The Splendid Sampler Meet Up in the Middle

Happy Friday everyone!!

Last week, I was in Syracuse, NY to meet up with a few quilting friends, meet some wonderful Splenderettes and attend the AQS Syracuse quilt show. For The Splendid Sampler Meet Up in the Middle, we met at Calico Gals, a lovely quilt shop not too far from our hotel downtown.

Designers Meet Up

Pictured above, are The Splendid Sampler Designers that were in attendance, Debby Brown (Splendid Quilter), Victoria Findlay Wolfe (Block 72), Joan Ford (Block 84), Me (Block 24 Inspector Sidekick), Flat Pat and Jacquelynne Steves (Block #76). Pat had an emergency come up at the last minute, and was unable to join us in person.

It was so much fun to meet everyone, and see all of their gorgeous blocks. I didn’t end up taking many photos, just too busy chatting and having fun. Below are a few that I did take.






We’ve Reached the Top

Yesterday marked the release of Block 50, Flights of Fancy, for The Splendid Sampler. This block was designed by Joanna Figueroa.


Additionally, on Wednesday, Pat released a bonus block to celebrate reaching the Top of the Hill.


Many of the designers are also helping to celebrate this milestone, with blog give-aways or freebies on their sites. Here are today’s designers:


I have two different give-aways for you all. First up, five free quilt blocks for you to download. Instructions for these blocks include both 6″ and 12″ finished blocks. Download them here!

Download 5 Free Quilt Block Tutorials

For my second give-away, two lucky winners, who leave a comment below, will win memberships to my Pieced Mini Quilt Club.


To enter the give-away, leave a comment below telling me what your plans are for this weekend. Two winners will be chosen randomly to win on Monday, August 8th.

My Blocks

I’ve been able to sneak a few blocks into my schedule this week. If you’re like me and behind, don’t worry, we’ll all be making these blocks far into the future. I have a couple of other blocks cut out and ready for stitching. I’ll be doing them as I work on other projects too.



152 responses to “The Splendid Sampler: We’ve Reached the Top”

  1. Cindy Dickinson Avatar
    Cindy Dickinson

    This weekend I am going to the movie and then sewing on this month’s BOM’s and Splendid Sampler. Thanks for the free block patterns.

  2. Sandra Timmons Avatar
    Sandra Timmons

    I am going with my sister to Rio Vista to see my niece and her family. Will be spending quality time on those blocks from the Splendid Sampler and maybe some quilting time working on a red and white Irish Chain quilt for me and a Batman lap quilt for my great nephew. Thank you for taking time to be a part of the Splendid Sampler and giving us the chance to become a winner of the Pieced Mini Quilt Club. That sounds fun and would like to participate in this club of yours.

    Sandi Timmons

  3. Sherryl Wynne Avatar
    Sherryl Wynne

    This weekend I’ll be looking at houses (gasp) – time to make a move. My dear mother and I need more quilting room! LOL (P.S. I love minis. I’m just sayin’)

  4. Erin S. Avatar
    Erin S.

    Plans for this weekend (unfortunately) include working but I also have a couple Splendid blocks to do, and another BOM to get caught up on!

  5. dianna Avatar

    I have two gifts I need to get made somehow this weekend. Wish me luck!

  6. Nyla-Jean Avatar

    This weekend I plan to oversee my young daughter’s garage sale (she cleaned her room) and then to clean out my basement. Church on Sunday. Thank you for the extra blocks!

  7. Sharon Melville Avatar
    Sharon Melville

    My Grandchildren ages 6 a girl and 10 a boy are visiting from 2500 miles away, they will be with me on their own for two weeks. They have asked me if I would show them how to sew as their Mother does not. I will be working with them all weekend so that they will be occupied so they won’t miss their parents as much.

  8. Margaret Schindler Avatar
    Margaret Schindler

    This weekend is my grand daughters birthday so I am going to watch the great grand kids so she can go float on Spring River.

  9. Nancy Daly Avatar
    Nancy Daly

    This weekend, I plan to SEW! Yay! I can’t wait for Sunday’s block, and I just downloaded your gift of 5 blocks, so I’m going to make one – or more – I love Summer Wind! And on Sunday, my sweet daughters, my son-in-law, and grandboys (twins – almost 4!) will come for dinner – i love Sundays!

