I’m pleased to announce that in just over three weeks, we’ve reached a thousand (and one) Quilting Bloggers, representing 34 countries, 49 US States, and 5 Canadian provinces. WOW!
Here are the winners of the Reach a Thousand Contest.
- Registrant #1053 – June 17, 2008
Lil – Addicted
Luxembourg - Registrant #802 – June 6, 2008
Sue – The Monomaniacal Quilter
Michigan, USA - Registrant #664 – June 4, 2008
Cordula – Stichelei
A huge thank you goes out to everyone who registered their blog and those who have helped to promote the Quilting Bloggers directory. You’ve been great!
And a great big thank you also to the wonderful donators who gave the three prizes:
- Dorothy Baker – Comfort Is… baby quilt pattern and fabric bundle
- Marguerita McManus and Sarah Raffuse – Crazy Shortcut Quilts, Quilt as You Go and Finish in Half the Time! book and a fabric goodie
- Pat Sloan – Learn to Machine Quilt with Pat Sloan book
This morning’s entries also saw two new countries added to the list, Romania and Hungary.
Thanks everyone!
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