Summertime Fun Quilts

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  • Total countries: 5
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A Summer Day A Summer Day
By: Shari,

Made as a guild challenge quilt. Raw edge appliqué. Adapted from a free design by Aneela Hooley.

Quilt size: width: 8" height: 8"

Arizona Summer Arizona Summer
By: Sally,
Arizona, USA

Pattern, Dessert Time, from Eleanor Burns was supposed to be from a layer cake and jelly roll but I couldn’t afford them so cut my own from stash. I quilted a fancy star in the Center after changing the layout to a modified ‘Barn Raising’. All the yellows, oranges and brown turned out very Hot, he

Quilt size: width: 69" height: 84"

Bij Moeke Mieke Bij Moeke Mieke
By: Jo,

In Dutch “bij” is a bee, and with, moeke is mom, Mieke is the name of the receiver, Mieke has two grandsons and loves bees, happy receiver, thanks for looking

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Buttonwood Americana Buttonwood Americana
By: Lynn Wilder,
California, USA

What could signify summer more than red, white and blue with a little yellow thrown in! The baskets are just waiting to be filled with fresh summer fruit or flowers.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Chili Rounder Chili Rounder
By: Daryl Perry,
New Mexico, USA

My friend Pam Wolf designed this Chili Rounder pattern a few years ago, which is like a table runner only for round tables. I was her pattern tester for the pattern. It’s a fun & colorful quilt & my husband’s favorite. Here in New Mexico chile roasting season starts in late July.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Crazy Patchwork : Sun, Sea, Sand & Sky Crazy Patchwork : Sun, Sea, Sand & Sky
By: Sue Trevor,
United Kingdom

Crazy Patchwork Quilt.

This Quilt although miniature in size is packed full of tiny embroidery stitches, buttons and beads,

This quilt was worked on whilst on holiday in St Ives, Cornwall

The thumbnail photo really doesn’t do it any justice, please visit my blog to see it in much more deta

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Did Someone Say Picnic? Did Someone Say Picnic?
By: Janet / What Comes Next?,
British Columbia, Canada

Made for an online Flickr swap which had a Summertime / BBQ theme. I found a FQ of some ants at a picnic and was inspired! Tablecloth is woven, ants are fused raw edge applique, and quilting is free motion.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Flip Flops Flip Flops
By: Barbara Stanbro,
Oregon, USA

This is a fused applique quilt. The thongs on the flip flops are 3-D and made with ribbons with a flip flop button at the toe. It is free motion quilted. The back features a flip flop fabric.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Gypsy Gypsy
By: Diamant,

Student granddaughter likes to wrap up in quilts when studying. Gypsy is a reminder of a lazy summer day of sun, sand and surf.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Hocuspocusville Hocuspocusville
By: Debbie,
California, USA

Hocuspocusville is a Crabapple Hill pattern two years in the making. Hand embroidered, machine pieced and quilted by myself. Heat backed Swaravski crystals are attached to highlight the details of the adorable spooky houses. I was born on Halloween eve and this quilt will hang in my house October.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"

Let's Go Fly a Kite Let’s Go Fly a Kite
By: Kim at Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

Using just 50 rectangles and cutting them, fusing them, and quilting them, a kite was formed. This quilt formed itself – I started to put things together and all of a sudden I looked at what was happening and thought, “Oh, it’s a kite!” I wove wire with ribbon to create a flexible, formable tail.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 20"

lotus flowers lotus flowers
By: beaquilter,
North Carolina, USA

this was a pattern in a magazine I modified, made the blocks smaller and added applique on the borders.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

MaCowCowA MaCowCowA
By: Nellie,
Michigan, USA

I used a “wonky” perspective to portray this 3-story barn of a cottage that has a cow theme. My intent was to convey the summer fun atmosphere that pervades with a fairly constant stream of family and friends visiting us and the beach. We have a lot of fun, camaraderie, good food, creative projects.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 27"

MuMu-Bijoux MuMu-Bijoux
By: Krista – Poppyprint,
British Columbia, Canada

Here are free-pieced ladies modeling their beach MuuMuu’s. There are sea creatures quilted into the background for my children to “eye spy” and I wrote a story on the label about MuuMuu-Bijoux frolicking in the surf with her galpals. My late MIL made a new muumuu for every Hawaiian vacation.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 45"

My Garden My Garden
By: Sheila,
Nova Scotia, Canada

This was a BOM from Debbie Mumm in 2007 I believe , I used scraps from my stash to make this quilt and I love it. It was machine quilted .

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 57"

Night bubbles Night bubbles
By: Jessica- Craftypickle,
Oregon, USA

This was the “reject” DQS#9 (9/2010) that I kept. I finished quilting it in March and I do not reject it any longer. I love the combo of embroidery/piecing/applique.

Quilt size: width: 21.5" height: 18"

sailing sailing
By: grace thorne,
Maine, USA

in 2000 i was homeless living in shelters. all my quilty stuff was in storage but i was desperate to sew for comfort, for escape and to quench my creative muse. i went to a quilt shop, picked up some fabric and notions and made this piece, one of my faves to this day.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 30"

Seven Scenes of Summer Seven Scenes of Summer
By: Rosmarinus Designs,
Virginia, USA

This quilt came about from a row-by-row that I did with my bee. When designing the layout, lots of pink and green, alligators all over the argyle background, the striped grosgrain ribbon all reminded me of my high school summer years. Most of the bee were Pentagon wives, hence the unusual layout.

Quilt size: width: 107" height: 100"

Summer Love Pop Summer Love Pop
By: Cynthia F,
British Columbia, Canada

A cute little mug rug for summertime fun! Cold lemonade anyone?

Quilt size: width: 7.25" height: 8.5"

Summer Quilt for Grace Summer Quilt for Grace
By: Leah,
British Columbia, Canada

This quilt reminds me of a summer picnic.

It was made by my kids (age 5, 8, 10) for my cousin’s baby who was born last summer.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Summer Sudoku Summer Sudoku
By: Debbie Grifka,
Michigan, USA

This was such a fun quilt to make – summery fabrics in a sudoku grid plus wavy bias and appliqued dots 🙂 Pattern available – see my blog for links to my shops.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Summertime Fairys Summertime Fairys
By: Shirley Bartee,
Oklahoma, USA

A fun summer quilt made for my grandaughter. Hatched in Africa designs machine appliqued. Machine quilted. A fun one to do that I hope to make for my next grandaughter. I actually giggled when makeing the blocks they are so cute.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 80"

Wake Up and Let the Stress Begin Wake Up and Let the Stress Begin
By: Rosmarinus Designs,
Virginia, USA

The motto Wake Up and Let the Stress Begin really spoke to me as a mother of teenagers to get out of the house in the AM!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

One response to “Summertime Fun Quilts”

  1. Nellie Durand Avatar

    What a lot of FUN quilts! Thanks for giving us 3 votes. It would be really hard to choose just one.

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