Winter Landscape Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 43
  • Total countries: 6
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 21

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

3 Trees 3 Trees
By: Diane Lapacek,
Wisconsin, USA

The trees were made from narrow shtreds of fabric and tinsel, then appliqued in place. Stars were cut from a Caramel Delights package and twisted fibers frame the piece.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 20"

A Lone Winter Tree A Lone Winter Tree
By: Marty Mason,
Louisiana, USA

Snippits of fabric and thread sketching….I wanted minimal to express the aloneness of my winter tree.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 19"

A Winter Snowscape A Winter Snowscape
By: Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

Four snowflakes are swirling to the snow-covered ground in this quilted landscape. Tiny stars peek out of the vibrant blue sky and clear beads glitter in the snow. Machine pieced and quilted, hand embroidered.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 18"

A Winter View A Winter View
By: Debbie,
South Carolina, USA

I loved the striking graphic effect of this pattern from Quilter’s World 2009. The cardinal is my symbol of hope, so this pattern called to me. It reminds me of the view from my kitchen window in winter. I rarely follow a given pattern, but I only added a couple of extra cardinals.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 76"

After the Harvest After the Harvest
By: Lisa Quintana,
Ohio, USA

A common sight in the midwest after the corn is harvested is the western wind blowing across the fields of stubble. In Michigan, where I grew up, it wasn’t until late December that more substantial snow came. Here in SW Ohio, the stubble rarely holds much snow at all.,just bleak, frozen ground.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 17.2"

Aurora Borealis Aurora Borealis
By: Deborah Vollbracht,
Kentucky, USA

I made this original design living in Alaska in the winter, trying to capture the spirit of the spectacular aurora borealis. Hand dyed background mimics the aurora. White crystal beads are sprinkled in the sky to shine as stars on a crisp night.

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 12"

Autumn to Winter Autumn to Winter
By: Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

I converged two tree printed batiks and two hand-dyes to create this quilt. Two of the fabrics were autumnal and two were wintery. The quilt reads ‘seasons transitioning’ to me and I’m really happy with it. This is one of my first quilts I quilted on my long arm.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 30"

Blue Night Blue Night
By: Eldrid Røyset Førde,

The inspiration for this quilt is a childhood memory of walking through the woods on cold and wintry evenings, the errand was often to fetch the milk on one of the neighbouring farms. On the way we passed houses with an inviting glow shining through the windows.
Fabric collage of 1/2 inch pieces.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Cabin in the Woods Cabin in the Woods
By: Kathi Iacovelli,
Pennsylvania, USA

A gift for my Secret Quilter pal last December, this little quilt uses the technique I call free-style-cut, fuse, sew, quilt!

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 10"

Christmas Visitors Christmas Visitors
By: Everythingquilts,
Kentucky, USA

This mini quilt was created for a swap on the HGTV quilting and needlework forum. It measures 13×14″ and was paper pieced. It’s hard to see but there is snow flakes stitched with a sparkly thread that is to look like snow/ice on the sky areas.

Quilt size: width: 13″" height: 14″"

En Patufet En Patufet
By: Mariangels Ferrando,

Is a quilt based in a popular tale from Catalonia. I did it for my daughters’son. He’s two years ould and loves the tale of the little Patufet.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 60"

Finding the Right Tree Finding the Right Tree
By: Calicojoan,
Colorado, USA

A little irreverent winter landscape from Eat Cake Graphics. I laughingly named it “Don’t eat yellow snow”. It hung over my dining room table for years, until hubby had enough, and made it come down. Guess it’s really not proper dinner proticol! LOL!!

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 24"

First Impression First Impression
By: Kathleen Murphy,
Massachusetts, USA

I used my own hand dyed fabrics combined with commercial batiks to create this winter scene from my back yard. It’s all machine pieced and machine quilted.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 20"

First Snow First Snow
By: Cindy Herndon,
Maryland, USA

Appliqued trees on a field of snow capture the serenity of a dusky snow fall. A few trees desperately hold a leaf or two.

