Spring Garden Quilts

Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 26
  • Total countries: 6
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 11

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Amelia's Quilt Amelia’s Quilt
By: Jacquelyn Morris Smith, Arizona, USA

It was for Amelia Jacquelyn Lougy, my Granddaughter. Funny thing, not really, is that the quilt was brought downstairs from her room to ‘show off’ and somehow the dog thought it was meant for him to CHEW on….so it seemed to be destroyed. I took it home and repaired it the best I could.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 56"

Arbor in bloom. Arbor in bloom.
By: Zlata Ratskevich, Russian Federation

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

As Roses Bloom As Roses Bloom
By: Melissa Grant of One Day In May, Australia

I have always been passionate about adding dimension to needlework. Beginning with a desire to express the romance that roses bring to a Spring garden, I’ve tried to add texture and depth with 3-dimensional roses, rosebuds and semi-detached leaves.
It was a lot of fun to create… hydrangeas next!!

Quilt size: width: 18 1/2" height: 29"

Bordered Beyond the Block Bordered Beyond the Block
By: Marlene Oddie, Washington, USA

AQS Mystery 2010 PLUS my original design of the black border and extensions from the quilt into the brder. I just received word that it was juried into the AQS Knoxville show! I’m sooo excited. When I saw the theme of this week’s contest, I immediately thought of this quilt. Very spring gardenish 😉

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 79"

Day Dreams Day Dreams
By: Jean Romack, Wisconsin, USA

Beautiful large flowers reminding us all of spring -I customized the quilting. I made this last year for myself, but my daughter finally talked me out of it

Quilt size: width: 79" height: 79"

field of tulips field of tulips
By: art2wear, Netherlands

This was a project that had to include a small embroidery from women in Afghanistan.
You can see it in the right top corner.
As tulips are a Dutch national symbol I liked to take part in the project.

Quilt size: width: 18.5" height: 14"

Flowers in a Pot Flowers in a Pot
By: Daryl Perry, New Mexico, USA

I had several leaf blocks from a block exchange that I wanted to use as a border so the border idea actually came first. I saw an applique in a book that had 3 vertical columns of flower pots with flowers. I used that idea, but made one flower pot, and added a lot more flowers to fill the space.

Quilt size: width: 41.5" height: 48"

Frolic Frolic
By: Rebecca Roach, Texas, USA

This quilt was made for my friend’s baby boy. I designed it all in Illustrator, then created the fused applique top. It was machine quilted by Laura Lee Fritz.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Fun & Bright Flower Vase Fun & Bright Flower Vase
By: Gwen, Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this wallhanging in June 2005, the flower pot is pieced with 2 fabrics, the flowers & leaves are machine appliqued, the flower stems are made of rick-rack.
I have this hanging up all year round, it’s one of my favorites, in the dead of winter it reminds me that summer will come again soon.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 37"

Funky Flowers Funky Flowers
By: Linda Kittmer, Ontario, Canada

Collage garden made using a collage of fabrics with thread painting to help define the flowers.

Quilt size: width: 10" height: 8"

Garden Friends Garden Friends
By: Flo@Butterfly Quilting, Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this for my little grand-daughter for her second birthday…it is her “garden blanket” so she can sit and play in the yard.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 40"

Garden Tea Party Garden Tea Party
By: Anina, Washington, USA

Three little birds having a tea party in a spring garden.
Machine appliqued and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 32.5" height: 40.5"

Iris II Iris II
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

Happy Spring! Finally! Iris’ are the most forgiving flower to practice becoming adept at thread painting! Horticulturists have bred them to be almost every color imaginable, so the artist is free to make iris in colors they love! The original photo was an orange iris-but that’s not how it finished!

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 20"

Kleurige blommetún Kleurige blommetún
By: Jelly, Netherlands

First I did the hole quilt by sewing-machine and than I make the flowers with the embroidery- machine. The quilting is also done by machine.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 80"

Loves Labyrinth Loves Labyrinth
By: Marjorie Henwood, New Brunswick, Canada

I love this quilt….the colours area vibrant yet soft…I thoroughly enjoy doing the applique…this was fairly new to me and was so much fun. makes me think of spring and the flowers flourishing.

