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I love the forsythia flowers…bright yellow!!
thanks for chance to win
Snap dragon
I would have to say Daffadils are my favorite, very first sign of spring here and so bright and cheery!
Daffodils. Again it was hard to choose just 4.
Beautiful quilts everyone!
awesome quilts 🙂
My favorite springtime flower is the rose
My favorite springflower is wild growing blue anemone. they were my childhood’s flower!
I love all the spring flowers, but the crocus is at the top of the list. They’re the first brave little plants to poke their heads out of the ground and tell me that winter is finally over.
I love the daffodils that arrive first up here in northern Michigan. In May we get the trilliums – my next favorite!
My favorite Springtime flower are daffodills.
My favorite spring flower is daffodil. I hope to start a wall quilt of three next week.
ik hou van witte hyacinten
Love tulips and all their many forms and colors! However, they don’t grow here in southern Mississippi…so sad.
Tulips and daffodils, actually, all bulb flowers.
I Love tulips because when i see them poking through the ground i know spring is here! We still have about two feet of snow on the ground. ugh:(
Red tulips are my favorites
lilacs, love their fragrance
I love the daffodils
Tulips! All colors, plain and fancy. Love them and thanks for asking!
~Christina in Cleveland
I love lilacs and irises! Growing up we called Iris’s “flags”.
African violets are a family favorite.. Not sure whether they are spring though!
My favorite springtime flower is the Daffodil. Hugs
Daffodils….when their yellow heads peak out of the ground it tells me spring is on the way. What a wonderful way to alert us that we have survived another winter!
My faves are crocus and tulips 🙂
Tulips are my favorite. I planted so many bulbs last year and now I’m watching fat little rabbits jumping for joy. Who knew they would eat the middle of the growing plants. uuugghhh.
Daffodils have always been my favorite.
I have to vote for the fragrant lilac.
Daffodils and forsinthia are my favorite. They are the first to bloom and tell warmer weathe is coming:)
Hyacinths, they smell almost as good as lillac. 🙂
My favorite spring flower is the trillium. They grow wild in cool shady woodland areas, and are beautiful.
Spring flowers seem brighter and more fragrant than at any other time of year. My favorite spring flower is the daffodil with its sweetly bitter scent.
love the hollyhocks, so pretty
Pink roses.
I love Roses. I plant a new one each year in honor of my late son’s birthday .
WoW! Gorgeous quilts entered! I love Forget Me Nots, beautiful flowers.
Thank you for a neat giveaway and a chance to win.
I love what ever is blooming!! Especially ones that attract butterflies!
Favorite spring flower is honeysuckle. The scent is heaven!
My favorite spring flower is the Lilac which I don’t see in GA very much. In GA it is the wisteria when it goes into bloom.
Daffodil AKA Jonquil
My favorite is the Crazy Spring Time Quilt! 🙂
My favorite springtime flower is a Sparaxis. They make me think of my Grandmother’s garden when I was little, she had them everywhere!
Marigolds! They are hardy (I live in the desert), cheerful and come in various colors and sizes.
Loved looking at the quilts.
Purple Bearded Irises are the first flowers that come to mind for me. I guess i should quilt me a lasting bouquet.
Lilacs are my favorite sine moving to New Hampshire
Nhsarab at yahoo dot com
My favourite are daffodils.
Tulips are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.
Freesias. They are the only flower other than old fashioned roses, like the Willie Brunner, that I can take the scent.
I think i have fallen for Tulips this year.
Namaqualand Daisies that flower only in Southern Africa. They are a wild flower and are spectacular when flowering. Google them and have a look!
I love wild grape hyacinth when I take walks in the park in the spring.
Tulips always.
The prairie crocus is a welcome sign of spring.
I love tulips. All the colors!!
My favourite spring flowers are daffodils
My favourite spring flower are daffodils. The yellow ones are so nice. Ot’s a shame it’s still too cold here for many flowers.
I love all of the spring flowers, but my favorites are the wild Virginia bluebells. They grow in our bottom ground and look like a sea of blue when they bloom. They have a beautiful scent, as well.
My favourite springtime flower is a daffodil. They are so sunny and smile-inducing.
It Is Hard To Say, I Love So Many Azeala,Brides Wreath,Peach Blossom, Lavender Clover,Red Top Clover, Spider Wort, But I Guess My Favorite Is The Wild White English Roses.
My favorite Spring flowers are daffodils, in fact I was just at a nursey who had some potted ones – I love to smell them!
Without a doubt it is the diminutive snowdrop. They are a harbinger of spring. The tiny blossoms look so delicate and they hold the promise of warmer days and the return of the migratory birds.
There are so many lovely flowers, but my favorit spring flower is the Blue Pearl hyacinth.
I have daffodils, wisteria, fressias, jasmine, lemon blossoms and several roses that pefume my yard. I can’t choose a favorite. I wish I had lilacs!
Amo glicinias e líros.Obrigada.tiacarmihapezzuto@gmail.com
I love to see the bright yellow daffodils every spring. The lilacs even top the daffodils, though.
i like the small blue hyacinth, these looks like grapes, in german say “Traubenhyazinthen”
I love crocuses the most. Such brave little flowers poking their heads through the snow.
All beautiful and gorgeous!!
such beautiful work everybody. Is so hard to decide. One day I hope to do work as beautiful.
My favorite springtime flower is the daffodil. So sunny and bright!
I also love tulips!
I love daffodils! They just say Spring to me, even poking thru pure white snow.
My favorite spring flower is Lily of the Valley. We have quite a large patch growing under some walnut trees and the fragrance is beautiful in the spring air.
Cherry blossoms are probably the most popular in japan but I love plum blossoms because they are the true harbinger of spring.
Oh they are all lovely..but I love the flower ones so my votes are in….
My Favorite flower as of now, because it changes, is the “Bleeding Heart” I have one out my front door and it’s beautiful.
Hyacinths, they smell so good!
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