Marie Bostwick Blog Hop Tour

I’m thrilled to be hosting this blog hop tour for Marie Bostwick’s latest book Ties that Bind. I am a huge fan of Marie’s Cobbled Court series of novels and was honoured when she asked me to organize this tour for her.

Here’s how it works…

I have invited 10 guests to join me on the tour. They were all sent an advanced copy of Marie’s book and will be answering a few fun questions on their own blogs and sharing photos and stories of a baby quilt they’ve made here on the Quilting Gallery.

Each blogger will also be giving away a copy of the book. Visit each one on their special day to enter their give-away. Winners will be chosen randomly on May 2nd. I’ll also have a couple of patterns to give-away later this week too.

Here’s the schedule:

Tuesday, April 24

Wednesday, April 25

Thursday, April 26

Friday, April 27

Saturday, April 28

Marie is also sponsoring this week’s Wall Hangings quilt contest.

Book Synopsis: Ties that Bind


Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews’ friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she’s made in New Bern; she just never thought she’d still be single on her fortieth birthday.

It’s a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople’s burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot’s family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life’s fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning…

Baby Quilts from Today’s Guests

Jackie – Canton Village Quilt Works

Here is a photo of a baby quilt that I made for my daughter.


I wanted to make this quilt for her when she was about two. It was just too cute! The quilt was a Pam Bono design and totally pieced. No paper piecing here. There was literally a gazillion little pieces. Each bunny was a challenge as I tend to be a super perfectionist when it comes to piecing. I seem to remember that there was a lot of unsewing going on. But in the end I was very pleased with the result. The fabrics, as you can tell are older calicoes and have faded somewhat. But my daughter still has it in her room all nicely put away.



Wendy – Ivory Spring

I made my first quilt after much encouragement from my quilting mentor and friend Barbara. I had the perfect excuse to venture into something new — a newborn in the family! I had the most fun picking and choosing the different fabrics for the quilt. The applique was really fun too. My favorite part of the quilt is the “bunny-go-around”.


label bunny-go-around


I have two copies of Marie’s Ties that Bind novel to give-away to my blog readers. To enter, leave a comment below answering: What’s your favourite springtime flower? Winners will be chosen randomly on May 2nd.

Plus, visit today’s two guests, read their answers to the FUN questions, and enter the give-aways on their blogs too:

Congratulations to the winners: #21 Judith Reynolds and #118 Margie W. Check your inbox for a message from me.

177 responses to “Marie Bostwick’s Ties that Bind – Blog Hop Tour”

  1. Michelle Young Avatar

    Thank you for this giveaway! I really enjoy rhododendrons, mainly because they are the first flowers in my own yard to bloom every year. The light and delicate purple petals don’t last very long but they make my home look wonderful for the short time they are here.

  2. Carol J Avatar
    Carol J

    Good Morning!
    Hmmm… favourite springtime flower? I guess I would have to say… crocus. You really know that spring is on the way when these little lovelies start poking through the snow!

  3. Jane Avatar

    All of them!

  4. Laura Stephens Avatar
    Laura Stephens

    Lilacs! Hands down.

  5. Louise Avatar

    There’s no doubt about it, I love lilacs most of all (but iris are a close second!).

  6. Dottie Avatar


  7. Cindy Sharp Avatar
    Cindy Sharp

    I love to see the Daffodils. They are the first to come where I live, and are always a cheerful reminder that Spring is on the way. Second to that….it is the lacy clothes that the trees put on each Spring. The look like they are getting all dressed up for a wedding or other fancy party.

  8. Becky in KCMO Avatar

    Thanks for announcing Marie’s new book. I love them. If I can’t get it quick enough from the library, I buy one and pass it around to all my quilting friends. Thanks for doing the blog introduction for this new book!

  9. Karen Avatar

    Lilacs and I have none here in the south but did in the north where I grew up. I guess my south spring flower that I love is wisteria.
    thanks for the give away I will look at the other sites you mention some are on my google reader already.

  10. Pam Avatar

    I’m still a sucker for carnations.

  11. Sue Avatar

    Forsythia, okay it’s a shrub, but oh those yellow blossoms!

