Star Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 33
  • Total countries: 5
  • Total provinces: 6
  • Total states: 14

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A Pound of Stars A Pound of Stars
By: Karen H,
Ontario, Canada

In the late 1970s I was a beginner quilter living in the middle of nowhere! I bought a pound of scraps by mail order as well as some white sheeting and made this quilt. It is entirely pieced (English paper piecing) and hand quilted. It remains one of my favourite quilts!

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 80"

Batik Mystery Batik Mystery
By: Carol Johnston,
Idaho, USA

The pattern for this Queen Quilt – Batik Mystery is from Quiltmaker magazine, where it was presented over a few month’s time as a mystery pattern. All the fabrics I used are batiks, including the backing. I added the pieced piano-key border and the outside border to increase the size of the piece.

Quilt size: width: 81" height: 90"

Batik Stars Batik Stars
By: Cynthia Zoller,
New Hampshire, USA

Scrappy batik stars made in soft jewel-toned fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Beka's and Zack's Wedding Quilt - August 2013 Beka’s and Zack’s Wedding Quilt – August 2013
By: Alison Saunders,
Missouri, USA

In March 2013, I selected the pattern “Starburst” by Pleasant Valley. My sister thought I was crazy as I never pieced a quilt before. She showed me how to make HSTs and QSTs but it was the A4A quilt with Michelle Foster that honed my skills to finish it. Thank you both. It is loved by both of them.

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 126"

Berry Blitz Berry Blitz
By: Cynthia Brunz Designs,
Oregon, USA

The pattern for this quilt was part of a quilt-a-long with Melissa over at Happy Quilting. Her pattern is called Star Surround. I made mine a bit scrappier than the pattern. It is one of my all time favorite quilts so far!

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"

Dashing Stars Dashing Stars
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

Christmas lap quilt made with Stonehenge fabric for my dear friend’s Christmas wonderful that she creates at her home every year.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 55"

Diamond Star Layer Cake Quilt Diamond Star Layer Cake Quilt
By: Diamond Star Layer Cake Quilt,
Utah, USA

This cute quilt was my own design. I made it using half of a Cuzco Layer Cake and 2 yards of red fabric. It was a design I stumbled on while playing with the alignment of the half-square triangle units I used to assemble it.

Quilt size: width: 67" height: 67"

estrellas en la noche estrellas en la noche
By: mariajose gomez,

Me gusta el fondo negro en los quilt,hace resaltar los colores, en este caso de la noche

Quilt size: width: 120" height: 149"

Feathered Star and Cardinal Feathered Star and Cardinal
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

I found this pattern in a book of Christmas ideas and the feathered stars were a challenge but fun to make. I gave this as a gift a few years ago and wished I had kept it, so maybe it’s time to make one for myself!

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"

Folk Art Wedding Stars Folk Art Wedding Stars
By: Karen Schultz,
New York, USA

When I first started quilting, Robyn Pandolph came out with her Folk Art Wedding series of fabrics. I fell in love with them and kept buying them until I had enough. This was my first quilt for myself. It’s my favorite! Sawtooth stars are my favorite star block, as well.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 72"

Follow the Stars Follow the Stars
By: Dolores,
Kentucky, USA

This quilt was given to my son for his college graduation, just before he embarked on a journey around the world. The quilting was done during the year he was gone and it was re-presented to him and his new bride for their wedding. The stars, to follow his dreams and the compass to guide him home.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 112"

Garden Star Garden Star
By: AthenaNabi,
Maryland, USA

This is the second quilt I ever made. Quilted by Maria O’haver.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 79"

Grandma's Star Grandma’s Star
By: Kathy,
Manitoba, Canada

A friend in Australia sent me the templates to make the Grandma’s Star quilt. I wanted to give this pattern a more modern feel so used bright colored batiks against a light background to make the stars pop! I custom quilted this one with swirls, pebbles and straight lines for contrast.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Joseph's Coat Joseph’s Coat
By: June Griepp,
Arizona, USA

A design from the book “Blocks to Diamonds” by Cheryl Malkowski. Quilted by the maker using a domestic sewing machine. The turquoise medallions are painted with Paint Stiks by Laura Murray.

