Several years ago I participated in a Christmas paper-piecing exchange. Each person was responsible for completing 12 blocks, 11 of which were then sent to a coordinator, who in turn sent you back 11 blocks that others completed. I assembled the blocks into this small wall hanging. My block is the Christmas ornament, third row…
I started this quilt several years ago, but wasn’t happy with the results, so I put it away, out of sight. In the meantime, I purchased a new sewing machine, Janome, to replace my Singer that would eat my fabric, and make nothing but a mess. I dug this project out last summer and after…
I made this appliqued wall hanging with beading for my niece’s first birthday.
I made this banner several years ago using 1″ squares, which finished at just under 0.5″ each.
A rather unusual wall hanging I made for myself. I’m not sure what I was going for, but I don’t think the end result was what I had in mind originally. hehe Oh well, it used up the extra fabric left over from making my bed quilt.
A pre-printed wall hanging I made. One of the few pieces I’ve hand quilted. It’s not really my thing, but who knows, maybe I’ll try it again one day.
A simple nine-patch and appliqued heart wall hanging that I made for my folks many years ago.
A pre-printed snowmen wall hanging I made for my mom.
I purchased a panel of flower prints, cut them all up and sewed them back together to create this wall hanging.
I made my first stitch and flip quilt back in 1998/99. I immediately fell in love with the technique and have made, so far, three of these quilts. I kept the first one for myself (pictured), one went to my folks and another went overseas to England. I have tonnes of squares completed for a…