My name is Tsoniki Crazy Bull and I have a crafty blog at me being crafty. I’ve been sewing and quilting since I was a young girl – sewing when I was very young and quilting when I got older. My Grandma and Mom taught me to sew and though quilting was hard for me to just jump into, that is what they both told me to do.
I’ve been making baby blankets for years now, both for myself and for friends, and only recently moved to making larger sizes. I’ve only ever machine quilted a really small blanket so my plans to do larger ones this year are kind of scary!
I wanted to let people know how easy it is to get a group of quilters together – or in my case how easy it is to get a group of friends together to quilt. We are a military family and move often, we actually have another move coming up this year. A friend and I were talking and I mentioned I wanted to make my husband a quilt to take with him – she said oh that’s a good idea, I want to make one for mine too.
That simple few minute conversation grew to include six others, an idea for some sort of blanket for people other then our husbands and what looks like a fun couple of months ahead of us! Since most of us live near each other – as in on the same street – we plan on getting together regularly and working together. We contacted one of our local quilt shops to see if her classroom was available and since a couple of us have kids we may not be able to find a time when we can all go.
There is a deadline for when our quilts have to be finished, but we have enough time that none of us are concerned with that, just yet anyway! If you want to find someone to quilt with definitely just ask! I was pleasantly surprised to find that so many people were interested.
I’m also making quilts for my Grandma’s Memorial, it will be this fall which is a year after she died. I’m making simple quilts the same way she used to and have been spending my time cutting the fabric.
Here is a picture of a quilt top I recently finished – actually in this picture it isn’t quite finished, I added two borders after taking this one. This is a very easy pattern to follow – which I will say after messing it up! This is the second quilt I made with this same pattern and I thought I knew what size to cut the strips, only after cutting did I realize I was wrong. I need to finish and send this quilt to the person I made it for as pictures are on my blog and other sites, she may see what I made!
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