Quilt size: width: 79" height: 79"

Lone Star Lone Star
By: Dorian,
California, USA

This is a quilt I made for a paint chip challenge on the Quilt and Needle forum earlier this year.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Montana Constellation Montana Constellation
By: Linette Greene,
Montana, USA

The only quilt I ever made for myself! It is on my bed now. It is made of 36 12 inch stars with 9 patch centers. I designed the setting myself, as well as the center medallion, which has a fussy cut tree. It is quilted with moose, bear, trees, moons, and clouds, and has wool batting. I love it.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 108"

Mystery quilt Mystery quilt
By: Patricia,

I do not know why I took part of that mystery quilt challenge! My challenge now is to find energy to finish it. I had fun to sew it but now I’m more into textil art so… could be a good resolution for 2014.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 50"

Patternista Stars Patternista Stars
By: Jean Sewing Machine,
Missouri, USA

I fell in love with the Fabric line Patternista. I used the pattern from Cozy Quilts called Stars Aligned. This was one of the first quilts I made using a published pattern, getting me out of the box of just making quilts using simple blocks.

Quilt size: width: 85" height: 80"

Rainbow Star Rainbow Star
By: Soma,
California, USA

Rainbow Star – Starlight Converging, A New Star, Starlight Diverging
I love the night sky. I think I was around 4 or 5 years old and I remember lying on the roof during a blackout and being mesmerized by the countless pinpricks of light. Rainbow Star represents the life cycle of stars.

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 36"

Sea Glass Sea Glass
By: Quilts of Tomorrow,
Alberta, Canada

This was based on the pattern “Bali Sea Star” by Kim Brackett in her book “Scrap Basket Surprises”. It was made as a birthday gift for my bestest friend using all batiks. Freehand quilted by Nancy Basserman of Crazy Creek Creations in Calgary.

Quilt size: width: 61" height: 74"

Spiral Lone Star Spiral Lone Star
By: Joyce Bushnell,
Georgia, USA

This was a learning quilt since I had never tried a lone star or paper piecing. I used fabrics from my stash. The pattern came from the book by Jan Krentz.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Star Quilt Star Quilt
By: Evelyn Smith,
Manitoba, Canada

My first quilt, done to satisfy my curiousity whether I could or not, I’ve been hooked since! Lol

Quilt size: width: 87" height: 87"

Starburst (Krista Zaleski) Starburst (Krista Zaleski)
By: Krista Zaleski,
Ontario, Canada

I designed this quilt, because I wanted to see what I could do with stars of increasing sizes. The center medallion is a 3″ lemoyne star, and each surrounding star uses the previous one as a center and expands from there.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Starburst (Teresa Weaver) Starburst (Teresa Weaver)
By: Teresa Weaver,
Michigan, USA

First quilt I ever designed.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Starburst by Dereck C. Lockwood Starburst by Dereck C. Lockwood
By: Eileen Morison,
British Columbia, Canada

My daughter wanted a star quilt and she choose the fabrics. It took me 2 years to complete.

Quilt size: width: 106" height: 106"

Stars Aligned Stars Aligned
By: Sue Preece,

A quilt made just for me using all sorts of star blocks, many from tutorials on Fresh Lemons Blog and blocks from Quilterscache. I used this quilt to practice my FMQing!

