa/Jake – Generation Q Magazine Jennifer – Sew Hooked Jackie – Canton Village Quilt Works
wonkified-star_150Wonkified Star banded-starBanded Star Top-of-the-Rainbow-150Top of the Rainbow

Plus on Thursday, May 2 visit Pat Sloan to listen to her radio interview with Marie and enter her give-away to win a copy of the book.

Bonus give-away: Complete the quilt top using the designer’s blocks and upload a photo to our Flickr group by September 1, 2013 and you’ll be entered to win an audio version of Marie’s new book. This version is due to be released sometime in September.

Between Heaven and Texas

Between heaven and Texas_small

In this luminous prequel to her beloved Cobbled Court Quilts series, New York Times bestselling author Marie Bostwick takes readers into the heart of a small Texas town and the soul of a woman who discovers her destiny there…

Welcome to Too Much–where the women are strong-willed and the men are handsome yet shiftless. Ever since Mary Dell Templeton and her twin sister Lydia Dale were children, their Aunt Velvet has warned them away from local boys. But it’s well known that the females in Mary Dell’s family have two traits in common–superior sewing skills and a fatal weakness for men.

While Lydia Dale grows up petite and pretty, Mary Dell just keeps growing. Tall, smart, and sassy, she is determined to one day turn her love of sewing into a business. Meanwhile, she’ll settle for raising babies with her new husband, Donny. But that dream proves elusive too, until finally, Mary Dell gets the son she always wanted–a child as different as he is wonderful. And as Mary Dell is forced to reconsider what truly matters in her family and her marriage, she begins to piece together a life that, like the colorful quilts she creates, will prove vibrant, rich, and absolutely unforgettable…

Marie Bostwick is the New York Times Bestselling author of eleven books, including the popular Cobbled Court Quilt series of novel. She lives in Connecticut with Brad, her husband of thirty-one years. When not writing or volunteering for her church, she enjoys quilting, gardening, reading, watching movies, spending time with her friends and family, and especially playing with her grandsons. Marie travels extensively, speaking at libraries, bookstores, quilt guilds, and at quilt shows. She has been a featured speaker at the Paducah Quilt Festival and the Houston International Quilt Festival. In 2013, she will be the keynote speaker at Quilt Nebraska.

The Linus Connection


Want to help out a great cause while enjoying the great free patterns from Marie’s Blog Tour? Make an extra star block and donate it the The Linus Connection. Jennifer from Sewhooked has been an active volunteer for The Linus Connection for over 10 years. She’s made and donated approximately 300 quilts to The Linus Connection since 2002, many of them made from orphan blocks donated by quilters from around the world.

The Linus Connection is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Austin, Texas whose mission is to make and deliver handmade security blankets for children in crisis situations in the Central Texas area. The blankets go to children in hospital emergency rooms, in crisis centers, in foster care, battered women’s shelters, to any child who is in need of a little extra security in their lives.

Contact Jennifer for mailing information at or visit The Linus Connection blog to find out other ways you can help.

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