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Favourite Christmas story? — the nativity in Luke chapter 2. I also love the book “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson.
Charlie brown’s Christmas and how the grinch stole Christmas are my favorites!
I still hang on to Rudolph The Red nOse REindeer. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve always loved How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but another favorite is I think called The Christmas Pageant. A Quilter’s Christmas Carol sounds like a fun read. Thanks.
My fav Christmas story is the Nativity, seconded by Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!
I have to win this book for my bestest friend, I know she would love it, and I want to give it to her as a gift.
Please pick me!
My favorite Christmas story is THE POLAR EXPRESS. I love the premise, and I used to have so much fun reading it to my pajama wearing students, while they drank hot chocolate and ate cookies. I plan to do the same with my grand kids!
I have to win this book for my bestest friend, I know she would love it, and I want to give it to her as a gift.
Please pick me!
My favorite story is The Nativity,, and of course Rudolph.
Ah it was the night before christmas
My favorite Christmas Story is THE Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2 in the Bible. My favorite reading of that story is in the Charlie Brown Christmas with Linus! Sending best Christmas wishes to everyone!
My Grandma shared the love to animals with me and when I was a little girl, she told me
In the night from Christmas Day to Christmas Day all animals can talk. Can you believe how much I was fighting the sleep…………………
When I grew up I had horses and it was my very spec time with them around midnight on Christmas Eve………How I miss that…….
My Grandma shared the love to animals with me and when I was a little girl, she told me
In the night from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day all animals can talk. Can you believe how much I was fighting the sleep…………………
When I grew up I had horses and it was my very spec time with them and the dogs in the barn, around midnight on Christmas Eve……… oh boy how I miss that…….
dickens ‘a Christmas carol’ is my favorite Christmas story.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is my favorite. Thanks.
My favorite Christmas story is Little Luv Angel. If you have not read it you should….
Hi!!! Sounds like a fun book to have!!!! I love the Bible story of Jesus’ birth!!!!! Then the grinch that stole Christmas!!!! Thank You
My favorite Christmas story is Gift of the Magi.
A Christmas Story! You will shoot your eye out!
I always loved “The Littlest Angel” by Charles Tazewell
I too would love to get this book. It is one of my favorite Christmas story, right after The Nutcracker. Thanks for the chance to win it.
i have always loved the little drummer boy.
EVERYONE has a special skill that matters.
Although not strictly a Christmas story I still think my favorite is The Quiltmaker ‘s Gift. The message is very special.
Love the Star Quilts. Great Job Ladies. I have to say the Charlie Brown Christmas Pagent. Such a simple story. I will enjoy the new book. Merry Christmas Everyone.
It’s the Grinch! Definitely How The Grinch Stole Christmas because I’m a Suess fan and my DH is the Grinch Personified. He grumbles all the way up to Christmas and then has more fun than the kids!
My favorite story is in the Bible, the birth of the Lord Jesus.
My favourite Christmas story is Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Story”. I love the old classic movie.
My favorite Christmas story is THE Christmas story, of course!
The Night Before Christmas
The Little Drummer Boy is one of my favorites, and also The Year Without A Santa Claus! I love the old claymation movies!
My favorite Christmas books are The Grinch and The Crippled Lamb. My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Story!
The Nativity–both in Luke 2 and also the movie.
!La noche va a estar preciosa con tanta estrella!
Beautiful quilts. My favourite is the Nativity, and I love A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – wonderful message.
This is a tough call…I love the Christmas Carol on stage at Interlochen Arts Academy each holiday. But can’t pass up The Charlie Brown Christmas…what great songs. And of course the Grinch who’s heart grew can’t be missed. An there’s the reason for the season story….can’t pick just one!
My favorite Christmas story is The Nativity story, followed closely by The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. But then I also always loved The Gift of the Magi too….it’s too hard to pick just one!
I have several favorites but would say that it’s basically a toss up between “The Very First Christmas” and “The Little Match Girl.” The star quilts were all beautiful … thanks for sharing.
My favorite Christmas book is called “The Christmas Box” read it every year.
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. I read it every year at this time.
I’ve always liked Rudolph, and the Little Drummer Boy, and the Grinch. Thanks for the chance to win the book.
Merry Christmas!
My favorite holiday story is “Its a Wonderful Life.” My mother and I used to watch this every year together.
My favorite Christmas story is the true story of the Birth of Christin the Bible.
My favorite Christmas story is the Nativity story from the book of Luke. I never tire of hearing that wondrous story.
I watch It’s a Wonderful Life every year.
I like the Charlie Brown Christmas story.
My favorite is the nativity story in Luke, followed by Frosty the Snowman.
I love all those star quilts. The voting should be close.
It would be hard to pick a favorite. As a librarian and teacher I have seen too many. Maybe I’ll just have to stick to the Bible.
I love the poem “The night before christmas”.
Oops, I meant to add that I’m in the UK – I hope I can still enter to win a copy of the book.
I love the original black-and-white movie “A Christmas Carol” and I watch it every year.
I love the story of Jesus’ birth for that is the reason we celebrate Christmas and I made a quilt for my grandchildren depicting this wonderful story. I have never heard of the book, The Quilter’s Christmas Story and would love to own it and read it to my granddaughter who I am teaching to quilt. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!
I like the book “The Night Before Christmas.” My favorite movies is The Polar Express.
I read the Night Before Christmas to my Grandchildren each year. So much fun. I will have to get this one. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite Christmas story is in the book of Luke -the story of Jesus. Then I love Debbie Macomber’s Christmas romances. They’re all so good!
I have never heard of this book, but would love to read it. My favorite story is the story of Jesus.
one of my favorite stories is t “A Christmas Cup of Tea” this a beautiful story of a young man visiting an elderly aunt and enjoying a cup of tea with her. Beautiful story.
I love “The Miracle of Jonathan Toomey” that includes the Christmas story along with a message of human love and kindness. All the star quilts were lovely! It was incredibly hard to vote on just a few.
In high school, I was stricken with a strep throat and confined to bed for a while. Coke had just released a little pamphlet with “The Night Before Christmas” printed on it. I memorized it. Still know it by heart to this day and our 50th reunion is up and coming.
In preparation for Christmas decorating I would always read “The Smells of Christmas” to my young ones. As they grew older they wanted to reread it each year because the nostalgia of Christmas smells in the storyline.
I would love to have a copy of ” A Quilters Christmas Carol” to share with my Quilt Guild. It sounds great.
I love the Donna VanLiere books that are published around Christmas each year. They are uplifting and so worthy of reading with the wonderful stories. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Judy C in NC
oh my goodness a tough time only choosing 4 quilts. all these ladies are winners in my book. thanks to all the ladies for sharing and for the inspiration. this looks like it would be a fun book. thanks for the chance to win.
I love the story, “The Three Gifts of the Magi.” It is wonderful and always makes me stop running around for a while and reflect on the season and the true meaning of the celebration.
HELLO, my favorite book is our Bible, the greatest Love Story ever told to man! Thanks so for sharing!
My favorite Christmas story is the story of Jesus. I have several other favorite Christmas stories: Amahl and the Night Visitors, The Fourth Wise Man, A Cup of Christmas Tea, The Littlest Angel, and Dicken’s classic Christmas Carol.
I love the classic book Night Before Christmas. And for Christmas movies, my absolute favorite has to be the original Miracle on 34th Street.
My favorite Christmas book is How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
My favorite Christmas Story is actually a song, Away in the Manger.
My favorite Christmas story is story of Jesus birth.
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