Story Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 11
  • Total countries: 4
  • Total provinces: 1
  • Total states: 8

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Aaron's Nursery Rhyme Quilt Aaron’s Nursery Rhyme Quilt
By: Wanda Robinson, Oklahoma, USA

It began 18 yrs ago. Took 2 years to find the right inspiration for my nephew. Since my dear sis-in-law (his mom) is a quilter I wanted it to be just perfect. Finished for his 18th b-day June 16th! All hand quilted and appliqued. Hardest part was taking a decent photo. Do you recognize the stories?

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 57"

Cherry Mash Meets Sun Bonnet Sue Cherry Mash Meets Sun Bonnet Sue
By: Reeze Hanson, Kansas, USA

The quilt was the result of a guild challenge where a candy bar had to be the inspiration for a quilt. I got a Cherry Mash. Never having eaten one, I bit into it and nearly gagged from the sickenly sweet confection. So I asked Sunbonnet Sue how cherries could have gone so wrong and she showed me.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 48"

Cinderella Cinderella
By: Calicojoan, Colorado, USA

Cinderella was one of my favorite stories when I was growing up. I was thrilled to find this wonderful pattern online and had to stitch it up as soon as I saw it.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 24"

Go Fly a Kite Go Fly a Kite
By: Penny Globe, Ontario, Canada

I made this for my three great nephews in the Maritimes. I love doing story quilts they keep you smiling throughout the whole process. This was hand appliqued and hand quilted in 2007.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 50"

Kindergarten's Quiltmaker's Gift Kindergarten’s Quiltmaker’s Gift
By: Janet Brady, New Jersey, USA

I made this quilt after reading The Quiltmaker’s Gift to the kindergarten class that my daughter teaches. I did a class quilt project with the students and thought it would be fun to have an actual quilt that went with the story to use the following year.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

My Kiddo Growing up My Kiddo Growing up
By: Shruti, India

When I decided to make a quilt for my son, now 3, I was wondering what should I do. Then the idea of making a quilt with all his treasured clothes struck me. I got together all his ‘special’ clothes and made them into this attractive quilt. Every piece is special and has a memory associated with it.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Story Time Story Time
By: Dolores, Kentucky, USA

This is a small applique piece. It is very special to me because it represents all the times I snuggled with one of my children and we read stories together. The tiny drawing hanging on the wall was a transfer of my daughters drawing.

Quilt size: width: 12.5" height: 12.5"

The Littlest Reader The Littlest Reader
By: Charlotte Rockne, Washington, USA

The quilt is from Wierzbicki’s pattern “Storytime Readers.” Each block is designed to represent one of my family members. The quilt was made for our youngest granddaughter who is shown reading her favorite book, The Hungry Caterpiller. I hand appliqued it. It was quilted by Joyce Trees.

Quilt size: width: 57" height: 65"

There's One in Every Crowd: for Max There’s One in Every Crowd: for Max
By: Teri D. Springer, Michigan, USA

Birds on a wire all sit facing the same direction MOST of the time; in every group of young men there is always ONE who just has to “show off”….this quilt is the result of two photos showing just these two events and how they came together in my chaotic brain….

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 50"

Wee Village Wee Village
By: sheila Craigie, Australia

I love all things of fantasy.
This portrays all the stories I love Frogs (one with each house, dragons, castles, wonky houses, caves, hidey holes. In fact all things that exist in my imagintion.
Pattern of houses taken from Margot of The Wee Village, which was an Online BOM pattern.

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 51"

What we do with Dad What we do with Dad
By: marythemom, Alabama, USA

This quilt was made for my neighbor who is deployed. His girls illustrated all the many things that they do with their Dad and their pictures were used to quilt the quilt. The opposite side is a montage of fabrics that reflect who he is as a man, husband, dad and solider.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"

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