  10. Deb Avatar

    This weekend, my daughter, 3 grandbabies and I are headed to Atlanta (from Nashville) for a little weekend getaway!! There will be no sewing but there will be fabric shopping!

  11. Anita Jackson Avatar
    Anita Jackson

    oh My! So much planned for the weekend! I hope to fit it in! Sewing, cleaning and working on a couple of BOM projects Plus This beautiful Splendid Project. I have way too many started. LOL

  12. Janice Avatar

    This weekend I’m getting a good start on 5 Christmas Tree skirts I need for this year. Nieces and nephews get one as a wedding present and I’m finally going to make one for me!!

  13. Diane Snyder Avatar
    Diane Snyder

    My local town is having a street fair and part of that is a quilt show. I am on the committee so i will be there all weekend (starting last night) it is called the Moscow Country Street Fair.

  14. Diane Oakes Avatar
    Diane Oakes

    Quilting and relaxing this weekend. Thanks for the free block patterns.

  15. MegMarm Avatar

    I will be enjoying the nice summer days with out the HIGH dew point we have been having lately. Can get out in the garden early and then to the sewing room to do some more 6 1/2″ blocks.

  16. Wendy L Avatar
    Wendy L

    I was so hoping to get some quilting time in, but we decided to take the kids away for the weekend for a mini vacation. It’s just as good as being able to quilt! Thanks!

  17. Shirley Hayes Avatar
    Shirley Hayes

    It is rainy here this weekend so of course I’m going to be sewing

  18. Laura Rooke Avatar
    Laura Rooke

    This journey has been so wonderful. I have learned so many new techniques. It’s my birthday tomorrow so we are going to see Ghostbusters and out to dinner with the kids. Hoping to squeeze in some sewing but that might have to wait until Sunday.

  19. Evelyn Wonner Avatar
    Evelyn Wonner

    Weekend plans are to deliver a wedding shower cake I am decorating today, go grocery shopping, sew a new seat cushion for my outdoor swing and three pillows for backs, and oh yes make time for sewing quilt blocks and more quilt blocks. I have a lot of Christmas presents to make this year.

  20. Roxanna Owen--QuiddityRox Avatar
    Roxanna Owen–QuiddityRox

    thank you ever so much for these happy patterns

  21. Julie Mirdoch Avatar
    Julie Mirdoch

    I’d LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win this mini! I’ve been into mini’s for years and it’s so great they have been coming back into popularity.

    Well, this weekend — night market tonight, then sew, sew sew!!!

  22. Sobana Sundar Avatar

    Oh sewing of course. I have a jam packed month ahead and want to finish a stained glass quilt I have been working on. Oh and those minis look delicious.

  23. Kathy Bell Avatar
    Kathy Bell

    This Saturday I am going to a local Saturday Sampler and Sunday I will be catching up on the Splendid Sampler

  24. Diana Salmon Avatar
    Diana Salmon

    My husband and I are retired so everyday is like a weekend! But we will start out with First Fridays get-together this evening at the marina across the road. Then we’ll see what falls into place for the rest of the weekend.

  25. Sherry Walley Avatar
    Sherry Walley

    This weekend I am going out to dinner and the movies and during the days doing yard work.

  26. Katie Clark Avatar
    Katie Clark

    Michelle – It was so great to meet you in the middle at Calico Gals. Fun to see my squares on your website too !! WOO HOO Thanks for the opportunity to win. This weekend I am working on one of the embroidery squares since it’s 90 degrees outside. I also hope to attend a local festival with my daughter if she comes home for a visit. Enjoy your weekend as well. Katie

  27. Paloma Avatar

    Este fin de semana tengo que estudiar y sacar un rato para coser mucho.

  28. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I am hoping to get some sewing done and maybe get to see a movie.

  29. debbierhodes Avatar

    this weekend I will stay inside from the heat and humidity// Sunday is my Splendid sampler sew day..

  30. Bernice Bisset Avatar
    Bernice Bisset

    Thanks for the free block patterns (and your Inspector Sidekick block).
    Live in Zimbabwe so loving being able to take part in the Splendid Sampler with so many amazing designers and Splenderettes.

