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A haunting we will go! By: Em, Utah, USA
Wonky holiday fun!
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 42"
A Little Haunted By: Jennifer Ofenstein, Texas, USA
I designed A Little Haunted especially to share with a Halloween-themed paper piecing class I was teaching. The idea came from my 12 year old son that said every Halloween quilt needs “a little haunted house.”
Quilt size: width: 9 1/2″" height: 12 1/2″"
Bat-A-Licious By: Debbie Samuelson, New Jersey, USA
I’m a brand new quilter, and have had this fabric since last year, and kept looking at it, and said..that’s it I can make something out of this! So for the last week I’ve been at it. It’s my own creation using a D9P, I just winged the borders and shashing sizes 🙂
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"
Bluehills witch By: Lisbeth Lundberg, Sweden
My oldest daughter was invited to a Hallowen party and needed a hostess gift, then I took the opportunity to do three. One for me and one was for my daughters. Here in Sweden we celebrate not Hallowen in the same way as you do in America, but I love the colors one associates with Hallowen.
Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"
Cats with Bats By: Sharon Scott, California, USA
I liked the Stairway to Heaven Pattern so I started with that. Changed it around, added a cat, pumpkins and lots of bats. Then I was happy :). It seams I can never leave well enough alone.
Quilt size: width: 44" height: 62"
Frank By: Lynne Dupre, Alberta, Canada
A scary wall hanging I made for my little grandsons. Machine pieced and applique. Lots of fun to make and they loved it.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 20"
Halloween Cats By: Quiltluver, Michigan, USA
The trick or treat appliqued cat blocks were designed by Angie Padillo, and the pumpking setting was my design. It was fun to make and find just the right fabrics to make each cat’s Halloween outfit, and then finish with lots of bead embillishment. Which trick or treat costume do you like?
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 35"
Halloween Challenge By: Lynn, Oregon, USA
I originally made this for another Quilt challenge. The design was created because I had just finished a project that required a bunch of Yo Yo’s and it thought about making a Spider from a Yo Yo. So then I had to figure out what else I could do with a spider.
Quilt size: width: 28" height: 28"
Halloween fun By: Nina Thoren, Iowa, USA
A few years ago I bought a few scrap bags of fabrics at one of my favorite quilt stores. All of the fabrics for this quilt were in them cut to various sizes so I played around until I came up with this layout.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 42"
Halloween is… By: Jill Majers, Utah, USA
I designed this little quilt because I wanted a fun miniature quilt for Halloween. The blocks are 4 inches square. I love it because although it incorporates most of the symbols of Halloween, it won’t scare my grandchildren!
Quilt size: width: 17" height: 24"
Halloween Mug Rug By: msmcporkchop, California, USA
I’m simply obsessed with Halloween! One evening I decided to make a little mug rug using only scraps and trying the “quilt as you go” method. I really love small patchwork and playing around with colors 🙂
It was SO much fun. Now I have the cutest place to keep my mug & cupcakes! 🙂
Thank you
Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 10.5"
Happy Halloween (Leah Holland) By: l3designs, British Columbia, Canada
This quilt started as a test stitch out of a free Halloween alphabet (two years ago). Unfortunately I’ve lost the source of the embroidery.
This year it was quilted into a wall hanging. The wavy quilting lines are in glow in the dark thread. wish I’d had the thread for the ghosts.
Quilt size: width: 17.75" height: 10.25"
Happy Halloween (Marissa Dinsdale) By: MKissa Creations, California, USA
This is the first quilted project that I have made that is staying in our house. I absolutely LOVE Halloween and dreamed up this wall hanging in my head. It is a combination of paper piecing and traditional piecing. The “wood grain” on the fence is some of the quilting.
Quilt size: width: 33" height: 35"
Happy Halloween! Table Topper By: Annette Taylor, Illinois, USA
This is a free pattern I found online and thought it was cute.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"
Happy Spooky Halloween By: Linda, Oklahoma, USA
I love the colors in this quilt and my grandkids love the “characters”!
Quilt size: width: 59" height: 69"
Haunted House By: Bev Andersen, Ontario, Canada
I saw a small design in a magazine many years ago that suggested you cut out pieces using some kind of window covering. I redesigned and made it out of fabric. It hangs on our front door every Hallowe’en. I put muslin on the back and you can see the door hanging in reverse through the window.
Quilt size: width: 19" height: 26"
If the Hat Fits By: Kerrie Schwandt, Alberta, Canada
This was my first “Buggy Barn” quilt. I sewed it last year choosing bright greens and purples as my color palate. I also did my own free-motion machine quilting and had tons of fun with that. My favorite part of this quilt is the dangling legs of the witches. This quilt was a lot of fun to make!
