Check out the gorgeous hats I made for Judy and I to wear at Market. All they need is a little bit of ribbon added so they can be tied under our chin. I’m sure we’ll be a great hit.
Ok seriously, these are candy dishes, made from another of Geta Grama’s fabulous tutorials, Quilted Bowls.
I used Timtex and no batting as it was strong enough. Since I made mine all patchy (inspired by Easter colours), I cut rectangles large enough for the pattern pieces, quilted those, then cut out the shaped pieces exactly. This way when I cut them out, the stitching went right to the edge of each piece (and I didn’t sew my fingers!).
I used a gorgeous King Tut thread, Sandstone, that Shawn Bailey sent me during Guest Blogger Month. I was able to practice my free-motion quilting and for the first time ever, I was thrilled with the results. Who knew I had to jack up the tension on my machine to 8.5 to get a good stitch on the back. I feel like I made a major break through in my free-motioning, and am excited to keep practicing now that it looks right on both sides.
Working on small projects can be so joyful. Be sure to check out Geta’s other quilted fabric bowls, they are truly amazing works of art.
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