Scrappy Triangle Quilts

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30s lovers' links 30s lovers’ links
By: grace thorne, Maine, USA

saw this in a magazine years ago; pulled it out and saved for “later”. was gifted with a box of 30s repro fabrics and decided they would be ideal for this, which they are! this is a gift for my young nice; something to remember her aunt by for years to come.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 82"

A triangle madness A triangle madness
By: Turid Bakken, Norway

As soon as a person in my family is 18 years old, he or she gets a quilt from me. This one was for a boy, and he loves blue. He just got it, and was so content. Used all (?!) my bluish and white scraps in this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 88"

African princess African princess
By: Theresa Johnson, Alabama, USA

faces of many colors was made as a class project. Each student was asked to dress their princess in ethnic fabric of their choice. I then bordered each one in black triangles.

Quilt size: width: 108" height: 98"

Batik Glory! Batik Glory!
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

It took an online UFO accountability group to get this quilt finished. It’s been up on my design wall since last fall! Sometimes under 3-4 additional projects that jumped the sequence line… So glad to be finished, and so happy with the glorious purple and blue results! Whee! :?}

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 60"

Birdie Pinwheels Birdie Pinwheels
By: Birdie Pinwheel, Missouri, USA

This pinwheel quilt was made with fabric acquired in pursuit of a different quilt. I still haven’t made that quilt!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Civil War Scrappy Ocean Waves Civil War Scrappy Ocean Waves
By: DawnasFolkArt, Washington, USA

This Ocean Waves variation uses triangles instead of the traditional setting squares. It avoids the set-in seams of the original pattern and adds the additional interest of an hourglass unit where the blocks meet. I used lots of scraps, an asymmetrical setting and no borders for a “make-do” look.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 88"

Don't Worry, Be Scrappy Don’t Worry, Be Scrappy
By: M-R Charbonneau, Ontario, Canada

This quilt started with 40 2.5″ squares from Generation Q for their Scrap Splat Challenge. As the colours were all over the place, I decided to do something with the values. Then I had fun with the quilting using a range of values of pink to magenta thread.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 40"

Floating Stars Floating Stars
By: Jean Romack, Wisconsin, USA

My originial design, a unique way of cutting and piecing makes this a simple pattern for beginner or experienced quilter. I used scraps to make this bed size quilt

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 77"

Flower Garden Sampler Flower Garden Sampler
By: Sheila, Nova Scotia, Canada

This quilt was a BOM at our local quilt guild. Each month we were given another flower pattern to make , it was a lot of fun and I did this entirely from my scraps.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 85"

Flying Geese Flying Geese
By: Marjorie, New Brunswick, Canada

This was my first flying geese quilt. I thought it would be so simple to put this together…hahaha. Silly me; what was I thinking? Really; it was, after I realized those long strips didn’t just line up all by themselves…lol. It was fun and used up a lot of scraps. It now is in New Zealand.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 98"

Half Square Triangles Half Square Triangles
By: Lori, Michigan, USA

This is a super scrap buster! The back is also a different half square triangle design.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 78"

Hourglass Hourglass
By: Elizabeth, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA

This mini quilt was made with a charm pack of Reunion by Sweetwater for Moda and Kona gray. I am considering making this pattern in a larger version for a picnic quilt.

Quilt size: width: 15.5" height: 15.5"

I've Got the Blues I’ve Got the Blues
By: Kristi_d, Wisconsin, USA

Scrappy triangle in blues and purples, made as a wedding gift for my son.

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 80"

It's Triangle Time! It’s Triangle Time!
By: Oh Sew Tempting, United Kingdom

I hope you like the 4th quilt I’ve ever made from start to finish myself. I used part of a layer cake called Santorini which had been kicked around the floor of a shop and was greatly reduced in price. It has very bright colours which I love. I cooled it down a little with a plain buttery cream.

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 44"

Jasmine's Hourglass Quilt Jasmine’s Hourglass Quilt
By: Elaine Mork, United Kingdom

Quilted for my gorgeous niece Jasmine from scraps left over from my Joel Dewberry Summer Meadow Quilt. Jasmine is at University studying a nursing degree, so I know it will be appreciated. It is called Hourglass because it reminds me of her, she is beautiful. It is travelling to her very soon 🙂

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Just Triangles Just Triangles
By: Nann Hilyard, Illinois, USA

This looks more complicated than it is: make a bunch of half-square triangles, make 9-patches. Sew the 9-patches into 4’s. Repeat. I emptied the box of 3″ squares!