  31. Vicki Mannion Avatar
    Vicki Mannion

    We have a wedding to go to, but I plan to get some sewing done this weekend before my machine takes a cleaning vacation and I take my knitting off to visit my daughter.

  32. Heather Avatar

    I am working all weekend, but will be working on my SS and a quilt for my great nephew in my off hours.

  33. Mary Colgan Avatar
    Mary Colgan

    the electricity will be off due to house remodelling – and it’s HOT – so, we’re heading to the sports bar to watch olympics and visit with family/friends who will join us there! 🙂
    PS – thanks for the 5 free blocks, too!

  34. Kristi Knapp Steere Avatar
    Kristi Knapp Steere

    This weekend is my son’s seventh birthday on the seventh! So we will be celebrating, and working on his quilt, he has become very interested after his first quilt was awarded the best youth quilter award at Vermont Quilt Festival. I will also be working on catching up my blocks, and going to a quilt workshop put on by my quilt guild. I have begun working in small sizes on quilts, I am making a 6″ and a 3″ finished size version of the splendid sampler blocks.

  35. Beth Avatar

    I am going shopping with my mom and sewing!

  36. Vera Avatar

    Cleaning *gasp!*, haircuts, putting up pickles and pickled okra, and finishing up a dress for a granddaughter who is 5 years old. Picking up the donuts for Donut Sunday at church and when that’s done, relaxing with some quilting! Your Pieced Mini Quilt Club sounds like fun and a skill builder too. Thank you too, for the quilt block tutorial download.

  37. Cindy BERG Avatar
    Cindy BERG

    I am enjoying this splendid adventure! I have to work this weekend and hope to have time to visit with my dad at the lake.

  38. Esther Grimes Avatar
    Esther Grimes

    I had a baby last week so my weekend forecast is lots of snuggles and hopefully a few naps 🙂

  39. Susie V Avatar
    Susie V

    definitely piecing!

  40. Casey C. Avatar
    Casey C.

    I’m trying to get a baby quilt finished for my niece before her August 18 due date!

  41. MoeWest Avatar

    This weekend I will do some garden work, some sewing and watching the Olympics.

  42. Beth Avatar

    My plans for this weekend are Olympics watching, sewing, cleaning – and walking my dogs along the beach!!

  43. Toni Leggate Avatar
    Toni Leggate

    Celebrating my youngest daughters 36th and piecing a Mini for a UK Mini Swap…

  44. Donna Dv Avatar
    Donna Dv

    Plans for this weekend? To sew as much as possible and go to church on Sunday. What better way to spend a weekend.

  45. Paulette Avatar

    My plans for this weekend is a little sewing, and, going out with friends to celebrate my Birthday.

  46. mary Benson Avatar
    mary Benson

    yes I plan on spending time finishing up a quilt for a neighbor and starting on another project

  47. STH Avatar

    I teach craft classes at my local creative reuse center, so I will be working this weekend on prepping three new classes: how to sew a circle skirt, how to make a cardboard cat scratcher, and how to make unpaper towels.

  48. Jeannette sroka Avatar
    Jeannette sroka

    4 day weekend! Cleaning today, Renaissance faire tomorrow, then 2 lovely days of sewing!

  49. B from Canada Avatar
    B from Canada

    Thank you so much for the 5 block patterns.

    My plans this weekend are to attend an air show at a local airport. Just hoping the weather cooperates.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter for the Mini Quilt club membership. Love mini quilts!

    B from Canada

  50. Nan Downey Avatar
    Nan Downey

    This weekend I plan to work on my Splendid Sampler blocks.

  51. Elizabeth Avatar

    I plan to get seeing done including block #50. On Sunday going to a butterfly release.

  52. Patricia Ludwiczak Avatar
    Patricia Ludwiczak

    I will be quilting a baby quilt for our niece, as the baby is due any time now!

  53. Pati Cook Avatar
    Pati Cook

    This weekend involves an event for an organization I belong to. (The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international group of people who re-create the Middle Ages. The local chapter I do stuff with is having the annual “Fabric War” a chance to exchange fabrics for ….. other fabric and stuff. A good time and all.)

