In today’s Learning Center post on Quilting History, I have four fabulous guests sharing their stories, photos and expertise. Also, we’re giving away two copies of the digital scrap booking software, MyMemories.
Since its establishment in 1994, the Massachusetts Quilt Documentation Project (MassQuilts) has documented over 6,000 quilts originating or currently owned in this state. This summer, many historically significant or esthetically appealing quilts documented by MassQuilts will be on display at the New England Quilt Museum in an exhibit entitled, Massachusetts Quilts: Our Common Wealth. The…
The Women’s Historical Fiction Challenge E-Book is complete and available for download.
What a truly wonderful story this is, The centenarian quilter. Emily Harrell has been quilting since she was 8, and she’s now 100. I’m sure we could all learn a few tricks from her. Found via Twitter by @konabayfabrics.
As a fundraiser for The Quilters Hall of Fame July 2009 induction ceremonies of Merikay Waldvogel, Kim Wulfert from Women On Quilts is sponsoring an invitation to women to write a creative story about growing up as a female, between 1902 and 1942 in the US. In 750-1000 words, your story will have as the…
I hadn’t given quilts much thought until I was a young adult and my mother gave me a quilt wrapped tightly in plastic. It was a variation of a nine patch quilt. She told me my great grandmother Hanna Balster had made it for me. Hanna had made one for each of her future great…
Continuing with our Quilting History post last week, here’s another great site, with wonderful photos, and 181 interviews with quilters. Quilts and Quiltmaking in America showcases materials from two American Folklife Center collections, the Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project Collection (1978) and the “All-American Quilt Contest” sponsored by Coming Home, a division of Lands’ End,…
I had a lovely email this weekend from Judy Anne Breneman sharing with me her Quilting History web sites. I had a great time exploring these sites. Patterns from History Womenfolk: The Art of Quilting Patches from the Past While exploring, I came across this document entitled, A Collection of Notes on the Historical Aspects…