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 84"

Kansas Troubles Triangle Quilt Kansas Troubles Triangle Quilt
By: Starwood Quilter, Colorado, USA

I made this entire quilt from Kansas Troubles charm squares. All of their fabrics work together, so I tried to get as many varieties as possible to include in my quilt. Each quilter in my group made this quilt, but every one of them looks different because of the fabrics we used.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 104"

Marilyn Marilyn
By: Sharyn H, New Jersey, USA

I made this quilt in memory of my dear friend Marilyn who passed away 3 years ago from Ovarian Cancer. I used the Ovarian Cancer tribute fabric by Blank Textiles.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 78"

Medallion Stars Medallion Stars
By: KimsCraftyApple, Wisconsin, USA

I used a combination of hand dyed fabrics and commercial prints for this quilt. It’s the third quilt I ever made and it’s huge. I created the pattern myself for this piece. It is super warm and wonderful with a flannel back. QuiltsbyBarb quilted it for me.

Quilt size: width: 104" height: 93"

Memory Delight Memory Delight
By: Carlie Lincoln, Australia

Swapping quilting mags with a nursing buddy led me to this fabulous pattern by Bhajan Atwal called Cottage Delight with over 2700 pieces. My interpretation it a tad smaller with over 2000 little scraps. I call mine Memory Delight as I remember all the previous projects I have made.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 65"

Music Themed Table Runner Music Themed Table Runner
By: MC Simard, Alberta, Canada

This is a music themed table runner made out the scrap fabric from my very first quilt (also music themed). It was pieced entirely from half square triangles.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 15"

Not Squares Not Squares
By: Kristine, Australia

When trying to come up for a name for this quilt my son suggested calling it “squares”….. and of course i replied “but it’s not squares!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

One Block Wonder One Block Wonder
By: Rachel, Kansas, USA

I made this quilt for my dad after taking a class in Maxine Rosenthal’s One Block Wonder technique. The technique uses triangles to create the flower garden pattern. I quilted the quilt myself.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 80"

Oregon in January Oregon in January
By: Barbara Stanbro, Oregon, USA

A doll quilt for a swap with the theme “Show Us Where You Live”, which is Oregon, in my case. This quilt was made from scraps in my stash. It is paper-pieced and free-motion quilted. The design was inspired by a pattern called “Mountain’s Light” by Eric Gunson.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 21"

Pot of Jewels Pot of Jewels
By: Peggy, Utah, USA

This quilt is made of 2,268 triangles that are strip pieced together by rows to form the hexagons. I hand appliqued the flower pot border. When finished, the hexagons looked to me like faceted jewels. Thus the name “Pot of Jewels” I used a wide variety of Civil War repro prints in this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 99" height: 102"

Resteteppe Resteteppe
By: Berit Stavik Hansen, Norway

I took all of my scrappy fabric and quilted them with my embroidery machine, cut them into triangles and sewed them together in a zikkzakk (zigzag).

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 84"

Scrappy Christmas Scrappy Christmas
By: Adriana Jansen, Netherlands

Made with Christmas fabric scraps, during a summer holiday, by hand.
Fun to make.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Scrappy HST Quilt Scrappy HST Quilt
By: Terry Giet, Ohio, USA

I cut all of my scraps into five inch squares and 2-1/2 inch squares. For this quilt I paired up all my scrappy charm squares with white squares and made a whole bunch of scrappy half square triangles. My daughter and I laid them out several different ways before we decided on this layout.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 90"

Scrappy Jacob's Ladder Scrappy Jacob’s Ladder
By: Izy Denham, United Kingdom

This is made all from scraps, fabrics were selected by colour value/contrast only.

I let my scraps roam free for the first time and had such fun making this for my DH who was terminally ill at the time.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 90"

ScrapQuilt2 ScrapQuilt2
By: StitchinGirlMary, Maryland, USA

I was looking to find a use for all those wonderful little scraps of fabric I save and this was it!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 60"

Shelley's Wedding Quilt Shelley’s Wedding Quilt
By: Patricia Moffitt, Alaska, USA

The center blocks were some I made in a class and they sat around for a long time. Shelley needed a King-sized bed quilt, so I had these scrappy triangle squares left over from another project and decided to turn the original blocks on point and build the corners. It still needs a border I think!