Quilt size: width: 41.5" height: 52.5"
Little Halloween Sampler By: Sandi Andersen, Minnesota, USA
I made this little quilt in 2000. I drew sketches of all the things that reminded me of Halloween when I was young and then when my kids were young. I made two of these… for me, one for my daughter. Then I gave the pattern away to my friends so they could make one. 🙂
Quilt size: width: 18″" height: 14″"
Marshall’s Boo By: Jeannette Carter, Florida, USA
I made this for my little 3 year old grandson. When he got it, his dad said he laid on it and counted all the spiders and ghosts he could find. Made my heart sing that he loved it so much.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 44"
My 3 Spiders By: quiltma, Illinois, USA
I helped 3 of my grandkids make this wall hanging as a birthday gift for my daughter who has a Halloween Birthday. We had so much fun painting hands. She was so surprised and she just loved it. But the best part was the fun I had with the kids making it.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 18"
Pumpkin Bouquet By: Dawn D., Illinois, USA
Tonya R from Lazy Gal Quilting had made a similar “bouqet” of Halloween flowers and I just had to play too. I put my flowers in a pumpkin basket and used my favorite halloween colors, bright orange, bold purple and lime green! For an added touch I hung this quilt from a stick!
Quilt size: width: 32" height: 40"
Pumpkin Log Cabin By: NanaKaren, Michigan, USA
I saw a quilt in an old magazine similar to this. I used the “quilt as you go” method with using fall fabric scraps. I made two more for gifts. On one, I placed a black kitty peaking from behind the pumpkins.
Quilt size: width: 15" height: 18"
Pumpkins, Ghosts and Witches, oh my! By: Tonya May, North Carolina, USA
Pumpkins, Ghosts and Witches, oh my! Just finished in September, I use this as a front door hanger.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 60"
quilt abstract By: Elena Habasescu, Romania
Materials-silk, hand quilted, size 1m / 1m
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"
Ribb-BOO By: Squeek, Louisiana, USA
An appliqued frog is dressed as a ghost. He hangs on a preschool door to welcome visitors to the classroom.
Quilt size: width: 18" height: 36"
Spooky Lane By: Susan Cook, Pennsylvania, USA
Totally original design, paper pieced and applique.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 18"
Teenie Halloween Quilt By: twiddletails, Washington, USA
This little quilt was originally made as the centerpiece for a wreath.
Quilt size: width: 5" height: 7"
The Ghastlies By: Dana Gaffney, Florida, USA
I fell in love with this fabric, The Ghastlies, the first time I saw it. I really had no idea what to do with it when I bought it. I just fussy cut the people out, added spider webs and skeleton fabric. The quilting doesn’t really show up, but it has all different free motion quilting.
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 34"
Trick or Treat By: Mary L, Kansas, USA
Magazine pattern
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 28"
Trick or Treat Street Table Runner By: Jennifer Rodvold, Washington, USA
I needed a Halloween quilt and loved the Trick or Treat Street line by Northcott. The pattern I chose didn’t display the fabric really well but I still love it. It is hard to tell but it is quilted with a giant spiderweb on it, with the center of it in the middle.
Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"
Trick or Treat Topper By: WendyMT, Montana, USA
I made this little topper while our family was in a small apartment. My DDs were 1 and 2 yrs old but loved the ghosts and pumpkins. Since we didn’t have much room for decoration and a smal table, I designed this to fit the space. We still get it out every year and love it and its memories.
Quilt size: width: 26.5" height: 26.5"
I just fell in love with this when I saw it and had to make one for myself. The bright colors, and crazy legs make me laugh every time I look at it. The bows and orange Swarovski crystals added to the boots, “Bling” it up a bit. After all, you can never be to understated can you? 🙂
Quilt size: width: 38″" height: 48″"
Whoo loves halloween By: Norma Bosley, Ohio, USA
I retired 9/1/10 and have been on a wall hanging quilting spree ever since. I have made 9 as either gifts or to sell along with our indian corn my husband grows on his farm. I have many ideas and can’t wait to keep quilting.
Quilt size: width: 18 1/4" height: 24"
witch and her pumpkins By: veronique ricquier, Belgium
I made this one for my friend who adores witches and also hang withches in her Christmas tree.
Quilt size: width: 11.42" height: 9.54"
Witchcraft By: Shirley Jacobs, Netherlands
I made this quilt at a workshop a few years ago, first time machine applique, and I used glitter-glue to add interest to the hats. Also added bugs and fancy rhinestones, all glued on. The brooms were made from raffia, and one’s gone after one of our cats got hold of it on its first ‘hanging’ day.
Quilt size: width: 51" height: 22"
Witchy Witch By: Jacquelyn Morris-Smith, Arizona, USA
Designed by Patrick Lose, this was a wonderfully fun small wall hanging for my halloween decoration. Silloutted witch on a broom…
Quilt size: width: 18.5" height: 23"
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