  12. Linda Duncan Avatar

    Daffodils! I love the blast of yellow color. Thanks for the giveaway and blog hop!

  13. Peggy in KY Avatar
    Peggy in KY

    My favorite spring flower is the Lily of the Valley. We can not grow them in Western KY, because our winters are not cold enough. So my favorite flower here is violets then the daffidils which they call March flowers locally.

  14. Robyn Brown Avatar
    Robyn Brown

    Definitely my peonies. I love the fragrance and the giant blooms.

  15. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    Thanks for the chance to win Marie’s new book. It would be wonderful to win it. My favorite springtime flowers are daffodils. I especially like the total yellow ones.

  16. Cecilia Avatar

    My favorite would be the daffodil. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book and for the blog hop. I love seeing quilts made by other people.

  17. Kim Avatar

    I have to say daffodils because I plant so many of them they make a wonderful Spring time show!

    Thanks so much for a chance to wind Marie’s book… looks terrific ;0)

    Happy sewing

  18. Linda Cartwright Avatar
    Linda Cartwright

    I love lilac’s, but it is too warm for them to grow here in Texas! The first thing that blooms for me are my roses, and I love them all!

  19. sondra wagner Avatar
    sondra wagner

    Daffodills! They are always a sign of spring!

  20. Rebecca Davidson Avatar
    Rebecca Davidson

    The roses that bloom in my backyard. I have some Texas roots and the yellow ones I have always make me think of singing, “The Yellow rose of Texas.”

  21. Judith Reynolds Avatar
    Judith Reynolds

    I love the brown, gold, yellow wildflowers down in South Texas around the Corpus Christi, TX area. They call in indian summer. In Aransas Pass, the bluebonnets on the yards of the homeowners. I have never seen orange bonnets until we drove by on day. There they were and I did take some pictures. Also yards of Bluebonnets and wildflowers in the neighborhoods. If you are ever down south Texas around spring time it is worth the drive. One of the wonders of Texas! I love it. Judith, Texas

  22. Pat Avatar

    Daffodils are my favorite.

  23. Brenda Towsley Avatar

    I love Primroses in the spring. They bloom around our pond. Each year I add more.

  24. Karen Martin Avatar
    Karen Martin

    Tulips & Daffodils.

  25. Joyce Carter Avatar
    Joyce Carter

    I love Daffodils. They are the first to bloom where I live and it is always a reminder that Spring is on the way. Thank you so much for a chance to win this facinating book.

  26. Linda W Avatar
    Linda W

    I like to see the tulips when they first come up, especially the lilac colored ones. In my neighborhood you have to look fast as we are overrun with rabbits!

  27. Julie Avatar

    Tulips and I am waiting for mine to bloom!

  28. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    Crocus, Tulips and grape hyacinths and all the others that brave the early cool weather

  29. Sharmond Avatar

    I love the dogwood blossoms! I have a Kousa Dogwood that blooms later than the others. This sounds like my kind of book! Thanks!

  30. ~ Julie ~ Avatar

    Hyacinths are my favorite! They smell so wonderful! I love to read and this book sounds really interesting! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! 🙂

  31. Ranch Wife Avatar

    Thank you for the opportunity to put my name in the hat for the newest installment in this series – I love Ms. Bostwick’s books! Such a fun series!
    My favorite springtime flowers are the bluebonnets in the Texas Hillcountry.

  32. Nancy B from Many LA Avatar
    Nancy B from Many LA

    My favorite is wisteria. It’s a vine, but it’s a springtime flowering vine, so it counts, right? LOL!

  33. LizA. Avatar

    No question–lilacs. Only problem is they make me sneeze so I can’t cut them and bring them inside to enjoy.

  34. Joan Avatar

    Daffodils, are my favorite spring flower.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. cityquilter grace Avatar
    cityquilter grace

    it would be daffodils; standing so tall and so yellow, a blast of color after drab winter; endless varieties look great in planned beds or naturalized in a field…beautiful!

  36. Linda Avatar


  37. Patty Avatar

    This sounds like a good book. Add me please.