Quilt size: width: 31.5" height: 26"

First Winter Snow First Winter Snow
By: Victoria Plesa,
California, USA

This is an original design of mine inspired by the many snow storms we enjoy while living at an altitude of a mile high. Not a sight you’d expect in “Sunny California”.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 34"

Frosty... the snowman Frosty… the snowman
By: Cute pincushion,
California, USA

This is Frosty, winter landscape mini I made for the holidays 🙂

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 15"

Glacier Glacier
By: Lynda Hermann,
Washington, USA

This is a pattern by Liza Moore using McKenna Ryan fabrics. I have had the pattern and fabric for several years. Once the top is quilted, I will be adding crystals which really finishes the quilt perfectly. My best friend has asked for the quilt when I am done, will be her birthday surprise.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 70"

Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
By: Kathy Stockbridge,
Washington, USA

I made this quilt for a good friend expecting her third child. It was completed during a very snowy winter in 2008. I decided to take a picture of it in the snow.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 60"

Icy Fun Icy Fun
By: Jeanie Lemmo,
Colorado, USA

I belong to a group of quilters who complete a 12 inch fully finished “quilt” each month interpreting a chosen word. This quilt represents “ICE”.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Log Cabin in the Snow Log Cabin in the Snow
By: Christine,
California, USA

A cozy cabin in the snow. My friend, Jackie, hangs this quilt up on her wall every winter.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Marcy's Penguins Marcy’s Penguins
By: Patricia Hersl,
Delaware, USA

My new daughter-in-law picked this out of a catalogue as something she would like. It is hand appliqued and machine quilted using hand-dyed fabrics. Pattern by Whistlepig Creek.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 20"

Margaret Griffiths Margaret Griffiths
By: Margaret Griffiths,
Virginia, USA

I enjoyed doing this technique of negative/positive split spaces. And it turned out to look like a long cold winter’s night. Hence the name – Long Winter Night. I donated it to; The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) for Amni Sims, (Priority Quilts)

Quilt size: width: 9" height: 12"

Mmmm, Maple Syrup Time Mmmm, Maple Syrup Time
By: Debbie Collins,
Ontario, Canada

A quilt to always remind me of Maple Syrup Time with my dad. Warmth of the fire after gathering the syrup by hand on a nice winter day. We have a new shed and evaporator this year and we are going to try making maple sugar butter. Its so good.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

My Holiday Dream My Holiday Dream
By: Amy Crunk,
Alabama, USA

Living in Alabama we don’t see much snow & certainly never have enough for a sleigh ride so this is what my dream is for a winter holiday would look like. We’ve had ONE inch of snow this winter so I guess I’ll just keep dreaming!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 35"

Owl in Winter Owl in Winter
By: Cynthia Zoller,
New Hampshire, USA

This little quilt is made using raw edge applique with a layer of tulle put over the landscape before quilting. It is a night scene and a little difficult to photograph. There is an unseen mouse hiding behind the snow dunes hoping to escape the talons of the swooping owl.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 12"

Ring-Necked Pheasant Ring-Necked Pheasant
By: EllenB,
Michigan, USA

Paper pieced pattern by Veronica Jones of Selkirk Creations. Most of the pattern is paper pieced except for the fence posts which are machine appliqued and the fence wires which are hand embroidered. I did the machine techniques (including the machine quilting) on my domestic sewing machine.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 28"

Silver Trees Silver Trees
By: Julie Brown Neu,
Massachusetts, USA

This is one of a 52 week journal quilt series, based on a previous drawing from my sketch book.

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 8"

Snow Globe Snow Globe
By: Yvonne Bamlett,
Alberta, Canada

The Snow Globe is such a cute way to display this snow man. The tree is embroidered and tiny red beads have been added for a little color. The snowy blue was perfect and the scarf has fringes to give a some depth. All done with applique. I love the country colors. I just want to shake it!

