Thanksgiving Quilts

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Back to Nature Back to Nature
By: Rachel Hayes,
Tennessee, USA

This was a block of the month I did in 2010. The colors are so pretty and make me think of fall. It is always the quilt I choose for our bed at Thanksgiving time. I quilted it with a simple feather pantograph on my long arm machine.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 106"

Bonnet Girl's Thanksgiving Bonnet Girl’s Thanksgiving
By: Cheryl Riello,
Connecticut, USA

This quilted wall hanging offers a variety of techniques. The scene is “framed” inside of the border to look three demensional. The figures are made from vintage fabric and lace and appliqued onto the background. Outline stitches are embroidered, embellishments are feathers and mohair.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Crow on the Pumpkin Crow on the Pumpkin
By: Luckypup Quilter,
California, USA

Wool on homespuns. Designed by Lisa Bongean and pattern found in Primitive Quilts Fall 2011 magazine.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 28"

Montana, USA

Thanksgiving Wall Hanging 26″x32″ in shades of autumn colors in leaves and vegetables. Machine pieced and hand stitched in free motion on leaf border; with hand stitching and embroidery work of leaves,pumpkin,squash and the script>HAPPY THANKSGIVING !

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 32"

Pumpkins Pumpkins
By: Quiltfabrication,
California, USA

I love seasonal wall hangings that can span two holidays instead of one. What better than a pumpkin for October and November?

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 25"

Scarecrows just love me! Scarecrows just love me!
By: Natalie ухтышка,
Tennessee, USA

This quilt was fun to make, working on the back porch during warm fall days. I was trying to improve my skills in several techniques at a time: hand embroidery (acorns and berries), applique, fusible bias (stems), stippling, joining curved lines, different color of binding, according to background.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 46"

Shades of Autumn Runner Shades of Autumn Runner
By: Diantha Howard,
Vermont, USA

I started doing machine applique and enjoyed it a lot. I found this pattern in Quilters World Oct. 2010 issue – designed by Carolyn Vagts, and loved it. (I made it a little smaller than the magazine, as our table is not very long.) It will be the center of our Thanksgiving table.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 39"

talkin turkey talkin turkey
By: vandy,
Ohio, USA

My quilt guild had a class to make this quilt but i thought it would be awesome as a door hanging for Thanksgiving.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 55"

Thankgsgiving Runner Thankgsgiving Runner
By: Linette Greene,
Montana, USA

I made this simple runner for part of a raffle prize for our employee council. It is mostly batiks.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 31"

Thanksgiving Blessings Thanksgiving Blessings
By: Sandi Andersen,
Minnesota, USA

This is one of twelve small quilts that I made in the year 2000…….one for each month. I thought of that old hymn “Count your blessings” when I wrote the poem for this quilt. Truly, even one blessing is better than none!

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 28"

Thanksgiving pumpkin Thanksgiving pumpkin
By: Sandy Lynch,
Maryland, USA

This is one of the first quilts I made. It is a Thimbleberries pattern/kit. I pieced the top and had the quilting done professionally and we used flannel for the backing, so very nice to cuddle with on a cold night. This one is usually out through Thanksgiving.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"

Thanksgiving Table Runner Thanksgiving Table Runner
By: Christine @ Quilter’s Diary,
California, USA

I inherited the center star block from a 95-year-old quilter who died with a lot of unfinished projects. I surrounded the star block with 2-1/2″ strips, which I sewed on using a quilt-as-you-go method. It took less than a day!

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 60"

Tom the Turkey Tom the Turkey
By: PugMom Quilts!,
Massachusetts, USA

I made this quilt a really long time ago, so unfortunately its story is long forgotten. I think it was a kit. I added the turkey border print.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Turkey Day in Holland Turkey Day in Holland
By: KC,
Texas, USA

Our friend was going to Holland to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughter & son-in-love and wanted to bring a little of “home” with her…so she asked to make something for their table. This was one of my very first quilted projects..tablerunner & 4 placemats.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 36"

Turkey Time Turkey Time
By: Paulette Elliott,
Missouri, USA

This was a learn to quilt kit purchased at Jo Ann’s.
This was my second quilt project. Not perfect by any means. I enjoyed making the flying geese blocks. I added the ribbon and bows for accent.

Quilt size: width: 12.5" height: 24.5"

Twice Blessed Twice Blessed
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

Two table runners made for dear friends using a border stripe in two different ways!

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 40"

Well Somebody Has To Do It Well Somebody Has To Do It
By: kbo,
California, USA

Sunbonnet Sue swings the Axe. Hand and machine applique. Original Design

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 18"

With all things give thanks With all things give thanks
By: Robin Puma,
Florida, USA

Quilt made from a Kimberbell Designs pattern as a shop display for Buttonwood Quilts.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Zig Zag Thanksgiving table runner Zig Zag Thanksgiving table runner
By: Kristen Helton,
New York, USA

My little coffee table looked so bare and I knew it needed a little runner to help it look better!! Since its Thanksgiving time I went thru my scraps and whipped up this cute little runner (design is not mine I found online). I can’t wait to make one for all the different holidays!!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 11"

75 responses to “Thanksgiving Quilts”

  1. Ronnie Avatar

    Love the blue/green combo! It would make a beautiful table runner or placemats!

