Thanksgiving/Gratitude Quilts

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Be Grateful Be Grateful
Kentucky, USA

This is one of 12 monthly wallhangings from Nancy Halvorsen that I made for my sister’s housewarming gift. The “berries” are antique buttons from our grandmother’s button jar. This is one of my favorites and reminds me the importance of gratitude in my life!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 14"

Charlotte in the Pumpking Patch Charlotte in the Pumpking Patch
By: M-R Charbonneau,
Ontario, Canada

I love how pumpkins can come in different shapes and sizes (and colours!), and wanted to show some of that variety in a wallhanging for Thanksgiving (and Halloween). It’s quilted with pumpkins, cobwebs and leaves, hence the name Charlotte (Charlotte’s Web) in the Pumpkin Patch.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 33"

Cheryl McLaughlin Cheryl McLaughlin
By: Cheryl McLaughlin,
Pennsylvania, USA

8 years ago, we spent time in Oct. & Nov. in S. Carolina. I missed the fall colors of home, so I made a fall themed wall hanging and Thanksgiving table runners. At least at my sewing table there, I was surrounded by fall colors! That runner always brings back pleasant memories of that trip.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 13"

Dresden Turkey Hanging Dresden Turkey Hanging
By: Nancy Myers,
Michigan, USA

I was trying the AccuCut at the quilt store. I cut some Dresden fan blades but wanted to sew something other than a fan. I made feathers, a yo-yo body and 3-D stuffed head. It is a small Thanksgiving wallhanging.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 17"

For These I Give thanks For These I Give thanks
By: Terry Anderson,
Idaho, USA

When I saw this pattern years ago from Bare Roots, I had to make it. I hired one of my daughters to do the embroidery and then I pieced and hand-quilted it. Now we take turns hanging in in our homes. We love it!

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"

Give Thanks Give Thanks
By: Patricia Moffitt,
Alaska, USA

I wanted to use both of the panels in one wall hanging, but the only patterns were only for one, so I made my own arrangement. I always have liked this star pattern.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 44"

By: Linda Douglas,
Montana, USA

Thanksgiving Wall Hanging of autumn colors machine pieced and machined stitched,hand stitched and some applique work with free motion border finishes an attractive Thanksgiving Mini Quilt.

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 32"

Off to the Pumpkin Patch Off to the Pumpkin Patch
By: Christie,
New York, USA

It all started with a call for entry for fall themed art display we will be putting together at work. I have had a pumpkin quilt in my head for a long time, so it seemed perfect. It’s a whole cloth quilt that has been quilted and then painted. A lot of firsts for me and I so enjoyed it!

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 21"

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