Shawn Bailey from Bailey’s Quilting HeadQuarters made this excellent video on how to make a scrappy Wonky Log Cabin quilt block. She makes it look so easy, and lots of fun too.

I’ve never really been inspired to do a log cabin quilt before, but I quite like this method, and want to give it a try one of these days. I have a huge box of strips leftover from when I was making my Flip and Stitch quilts. This would be a perfect opportunity to use them up.

5 responses to “Wonky Log Cabin Video Tutorial”

  1. Millie Avatar

    What a great video! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Trisha Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this! I really need to get a little more free-form in my quilting.

  3. liz Avatar

    What a lovely video I am not a quilter but you have inspirer me to try one.

  4. Georgia Avatar

    To get the quilt to look like the one in the video, do you do the last strips around the log cabin in black, then cut your block into, lets say an 10 in square, then sew those together? I really like how it looks set in black.

  5. Mishka Avatar

    Hi Georgia,

    Yes, I think you are correct. Do the last row of piecing in black. I think the finished size in the video is 6″ or 6.5″. 10 seems a bit too big to me. No reason you can’t do that if you want tho.

    Thanks for visiting my site.


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