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 24"

Snowdrops Snowdrops
By: Jenny in NZ,
New Zealand

A yet unfinished Block from the EstherAliu Mystery applique BOM “Forget Me Not ” that I have been making for past 12 months. Mount and frame fabrics that I will be using I added thru photo editing.
The snowflakes were made using Solvy over net to give

Quilt size: width: 9" height: 12"

Snowfall Snowfall
By: art2wear,

A coat made with a lot of different fabrics, including a Kona Bay fabric of mt Fuji.
I used fabric collage, thread painting, stamping, stencilling, needlefelting you create this piece.

Quilt size: width: m/l" height: m/l"

Sweet Skating Sue Sweet Skating Sue
By: Amy @ Butterfly Angels,
Louisiana, USA

Jennifer Offenstein ( offered a miniquilt swap that had to use her Sweet Skating Sue block (lower right corner). I took her pattern and expanded on the theme, adding mini sues, trees, a lodge, and a ice path. Then it was shipped to Australia.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Vintage skiis Vintage skiis
By: Carol aka landscapelady,
Vermont, USA

I saw a vintage postcard with this scene and just had to make a quilt from it. You can just feel the quiet of the snow covered slope and take in the beauty of winter.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 18"

Water and Ice Water and Ice
By: Creative Lady,
Wisconsin, USA

This quilt is made in Blues and Greens, Created to be appliqued with Snowmen and Trees ” Frosty’s Cabins” a pattern designed by Laura DeMarco & Rita DeMarco. The Border I added does not seem to lend itself to this so I did not applique anything to it. I am thinking of a Vine and leaf applique.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 43"

While In Vermont While In Vermont
By: Helen,
New Jersey, USA

We have been skiing in Vermont for many years. While there a local quilt shop was holding a landscape class that my mother and I joined in on. When seeing this little piece it brings wonderful warm memories of our family in Vermont.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 15"

White Birches White Birches
By: Susan Arnold,
California, USA

This is a black and white quilt of birch trunks, with three cardinals in the branches. I wanted something seasonal with screaming Christmas, and this is perfect!

Quilt size: width: 38.5" height: 50"

Winter Angel Winter Angel
By: Cleary Kipe,
Florida, USA

Not sure if this qualifies. I made this table topper with blocks from a New Year’s Swap. The blocks are made out of fabrics to represents snow and lights. The Angel in the woods is printed on fabric. I have this on my table by my couch during all of January.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 39"

winter birches winter birches
By: beverly rigler,
Connecticut, USA

This is a scenic art quilt depicting birch trees in the winter.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 25"

Winter Forest Winter Forest
By: Michele Groth,
California, USA

I was inspired to make this quilt by a picture of a winter quilt I saw pictured in a quilt magazine. The fabric reminded me of the bark of aspen trees in the mountains of Colorado where I grew up. The quilt hangs in a corner of the hallway where the bend gives the quilt added dimension.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 28"

Winter in My Dreams Winter in My Dreams
By: Linda Winters,
Texas, USA

This quilt is one of the very few raw edged applique quilts I have done. It is my own design and was inspired by the bulletin boards I used to have my elementary students make, putting up figures they each cut from colored paper. It is a “dream land” as I live where our winters are extremely mild.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 33"

Winter magic Winter magic
By: Eva Johansen,

Collage, made of hand painted fabrics, silk and batik. Fused with Steam-A-Seam. Last year, I gave my self a challenge. I made 12 notes with different techniques /challenges and put them in a jar to draw every month and use the technique in a quilt measuring 12 x 12 inches.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Winter Mystery Winter Mystery
By: Julianne,
California, USA

This is a mystery quilt that I made at my LQS recently. I used a very wintery woodsy fabric and Kona Cardinal. I had no idea what it would look like in the end, but its just lovely. Its going to be a Christmas 2013 gift for a family member…gotta keep them snuggly in the wintertime! Thanks!