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 58"

Stars and Sparkles Stars and Sparkles
By: Delaine,
Washington, USA

I was making business cards and stopped short of cutting this one up, I liked it just the way it was, so I framed it with a gold ribbon as binding and it has been on my wall since

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 8"

stars awhirl stars awhirl
By: Diane,
New York, USA

This is the back of my Swoon quilt which I use more often than the front! The fabric is white on white polka dots. The wonky stars were made separately with leftover fabrics used on the front, I cut them out with pinking shears, randomly tossed them on the last block and stitched them down.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

stars for dolly stars for dolly
By: Claire Alexander,
Oregon, USA

I used left over scraps from a pink and yellow quilt for the improv fabric centers of the stars. The “bonus” triangles from the pink star points made the border for the yellow star. The two doll quilts are for a guild project for children to have gifts at Christmas. Another group makes dolls.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 18"

Stars over Adelaide Stars over Adelaide
By: Sheila,

Hand sewn, (point to point), pieced hexagon stars, using Marti Michells Hexie templates and Civil War style fabrics. From a pattern by Catherine Butterworth that appeared in Down Under Quilts last year.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 76.5"

Tree of Life Tree of Life
By: Little House Creations,
Alberta, Canada

This is a quilt I made for a silent auction for my favorite charity. The pattern is Starlight by Marilyn Foreman and uses a selection of Timeless Treasures fabrics. The centre “Tree of Life” is a panel surrounded by 24 star blocks. I quilted it using an all over design, with continuous curve quil

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 90"

wish upon a star wish upon a star
By: SUSIE Wheeler,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

second quilt done on sewing machine

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 90"

Zodiacstars Zodiacstars
By: Accroquilt,
Quebec, Canada

It’s a block of the month in 2012.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 66"

66 responses to “Star Quilts”

  1. Louisa in BC Avatar
    Louisa in BC

    Favourite Christmas story? — the nativity in Luke chapter 2. I also love the book “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson.

  2. Teri powers Avatar
    Teri powers

    Charlie brown’s Christmas and how the grinch stole Christmas are my favorites!

  3. bobbie campbell Avatar
    bobbie campbell

    I still hang on to Rudolph The Red nOse REindeer. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Mary Avatar

    I’ve always loved How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but another favorite is I think called The Christmas Pageant. A Quilter’s Christmas Carol sounds like a fun read. Thanks.

  5. Beth Patrick Avatar
    Beth Patrick

    My fav Christmas story is the Nativity, seconded by Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!
    I have to win this book for my bestest friend, I know she would love it, and I want to give it to her as a gift.
    Please pick me!

  6. Mary Redick Avatar
    Mary Redick

    My favorite Christmas story is THE POLAR EXPRESS. I love the premise, and I used to have so much fun reading it to my pajama wearing students, while they drank hot chocolate and ate cookies. I plan to do the same with my grand kids!

  7. Beth Patrick Avatar
    Beth Patrick

    I have to win this book for my bestest friend, I know she would love it, and I want to give it to her as a gift.
    Please pick me!
    My favorite story is The Nativity,, and of course Rudolph.

  8. Betsy Avatar

    Ah it was the night before christmas

  9. Bertha Goggin Avatar
    Bertha Goggin

    My favorite Christmas Story is THE Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2 in the Bible. My favorite reading of that story is in the Charlie Brown Christmas with Linus! Sending best Christmas wishes to everyone!

  10. Gunda Avatar

    My Grandma shared the love to animals with me and when I was a little girl, she told me
    In the night from Christmas Day to Christmas Day all animals can talk. Can you believe how much I was fighting the sleep…………………
    When I grew up I had horses and it was my very spec time with them around midnight on Christmas Eve………How I miss that…….


  11. Gunda Avatar

    My Grandma shared the love to animals with me and when I was a little girl, she told me
    In the night from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day all animals can talk. Can you believe how much I was fighting the sleep…………………
    When I grew up I had horses and it was my very spec time with them and the dogs in the barn, around midnight on Christmas Eve……… oh boy how I miss that…….


  12. ritainalaska Avatar

    dickens ‘a Christmas carol’ is my favorite Christmas story.

  13. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is my favorite. Thanks.

  14. thunder Avatar

    My favorite Christmas story is Little Luv Angel. If you have not read it you should….

