Spring Garden Quilts

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  • Total countries: 4
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Cheshire Garden Cheshire Garden
By: Regina Arlauckas, New York, USA

This “Disappearing/Reappearing Nine Patch” was the result of a charm pack that was a gift – and a challenge. The construction was done without a pattern, and I just loved the result. It was given as a gift to my sister, who loves the Cheshire Garden as much as I do.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 78"

Dish Garden Dish Garden
By: sharon vrooman, New York, USA

After being tired of our long, cold winter, I made my own “dish garden” of flowers to brighten up the days. It’s still too cold and wet for planting flower beds, but I have my flowers. Paper pieced and hand quilted.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 24"

Evening Primrose Evening Primrose
By: Becky Ray, Tennessee, USA

My neighbor has lovely evening primroses blooming in her garden in May. They are so delicate and sweet! I took pics last year and then altered a photo in Photoshop. I had Spoonflower print the fabric and then quilted it. This is cotton fabric, with a silk batting.

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 22"

Flowers for Betsy Bug Flowers for Betsy Bug
By: Billie Kretzschmar, Texas, USA

My Grandmother made the embroidery blocks 35 to 40 years ago or more. I made them into a quilt for my Mothers 89th Surprise Birthday Party. Grandma Jessie called Mom Besty Bug when she was a little girl. Hence the name, Flowers for Betsy Bug.


Quilt size: width: 59" height: 70"

Frog of Sharon Frog of Sharon
By: Julia, Mississippi, USA

Spring, a time of flowers & frogs. I tried a new technique, for me, to make a “Rose of Sharon” quilt. I only made a quadrant thinking I may not like the technique. The way it turned out it looked something like a frog, so I call it “Frog of Sharon.”

Quilt size: width: 8.75" height: 8.75"

Garden of Memories Garden of Memories
By: Kathy Howard, Vermont, USA

I made this quilt for my sister-in-law. Each of the 12 flowers on this quilt is different. The fabrics and different trims were from family and friends. There are 6 different leaves. This was the first full sized quilt that I hand quilted. I embroidered it with a variety of hand stitches.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 85"

Hanging out the wash Hanging out the wash
By: Cindy White, Nova Scotia, Canada

I made this mini pieced wall hanging showing a full line of quilts on the clothesline a few years ago. The squares on the quilts are 3/4 inch in size. It really reminds me of spring.

Quilt size: width: 19.5" height: 14"

Kimberly Roberts Kimberly Roberts
By: Kimberly Roberts, Florida, USA

This quilt was made for a swap. It is mixed media. The background fabric is hand painted, and the embellishments include hand stamped copper tags, beading, coiled wire, embroidery and machine quilting.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 8"

may baskets may baskets
By: grace, Maine, USA

i had this gorgeous tulip fabric and wanted to use it, so when may rolled around i thought, hey may baskets! so i used it for the basket background and quilted tulips in the white spaces

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 26"

My garden My garden
By: Malice, Switzerland

Quilt size: width: 130 cm" height: 130 cm"

My Garden of Friends My Garden of Friends
By: Mary Ellen, New York, USA

I made this quilt as an applique challenge. The theme was spring flowers. It was my first scalloped border.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 36"

Mystic Blooms Mystic Blooms
By: Lynne Dupre, Alberta, Canada

I wanted a colorful wall hanging, and Mystic Blooms was perfect for that. I pieced it together and also used fusible applique, and the flower centres are embellished with Swarovski crystals. It reminds me of flowers fresh from the garden.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 45"

pauline's quilt pauline’s quilt
By: catherine diebold, France

my first big quilt !! the center is a “boutis” , a provencal technique to make relief, the quilt is a simple nine-patch machine pieced and hand quilted

Quilt size: width: 73" height: 46"

Riot of Spring Riot of Spring
By: Julie Waldman, California, USA

I made this for a quilt swap, starting with Lorena Laumer’s Whackie Girl pattern. I fell in love with the bright floral print and added some appliques of the flowers.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Spring Breeze Spring Breeze
By: Shelley C, Maine, USA

This is from a quilt along mystery. Gifted it to a SIL that was diagnosed with breast cancer. She loves gardening, so I chose a blue/yellow palette. She loves the cheery yellows when she is down or not feeling well. Daisies surround the quilt, and you can just see the pinwheels spin in the wind

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 68"

Spring Fling Spring Fling
By: Beverly Williamson, Alabama, USA

My cousin got married on the first day of Spring this year and I gave them this quilt as a wedding gift. I named it ‘Spring Fling’ in honor of their wedding being on the first day of Spring. I used a jelly roll and charm packs called Nature’s Chorus.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 66"

Sweet Pea Sweet Pea
By: Barbara Bieraugel, Hawaii, USA

Sweet Pea was a quilt that I made for the birth of a grandniece. What is more spring like than the smell of old fashion sweet peas? I used primary colors to make it look more juvenile and it all worked. This was a joy to make along with the quilt Giraffe Twins that was made for her brother.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 40"

The World is a Garden The World is a Garden
By: Debbie Clarke, South Carolina, USA

This trip around the world pattern is done in all florals in a colorwash technique. I used 12 florals and spent hours picking them out so that they would blend. I love floral fabrics so this was fun to sew and quilt. I try to do at least one garden theme quilt each year.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 78"

2 responses to “Spring Garden Quilts”

  1. Kristen Avatar

    Spring Fling:

    Wonderful construction! Great color choices. I really like using big floral prints myself. Great work!
    .-= Kristen’s latest post: The Rose Quilt: Revistited =-.

  2. Pat Wright Avatar
    Pat Wright

    Love Billies quilt-Flowers for Betsy Bug

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