I adore hand-dyed fabrics, so much so that I’ve even been dyeing my own fabrics this summer (blog posts to come soon!!). When I heard that Melissa was selling what was left from her fabric dyeing business, I couldn’t believe it. She had indicated she was looking for someone local to purchase the lot. I really didn’t think I had a chance, as we live 8 hours apart. Turns out I did.

Melissa boxed up the fabric and took it to the post office to get a quote. We settled on a price and these lovely fabrics will be making their way to me tomorrow. There’s a slim chance they’ll arrive on Friday, but Monday is more likely. Even though I paid for them, it sure does feel like I won the lottery!

hand-dyed fabrics

hand-dyed fabrics

hand-dyed fabrics

You can click on the photo to see the larger version. Photos used with Melissa’s permission.

5 responses to “Waiting until Monday won’t be easy”

  1. upstatelisa Avatar

    man Michelle, you hit the jackpot! Have fun with those!

  2. Vicki W Avatar

    That is fabulous!

  3. Pat Sloan Avatar

    WHAT FUN you will have!

  4. Anita Westerveld Avatar
    Anita Westerveld

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Michele, that’s awesome. I already got tears in my eyes, let alone how it must be for you when these beautiful fabrics arrive on your doorstep, fantastic!! Hug from Anita.

  5. Cheryl Hartzog Avatar

    HI Michele ,I am not sure where I am suppose to leave a comment for your giveaway .so I am writting one here and I will look some more to see if there is another place to go .I love your giveaway of hand dyed fabrics and I have never seen the magizine with Ricky Timms ans Alex .

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