Each Thursday, I’m going to feature one of the fabulous bloggers from the Quilting Bloggers directory. With just under 4,000 blogs to choose from, I’ll have more than enough content to fill this spot. (I’d need 77 years to feature everyone, yikes!)

My first ShouT OuT Thursday blogger is Linda M. Poole. I had the extreme pleasure of taking an applique class with Linda last week at the Lancaster AQS show.


It was such a wonderful class, and I learned several new techniques. She showed us how to make itty bitty 1/8″ bias binding for adding JAZZ to our applique or pieced units, and I’m totally hooked. I can’t wait to give it a try.

I think Linda’s tagline, Where the Magic of Applique, Quilting and Everyday Life Happens, sums up her blog perfectly. I don’t know where she finds them, but she features such fabulous photos of cool quilty stuff and COLOUR that will leave you totally inspired and in awe. Here’s one from her latest post:


And another one from an earlier post:


You’ll definitely enjoy the antics of Zoie:


If those days filled with April showers are getting you down, I’m sure you’ll enjoy a visit to Linda’s blog for some inspiration. (Isn’t her new seahorse fabric gorgeous?)


Have you stumbled upon a great blog lately? ShouT OuT on your blog and don’t forget to leave a comment at the Quilter’s Daily blog along with a link to your post so we can check it out too!

Stay tuned for next week’s ShouT OuT Thursday, it might just be you!

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