    Then recovering from the event and hopefully doing some sewing of Splendid blocks.
    Love mini-quilts and doing them.

  54. Gwen Wehner Avatar
    Gwen Wehner

    Let’s see – I need to fit in a 9 mile run, get paint for the family room walls & ceiling, layer & baste a tree skirt (& piece the backing), and hopefully knock out a couple more Splendid blocks! Should keep me out of trouble 😉

  55. Sharon davis Avatar
    Sharon davis

    I plan to visit my Mom (about 100 miles away) and celebrate mine, My Mom’s and my sister’s birthdays as we all celebrate another year within 8 days of each other. Wow big party!

  56. Loretta Lowe Avatar
    Loretta Lowe

    Saturday all day, I will be enjoying the company of my children and grandchildren. Sunday sewing with my quilting friends. Hope to get a few more blocks completed.

  57. Annie m Perry Avatar
    Annie m Perry

    I plan to ……sew! Just need to catch up block 50, and the bonus , have managed to keep up! I spent a quick second chatting with you in Syracuse at the met up, gosh what wonderful designers all you folks are thank you for your time and talent! I hope you get to do a sew day too!

  58. Karen Cutter Avatar
    Karen Cutter

    I plan to catch up with a few more blocks and now I have lots more printing to do. Thank you so much for your lovely patterns and your blocks look amazing.

  59. Ava Troxler Avatar
    Ava Troxler

    This weekend i will catch up on work work. the job I’m paid to do. I hope to get some time to stitch a block or two of the SS.

  60. Judy Chastain Avatar
    Judy Chastain

    My plans for the weekend are to try to make some headway on my quilt blocks in progress. More cutting.

  61. Liz Dyer Avatar
    Liz Dyer

    I love doing minis, this would be an awesome prize.

  62. Sandy Avatar

    Thanks for your contributions to making the Splendid Sampler such a success. This weekend my Grands are coming to visit so I will be packing up all things sewing so busy little people aren’t enticed. It’s a great way to keep everything sorted out and organized so packing up and putting all my sewing is a good thing! It will all come out again on Sunday once they all head for home again, so I can get started on the Sunday block release.

  63. Liz Dyer Avatar
    Liz Dyer

    My plans for the weekend are to cut out a quilt for my granddaughter, Amberly. With a little luck, I might even get some sewing done on it too.

  64. Melody Lutz Avatar
    Melody Lutz

    Go swimming, make a few blocks for splendid sampler and love up my cat!

  65. Robin McGuire Avatar
    Robin McGuire

    I have some work to do this weekend (preparing college courses for this fall). But I will also find some time to sew! Oh, and watch the Olympics!

  66. Sally Avatar

    This weekend I’ll be cutting out a new quilt, watching the Olympics, going to the farmer’s market, church and meeting with a group of friends. Oh, and it’s Seafair weekend in Seattle, so maybe we’ll see the Blue Angels!

  67. Arlene Froelich Avatar
    Arlene Froelich

    Tomorrow (Sat) I am going to our local Quilt Store to pick up the pattern for the Saturday Sampler we started last Oct. We get a new pattern the first Sat. of each month, then home to start the block I pick up (I am making 3 different color waves of this quilt) plus doing the Aug. quilt square for Pat Sloan’s Secret Garden Quilt ( 2 different color waves of this quilt) Besides quilting I am helping to take down the deck from the back of our house to do a covered concrete patio. Busy weekend for me along with going out to dinner with my husband as we celebrate our 39th Wedding Anniversary on Sat.

  68. Sue Ridgway Avatar
    Sue Ridgway

    Cutting fabric for a mystery quilt. Down at the beach for a few days too.

  69. MaryBeth Little Avatar
    MaryBeth Little

    I plan on doing some slow stitching this weekend and spending time with family.

  70. Karen Poling Avatar
    Karen Poling

    I will be off to visit family members and deliver a baby quilt for a shower next week.

  71. Margaret Avatar

    I’ve been off work for a few weeks caring for my sweetie after surgery. I’ll be making sure everything is ready for me to go back to work–and hopefully getting in a little bit if seeing.

  72. Brenda Avatar

    I plan to do both some selfish sewing and some giving sewing. And have a belated birthday lunch with my good buddy to celebrate both of our birthdays.

