Ah, Valentine’s Day! A day for candy and cupids, hearts and flowers, dreams come true, and love that never ends. How romantic! But, wait… Is that the music of violins I hear? Or the skeptical guffaws of those who know that the road to the land of happily-ever-after is full of potholes? Well, the skeptics…
Greetings Everyone! My name is Ebony Love, and I am the owner & artist of LoveBug Studios. I started my business about 4 years ago, and focus on custom quilts and other items. I really love trying out new techniques, one of which is my topic for today. I have also started blogging recently, which…
My name is Patricia Winter and I live in Indiana near the Dunes of Lake Michigan where I gather mermaid tears (sea glass) and inspiration for my work. I am a crazy quilt addict and enjoy stitching in my garden every chance I get. I have always been crafty and since childhood, I’ve collected old…
My name is Carin Vogelzang and I am so excited and thankful to Michele for the opportunity to blog today and share a small glimpse into my quilting world. I have the privilege of being the founder and co-director of Margaret’s Hope Chest (MHC), a quilting non-profit organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Since April…
Please join me in welcoming another Guest Blogger to the Quilting Gallery. If you’re interested in being a Guest Blogger, just drop me an email to discuss. By Tracey “Halyma” Vibert With everything that is going on these days, the busy, the frantic, the chaos, I find that I can get happily lost in my…
Check out this absolutely gorgeous doll quilt that I won from Trisha at TLC Stitches. It’s truly beautiful! I’ve has found the perfect place for it in my bedroom. Thank you Trisha for such a wonderful gift. Robyn from Daisy Quilts gave me a Wylde Woman Award for inspiration. She wrote: You inspire me for…
Beth over at Simply Sewn is having a big box give-away. Here’s some wonderful Moda Marbles that she’s including in the box. Good luck!
I’m pleased to announce that in just over three weeks, we’ve reached a thousand (and one) Quilting Bloggers, representing 34 countries, 49 US States, and 5 Canadian provinces. WOW! Here are the winners of the Reach a Thousand Contest. Registrant #1053 – June 17, 2008 Lil – Addicted Luxembourg Registrant #802 – June 6, 2008…
After reading Alice’s comment, I remembered that I have a stack of Quilting Gallery business cards that I would like to get rid of, so I can order some new ones next month. If anyone would like some cards to distribute at quilt guild meetings or other such events, I’d be more than happy to…
We Did It… We Reached a Thousand! Have you seen how many Quilting Bloggers there are now in the directory? As of this writing, 848, which means we need only 152 more to reach the end of June goal of a thousand. I have been overwhelmed with the many kind words that have been sent…