  15. carla bynum Avatar

    Hi!!! Sounds like a fun book to have!!!! I love the Bible story of Jesus’ birth!!!!! Then the grinch that stole Christmas!!!! Thank You

  16. Teri Thorowgood Avatar
    Teri Thorowgood

    My favorite Christmas story is Gift of the Magi.

  17. Elaine Avatar

    A Christmas Story! You will shoot your eye out!

  18. Sheila Avatar

    I always loved “The Littlest Angel” by Charles Tazewell

  19. Chantal L Avatar
    Chantal L

    I too would love to get this book. It is one of my favorite Christmas story, right after The Nutcracker. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  20. JOAN GODFREY Avatar

    i have always loved the little drummer boy.
    EVERYONE has a special skill that matters.

  21. Ellie Avatar

    Although not strictly a Christmas story I still think my favorite is The Quiltmaker ‘s Gift. The message is very special.

  22. Yvonne Avatar

    Love the Star Quilts. Great Job Ladies. I have to say the Charlie Brown Christmas Pagent. Such a simple story. I will enjoy the new book. Merry Christmas Everyone.

  23. Regina DeMatteo Avatar

    It’s the Grinch! Definitely How The Grinch Stole Christmas because I’m a Suess fan and my DH is the Grinch Personified. He grumbles all the way up to Christmas and then has more fun than the kids!

  24. Hanke Avatar

    My favorite story is in the Bible, the birth of the Lord Jesus.

  25. Colleen Avatar

    My favourite Christmas story is Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Story”. I love the old classic movie.

  26. Lin Marsh Avatar
    Lin Marsh

    My favorite Christmas story is THE Christmas story, of course!

  27. Alison Saunders Avatar
    Alison Saunders

    The Night Before Christmas

  28. Bernadette Haggerty Avatar
    Bernadette Haggerty

    The Little Drummer Boy is one of my favorites, and also The Year Without A Santa Claus! I love the old claymation movies!

  29. Pam Avatar

    My favorite Christmas books are The Grinch and The Crippled Lamb. My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Story!

  30. Deb Avatar

    The Nativity–both in Luke 2 and also the movie.

  31. mariajose Avatar

    !La noche va a estar preciosa con tanta estrella!

  32. marilyn Avatar

    Beautiful quilts. My favourite is the Nativity, and I love A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – wonderful message.

  33. Sally Manke Avatar

    This is a tough call…I love the Christmas Carol on stage at Interlochen Arts Academy each holiday. But can’t pass up The Charlie Brown Christmas…what great songs. And of course the Grinch who’s heart grew can’t be missed. An there’s the reason for the season story….can’t pick just one!

  34. Karen Pollard Avatar
    Karen Pollard

    My favorite Christmas story is The Nativity story, followed closely by The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. But then I also always loved The Gift of the Magi too….it’s too hard to pick just one!

  35. Susan Avatar

    I have several favorites but would say that it’s basically a toss up between “The Very First Christmas” and “The Little Match Girl.” The star quilts were all beautiful … thanks for sharing.

  36. Gale Avatar

    My favorite Christmas book is called “The Christmas Box” read it every year.

  37. Yvonne Hamilton Avatar
    Yvonne Hamilton

    Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. I read it every year at this time.

  38. Eileen Avatar

    I’ve always liked Rudolph, and the Little Drummer Boy, and the Grinch. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
    Merry Christmas!

  39. Hildy Schwarz Avatar
    Hildy Schwarz

    My favorite holiday story is “Its a Wonderful Life.” My mother and I used to watch this every year together.

  40. Evie C Avatar
    Evie C

    My favorite Christmas story is the true story of the Birth of Christin the Bible.

  41. Joan H. Avatar
    Joan H.

    My favorite Christmas story is the Nativity story from the book of Luke. I never tire of hearing that wondrous story.

  42. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    I watch It’s a Wonderful Life every year.

  43. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I like the Charlie Brown Christmas story.