  73. Sue Avatar

    This weekend I will golf in the morning then my friend who is learning quilting comes over and we work on Splendid blocks or Row x Row panels. She is learning paper piecing. We have fun! My twin daughters live in Austin and Manchaca Tx!

  74. donna Avatar

    I plan on picking sweet corn to enjoy this weekend, and some to freeze for this winter. then working on some splendid sampler blocks.

  75. Sharee Sayers Avatar
    Sharee Sayers

    I will hopefully get some stitching done after I have done the housework. It is wet, cold and windy weather here in New Zealand so a good weekend for staying indoors and stitching.

  76. Darlene Avatar

    This weekend will be the same as all the rest. Saturday is grocery and laundry day. Sunday morning is church and housework finishing before the Splendid Sampler block is released.

  77. Patti Straub Avatar
    Patti Straub

    After a busy week at work, I plan to play a bit of catch up on my blocks. They are so fun to do and I love looking at everyones posts about their blocks.

  78. Cathy Calloway Avatar
    Cathy Calloway

    I plan to finish up a few splendid sampler blocks, as well as sew the border on a quilt i have almost completed

  79. Tammy wiseman Avatar

    I will be sewing/quilting and dancing

  80. Karen Rochette Avatar
    Karen Rochette

    Love your blocks and thank you so much for the 5 blocks. I love getting to know the designers!

  81. Karyn Low Avatar
    Karyn Low

    This weekend is about sewing, sewing and more sewing….
    Trying to catch up on the blocks but also fitting in time to take a look at all the other blocks uploaded to the Splendid Sampler Facebook page, I love seeing what is being created.

  82. Catherine Remus Avatar
    Catherine Remus

    Oh, I have huge plans for this weekend! I am putting together 4 large shelving units in my “reclaimed” spare room to store all my fabric and craft supplies! I will be able, finally, to get them out of the stacks along 2 walls of my bedroom and into organized “homes” where I can find what I want and pet all the lovely fabric I haven’t seen in eons! Empty nesting is such fun!!

  83. Beth ByersSmall Avatar
    Beth ByersSmall

    This is my first weekend in a couple of months that I am not gone off the grid to our remote camp. I’ll be spending my time weeding the flower beds, working on a few splendid sampler blocks, binding a recently finished quilt and enjoy church services.

  84. Lucie charlebois Avatar
    Lucie charlebois

    I planned to,begin a quilt for our guild to donate to Fort MacMurray and do some gardening and of course finish the 50th block

  85. Gretchen Avatar

    I’m working on splendid sampler blocks and a baby quilt.

  86. Jackie Avatar

    Do Block 50 and then continue hand quilting a vintage hexagon/embroidered quilt I rescued from a garage sale. It had been cut in half so I have put it back together, embroidered it and now quilting. Lots of fabrics from the 70’s back to the 50’s. Thanks for the give away!

  87. Jessica Webeck Avatar
    Jessica Webeck

    This weekend I will be celebrating by nephews first birthday on Saturday and doing a quilting demonstration at Spotlight on Sunday. Hopefully I can squeeze in a baby quilt for my cousin, too! Busy, Busy!

  88. Laurel Avatar

    Tomorrow I’m scheduled for a pedicure! Yippee! Pamper time.
    Sunday it’s back to the garden, trying to finish what I said LAST YEAR was the LAST YEAR I was going to work on!
    Glad you had a nice visit at Calico Gals, one of my faves.

  89. J Miranda Avatar
    J Miranda

    I just returned from a 4-day Quilting Retreat where I finished 2 quilts and 2 tablerunners. So tomorrow I think I will head to the quilt shop to get the fabric needed for another quilt I have partially pieced but ran out of fabric on. Then the rest of the weekend I will spend in my quilt room organizing so I have room to sew.

  90. Sandra DeMers Avatar
    Sandra DeMers

    I am a high school teacher and we go back on Monday, so I am doing a shop hop around New Orleans and Baton Rouge for my last free weekend.

  91. Karen Avatar

    I’m hoping to get more of my Splendid Sampler Blocks finished this weekend….or am I dreaming???