  38. Kathie Avatar

    We planted tulips this year and they welcomed in our Spring this year. I really love tulips!

  39. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I love daffodils, because of the lively colour!

  40. Billie K Avatar

    Tulips and Iris are my favorites.

  41. Maria Kievit Avatar
    Maria Kievit

    I love peony’s. Their massive blooms are so nice to smell and watch early in the spring! Thanks for the giveaway.

  42. Mary C in WA Avatar

    I love my Hydrangeas, but right now the Dogwoods are finally in full bloom and they are just beautiful! Thanks for hosting the Blog Hop, I love Marie’s books. Cute 1st quilts.

  43. Estie Avatar

    Yellow daffodils are my favorite spring flowers. Cheery and bright! Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  44. Jennyroo Avatar

    I love the sight of sweet periwinkle coloured wild crocuses popping up in the fields. The true sign that spring is here!

  45. Darlene Avatar

    Daffodils-they brighten every day. I’ve read all the Cobbled Court books and can’t wait for the next one.

  46. Diane Avatar

    I love lilacs in the spring. And, lilac is my favorite color. I like Marie Bostwick books. Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. Shelley Avatar

    Hard to choose but I do love peonies. Especially the big double ones. Thanks for the giveaway, sounds like a good book.

  48. Linda Avatar

    Harbingers of spring around here, daffodils in all their various forms and colors would be my favorite flower of spring. –But it is hard to pick just one “favorite.” I think all spring flowers are pretty special. 🙂

  49. Karen M Avatar

    I just love the first tulips that I see in the spring. When I see them I know that spring has really arrived.

  50. Karen M Avatar

    The book sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. rosa Avatar

    The book sounds fun .I love margarita.Thanks for the chance to win!!

  52. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    Grape hyacinths are my favorite spring flowers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  53. Sherri D Avatar

    Hyacinth…hands down the BEST spring flower. Though others are beautiful, I can’t sniff enough of the hyacinth flowers’ heavenly and heady scent!!! Second favorite is the lilac. I had to mention second place because lilacs and I go WAY back. 😀

    I’ve had the pleasure of talking with Marie on the phone a few years ago! What a wonderful and gracious lady she is. LOVE her books too! Can’t wait to read this newest one!

  54. Kate Avatar

    I love lilacs! So wish they lasted all summer. Wish I lived in a town like in the books too! Thanks for the chance!

  55. Jean Avatar

    I love iris…so pretty and burst into bloom. thanks for the chance to win.

  56. paula.thequilter Avatar

    My favorite springtime flower is the daffodil. I just love to see those bobbing yellow heads.

  57. Sandi1100 Avatar

    I’m also a daffodil fan. Yellow is my favorite color.

  58. Jennifer Gail Avatar
    Jennifer Gail

    I love Bleeding Hearts:) Thanks

  59. Patty Avatar

    Lilacs! Thanks.

  60. Sandra Timmons Avatar
    Sandra Timmons

    I simply love tulips. Any colors. Just so beautiful. Thank you for your participation in the book blog hop tour and giving all of us a chance win Ties that Bind. You really go out of your way for all of your quilting friends and I hope that you know that you are one terrific lady.

    Sandi T.

  61. Delores Avatar

    I love hyacinths, both pink and purple!
    Love to win!

  62. Janet Avatar

    Favourite springtime flower is the daffodil: yellow and cheerful!

  63. Terry Avatar

    I’m a daffodil kind of gal. Yellow is such a cheerful color to chase away the winter blues. Thanks for this chance to win.

  64. Sandy P Avatar
    Sandy P

    When a decision to make but I have to say I love Lilacs….the smell just fills the air surrounding them……….and the color of each flower is so unique.

    Love love love them

  65. Sandi Avatar

    Tulips are so pretty and bright. They make me smile. So does winning…:)

  66. lynda Morrissette Avatar
    lynda Morrissette

    I love Calif. poppies. Thanks. I can’t wait to read the book.

  67. Sarah Avatar

    Gerber daisies are my fav at the moment. They come in such beautiful colors too. The book sounds interesting and do I like a good book ;o)

  68. Jill Avatar

    I love lilacs. I have a beautiful and fragrant bush that I just love.