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 62"

Winter wonderland (Darlene Contadino) Winter wonderland (Darlene Contadino)
By: Darlene Contadino,
Ohio, USA

I really like the feature fabric, so I decided to make this quilt for the bedroom my granddaughter stays in when she visits. It is my own design. I wanted a winter quilt. This is my first seasonal quilt

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 90"

Winter Wonderland (Jan) Winter Wonderland (Jan)
By: Jan,
Kentucky, USA

This machine appliqué wallhanging makes use of the same piece of fabric for the aspens and snowy background night sky. It is Jane Sassaman’s Sunshine and Shadow Dots. It was perfect to show the contrast of the trees as they blend into the snow. Pattern is from “Follow the Dots” by Segna/Crow.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 32"

101 responses to “Winter Landscape Quilts”

  1. jean Avatar

    Batiks are always inspiring for me, as well as hand dyed fabrics. There is that little surprise in them that adds the sparkle to any project!

  2. Joyce Avatar

    I love tye dyes and fall colored fabric and the denuims and reds draw my eyes , i am constantly thinking of a new quilt block designs for these fabrics and …i am a couple of yrs new to this !

  3. Sharon Avatar

    I love to sew with hand dyed, they are so unique!

  4. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    Batiks are my all time favorite but would love to get my hands on some hand dyed. Great giveaway and inspiring quilts. Thanks

  5. Vanessa Avatar

    I can’t stop collecting batiks!!!! I have a lot of projects in my sewing room, and most of them are batiks! So many fabrics, so little time!

  6. Billie K Avatar

    Most any fabric will send me to my sewing room. I do love batiks

  7. Jane S. Avatar
    Jane S.

    I love nearly all fabrics, but especially hand dyed stuff. People are so very creative. 🙂

  8. Gunda Avatar

    Great colours like purple, pink, red and yellow make me starting a new project right away 😉

  9. Bev C Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway. I love all fabrics and plan to use up as much as possible from the sewing room this year. New fabric is always great.

    Happy days.

  10. Tina G Avatar

    Tone on Tone clear clean crisp Teal fabrics. I love them in hand dyes, Batiks and prints

  11. CathyC Avatar

    Ooh so many beautiful items! very hard to vote! I confess to have been bitten by the batik bug 😉

  12. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I love batiks.

  13. Mary Avatar

    I love to work with a wide variety of fabrics, so this is a hard question. Right now I’m finishing up a quilt done in dark red, gold, blue, green and creams – very country looking, but getting ready to start a quilt in bright clear limes, teals and purples with black and whites. I love them both!

  14. Teri F. Avatar
    Teri F.

    I love looking at all the beautiful quilts submitted. I vote for the ones that appeal to my eye.Being relatively new to quilting, ANY and ALL fabrics bring out new ideas and dreams. I have a special fondness for brights, tone on tones and hand dyed materials.

  15. Kathy Howard Avatar
    Kathy Howard

    I will say I’m inspired by country the most, though if I had hand dyed or batiks, I ‘m sure I would be inspired by them, too.

  16. Kim Avatar

    Retro-Mod fabrics make me so excited…. I love them. Think Austin Powers!

  17. Sandy B Avatar
    Sandy B

    I’m a total sucker for batiks. Seriously can not resist touching them & taking them home to start a new project. I’m fairly new to hand dyes, but love them as well. Such rich tones to play with.

  18. Katy(LethargicLass) Avatar

    When I get text prints I immediately want to create!

  19. Donna Keating Avatar
    Donna Keating

    Love Vickies hand dies.

  20. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar

    I love bright, rich batiks and hand dyes. They make me itch to sew!
    So, the hand dyes you offer are great! Thanks for the chance.

  21. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    I love 30s repros! They make me so happy when I work with them.

  22. Ann Courtney Avatar
    Ann Courtney

    Bright and bold, saturated colors that absolutely defy the fact that I live in Anchorage, Alaska and have 4 more long months of winter left to endure!

  23. Shan K Avatar
    Shan K

    Batiks are my very most favorite fabrics. Would love to try the hand dyes in a project.