  92. Skye B Avatar
    Skye B

    It’s wet and cold here this weekend, perfect excuse to get into all of my unfinished projects – mostly Christmas and birthday presents, plus playing catchup with the splendid sampler

  93. Brenda Towsley Avatar
    Brenda Towsley

    We have 5 out of our 8 grand children visiting this weekend so no sewing but trying to visit the designers as they are listed on the site.

  94. Gaye Smith Avatar
    Gaye Smith

    This weekend is Shop Hop in South Louisiana. I’m on the road collecting fabrics from the 13 participating shops!

  95. Cecilia Avatar

    I will be watching the Olympics this weekend. My son-in-law is competing. ?

  96. Crystal Avatar

    Thanks for the freebies and this chance to win a place in your club!
    My plans for this weekend – does tonight count?- finishing sewing 2 doll dresses for my girls and my niece, glue some felt flowers together, sew some more doll clothes tomorrow and cut out some blocks for #26 splendid sampler (I am encouraged to get back on track and just have some things cut out and ready to go when I am ready to sew!, Vacation Bible School Church Picnic on Sat., church on Sunday, and finish getting birthday party stuff ready for my son. I hope I can get it all done! Thanks for asking and for sharing your expertise and talents!

  97. Sandy Uhos Avatar
    Sandy Uhos

    I will be celebrating my birthday with my twin brother and family! Thank you very much for the patterns!

  98. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    Laundry unfortunately! We just got back from a great few days in Quebec City patio hopping. And sewing a few quilty gifts for parties next weekend.

  99. Cheryl Avatar

    This weekend I plan on finishing my craft room organizing! Then I can get busy on my Splendid Sampler!

  100. MINDY WOLFE Avatar


  101. Nancy Avatar

    Thank you for the free block tutorials. This weekend I will be working on my garden, sewing some of the Splendid Sampler blocks (I am a little behind) and taking the train into NYC to see my cousin Pete perform with his jazz orchestra at the Blue Note.

  102. Marcie Higgins Avatar

    Well, that’s easy… I plan on quilting! LOL!! What else?

  103. Kathy E. Avatar
    Kathy E.

    Oh, the weekend! We are planning on cleaning out the garage this weekend since the weather is supposed to be “bearable”. Even though tomorrow is our 33rd wedding anniversary, we’ll still be together and getting something done!

  104. Anne Hilgers Avatar
    Anne Hilgers

    I spent today working on my blocks as I am behind on completing the 50. Tomorrow I will pack our RV and Sunday we head out to camp for a few days. We will be camping with some friends and some of us will be working on Activity mats for Alzheimer’s patients. I have made the base for 40 and they will help me finish them. It is an exciting project.

  105. Terri Thomson Avatar
    Terri Thomson

    My plans for the weekend are visiting an amusement park and falling farther behind on the splendid sampler project

  106. Rochelle Price Avatar
    Rochelle Price

    This weekend we head home from a week @Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. I was able to work on all the embroidery blocks fm the splendid sampler so now I’m officially on track! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  107. Marilyn Avatar

    Thank you for the beautiful block patterns.
    This weekend I will be painting and shabbying some furniture for our little preloved furniture shop, as well as doing some more catchups of my Splendid Sampler blocks.

  108. Elisa Avatar

    I will love to win this giveaway! The mini quilt club is awesome! This weekend my plans are to sit down and sew my splendid sampler blocks! I’m a little far behind..specially on those applique and embroidery blocks!

  109. Julie D Avatar
    Julie D

    This weekend I’ll be watching Absolutely Fabulous at the cinema, Sweetie darling!

  110. Beth T. Avatar
    Beth T.

    Thanks so much for the chance to enter. We’ve had a busy (for us) week here, so I’m planning to stay at home, in my flannel pj pants, and quilt and write letters and rest up.

  111. Penny Avatar

    Sewing and Olympic watching.

  112. Debbie Avatar

    I’m making a quick apron for a bridal shower gift, attending said shower, finishing up sewing beads on a wedding dress, making apricot jam, and if there is any day left, dealing with zucchini the size of baseball bats. Tomorrow is a day of rest, thanks heavens.

  113. Vickie Mone Avatar
    Vickie Mone

    hi – thanks so much for your participation in this splendid journey – this weekend I plan on helping my husband with yard work, sewing the binding on a quilt while watching tv (dvr) and cleaning – thanks for asking.

