For those of you that are members of my Facebook Group, you will already know about the web server issues that have been ongoing since mid-November. YES, just before my physical move.

Let’s just say it’s been FUN *sarcasm*. What started out as a very simple problem, escalated considerably. I won’t bore you with the exact details. Since mid-November, the server has had numerous failures, some of them full outages, and others just components. I had to make the decision to move to another provider and hire a colleague to manage the new server for me.

I don’t WANT to be in the server management business .. I want to be playing with fabric and coming up with awesome things to make for me and you.

So, we’re moving up to a new provider with much better support (i.e. a 100% North American support team, that answers emails in a timely and knowledgeable manner). It means that a lot of my legacy code that runs the various community directories on this site (i.e. bloggers, shops, market and guilds), needs to be rapidly rewritten in a new programming language.

It’s painful .. but it will be SO worth it in the end to be with a company that knows exactly what they are doing and for me to hand-off the actual management to someone that knows what he’s doing too. Really, it’s a huge sense of relief that I’ll no longer have to deal with the problems going forward.

What does it mean for you? Not much actually, except for some patience. I have decided to remove the Quilter’s Market section of this site, it’s not worth me rewriting. Also, quilt shop and guild members will not be able to update their information for a few weeks. I won’t be able to accept new blogs, but that will hopefully be fixed soon.

Additionally, you won’t be able to leave any comments on the blog posts for the next week or so. I’ll turn comments back on once the server transfer has completed. However, if you need to reach me, you can always send an email.

So, while the transition is somewhat painful, I’m really looking forward to the end reward. The site will be MUCH faster to load, and I’ve got lots of new functionality that I’m adding too.

For those looking for the Bright Stars downloadable PDF file, it’ll be available after the server move. Apologies, but the move has turned out to be far more complex than I thought and all of my energies must be focussed on the future. You’ll still have a month to download the free PDF file once it’s available.

Also, our next swap and quilt-along will get started sometime in February. The actual dates for these events has yet to be determined. Again, all of my efforts must be focussed on the server transfer. Once that’s complete, I’ll be able focus on creating stuff!

Please don’t leave any comments on this blog post … they will NOT appear on the new site. I’m pulling the final copy of the blog database once I’ve hit publish.

Love is in the Air

Moving servers costs money … so, if you’re so inclined, here are two quick and super FUN Valentine’s Day inspired patterns that you can purchase:


Love-ly Garden

I’ll chat with you all after the move … cross your fingers that all goes well.

Remember, don’t post any comments on this blog post, as they will be lost!

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