  24. Yvonne Bamlett Avatar
    Yvonne Bamlett

    I am a country quilter…love the earthy tones – greens, barn reds, dusty blue and all the tans. Add black or yellow and the blends are beautiful. The batiks have added to the mix!

  25. Kris Avatar

    Almost any NEW fabric makes me want to rush home and start sewing. I do have some batiks that I think are so pretty I don’t want to cut them or ruin them in some way. I am just so happy to own them! 🙂

  26. Pam Taylor Avatar
    Pam Taylor

    Batiks! I can’t get enough of them. The rich hues and brilliant colors, the deep blues and purples, the endless project possibilities! I always get sidetracked at the Batik section.

  27. Crystal Avatar

    A wonderful collection of quilts, so very hard to choose favorites.

  28. Karin Avatar

    I love the blue, green and purple batiks, especially if they’ve got some kind of nature theme, be it butterflies or seahorses, or maybe leaves…doesn’t matter, I just love playing with ’em all!

  29. Debbie St. Germain Avatar

    Reproduction prints, I just love sewing them together and seeing a beautiful quilt emerge.


  30. Jenny H Avatar
    Jenny H

    Batiks in most shades especially yellows, blues and purples.
    Love the quilts on show this week, I have a very long short list to work thru before I vote.

  31. Jen Avatar

    I love batiks!

  32. Lynn Avatar

    What absolutely phenomenal entries this week – oh gosh, so hard to choose only 4!
    Perhaps the question should be what fabric makes me NOT want to run and hide in my workroom and play? That would be so much easier to answer…but ok…I’ll go with batiks..they make me tingle!

  33. linda h Avatar
    linda h

    I love any fabrics that are for my crafts but not so keen to get on my machine when hubby needs alterations to hems on jeans or my daughter wants curtains made.
    Love to open drawers and just handle material too.

  34. Melanie Avatar

    Have a fabric fetish I must admit but I really, really like anything primitive 🙂

  35. Maxine H Avatar
    Maxine H

    So many wonderful quilts…hard to pick just four! I love the beautiful rich colors of hand dyes and batiks. Just can’t get enough of them.

  36. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    hard to pick favs … like them all! love my batiks most of all!

  37. Suvarna Avatar

    Wow… Great quilts and great contest 🙂

  38. Suvarna Avatar

    Great quilts…. Hard to pick 4 🙂
    I love batiks….. I love working with them. So elegant and gracious 🙂

  39. Hanke Avatar

    Great quilts!
    I love batiks and the 1930s
    Thanks for the give away

  40. Sue Preece Avatar
    Sue Preece

    I’m mad for blue fabrics, particularly ones with lush detail and rich, strong shades of blue.

  41. Lynn D in NC Avatar
    Lynn D in NC

    I love blue, it’s my favorite color, I have loads of blue, but recently when I went to pull fabrics for a project I discovered I have no pink. That just won’t do, with one baby grand daughter and another on the way. What has me running to my sewing room, batiks…I just love them. I don’t own hand dies, I’ve been afraid of dye stability and ruining projects – nearly everything I make will be washed. I need to get past that, because I do love the look of them, and I do a lot of applique and know they would enhance the projects.

  42. barbara Avatar

    Any fabric inspires me… it doesn’t take much. However, at the moment, I’m working on Quilts for Kids, so really cute juvenile prints call to me.

  43. Kate Avatar

    bright sunny colors, fabrics that make me feel happy – and that is usually batiks or hand dyes.

  44. Judy Avatar

    I find beauty in most fabrics but have never had an opportunity to use the hand-dyed so I’d love to win that. Thank you.

  45. Maria do Carmo Avatar
    Maria do Carmo

    Todos os tecidos me atraem,mas eu escolho 1930.


  46. Lauren aka Giddy99 Avatar
    Lauren aka Giddy99

    Big modern prints and solids! It’s difficult to not start a new quilt every weekend. 🙂

  47. Sallie Avatar

    I love hand-died fabrics, especially blues. Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Patricia Hersl Avatar
    Patricia Hersl

    I had a load of hand dyes that I cut immediately after ironing. Probably the fastest I’ve ever done that. Usually it takes me a lot of time to marinate a quilt.