  114. LJ Avatar

    We have my grandson’s 10th birthday dinner tonight – Saturday. I will be attending a ‘social’ at my LQS this morning. Doing a bit of boating tomorrow on the lake. AND, hopefully, getting some sewing done, too.

  115. Debra White Avatar
    Debra White

    My daughter is home from college (starting grad school) and we are visiting my older son in his brand new home.

  116. Karee SOWARDS Avatar

    Grandkiddoes are having a lemonade and mini muffins stand in front of our home. We have invited/bribed our friends to come partake!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  117. Dixie Logoyda Avatar
    Dixie Logoyda

    Will be working on the embroidery blocks for the SS.

  118. Vivian Adams Avatar
    Vivian Adams

    I am enjoying the journey

  119. Michelle M Avatar
    Michelle M

    This weekend I plan to done something fun with the hubby and work on a quilt for my MIL. I’m almost ready to start quilting it, but it looks so good I’m worried I’ll mess it up!

  120. Nicole Rodgers Avatar
    Nicole Rodgers

    My plans for this weekend are to finish packing for our vacation starting next week… including finishing tying and binding a quilt for my in-laws that we are delivering. Our vacation also includes ~50 of the row by row shops, so I’m pretty excited!!!

  121. Amy Love Avatar
    Amy Love

    Excitement for the weekend – some sewing!
    Also concert at Tanglewood in Lenox, MA. Planning to bring some Splendid embroidery to work on.
    Fulfilling a work obligation at a reggae festival with a fun co-worker.
    Thnx For hosting a giveaway!!

  122. Shelly Roberts Avatar
    Shelly Roberts

    So glad to know I’m not the only one behind. Thank you for the block tutorials. Now that the kids are back in school and the 3rd of 4 of the kids birthday parties will be finished this weekend, I might be able to finally start catching up a little bit.

  123. Suzy Roberts Avatar
    Suzy Roberts

    My family is traveling back home from visiting my parents. It’s always sad to leave them and head 12 hours back, but I brought unfinished SS blocks with me to work on!

  124. Darlee Avatar

    This weekend, I’ll be online visiting all the lovely designers on the Top of the Hill Celebrations. Probably no sewing on the SS blocks; but am looking into getting a second sewing machine.

  125. Darlee Avatar

    This weekend, I’ll be online visiting all the lovely designers on the Top of the Hill Celebrations. Probably no sewing on the SS blocks; but am looking into getting a second sewing machine.

  126. Tac Avatar

    This weekend I am taking care of my 1 year old grandson while his mother visits a friend.

  127. Renee Avatar

    I will be visiting the splendid designers, playing with my daughter and going to see a movie this weekend? And making chain blocks

  128. Sally Avatar

    I was at farmers’ market this morning as a vendor with fresh, home-grown produce, baked goods, and sewn items. Later today I’ll be wishing brother #4 (of 5) happy birthday. Tomorrow morning is church, then it’s relax with some sewing.

  129. Susan Brooks Avatar
    Susan Brooks

    This weekend I’m going to start the second notebook for my blocks. I print out all the blocks and put them in a sleeve then into a binder.

  130. Roseanne Avatar

    Hi! I love everything about you and your Aiming For Accuracy! It has really helped me along on my quilting journey. 🙂 my plans for the weekend are to finish clearing out boxes in my house. Pretty sad, I moved here 2 years ago and still going through 15 years worth of stuff. But in the process I have come across a lot of wonderful memories. Keep up the awesome work you do and thank you so much! 🙂

  131. Martina Avatar

    Oh, relaxing in our garden!!! That’s what we will do!

  132. Ann-Marie Bentley Avatar
    Ann-Marie Bentley

    another weekend sitting in the ER with my husband. I spend most days at doctors visits or PT so sewing and embroidery our my stress relievers, thank goodness for small projects I can do on the go.

  133. Donna Swiderski Avatar
    Donna Swiderski

    Catching up on a couple of Splendid blocks is helping me fight a cold this weekend! Thank you for the download!

