Tag: Holidays

  • Here’s a great idea for hand-made Christmas cards with free template patterns and excellent how-to instructions included. I love the multiple layers, and the use of cross-stitch fabric in the background… I think I have a package somewhere. I love to receive hand-made cards, but haven’t made very many myself (ok, I’ve made one). I’m…

  • Here’s a great way to use up some of those string pieces of holiday fabric and make a lovely Christmas Tree Skirt. Once the piece is sewn together and quilted, you’ll cut a circle opening for the tree, and bind. As always, Amandajean’s instructions and photos used in this tutorial are excellent.

  • Just in time for Halloween, is this cute Pumpkin Mini Quilt created by Phyllis Dobbs. Add some ric rac, buttons and beads and it’s sure to delight all. Finishes at 9 1/2″ square.

  • Here is a great video by Eleanor Burns where she shows how to make her crazy quilt and strip stockings. It’s a great way to use up scraps and have fun experimenting with the various stitches on your machine. Here’s a link to the free Quilt in a Day patterns page, you’ll have to scroll…

  • October Treats

    Want a quick and easy project for Halloween? Check out Pat Sloan’s, October Treats. What a great way to dress up a classroom or your office, or perfect for hanging on your front door. They finish at 14″ x 24″. For all my Canadian friends, please don’t forget to vote … and vote smart!

  • Living in the Nation’s capital for the past 6+ years, Canada Day has become my most favourite day of the year. It starts pretty early in the morning, and lasts well into the early hours of the next day, sometimes with a nap in the afternoon to keep me going. The city buzzes with energy…

  • Several years ago I participated in a Christmas paper-piecing exchange. Each person was responsible for completing 12 blocks, 11 of which were then sent to a coordinator, who in turn sent you back 11 blocks that others completed. I assembled the blocks into this small wall hanging. My block is the Christmas ornament, third row…

  • Here is a a quilted Halloween Trick or Treat Bag I made earlier this year for my niece, Lucy.