  69. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    It’s so hard to pick just one flower! I would say that my favorite SPRING flower is the iris. I love all the color combinations and shapes and sizes they come in.

  70. Leontine T Avatar
    Leontine T

    I love masses of daffodils- any color

  71. Diann Cornell Avatar
    Diann Cornell

    My favorite is daffodils although I love them all.

  72. charlotte Avatar

    I love tulips, and daffodils, and violets and azaleas…and lots of other flowers. Color is what i love.

  73. carol mitchell Avatar
    carol mitchell

    I love lilacs. They are just beautiful!

  74. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    I love tulips and reading.

  75. Annette Avatar

    My favorite is the crocus because when it pops out, I know that warmer weather is almost here.

  76. Patty d Avatar
    Patty d


  77. Bev C Avatar

    Hello Michelle,

    Thanks for the chance to win Marie’s great book. The Pink Everlastings will be in flower when Spring comes around.

    Happy days.

  78. Sallie Avatar

    Wildflowers! Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. Gene Black Avatar

    I love daffodils, and crocuses, and so many spring flowers but I think that just maybe the stately Tulip is my favorite.

    I would love to win this book.

  80. Brenda Howard Avatar
    Brenda Howard

    My favorite flower is the tulip! I have been in love with them since I was a child.

  81. Sharon Griffith Avatar
    Sharon Griffith

    Hi I am so glad she has a new book out cannot wait to read it…my favorite flower would be the “Stargazer lily”

  82. Nancy Avatar

    I have to say that California poppies are my favorite springtime flower. I love watching the hillsides in my area, and even the medians along the roadway come ablaze with their orange and yellow glows. They are everywhere this year, more than I recall in the past. Funny how some years are more prolific than others…maybe like us quilters..depending on the whether!(Pun intended).

  83. Mary Avatar

    My favorite spring flower is Trilium. Also, love Jack-in-the-pulpits. I’m just a wild type of girl.

  84. Karrie S Avatar
    Karrie S

    I’m not very educated in plants and flowers. So here are some things I like and hopefully one of them will be a springtime flower : Lilacs (think this is summer though), dogwood trees-full bloomed (this is a tree BUT when it’s flowering!), tulips, and the Easter Lilys they sell for Easter. Thanks for the chance to win. She has become one of my favorite authors this year!

  85. Julie Avatar

    Tulips are my favorite. I have many in the beds at the front of my house!

  86. Linda B. Avatar
    Linda B.

    I would have to say daphne. There is no other fragrance like it!

  87. Carmen Avatar

    Tulips !!! Hope I’m doing this correct , never one done a log hop, and even harder to go tru ” hope u r not robot” security steps the on the self correcting iPad !!!!

  88. Christine Avatar

    I really like Lily of the Valley 🙂
    Thank you for the chance to win this book!!

  89. Rachel Avatar

    I love carnations cuz you can get them in so many different colors!!!

  90. Susan Moore Avatar
    Susan Moore

    gerber daisies! Your book sounds very interesting.

  91. Eileen Caspers Avatar
    Eileen Caspers

    I am a huge fan of sunflowers and daisies.

  92. Lotte Avatar

    I just love the flowers of the magnolea tree, their pearl-like colour, their generous shape and not least their fantastic smell – and for such a short time

  93. cathy leitner Avatar
    cathy leitner

    Love the flowers on the flame tree that you see covering the streets in the Florida Keys in May and June. Can’t wait to read you’d new book. Have enjoyed them all.

  94. Michelle Pen Avatar
    Michelle Pen

    I love Grape Hyacinth. They are so little and dainty and that gorgeous purple/blue. I also love Daffodils.

  95. Maria do Carmo Pezzuto Avatar
    Maria do Carmo Pezzuto

    Minha flor é magnólias,e minha cor no momento é

  96. Dea Avatar

    My favorite springflowers are snowdrops. The book sounds great, thanks for a chance to win a copy
    Dutch hugs

  97. Alycia Avatar

    I think I like the poppy the best!!

  98. Sally Avatar

    I’m also a daffodil fan. Yellow is my favorite color.