  134. Shannon Miller Avatar
    Shannon Miller

    This weekend I am visiting my mom and dad. We are having a very nice time. Doing a little embroidery while I’m here, but missing my stash and ready to go back home! Thank you so much for the giveaway as well as all of your work, time and talent for the splendid sampler. We really appreciate all you have done!!

  135. Donna Avatar

    This weekend I am planning to put the binding on a quilt and make some dill pickles.
    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

  136. Judy Avatar

    My plan is to finish the current block for a BOM that I joined and then work on another quilt I am making for my daughter.

  137. Deb Kienow Avatar
    Deb Kienow

    My plans for this weekend are to spend Saturday in Rochester, MN getting a much needed haircut and shopping with my hubby. Sunday is set aside for sewing and laundry. Can’t wait to get back into my sewing room. I am finishing up a quilt I started for a class that I have taught a couple of times, plus a quilt top that has been on my design wall for awhile needs some much needed attention. I just have to sew the blocks together and then get it quilted.

  138. Marian Avatar

    my weekend plans are to watch the Olympics and do some hand stitching on my splendid blocks. Thank you for the free download.

    Regards, Marian (NZ)

  139. Tamara Avatar

    Love the pieced quilt blocks (I’m not an applique fan but I’ll jump right into these blocks!). Unfortunately, sewing is taking a backseat for the next few weeks as I am on summer holidays — first stop, Savannah, Georgia! Happy to return to our honeymoon destination this weekend for the wedding celebration of two dear friends. Not to worry…my sewing machine will still be there when I get back!

  140. Camille Avatar

    A tree came down in a storm so we are working on getting the debris and tree trunk cleaned up. No damage to dwellings or people so sore muscles are our only complaint.

  141. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    Planning on heading to the cabin with the little ones so not much quilting going on there but will catch up on Sunday night! Thanks for all you do.

  142. Renee Avatar

    Spending the weekend at lake house with family, including only grandchild. I plan to let his parents sleep in and play while I chase and hug the 18 month old. I can catch up on SS blocks later!

  143. Sandi Avatar

    This weekend my husband and I were traveling home from FL to NY. We were down visiting my 94 year father. Your blocks are so pretty. Thanks for a chance to win.

  144. Pamela Reim Avatar
    Pamela Reim

    We were having friends over for “heavy” appetizers & cocktails on our deck. Then sunday was a wonderful play in town. Thanks.

  145. Janet Ward Avatar
    Janet Ward

    On Friday afternoon, I prepared the home by cleaning it, and doing laundry, by 6 I was getting supper. Hubs home by 8:30, so we had a very late dinner… Sat. We’were supposed to go watch my least grand daughter in a fishing derby, but there was a death where my husband works, so he had to go in to work to fill in. So I stayed home and caught up on blogs, sewing and straightening my sewing room.
    Sunday was supposed to be church, but hubs was tired, so I got a sew date/ clean sewing room! Got several things accomplished, so I’m content!! And that ” Makes me Happy!!?

  146. Jayme Lane Avatar
    Jayme Lane

    It was the last weekend before I’m really back to school as a teacher. I tried to relax!

  147. Karen Bain Avatar
    Karen Bain

    My plans for the weekend were to catch up on some sewing before my granddaughter starts school. I got a little sidetracked but hope to be done with her wardrobe by the 17th. Once she’s back in school I can get back to work on The Splendid Sampler 😉

  148. CHRISTINE GANT Avatar

    Yummy!!! Mini quilts are my favorite as I don’t have much time for quilting. This way I can have some self gratification of getting something accomplished.
    Thanks for the giveaway…would love your book!

  149. Kima Brisbin Avatar
    Kima Brisbin

    Love the min quilts and thanks for the free blocks

  150. Lynda Lukas Avatar
    Lynda Lukas

    I spent the weekend at the lake, picking up random wi-fi spots to stay in touch with the celebration. I’ve completed all 50 blocks so far, as well as the bonus blocks, and just love this project!

  151. Jeanne Brown Avatar
    Jeanne Brown

    I have had company for six weeks and they are going home this week. I am going to my favorite quilt shop this week end.

  152. snowbaby katz Avatar
    snowbaby katz

    thanks so much for the free patterns to try ~ I appreciate your sharing. Loving the Splendid Sampler blocks. thanks so awfully much

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