Over the weekend, I was working on my Diagonals quilt made with my Scrappy Herringbone Quilt Block tutorial. I realized that I had tonnes of “little bits” that were too small lengthwise to use in this quilt, but too large to just throw away.

So, I stitched them together into strips approximately 7 to 8″ long.


Trimmed even into usable strips with a width that is no smaller than 1″ and no larger than 2″:


I ended up with 25 FREE strips:


You can see a few in this small section of the quilt.


I think they add such character to the blocks. There will be little surprises throughout the quilt.

9 responses to “Turning Little Bits into Usable Strips”

  1. Quilt Rat Avatar

    What a brilliant idea!!!! I think those strips really add wonderful impact.

  2. Missy Avatar

    What a good idea! It looks really nice!

  3. Debbie Avatar

    Very thrifty idea and they do enhance the strings. With the cost of fabric, we need to use every inch!

  4. tubakk Avatar

    Love this! I never through away any fabric.

  5. Karen Avatar

    Love this idea. I’ve been making string blocks and have lots of little bits too. Thank you for sharing.

  6. evelyn Avatar

    What a wonderful idea. I have a whole bin of little bits and pieces that I now know what to do with.

  7. Virginia C Avatar
    Virginia C

    I think this idea is great. My husband love animal crackers and buys the large contianer of them at Sam’s. I decide not to recycle the empty containers, but to put them in my sewing room to collect leftover pieces of fabric that were not big enough to use in another block or quilt. This will be a great way to use those fabrics. Thank you for the great idea.

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