Sharing Quilts

Thank you for this opportunity to post about our Charity Quilt site "Sharing Quilts". Giving a quilt to someone "just because" or in a time-of-need is so amazing. So, we feel this "Sharing Quilts" is perfect for the quilting community to come together and do just that! Share a quilt! We also know you share from your heart! Sharing a quilt means you have giving your time, talents, and money to create something for someone that will last for years. This act is very selfless and appreciated for years! Thank you, in advance, for Sharing Quilts with others; family, friends, or people you may not know. ~ Jackie Davis

Describe your organization or group.

"Sharing Quilts" will be running campaigns for charity quilts when they are needed as well as post other quilter’s campaigns to get the word out to collect charity quilts. Sharing Quilts with anyone, anywhere for any reason. Join us!

Did any one person or event inspire the creation of the charity quilt group/organization?

This has been on my heart since I started quilting with a group of women in 2006 for baby dedication quilts for a church plant in Guatemala. The locals who receive them are so appreciative for this ‘new’ item that was also made with love. Then, Tropical Storm Agatha hit Guatemala May 29, 2010, and I had more reasons to finally do this, and not wait.

Geographic location of your organization or group.

For our personally hosted campaigns, quilts will be collected from world-wide to my home base in Florida, USA. I am currently a missionary in Guatemala. Quilts will be delivered personally, preferably, unless otherwise noted.

If applicable, how many charity quilts have been donated?

"Sharing Quilts with Agatha Victims in Guatemala" is our first hosted and advertised campaign. We would appreciate as many quilts as possible. We do not have numbers right now.

Are there any special yearly events, such as a quilt-a-thon?

We might host annual events in the future, but for now there will be campaigns based on need.

How can one volunteer, donate, or get involved?

Send an email to – Get the information in a reply – Make the quilt or quilt top – Send the quilt or quilt top – Smile and know that someone is very blessed with you sharing your love through a quilt.

More Specifically, our first campaign details are on this page/post, hurry deadline July 1, 2010:

Web site address?

Other contact information
904-685-1635 phone

Bless you all in advance for helping.

One response to “Sharing Quilts”

  1. Jackie Davis Avatar

    Thank you again for this post! We’re right now on a good pace to get a lot of quilts to a lot of victims! They need a lot of Love! Believe me!
    .-= Jackie Davis’s latest post: Featured over at Quilting Gallery =-.

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