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Antique Ornaments By: Patricia Hersl,
Delaware, USA
This hung as a shop and class sample when first completed. Pattern by Susan Fuquay. Hand appliqued, machine quilted, hand embroidery. It turned into a great class for applique construction. I worked in the reverse sides of two of the fabrics for needed contrast pieces.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 17"
Blues for Christmas! By: Maria Kievit,
Ontario, Canada
Using leftovers from a Christmas tree skirt, I cut them into squares, sewed them together and added the end pieces, and quilted it with straight lines in a cross hatch pattern. No pattern used.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 38"
Candied Christmas Tiles Runner By: Sandra Bassett,
Ontario, Canada
I just loved all of the Christmas fabrics in this table runner and was anxious to try them in the Patch Works Studio pattern, Candied Tiles. I was also able to use the leftover orphan blocks to make a Christmas Mantle scarf using the same pattern.
Quilt size: width: 15.5" height: 56.5"
Christmas Apples By: Bette Gove,
Virginia, USA
This is one of my first quilts which was made in 2004.
Quilt size: width: 21" height: 38"
Christmas Pinwheels (Cathy) By: Cathy (aka CrafteeCC),
My first Christmas Table Runner made up using scraps of red and white Christmas fabrics (front and back shown). There was no design as such, I just used some left over HSTs from Starflower blocks made for block swaps and it just came together. It fits perfectly on the coffee table.
Quilt size: width: 23" height: 11.5"
christmas pinwheels (grace thorne) By: grace thorne,
Maine, USA
made this about 10 years ago from a favorite atkinson pattern, gave as a gift
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 42"
Christmas Spiral By: Karen Ackva,
I treated myself to a sewing weekend and had to make this easy Christmas spiral. It is great for X-mas presents, too. I handed mine out at Thanksgiving!
It is a strip technique that requires a fading of lights to darks consisting of twelve fabrics.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 12"
Christmas Table Runner (Anita Amodeo) By: Anita Amodeo,
Florida, USA
This was made using the grid fusible interfacing…you place all the squares on the grids and press, then add the seam binding between the squares.
Easier said than done…the fusible did not fuse too well and I had an awful time sewing down the black binding.
This was definitely one of thos
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 40"
Christmas Table Runner (June Piper-Brandon) By: June Piper-Brandon,
Maryland, USA
I’ve made this table runner pattern in several different color ways. I love the Christmas one best, probably because I love the colors.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 45"
CHRISTMAS TABLE RUNNER (Linda Douglas) By: Linda Douglas,
Montana, USA
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 92"
Christmas Table Runner (Weekender Girl) By: Weekender Girl,
Maine, USA
Pattern from Pieced Tree (Patterns, Forest City, Iowa). I made 2 of these runners (for my mom & for me). I picked out the contrasting Christmas Fabric since we both love to decorate for Christmas with old fashioned colors and decorations. It was a joy to make.
Quilt size: width: 10.5" height: 37.5"
Christmas tablerunner Mariners Compass By: RonaKeith,
New Zealand
I designed the Mariners Compass for the middle using paper foundation piecing where the paper is folded back for stitching so I only needed a template for one section. This turned out o be a real mission! So the rest was simple – but effective!
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 110"
Every day it’s Christmas By: Rina Bimmel,
I made this tablerunner for Christmas, but we like it so much, it’s on our table every day. So every day is Christmas !
Quilt size: width: 43" height: 22"
Fairy bells By: ZlataR,
Russian Federation
Bells in the table runner made of machine appliqué. Free quilted all white background. On the red square quilted snowflakes.
Quilt size: width: 32" height: 16"
Flurry Scraps Christmas Runner By: Mona,
This table runner is designed while sewing from scraps from a Flurry by Kate Spain project. It will be our centerpiece this christmas in the norwegian back woods! Merry christmas to everyone!
Quilt size: width: 33,5" height: 13,5"
Frosty Quilted Table Runner By: Jennifer Schifano Thomas,
North Carolina, USA
I developed this design by combining two of my original blocks, Frosty, and Pine Tree. I set the blocks on point to make a simply fascinating table runner.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 18"
Holiday Stars By: Karen Lieberman,
Michigan, USA
This runner was made to match my Christmas quilt for this year. The quilt was made from a pack of fat eighths I received at my stitch group’s gift exchange last December. “Holiday Stars” was made from the leftover scraps.
Quilt size: width: 46" height: 20"
Marmalade with a Festive Spin! By: Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy,
Illinois, USA
I wanted to do something festive for my dining room table, and I thought, hey! I love ‘marmalade’, why not pair it with a modern red & green solid to give the line a Christmas-y spin? I love the way it turned out – it looks good on my table for the upcoming holidays!
