Here’s my entry for SewCalGal’s Christmas Quilt Show 2010.

Several years ago I participated in a Christmas paper-piecing exchange. Each person was responsible for completing 12 blocks, 11 of which were then sent to a coordinator, who in turn sent you back 11 blocks that others completed.

My block is the Christmas ornament, third row down in the middle. It was paper-pieced from one of Carol Doak’s older books. My wall hanging finishes around 30″x40″.


View the Christmas Quilt Show entries.

25 responses to “SewCalGal’s Christmas Quilt Show 2010”

  1. Denise :) Avatar

    What a sweet quilt and fun swap! Did you pick the block you were going to contribute? 🙂

  2. Karen Avatar

    that is a nice quilt – I think most of us to like a special quilt at holiday times.

  3. Teresa Avatar

    I love paper piecing. That is really a very nice quilt.

  4. Paula Avatar

    This is a very nice quilt. You are great a paper piecing, (I am so not) so I will leave that to you.

    You can also enter this into my sewing challenge blog here at, Paula’s Sewing Challenges, for a chance to win a little something, something.
    Hope to see you there soon.

  5. Lisa M. Avatar

    Very nicely done…..I love block swaps 🙂

  6. Joanna Avatar

    That is such an interesting quilt. I like every block. It’s a very nice Christmas decoration.

  7. Linda in Calif Avatar
    Linda in Calif

    Wow! What a quilt! All that work – and it’s just beautiful!!

  8. Briarside Lane Avatar

    What a fun exchange! And a beautiful quilt as the result.


  9. Karen Avatar

    What a great way to collect blocks! Love the way your quilt has turned out. It looks great!

  10. Lois Avatar

    I have never gotten to like paper piecing but always enjoy seeing it done. This is very pretty wall hanging and what a fun project to be able to share. Love Lois

  11. Ariane Avatar

    What a great Christmas quilt. I love it!!

  12. QuiltSue Avatar

    What fun that must have been to make and then swap blocks.

  13. bonnie Avatar

    love your swap quilt, thanks for sharing

  14. Sandy K Avatar

    What a great way to get blocks for a Christmas quilt….love your ornament block!

  15. janet gordon Avatar

    What a lovely small quilt! Bright, quick and simple but bursting with charm!
    Janet in chilly Nova Scotia

  16. Teresa Avatar

    It turned out wonderful. Such fun…

  17. Sarka Avatar

    What a lovely christmas quilt. I hope you win 🙂 Sarka from oz

  18. quiltbenaco Avatar

    Molto bella!
    Ciao Domenica

  19. Nancy Sue Phillips Avatar
    Nancy Sue Phillips

    What a wonderful quilt! I love those swaps and exchanges. So much easier to make multiples of a block than 12 different PP blocks! Really a wonderful quilt!

  20. Nina-Marie Avatar

    What a lovely Christmas sampler!!

  21. SewCalGal Avatar

    Beautiful Christmas Quilt. You did a great job. Love it.


  22. Pat W. Avatar

    What a cute quilt! I love paper piecing.

  23. Roslyn Avatar

    Love PP but in small doses. I made two NYB’s PP!

  24. Elzaan Avatar

    Lovely quilt! Like the border.

  25. Kim Avatar

    The blocks are all beautiful. Very pretty quilt.

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