After reading Alice’s comment, I remembered that I have a stack of Quilting Gallery business cards that I would like to get rid of, so I can order some new ones next month.
If anyone would like some cards to distribute at quilt guild meetings or other such events, I’d be more than happy to drop some in the mail for you. Please send me your mailing address and an indication of how many you would like. I think 25-30 will fit nicely into a standard envelope. I have limited quantities, so please let me know soon.
Also, if you haven’t already, as a thank-you to the ladies who gave the very generous donations for the Reach a Thousand Contest, please be sure to visit their blogs. Only 55 more Quilting Bloggers needed before we reach the 1000 goal… WOW!
- Pat Sloan – She’s having a SeW AloNG, starting on Wednesday.
- Dorothy Baker – Check out the baby robins, they are growing so quickly.
- Marguerita McManus – She’s got something funky and fuzzy going on over there.
- Sarah Raffuse – Shares some interesting information about composting.
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