  49. Lauren Eberhard - IL Avatar
    Lauren Eberhard – IL

    Very difficult to decide on which to vote for. All the entries are wonderful and makes winter more desirable.
    The fabric that makes me want to drop everything and quilt depends on my mood. There isn’t a fabric that I don’t like in the right place in the right quilt.

  50. Donna Klessner Avatar
    Donna Klessner

    I love 1800 reproductions fabrics but also love batiks, country, hand dyed etc, etc. I just love fabrics and love to look at quilts. Also love to make them!
    It was very hard to decide this time because there were so many beautiful ones!

  51. GerryART Avatar

    Stark Winter Trees represent this month’s theme IMHO
    ‘A Lone Winter Tree’ gets my vote.

    Perhaps batiks will be incorporated into an upcoming theme.

  52. Erica Avatar

    Batiks and hand-dyed fabrics are the ones that make want to drop everything and quilt! This was a stunning collection this week.

  53. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    Homespuns and soft florals always entice me. I guess they reflect that I’m a country girl at heart!

  54. Chris L. Avatar
    Chris L.

    Batiks are absolutely the fabric that makes me run to my sewing room! But I love ALL fabric!

  55. Penny Avatar

    Modern fabrics and fabrics that look like they’re from the 70’s & 80’s make me want to sew!

  56. Debra Avatar

    A lot of new entries this week. Hard to vote.

    Batiks are just sooo beautiful and offer so much inspiration. Beautiful no matter how they are used.

  57. evelyn Avatar

    I love Reproduction and Vintage fabrics.

  58. landscapelady Avatar

    Batiks and hand dyes in earthy colors and once in awhile I will see a perfect sky sunset and have to make it into something

  59. Pam Geisel Avatar

    Batik fabrics really get my creative juices flowing.

    This is a fabulous collection of Winter Themed quilts, very hard to pick just four!

  60. Michelle G Avatar
    Michelle G

    I love flannels first and then batiks.

  61. Quiltluver Karen Avatar
    Quiltluver Karen

    I’m a batik girl…

  62. lindawwww Avatar

    I love quilting cottons in Christmas colors – beautiful greens, reds, whites. I can’t wait to start sewing when I come home with some new pieces of fabric in these colors.

  63. Cheryl Avatar

    Sew hard to narrow it down to just one type of fabric. I guess I’d have to say ‘brights’. That includes lots of options.

  64. Elise Klink Avatar
    Elise Klink

    Loved The one titles Three Trees. I like moderns, especially those that are bright and fun!

  65. Kimberlee Avatar

    Modern florals

  66. Gene Black Avatar
    Gene Black

    Batiks and brights make me want to rush to the sewing machine

  67. Connie German Avatar
    Connie German

    Just can’t resist those beautiful batiks.

  68. Barbara woods Avatar
    Barbara woods

    all new fabric makes me want to sew some thing new

  69. Patience Avatar

    When I see fabrics and a pattern that just click I want to start sewing! Batiks and ombres are really special to me though so I look for patterns that make sure of their special qualities.

  70. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    I’m loving all the new shabby chic fabrics that are coming out now.

  71. Mary Deeter Avatar

    Batiks are my favorite and I love to use them as blenders! Everytime there is a fat quarter sale, I go crazy picking up combinations of colors for my stash.

  72. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    I love most cotton fabrics. Lately though I’ve been adding more batiks to my stash.

  73. Sandie Staley Avatar
    Sandie Staley

    Oh my, which 4 do I choose to vote for. Too hard to choose.
    All are to pretty. The hand dyed fabrics are beautiful and are perfect for a new project.

  74. Lea Avatar

    I was so inspired by the quilts this week, normally my pallet of choice is bright spring and summer colors. These gals worked wonders with the darker shades of winter! A box of hand me down scraps will get me at the sewing machine quicker than anything!