  2. Sally Wright Avatar

    I love the blue sky gradient and would love to use it in a landscape quilt.

  3. Yvonne Avatar

    Really like the orange/green combination. Pendleton. Theses are perfect for autumn projects. My favourite time of year. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  4. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    What a hard choice! El Sol, Thrive, Green Blues….they are all so pretty. I guess I would have to choose Thrive. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    Summer sunset. It reminds me of my kid’s school colors.

  6. Sophie Avatar

    I would use Canyon Blaze in a landscape quilt. The sunsets around here in winter predominately feature those colors.

  7. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    Meadow Sunrise is my favorite gradient. I’d make a table topper. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. Teri powers Avatar
    Teri powers

    Wow. Lots of pretty fabric. Love the yellow red blue one. Would be great in any quilt

  9. Nancy Avatar

    I like the morning glory gradient.

  10. Carla Finley Avatar
    Carla Finley

    Sunset is pretty but they all are.

  11. Diantha Howard Avatar
    Diantha Howard

    They are all so nice. I guess my favorite is the Emerald Isle. It would look good in so many projects.

  12. missmoozie Avatar

    Such great color combos! I’d love to make a runner with Red Dawn. Thanks for a chance to win.


  13. usairdoll Avatar

    Great eye candy! I love to appliqué and all these fabrics would be great! Would love to make flowers for an applique project using Morning Glory.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  14. Judy Avatar

    I think I like Sundance the best. What would I do with it? Fondle it! Later I might cut it up…

  15. Debbie St. Germain Avatar

    I have a pattern for a falling leaves runner and I would love to do one in hand dyed fabrics. I think the Navajo gradient would be perfect for it.


  16. Evie C Avatar
    Evie C

    They are all so beautiful, but if I had to choose it would probably be the Navaho and I would really hate to cut it up, so I don’t know what kind of project it would go into.

  17. kbo Avatar

    I chose the black gradient. I could use it in many art projects.

  18. Suzanne McFadden Avatar
    Suzanne McFadden

    I really like the Canyon Blaze, but they’re all beautiful.

  19. Béatrice Avatar

    Sea & sky, I could use in landscape quilt.

  20. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    I really like the Hand Dyed Fabric – Abundance – Gradient. All the shades are so beautiful!

  21. Elaine Avatar

    Wow, beautiful colors! I would choose cotton candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. ritainalaska Avatar

    thrive stash pack is just right! would love to win this! thanx for the chance to.

  23. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    Mangroves is my favorite. Not sure what I would use it in right now but definitely would work its way into a few quilts. Thanks

  24. Lee Avatar

    I love the Fir Forrest gradient! Super Thanksgiving quilts! thank you!

  25. Sandra Visser Avatar
    Sandra Visser

    It is so hard to pick one. I would get the most use out of Woodland though. I do a lot of applique and can just see the leaves.

  26. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    There are so many I like, I would choose Paradise.

  27. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    I don’t know yet what I would use it in but I love Beach Walk.

  28. Chantal L Avatar
    Chantal L

    Beautiful gradient! Would love Navajo for me and Twilight for my son. So many quilts are popping up in my head. Thanks for the chance to win.

  29. Tammy Avatar

    Love the rocky road gradient. Would add this to fabric I am collecting to do a Dresden with.

  30. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    Twilight is gorgeous… But it was a tough choice!

  31. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    I can see the “Woodlands” fabric working beautifully in
    a” One Block Wonder” wall hanging.

  32. Regina DeMatteo Avatar

    My favorite is Abundance – Gradient and it is too beautiful to cut so I would probably just hold it, fondle it and love it. But it would make a great pillow.

  33. Barb C in WA Avatar
    Barb C in WA

    The Southwest gradient is the perfect background for a beach scene that I designed several years ago.

  34. Annmarie Avatar

    Green is my favorite color so I’m loving Vicki’s Pine Forest gradient. I’d love to use it in a wall quilt as a green forest background.

  35. Terry Avatar

    The Solar Flare is my favorite…I’d use it for a table topper. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  36. lea anne brummett Avatar

    I’m in love with “Blue Sky”. I’ve designed an applique BOM quilt with blue birds. It would make the cutest birds!

  37. Becca Avatar

    My favorite is Warkton Lane. Dark and somber. Perfect for this time of year. Great quilts this week, as always, it was difficult to pick my favorites.

  38. JanH Avatar

    Nebula! Nebula! Nebula!

    I am a sucker for a good purples. Love her fabrics!

  39. Heather Avatar

    its a tie between Navajo and Solar Flare. both are gorgeous.

  40. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    I think they are all stunning. Since you only want one, I think Red Dawn. Thanks.

  41. toni Avatar

    This is such a lovely assortmrnt of quilts to view. Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope to push and have a star quilt top pieced together to enter on time… if I were to win I’d attempt to do one of the Ricky Timm (Colorado)quilt techniques I’ve been admiring in his book which I bought long ago….

