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All My Hearts By: CieAngel, Florida, USA
This quilt is from a Heart Block Swap. The design is all mine. It has heart blocks from my friends all over the world.
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"
Funny Hearts By: Antonija, Wisconsin, USA
This was one of the first quilts I made. The hearts are appliqued by hand onto six blocks. This is also one of the very first times I tried free-motion quilting, and I was hooked. I learned that quilting a line of hearts was pretty easy, and looked great!
Quilt size: width: 22" height: 36"
Hearts By: kftaylorquilts, Texas, USA
I did a block of the month and somehow it came out too small so I made another one. But I wanted to do something with the first one, so I made a small Valentine’s Wall Hanging. It gave me a chance to practice free motion quilting and play with my new embroidery machine.
Quilt size: width: 17.5" height: 17.5"
Hearts Mini Quilt By: Tammy J, Utah, USA
I made this for a mini quilt assignment for my local guild. I fell in love with the fabric line, and used charm squares for the hearts.
Quilt size: width: 21" height: 25"
It’s All About the Hearts By: Deborah Allen, Virginia, USA
The quilt was made from the pattern Hearts! Hearts! Hearts! from Karie Patch designs. It was so much fun making blocks that look off-kilter, which I guess is very much like my romantic life 🙂
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 45"
Lovehearts… By: Susan Trevor, United Kingdom
Hand dyed batik heart patchwork quilt, quilted onto a vintage wool blanket from my childhood… I made this just in time for my daughters 19th birthday last week, although she was originally due on Valentines day! She loves it.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 68"
Mantle Quilt for February By: Maria Cherry, North Carolina, USA
I am making a mantle quilt with a different theme for each month.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 6"
Saint Valentin By: Beatrice, France
Hearts designs, with leftovers strips piecing.
Quilt size: width: 21" height: 14"
Sweet Bliss By: Carole, British Columbia, Canada
Sanctuary was the theme for this quilt. My husband of nearly 30 years and our back garden provide that ‘hiding’ place for me.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Sweet Hearts By: Jane C, United Kingdom
A baby cot quilt made from pastel and soft flannel fabrics. Many of the fabrics were used to make my daughters quilts and clothes. The hearts were hand appliqued and machine quilted. This cot quilt is now used by another baby.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 34"
Sweet Love By: Cora Castro, California, USA
Designed to represent my love for each of my grandchildren.
My love for them is represented by a heart for each one of them. When I look at it I think fondly of them and it brings a smile to my face. My “Sweet Loves”!!
Quilt size: width: 15.5" height: 16"
Twitterpated Hearts By: Reeze, Kansas, USA
I took a class where we learned to make heart blocks and I just started sewing them together as I made them. I filled in blank spaces with white on white fabrics and let the hearts “fall where they may”. The result was this fun, spontaneous little wall hanging.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 24"
Valentine Mini Quilt By: Maria, Denmark
This quilt I made last year as a Swap gift.
Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"
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