  99. Teresa Avatar

    Nothing beats a carpet of bluebells all along the forest floor. It really is a sight for sore eyes and means summer will be along shortly.

  100. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    OOOOOH LILACS are my FAVORITE Spring flowers for sure!!!

    Thanks for chance to win! : )

  101. Susan N Avatar
    Susan N

    My favorite spring flower are Tulips.

  102. laurel Avatar

    favorite spring flower? grape hyacinths. hmm. or lilies of the valley. lilacs. um…. ah!! how to pick one?! my daughter would say “dandelions!” without a doubt. 🙂

  103. Lora Avatar

    Love the peonies! Thanks for the chance to win !!

  104. KarenW Avatar

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  105. faith hope cherrytea Avatar

    fave spring flower? crocus ! yep – gotta be – being from MB it’s our provincial flower ;)) !
    TY for the great giveaway opp ~ Luving this tour & Congrats on organizing the FuN!!

  106. Wanda Avatar

    Tulips would be my favorite.

  107. Pauline Avatar

    Love pansies- so bright and colourful
    Thanks for the chance to win those lovely books

  108. Ray J Avatar
    Ray J

    Oh, Pansies for sure!!

  109. Kristi Van Oa Avatar

    Gerber Daisys in Pink

  110. Sharon Avatar

    I just love tulips and azaleas. Thanks for the giveaway. Am an avid Marie Bostwick fan.

  111. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    Daffodils! Love them!! Thanks for the fun giveaway~ I love to read too. 😉

  112. Nancy in IN Avatar
    Nancy in IN

    I love lilac and lilies of the valley for their sweet smells.

  113. Debbie Avatar

    I don’t know if its a spring time flower, but one of my favorites are yellow roses.

  114. Denise J. Avatar
    Denise J.

    Haven’t read any of her books but want to start. Thanks for the chance to win.

  115. Cherry Avatar

    My favorite spring flowers are the poppies! Even if it’s not spring – have several poppy quilts I’m working on.
    Thanks for the giveaway – I love Marie’s books and can’t wait to read this one.

  116. Margie W Avatar
    Margie W

    When I lived up north, my favorite springtime flower was the crocus which signaled the coming of many more beautiful blooms. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I love this series! 🙂

  117. Kathie L Avatar
    Kathie L

    I love tulips – a big mass of them! Thanks for the giveaway.

  118. Renate Avatar

    Favourite spring flower….snowbells…because they herald the coming of warmer days and the end of the greys of winter. They remind me that it’s possible to start afresh each and every year.

  119. Andi Stanfield Avatar

    Looks like a fun read! Thanks for the giveaway.

  120. Andi Stanfield Avatar

    OOPS – forgot to answer the question! I love seeing all the roses bloom, especially the variegated colors.

  121. Beth T. Avatar
    Beth T.

    My favorite spring flower is a lilac. Nothing compares to the romance of its scent. Reminds me of my grandma.

  122. quiltmom anna Avatar

    My favorite spring flower- that is a difficult one but I do love tulips and daffodils .. Lots of others too. I love seeing the first crocuses poke their heads out of the ground that tell me spring is here.

  123. Susanne Avatar

    I love tulips. They come in so many lovely colors.

  124. Becky in Georgia Avatar

    I love daffodils. Their yellow color is so welcome after a grey winter. Love Marie’s books!

  125. Cindy Avatar

    Love tulips…red, orange, and yellow!

  126. jmniffer Avatar

    Daffodil’s…love how bright and cheery they are, that they come back year after year and that the deer leave them along. Just found Marie’s books, can’t wait to read them all!

  127. Erin Hutchinson Avatar

    My favorite spring flower is definitely lilacs! I just wished they lasted longer! I can’t wait to read this new book – I have (and love!) all of her others.

  128. Candy Avatar

    Love all the flowers, but guess if I have to pick a favorite, it would be pansies! They just make me smile!

  129. MissesStitches Avatar

    I love our California poppies that appear in the spring. They are so bright and cheerful and happy looking!