  75. Janet Frank Avatar
    Janet Frank

    I have to say Hand Dyed & Batiks are my go to fabrics. They are so versatile…and it’s like 2 fabrics for the price of one because you can use both side of the fabrics! In my world, you can’t have too many of either type…and I have the stash to prove it. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  76. Janet Irvine Avatar
    Janet Irvine

    I just love Batiks..They are my new obsession. They look so good with any project you are working with…Would love to add some to my stash..Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway.

  77. Nancy Avatar

    I just love working with batiks. Every project comes out with a surprise. Thanks for having this chance for this giveaway!

  78. Debbie Avatar

    I’ve been into batiks and solids for the past few years.

  79. susan Avatar

    I adore the batiks!!! I find myself going from traditional to modern images and I have an obsession with all fabric..Quilting is my personal therapist and the fabrics are my addiction 🙂 I love seeing other quilters work, there is certainly a lot of very talented people out there!!

  80. Jo Mack Avatar
    Jo Mack

    Recently I’ve developed an obsession with gradated fabric where one color goes from light to dark or where the colors change from warm to cool. These are great for borders and to give movement over the quilt surface. Vicki’s hand dyes have wonderful gradations and I’m glad to have a chance to win some.

  81. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    I’m just beginning to work with batiks and am learning to love them. But give me almost any fabric in shades of green or blue, and I’m happy.
    Once again, there were so many beauties this week it was hard to narrow it down to just four choices.

  82. Donna Schmitt Avatar
    Donna Schmitt

    Just about any batik makes me RUN to my studio to create. I’m current making an all-batik quilt called “Sea Glass” with teals, blues, and sand-colored fabrics. Something about working with batiks just inspires me so!

  83. Gale Lavers Avatar
    Gale Lavers

    I love to be inspired by stripes and polka-dots. I love a quilt finished with a stripe binding.

  84. tami knox Avatar
    tami knox

    BATIKS! Hands down! Tami In Denver

  85. lee Avatar

    I love batiks! thank you! Wonderful quilts to vote for!

  86. Mary Avatar

    Jewel toned batiks always call to me!

  87. susana Avatar

    Si que fue difícil votar esta vez.
    Me quedaron afuera 3 o 4 talentos.
    Vicki una bolsa de RILEY me espera sera con batiks?

  88. Carla Avatar

    I love most fabrics. I’m always on the look out for ones to make into a dress for my granddaughter.

  89. Linda Avatar

    Hand Dyes, Batiks, Reproductions – I love them all!

  90. Melanie Merritt Avatar
    Melanie Merritt

    I love bright and bold fabric. Something with catchy patterns or colors! <3

  91. Marijke van Welzen Avatar
    Marijke van Welzen

    I love batiks and fabrics with à gradient of colours.

  92. Cynthia Zoller Avatar
    Cynthia Zoller

    A pretty landscape fabric sends me running to the sewing room, especially a pretty sky fabric.

  93. Tonya Hartnell Avatar
    Tonya Hartnell

    I love ALL fabrics! But you put Civil War reproductive
    prints in front of me and I definitely get sewing fever!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Tonya in Wisconsin

  94. Cindy Avatar

    Hand-dyes are FANTASTIC!! Oh, what I could to with such beautiful fabrics! Thank you for the chance to win.

  95. Pam S Avatar
    Pam S

    I love batiks!

  96. Patti Avatar

    I was never one for most prints, but have developed a fondness for civil war prints. Tone on tones and batiks really get the mind running rampant

  97. Paula Lee Avatar
    Paula Lee

    I like the Owl in Winter by Cynthia Zoller!

  98. Gay Kenendy Avatar
    Gay Kenendy

    Owl in the winter gets my vote

  99. Mystica Avatar

    I like soft country prints!

  100. Greta Avatar

    I find batiks fasinating and will fit in to many blocks.

  101. Rebeckah Avatar

    Modern and 1930 for sure 🙂 Anything bright and bold!

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