Quilt size: width: 73" height: 73"

Sneakin' In Sneakin’ In
By: Sue, Indiana, USA

I won 8 blocks in my guild’s BOM, and made the rest to get the desired size. It will go to the charity we support after our quilt show at the end of this month. Quilted in the Baptist Fans pattern. I chose the name because I made it by sneaking in and hour here and there between customer quilts.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 68"

Star Burst Miniature Star Burst Miniature
By: Tea in MO, Missouri, USA

Quilts with half-square triangles have always been my favorite. This two-color miniature has 200 half-square triangles. It has over 550 pieces that came from scraps.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 20"

Starry Triple Irish Chain Starry Triple Irish Chain
By: Eileen, Minnesota, USA

This is my son’s wedding quilt. I had been saving RWB fabrics for them. I didn’t have enough, had to buy more, and ended up with as many leftovers as I started with! This is just the bottom half of the quilt, I had no place to get the whole quilt. It’s summer weight, no batting. Just tied.

Quilt size: width: 102" height: 123"

Triangle Confusion Triangle Confusion
By: Candace Moore, Iowa, USA

This quilt is made of all half square triangle blocks made from nickel (5″) squares of my fabric scraps. There’s a huge variety of color and style in the fabrics. I made this quilt as part of my original Double Nickel Quilt Challenge.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"

Triangles in Pastel Triangles in Pastel
By: Tiffany Bohland, Wisconsin, USA

I made this quilt for my sister when she found out she was having a girl. I loved the idea of having the pastels stand out with the white fabric on the other side of all the half square triangles.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 38"

Under the stars Under the stars
By: Natasha, Pennsylvania, USA

I wanted to make a super scrappy quilt with all of the little bitty pieces of fabric I had leftover. Using muslin foundations over about 6 months of piecing, I made Under the Stars! It was hand quilted and tied for a nostalgic effect. It is one of the most used quilts in my house!

Quilt size: width: 74" height: 90"

Valorie's Quilt Valorie’s Quilt
By: Norma, California, USA

I worked through my grief as I made this quilt in memory of my friend Valorie who passed away from breast cancer in 2010. I received the fabrics in the center from her in a fabric exchange. I used the quilt as a fundraiser and raised several thousand dollars. RIP Valorie. Miss you and your giggle!

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 60"

Visions of West Virginia Visions of West Virginia
By: Lisa Johnson, West Virginia, USA

A panel from the WV Quilt Hop 2010 and lots of scrappy triangles. My friend Irene Hensley quilted it for me.

Quilt size: width: 78" height: 87"

Yardsale quilt Yardsale quilt
By: sandi, Ontario, Canada

When my neighbour decided to sell her house she needed to clear out her stash. She was selling scrap bags of her favourite oriental fabrics. I didn’t need her scraps -I have plenty of my own!! But of course I did buy them and made this HST design.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 68"

Zig Zag Adventure Zig Zag Adventure
By: Linda Hall, Florida, USA

This was the first quilt I had made entirely out of triangles, so the name “Zig Zag Adventure” seemed especially appropriate. It’s a collection of half-square triangle scraps set with Moda Bella Solids “Stone”. There’s straight line and free motion quilting.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 51"

8 responses to “Scrappy Triangle Quilts”

  1. Sharon Avatar

    Wow – all the scrappy triangle quilts are beautiful. It was hard to pick five!

  2. Donna Klessner Avatar
    Donna Klessner

    What beautiful quilts! Scrappy quilts are my favorites! I enjoyed looking at all of them!

  3. Edna Kidd Avatar
    Edna Kidd

    I love Scrappy quilts and they are all so beautifu! It is very hard to pick just five of these wonderful quilts…

  4. Judith Blinkenberg Avatar
    Judith Blinkenberg

    Wonderful, beautiful quilts. And it was hard to pick 5. Thank you.

  5. Kristi Schutz Avatar
    Kristi Schutz

    All so inspiring!

  6. Susan Avatar

    I wish I could have voted for all of these quilts, they are all fantastic, and inspiring.

  7. Tara Larson Avatar
    Tara Larson

    Amazingly beautiful quilts!

  8. Marsha Cooper Avatar

    Please help me…I want to vote but I don’t see buttons to click or a vote at the end?

    I wish I had found this blog sooner, but glad that I did now. I will be following and submitting when I can, regardless of the fact that my quilts are nothing compared to the ones I see here.

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