Share-It Tuesday

Not much stitching going on here this week, but I did manage to finish six applique posy needle cases. One I will mail to my swap partner later today and a couple others to friends.

2 responses to “Share-It Tuesday”

  1. BeautifulSeams Avatar

    I am working on a rag quilt with white chennile hearts I have it on my Design Wall and blog.

  2. janet gordon Avatar

    I’m working on restoring a silk crazy quilt dated 1928. This is a family’s loveloy heritage quilt and needless to say, becaus it is silk, maney of the blocks have shattered. In order to protect the integrity of the original quilt, I am blindstitching replacement blocks over the original damaged ones and will do the fancy embroidery on the new blocks.
    Painstaking and taking far longer than I had planned!

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