Quilt size: width: 12.5" height: 54"
Merete’s Christmas Mystery By: Anita,
This is a Christmas Mystery project that I joined last month. I made it in grey and blue sparkling colors, with two stars in the middle, and a little sparkling green to live up the table runner. The colors may not be the most typical for Christmas, but this is a table runner for winter season.
Quilt size: width: 14" height: 36"
Merry Christmas By: Linda Powell,
Georgia, USA
Thimbleberries pattern & fabric, made during a camp project
Quilt size: width: 23" height: 52.5"
Mom’s Christmas Table Runner By: Carolyn Braun,
New Jersey, USA
This table runner was made as a surprise for my mom. it was made with scraps left from her Christmas Quilt. The table runner is heavily quilted with a zigzag stitch over all the seams. The back is a colorful polka-dot so it can be flipped and stay out a little while longer.
Quilt size: width: 10" height: 24"
Peace By: Lee,
Alberta, Canada
Made for a friend who wanted ‘peace’ during the holidays!
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 20"
Pines and Poinsettias Tempting Tablerunner By: Sandi Andersen,
Minnesota, USA
I love batiks, they are so colorful but I was challenged by how to use them. I kept buying them and finally I decided I had to use them! I cut some charm squares and came up with this simple design that I called Tempting Tablerunner. I made one for all the four seasons of the year!
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 34"
Plum Pudding & Jingle Bells By: Kerri,
I saw this pattern in the Handmade Christmas in July (vol25, no 9) magazine and fell in love with the pattern its by Leanne Seigert.
Quilt size: width: 37" height: 16"
Randot Table Runner By: Debbie-Esch House Quilts,
Michigan, USA
The colors of this runner were inspired by Sweetwater’s Countdown to Christmas line of fabric. Some random appliqued dots made it fun and not too Christmas-y.
Tutorial available on my blog.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 13"
Retro Christmas Table Topper By: Crafty Tokyo Mama,
I made this last month for the Sew Seasonal blog hop. I love retro Christmas fabrics and was thrilled to find the perfect pattern to showcase them. Our entryway is so festive now!
Quilt size: width: 34" height: 19"
Roses, stars and hearts By: Turid Bakken,
HST’s and application. My own Christmas table runner.
Quilt size: width: 13" height: 34"
Scattered Christmas Squares By: Penny,
North Carolina, USA
I used Christmas fat quarters that my daughter bought me, adding a bit of whimsy to this modern quilt.
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 31"
Scrappy Christmas Table Runner By: Marg McCulloch,
Alberta, Canada
I had many little bitty scraps of Christmas fabrics left over from previous Christmas sewing projects that I could not bear to part with, so I made up this scrappy table runner to display them, and I LOVE how it turned out!
Quilt size: width: 14" height: 51"
Seaside Rumrunner By: Sally Johnson,
Massachusetts, USA
This table runner I made made me thing of long walks along the seashore and then going to my favorite watering hole to have a great Rum & Coke…
Quilt size: width: 12.0" height: 41"
Snow Globes By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada
I saved this design from an old quilting magazine for several years and finally decided it was time to make it! Within ten minutes of finishing and taking a photo, my sister asked to buy it as a gift for a friend who loves all things Christmas. Guess I need to make another one for myself!!
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 16"
Snowmen are Just a Bunch of Flakes By: Reagan Gordon,
California, USA
This is a beautiful hand pieced table runner pattern from Pat Bono.
I brought my sewing machine on our road trip back for Christmas last year to finish this gift. My mother in law said she never would have appreciated the gift as much as she does now after seeing all that goes into making it!
Quilt size: width: 14" height: 62"
Snowmen Holiday By: Jacque Knight,
Georgia, USA
The pattern is from Bird Brain Designs and I expanded it by adding two additional snowmen. It’s embroidered with #12 Valdani thread in a varigated blue and I’ve backed it will an old blue damask tablecloth of my Mother’s.
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 39"
SNOWY DAYS By: Bill Locke,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Cameroon
This table runner was such a fun and exciting project for me – it is my original design, paper and regular pieced. I enjoying making it a fun Christmas/Winter Project…by adding small bits of Christmas plaid, yet keeping the main portions in snowy whites and cold blues to enjoy longer!
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 54"
Table Runner with stars By: Eva Westermeier-Gerolstein,
This runner is made of Moda fabrics. The images had a panel. Stars are sewn. Moda fabrics have always been very nice warm colors. He is a few years old, but still very nice. The runner is hand quilted.
Quilt size: width: 16,5" height: 33,5"
Xmas Cats By: Michelle Irving,
I made a special runner for a xmas gift,cats and xmas.
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 13"
It was great to see so many wonderful, creative table runners! Great inspiration and ideas!