I’m pleased to announce that in just over three weeks, we’ve reached a thousand (and one) Quilting Bloggers, representing 34 countries, 49 US States, and 5 Canadian provinces. WOW!

Here are the winners of the Reach a Thousand Contest.

  1. Registrant #1053 – June 17, 2008
    Lil – Addicted
  2. Registrant #802 – June 6, 2008
    Sue – The Monomaniacal Quilter
    Michigan, USA
  3. Registrant #664 – June 4, 2008
    Cordula – Stichelei

A huge thank you goes out to everyone who registered their blog and those who have helped to promote the Quilting Bloggers directory. You’ve been great!

And a great big thank you also to the wonderful donators who gave the three prizes:

This morning’s entries also saw two new countries added to the list, Romania and Hungary.

Thanks everyone!

7 responses to “We Did It… We Reached a Thousand”

  1. Cecilia Avatar

    Congratulations on reaching your goal! Thanks for bringing all of us together!

  2. MJ Avatar

    How exciting! Now, I just need to meet some new friends…

  3. Chookyblue Avatar

    congrats on reaching your goal…………well done

  4. Yvonne aka sommeke Avatar

    Congratulations! Glad I joined too!

  5. Nann Avatar

    Glad to be in such a distinguished company–but if we all take time to read one another’s blogs we will NEVER get any quilting done!

  6. Diane Avatar

    Congratulations! Looking forward to new internet friends!

  7. Kristi Van Os Avatar

    Congratulations! On reaching 1000! This is so great.

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