Shirley Paterson

Guest Blogger Month at the Quilting Gallery

Shirley Paterson

I am really pleased that I have been invited to become a "Guest Blogger". I have been interested in creating different types of art work ever since I was a child. I taught watercolour and oils here in Calgary for 20 years and then branched out into fabric painting.

I have also done a number of other ‘artsy’ things over the years – to name a few: stained glass, copper tooling, clay hand building, designing my own jewelry from copper, silver and brass – and many more crafts over the years. In 2000 I became interested in fabric painting and painted many full-sized or queen-sized quilts.

I slowly branched into doing original fabric landscapes and have taught at many guilds and quilt stores in Calgary and other parts of Alberta. I became very interested in thread painting, and now incorporate rough edged applique, fabric painting and thread painting in my work. I love to teach, and as a result I opened the Learningfa yahoo group which gives free classes to its members. I teach the art quilt classes and some of our Traditional Quilters teach traditional blocks and quilts. I also do tutorials on my blog at least once a month.

I have donated my landscapes for the past 5 years, to ‘The Quilt’ for Cancer support – the quilts are auctioned in different cities across Canada. This past year I have become involved with Wellspring – a Cancer support group – having donated some of my quilts to raise funds for their wonderful group.

My art is my passion and my greatest joy is sharing what I know with those who want to learn. As I am self taught, I have some ‘different’ ways to accomplish these goals.

Shirley Paterson, Calgary, Alberta.

5 responses to “Shirley Paterson”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Your work is simply phenomenal, and what a wonderful thing you do, to donate your works of art to help those stricken with cancer.

  2. Janet Hartje Avatar

    Shirley you are like the energizer bunny! You accomplish more in one day than I do in a month. So wonderful to see so much of your work in one spot. Congrats on being a guest blogger. Janet

  3. Shirley Avatar

    Janet – these are landscapes and wall hangings that I have done over the years. The quilt was painted in l999 and donated to the Strathmore Alberta Crisis Shelter for auction – I feel fortunate that I can use my quilts to help raise money for the Crisis Shelter and Cancer support.

    I don’t accomplish nearly as much as I used to – I accomplish more at the computer, where before I was out and about a lot more teaching in different guilds and quilt stores. I am happy, and that is the main thing and I am doing the things I am passionate about.

  4. Marika Avatar

    I respect it karitativ your activity . You a jo you are a man your landscapes wonderful .Marika

  5. Dixie Lee Avatar
    Dixie Lee

    Hi Shirley, way to go on being a guest blogger. I read yours everyday by the way. I look forward to reading it every night.Dixie

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