Hi everyone …
Sorry the posts have been sparse of late, but wow did I ever have an amazing time at the AQS Nashville show. I have so much to tell you, and so many pictures to share, that I’ll get to them soon.
I’ve now moved from the hotel where the show was at, and am staying in downtown Nashville for the next two nights. There’s just so many things I still want to do here, I might as well do them while I’m in the area. I’m going to head out to the Smoky Mountains on Tuesday, then make my way up through Virgina, into Pennsylvania, then New York, and back into Canada.
I’m heading out to dinner in a few minutes, and to explore some of the downtown area of this great city.
I apologize to those that have submitted photos for the Lazy Days of Summer contest, I’ll get them posted just as soon as I can. I really did not anticipate being so incredibly busy at the AQS show, so I’m behind. Keep checking back, as there are many fabulous submissions. Keep them coming… we’ll have our own on-line quilt show!!
Did you see??? The Quilting Bloggers directory surpassed 1,500 members today! Wow!! This represents 45 different countries, 50 US States, and 7 Canadian provinces. In my wildest dreams I never thought it would grow so much and so quickly. Thank you to everyone that has helped spread the word.
Also, did you see the new section I added? The Quilt Shop Locator which will be a Google maps-based locator of quilt shops. Imagine this, you’re going on a road trip, and being able to click on the state, or province or country you’ll be visiting and see the quilt shops where you’ll be travelling. That’s the basic idea behind the Quilt Shop Locator site I’ve built. Let your LQS know, please, as I’m sure they’ll want to be listed, and listings are 50% off, during this introductory period.
More soon, now, I must go get some dinner, and explore this wonderful city of Nashville!
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