  130. Nancy J. in Utah Avatar
    Nancy J. in Utah

    Wonderful baby quilts! I have not had the occasion since I started quilting 4 years ago to make a baby quilt…but I plan to do so when I become a ‘Great’ grandmother, though that may be a while as none of my grandchildren are in serious relationships yet. Now about this great give away!!! I love ALL Springtime flowers, but between there beauty and wonderful perfume, that fills both my home and my yard every Spring as they are doing now, Lilacs have to be at the top of my list. Thanx for a chance to win this book. I love the Cobbled Court Series! Big Hugs…

  131. Linda Avatar


  132. Dee Avatar

    I love Daffodils – and sure appreciate the eye candy – such pretty baby quilts – love the bunnies:)

  133. piecrust Avatar

    Love flowers that make me smile or the color. Bird of Paradise come to mind….

  134. Karen, aka mom and Yaya Avatar
    Karen, aka mom and Yaya

    I LOVE roses. I love it when my rose bushes start blooming and the beautiful colors are all over my yard!! I love the smell of roses too!!

  135. Kristen Avatar

    My favorite spring time flower is Lily of the Valley.

  136. Mel B McFarland Avatar
    Mel B McFarland

    I just love Gerber daisies. They are always available in the brightest colors & make me happy & inspired to see them.

  137. AlessandraLace Avatar

    my favorite spring flower is tulip, yellow tulip. hugs

  138. Loris Mills Avatar

    My favorite spring time flower is the Dutch Iris..especially in purple. Thank you for hosting a giveaway. I read the first pages of Ties That Bind and WOW! I have not seen books from this author but am going to search them out now. Would be thrilled to win a copy of her new book 🙂

  139. Darlene B Avatar
    Darlene B

    I love tulips! Part of it is because of my Dutch heritage, but the other part is that they are the first flowers that come up in the spring (sometimes through the snow in Chicago) and give me hope that spring will come!! I would love to win Marie’s new book 🙂

  140. Karen Pollard Avatar
    Karen Pollard

    Marie is one of the best authors with character development. You really feel like you know her characters! She’s awesome!

  141. Candace Weiss Avatar
    Candace Weiss

    I love bunnies and what isn’t fun about bunny quilts? And the tulips are sweet too. I am an avid reader when I am not quilting, that is and I have never read one of Marie Bostwick’s books! What a great one to start with! I’d be honored to read one of her books and pass it along to my Mom, too.

  142. Ariane Avatar

    I love daffodils!! They are my favorite!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  143. quilterbell Avatar

    Daffodils are my favorites, thanks for the chance!

  144. Diane Avatar

    Definitely tulips-my favorite.

  145. Linda at Roscoe's Ma Avatar

    My favorite spring flower would be the blossoms on a dogwood tree. Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. HeyJudee Avatar

    My fav is tulips…just love taking pics of them and seeing the different varieties. And when the tulips bloom you know that spring has…sprung!

  147. Gmama Jane Avatar

    The smell of peonies is the most divine scent on earth. I’m hoping to have good luck in the give-away. I never win but I keep trying!
    Gmama Jane

  148. Tammy Avatar

    My all time favorite flower is daisy.

  149. Linda Avatar

    I look forward to seeing tulips of all colours spring forth to remind us of new beginnings.

  150. Jay Avatar

    I love lilies of the valley, which bloom in out-of-the-way places like behind the neighbor’s garage. They smell of spring to me, and because their blooming season is so short, they are all the more precious.

  151. Cathy Avatar

    I love see tulips when I see them blooming I know that spring is here.

  152. Louise Avatar

    My favorite spring flower is lilacs – their scent is so beautiful and they are blooming right now here in Wyoming. I love spring!

  153. Jeanne G Avatar

    My favorite springtime flower is hands down my lilacs. They smell absolutely wonderful when I walk out my front door. I am always sad to see them leave………..Thank you for a chance to win Marie’s book.