Quilt size: width: 95" height: 105"

Mary Mary Quite Contrary Mary Mary Quite Contrary
By: Mary Winegar, Illinois, USA

The center was started at a workshop with Mary Stori. using different techniques to create a theme. Then I took a workshop with Barb Vlack on how to surround a medallion, using different techniques to bring it all together. I added all the embellishments. It was fun “dressing” this quilt up.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 52"

may baskets may baskets
By: grace thorne, Maine, USA

i had this tulip fabric that i absolutely loved, so decided to use it in a may themed quilt

Quilt size: width: 18" height: 26"

May Flowers May Flowers
By: Strawberrypi, Wisconsin, USA

This is a mini quilt I made with umbrellaprints Trimmings for their 2011 competition. I added linen from my stash. The little quilt now hangs in my daughters yellow and white bedroom!

Quilt size: width: 9.5" height: 11.5"

Poppies Poppies
By: Marija Vujcic, New York, USA

The design of this quilt started with my fascination with free-form curve cutting and piecing and my love of color gradation fabrics. Poppies have a very special meaning to me and my husband – he picked some wild ones for me on our first date. I returned the favor in fabric! 🙂

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 40"

Posies Along the Road Posies Along the Road
By: Needled Mom, California, USA

This quilt was hand pieced over several years as we made vacation road trips. It was then hand quilted by an Amish friend which took much less time than the years of hand piecing.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 90"

Spider Web Spider Web
By: Judee Koda, California, USA

18 different 30s prints were used in this paper pieced pattern by Marcia Hohn. It is machine quilted. I finished it in time for May Day.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 47"

spring in sweden spring in sweden
By: susanne richter-antonijevic, Germany

i had the idea of this quilt in sweden at springtime,which is a wonderful time to be up in the north. it is handappliqued and handquilted.

Quilt size: width: 85" height: 95"

Spring Tulips Spring Tulips
By: Jill Majers, Utah, USA

I made this quilt as a guild challenge. It was my first attempt at watercolor piecing. I adapted the tulips. I wanted them to seem to be reaching for the sun, because after a long, gray winter that’s what I feel like I’m doing!

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Swamp Dragon Swamp Dragon
By: Wendy L Starn, Louisiana, USA

cottons, reverse applique, mola technique
The one and only mola piece I have ever made!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 12"

Tiny Tulips Tiny Tulips
By: Quilting Sue, Texas, USA

I made this wall hanging in my first applique class and I was hooked on applique! It is hand appliqued and machine and hand quilted.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"

Tulip Mini Tulip Mini
By: Annmarie, Wisconsin, USA

I have a small narrow space above the closet in my sewing room so I hang a seasonal mini there. This is my favorite. It was one of my first attempts at paperpiecing.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 12"

10 responses to “Spring Garden Quilts”

  1. Chris Avatar

    I love the May Baskets!

  2. Cheryl Avatar

    Sue Pelland’s Leaves Galore Templates would be great for hand quilters too. We love curves to quilt to, especially for borders. Too bad commenter’s don’t get a chance to win a set ; ) Ladies, all the quilts are pretty. Welcome Spring!

  3. The Quilt Rat Avatar

    Another lovely show for us……..great job everyone! Good luck to all, someone is going to win a fabulous prize!

  4. Jen Avatar

    Great entries! Good job everyone!

  5. Bette Gove Avatar
    Bette Gove

    So many good entries, I had a hard time deciding.

  6. sylvia Avatar

    I saw this in the store and it looked fun! Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. Tracy in SW WA Avatar

    This one is a toughie – there are so many winners in this group!

  8. matt Avatar

    Love the ‘Garden Friends’ quilt. So cute!!

  9. Stitches Avatar

    I love looking at the quilts each week and find it hard to decide which one to vote for…but I really liked Bordered Beyond the Block. It got my attention for being a different way to put a quilt together. All the quilts are lovely though!!

  10. Deanna Avatar

    This was the toughest vote I have had so far. Many, many nice entries.

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