  44. Roberta J Avatar
    Roberta J

    My favorite is the nativity story in Luke, followed by Frosty the Snowman.

  45. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    I love all those star quilts. The voting should be close.
    It would be hard to pick a favorite. As a librarian and teacher I have seen too many. Maybe I’ll just have to stick to the Bible.

  46. Jen B Avatar
    Jen B

    I love the poem “The night before christmas”.

  47. Jen B Avatar
    Jen B

    Oops, I meant to add that I’m in the UK – I hope I can still enter to win a copy of the book.

  48. Linda Webster Avatar
    Linda Webster

    I love the original black-and-white movie “A Christmas Carol” and I watch it every year.

  49. Sheila B Avatar
    Sheila B

    I love the story of Jesus’ birth for that is the reason we celebrate Christmas and I made a quilt for my grandchildren depicting this wonderful story. I have never heard of the book, The Quilter’s Christmas Story and would love to own it and read it to my granddaughter who I am teaching to quilt. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!

  50. Nicole Sender Avatar
    Nicole Sender

    I like the book “The Night Before Christmas.” My favorite movies is The Polar Express.

  51. Chris Avatar

    I read the Night Before Christmas to my Grandchildren each year. So much fun. I will have to get this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    My favorite Christmas story is in the book of Luke -the story of Jesus. Then I love Debbie Macomber’s Christmas romances. They’re all so good!

  53. Pala Avatar

    I have never heard of this book, but would love to read it. My favorite story is the story of Jesus.

  54. Patty Avatar

    one of my favorite stories is t “A Christmas Cup of Tea” this a beautiful story of a young man visiting an elderly aunt and enjoying a cup of tea with her. Beautiful story.

  55. Carol Avatar

    I love “The Miracle of Jonathan Toomey” that includes the Christmas story along with a message of human love and kindness. All the star quilts were lovely! It was incredibly hard to vote on just a few.

  56. Patricia Hersl Avatar
    Patricia Hersl

    In high school, I was stricken with a strep throat and confined to bed for a while. Coke had just released a little pamphlet with “The Night Before Christmas” printed on it. I memorized it. Still know it by heart to this day and our 50th reunion is up and coming.

  57. nancy Avatar

    In preparation for Christmas decorating I would always read “The Smells of Christmas” to my young ones. As they grew older they wanted to reread it each year because the nostalgia of Christmas smells in the storyline.

    I would love to have a copy of ” A Quilters Christmas Carol” to share with my Quilt Guild. It sounds great.

  58. Judy C in NC Avatar

    I love the Donna VanLiere books that are published around Christmas each year. They are uplifting and so worthy of reading with the wonderful stories. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Judy C in NC

  59. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    oh my goodness a tough time only choosing 4 quilts. all these ladies are winners in my book. thanks to all the ladies for sharing and for the inspiration. this looks like it would be a fun book. thanks for the chance to win.

  60. Denise F Avatar
    Denise F

    I love the story, “The Three Gifts of the Magi.” It is wonderful and always makes me stop running around for a while and reflect on the season and the true meaning of the celebration.

  61. LINDA Avatar

    HELLO, my favorite book is our Bible, the greatest Love Story ever told to man! Thanks so for sharing!

  62. Susan Avatar

    My favorite Christmas story is the story of Jesus. I have several other favorite Christmas stories: Amahl and the Night Visitors, The Fourth Wise Man, A Cup of Christmas Tea, The Littlest Angel, and Dicken’s classic Christmas Carol.

  63. Calina Avatar

    I love the classic book Night Before Christmas. And for Christmas movies, my absolute favorite has to be the original Miracle on 34th Street.

  64. Suzanne Avatar

    My favorite Christmas book is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  65. Linda Cejnar Avatar
    Linda Cejnar

    My favorite Christmas Story is actually a song, Away in the Manger.

  66. Terry Johnson Avatar
    Terry Johnson

    My favorite Christmas story is story of Jesus birth.

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