Thanks to everyone that entered last week’s Fruitful Hands Blog Tour give-away. It was such a joy to read so many wonderful acts of kindness.

Thanks also to Jacquelynne Steves for asking me to participate in the blog tour and for donating a copy of her new book.

Fruitful Hands

The winner of the Fruitful Hands book is #124 Dresden Quilter, who wrote:

We went out for dinner last night and for dessert my daughter was given a cookie that she did not like. The waitress exchanged it for free, which I thought was a wonderful gesture.


If you didn’t win, you can order an autographed copy of the book directly from Jacquelynne’s web site or through Amazon.

Aurifil Lapel

The winner of the Aurifil thread sampler pack and Lapel glue stick is #90 Cindy, who wrote:

This is just a little something I do whenever I go to a store where I use a shopping cart… Instead of leaving the cart some random place in the parking lot or in the cart corral, I walk the cart back up to the entrance of the store and leave it there or put it inside the store where I found it.

It is a simple task that only takes a moment. At my home I put something away after I am finished using it. why not do that at the store? And, when it is raining… don’t you love to find a dry cart inside?! I enjoy providing that for someone else. 🙂


Read all of the wonderful comments here!

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