  154. Lyn Avatar

    My favourite Spring time flowers….are my two Weeping Roses in the front garden….and old time Rose…Crepscule….this last spring they have been home to Doves and Honey Eaters…would love a chance to win Marie’s latest book…..Warm Regards, Lyn

  155. Marsha Avatar

    Lilacs. They usually open in full bloom by Memorial Day each year in Maine where I grew up. The smell is so sweet and proclaims “Spring” to me. I love Mrie’s books too and would love to read this latest one. Many thanks, Marsha

  156. Blanche Emslie Avatar
    Blanche Emslie

    Is there anything compared to the smell oof roses in the spring?

  157. Cheryl Korman Avatar
    Cheryl Korman

    I love snapdradons. They stand so talll and are colorful. And they are fun to play with.

  158. Deb Morrissey Avatar
    Deb Morrissey

    I know when the lilacs bloom I am ready for summer! love the smell of them in the air.

  159. Ruth Avatar

    Crocus – I love the way they grow, there is nothing there, then all of a sudden, almost like magic and bright colorful flower appears from no where.

  160. Judy Avatar

    My favorite spring time flower is Lilacs they have such a good smell.

  161. Missy Avatar

    I love daisies! They are such a happy flower!

  162. Jodi G. Avatar
    Jodi G.

    I’m a reader and so glad to have another author to read. Sounds like a great book and I’m going to be looking for Marie’s books. I’m not a gardener but I love Forget-Me-Knots and Alaskan Fireweed. I’m not really sure if that counts as a flower but I love them.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  163. dawn Avatar

    I do love Marie Bostwick’s stories! My favorite spring flower is the lilac for it’s fragrance but I love all spring flowers because it means winter is over!

  164. Linda Avatar

    Tulips! With a maiden name of VanderMolen and parents who immigrated from the Netherlands, it was inevitable! Besides, who can compete with their tenacity–reminding us of the beauty that can come from the “winter days” in our lives!

  165. Kathleen Avatar

    I love purple Spring flowers, so iris and lilac are my favorites. Marie’s books are fantastic! Thank you for a great giveaway. 🙂

  166. Lee Avatar

    I just love tulips in spring. It reminds me of my childhood in a little town where we had large families of migrants from Holland living and they grew tulips in every colour imaginable.

  167. Truus Avatar

    My favorite springflowers are bluebells. I have many of them ,white,blue and pink,growing in my garden.
    Every year there are more and in diverend places-it’s a surprise to see where they will grow next year!
    Truus from Holland

  168. Luann B Avatar
    Luann B

    Poppies! I planted poppy seeds some years back, and I always eagerly anticipate their arrival. It’s such a delight to look out my kitchen window and see so many beautiful deep red poppies stretched out toward the sun. We share the seeds with neighbors and every year another house has them in their yard.

  169. Jane Bitz Avatar
    Jane Bitz

    Very hard to choose just one favorite flower. Right now I am loving all the daffodils, it’ll be something else in two weeks, I’m sure.

  170. tubakk Avatar

    Oh, do I know the names of flowers in the US? Hvitveis, what’s that it in English? Can’t find it. But they are small and white and the first flowers we see in spring in Norway. Thanks for the giveaway!

  171. Carol Avatar

    My favourite spring flower is lilac. The fragrance is wonderful and they just look so springlike.

  172. julie barrett Avatar

    daisy, i have them in my kitchen covering most of the walls on a blue background.

    thanks for the chance

  173. Shelly Pagliai Avatar

    I guess I would have to say tulips, because every time I see them, they remind me of my grandmother. She had a tulip bed right outside her front door, and they were red, and they made her happy.

  174. Patty Happel Avatar
    Patty Happel

    I love them all…tulips, peonies, daffodils, azaela’s. Whichever one I’m looking at is my favorite

  175. Sandy Avatar

    My favorite Spring Time Flower is the Daffodil. They are bright yellow and have other variations as well. I love the salmon colored ones! They multiply easy and are great for cutting!
    Thank you so much for a chance to win Marie Bostwick’s new Book, “Ties That Bind”!

  176. Nancy Sue Avatar
    Nancy Sue

    I love corabells and the hummingbird fights that are inevitable over the sweet blossoms! Those little birds fly around each other like mini-fighter jets! Thank you for participating in the book blog hop!

  177. Cindy S Avatar
    Cindy S

    Peonies! And mine are about to bloom!

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