  42. kris Avatar

    Nebula, natch!

  43. Claire Alexander Avatar

    I would choose the blue gradient called Paradise. I am still planning my Ocean quilt and it would go nicely into the mix.

  44. barbara corbitt Avatar
    barbara corbitt

    i love them all but morning glory is one of my favorites. i only make charity quilts, but i think i would have to be greedy and keep this for me. thank you for a special giveaway

  45. Eileen Zito Avatar
    Eileen Zito

    Love the blues in Paradise. Would use in a quilt for my son.

  46. Cindy Dahlgren Avatar
    Cindy Dahlgren

    I really love the fabric in the giveaway this week. It’s so versatile.

  47. KatieQ Avatar

    I really like the Coming Home Gradient. We live near the ocean and it would be great to make a beach landscape wall hanging using the fabric.

  48. Sheila Avatar

    I would love the autumn Colors , gorgeous fabrics . Thanks for the chance ,

  49. Karen H Avatar

    Navajo is gorgeous – heck they are all gorgeous and I would be happy with any of them!

  50. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    The gradients are all so pretty, it is hard to choose. I like under the Sea purple to aqua, since blues are my favorite colors. I have a table topper in mind.

  51. Nancy Salmons Avatar
    Nancy Salmons

    Love them all! Tend to go for the fall colors but am trying to branch out.

  52. Jonatha A. Johnson Avatar
    Jonatha A. Johnson

    I would select Canyon Blaze and the Red Gradients if I win, because I’ve been working on an Autumn quilt, and those reds blending into purple and other shades of autumn would be just ideal to burnish off my Maple leaves.

  53. Patty Avatar

    This makes me want to make myself a Thanksgiving quilt. I love them.

  54. Tamara Avatar

    Sundance gives me a happy feeling. I would use it in my rainbow quilt that I am planning. All the colors are beautiful!

  55. Debbie Avatar

    Sundance is my favorite and I might use it for a border of a paper pieced miniature.

  56. nancy k Avatar
    nancy k

    I love the Autumn stash!

  57. Carol Avatar

    I really like the Autumn Stash. I can see placemats or a table runner. Of the gradients, I think Pendleton grabs my attention the most. All the fabrics are beautiful!

  58. Sally Manke Avatar

    I like Leafy Greens and Grape Jelly. They would be great for an art quilt of Venita, Italy that’s on my idea list.

  59. Susan Avatar

    They’re all beautiful! I’d probably go towards blue and do a oceanscape wall hanging. Thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Pam Avatar

    They are all pretty but I do like the Red Sunset fabric.

  61. mariajose Avatar

    !Me encanta el otoño y las calabazas!!

  62. Gill Avatar

    I like Morning Glory – it would make a great topper!

  63. Linda McCoy Avatar
    Linda McCoy

    Beautiful, beautiful colors! I’m collecting blues for an ocean themed quilt. With that in mind, I like the Under the Sea best!

  64. Linda Webster Avatar
    Linda Webster

    The gradients are so beautiful. My favourite is Beach Walk.

  65. bobbiesews Avatar

    I’d love the purple or blue/greens from above but her gradient I choose from her site would be Morning Glory or Emerald City. I think it’d be great in a Trip Around World or Seminole style patchwork. Yum,Yum.

  66. June Griepp Avatar
    June Griepp

    I would choose the Sea and Sky blue gradient. Perfect for a design from Cheryl Phillips Fiber Art book Quilts Without Corners.

  67. Pat H. Avatar
    Pat H.

    Pendleton – Gradient is beautiful. It reminds me of my favorite fall colors. I have a fall colors quilt begging to be. I have been collecting fabric and waiting for the pattern that says Me pick Me I’m perfect. The guild challenge is “In the Forest” and it could work for that as well.

  68. Maks Avatar

    Love all the colors but the Black Gradient is so beautiful. I would have to put it on the design wall to look at it for quite a while before cutting.

  69. Maria Call Avatar
    Maria Call

    Red Dawn is my favorite, and I’d use it in a two-fabric bargello quilt OR in a landscape quilt that shows an Arizona sunrise.

  70. Kathy Smith Avatar
    Kathy Smith

    Tough choice for me as I like Coming Home and Rappahannock Sunset. They are bold and just what I’m looking for in sunset type fabrics.

  71. DebV Avatar

    What beautiful fabric. Great quilts. Thanks for the chance to win. Tough choice on colors. I like Zoisite

  72. Julie in GA Avatar

    Vicki’s fabrics are all so gorgeous! Right now I would choose the Woodlands gradient.

  73. vandy linhart Avatar
    vandy linhart

    they are all so pretty

  74. susana Avatar

    Rojo atardecer, pero los tejidos de son todos bellos.

  75. Teri Avatar

    My favorite is “Reunion” — and I think I’d have to make that my focus fabric for a high school reunion signature quilt I’m making for next year. They’re all lovely, though, so it was a hard pick!

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