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63 Stars By: Barb@Witsend,
Ontario, Canada
I started piecing this quilt years ago. I collected fabric from every where I went. I wanted the fabrics to look vintage. This was my second quilt that I quilted on my Longarm machine. Although my fabric tastes have changed from when I started this quilt I love it now it is quilted.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 75"
99 Keys By: Gene Black,
Alabama, USA
This is a simple quilt I made for a family member. I used a Disappearing Nine pack block and surrounded it with a piano key border and cornerstones. This was all made from stash scraps and yardage.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"
An Aerial View of the Desert By: An AerialView of the Desert,
Art quilt made from scraps ,some of which are hand dyed.
KTAA Exhibition 2013 Awards Third place Judges Choice
Quilt size: width: 28" height: 42"
Autumn Garden By: Mary S,
Michigan, USA
The orange print was given as “Fabric Challenge” in my local guild. It started as just a table topper using only the hex’s. Then grew as I added the flying geese, EQ7 program, as so on. Love using up scraps making hexagons as they can be used in so many ways. And fun to make too.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Baby Bird is loved By: Nancy Bird,
Louisiana, USA
I started quilting again, after having my stuff in storage for 4 years,when we found out about our first grandchild. She’s. due in November. This is my first rag quilt. (BTW, her mom is a Sooner grad, and her dad is an LSU grad – that’s what the 2 oddball squares are!)
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"
Baby’s trip around the World By: webGurl,
Ontario, Canada
Saw this quilt online, and tracked down the pattern to Bonnie Hunter- loved how it turned! I made it for a girl from work, whose family is in Europe. Hard to be away from family at a time like that!
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"
Baie d’Orca By: Accroquilt,
Quebec, Canada
Scrappy Quilt. From Bonnie K. Hunter Mystery Quilt 2011 Orca Bay. My first mystery quilt.
Quilt size: width: 84" height: 92"
Black & White & Red All Over By: Rhonda Lawton,
Texas, USA
This was an experiment with leftover scraps from another project. I used a template I designed and sewed up a storm. I’ve made several more of these Fractured Diamonds in various scrappy colors.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"
Candy Cane By: Gale Lavers,
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Using a pattern from a 2010 magazine, I cut up all my Christmas stash into 11/2 and 2 1/2 inches. I now have two beautiful quilts to use as gifts. I used everything up and pieced the leftovers into strips to add to my backs. So happy to have found a place where they all look great together.
Quilt size: width: 70" height: 78"
carrie nation By: diane larson,
Iowa, USA
made entirely out of scraps. I used reds for the path and neutrals for the background. These are 8″ blocks.
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 100"
Cascade By: Anne Deister,
Colorado, USA
I’m a huge Kaffe Fassett fan and have collected his fabrics for quite awhile. Love the colors and large scale prints. This was one of the first quilts I made that really pulled together some of my favorite Kaffe fabrics. This quilt is based on an original design and available through my website.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 70"
Cherry Blossom By: Kareh H,
Ontario, Canada
This original design is made from scraps & leftover bits. I make 3″ nine patches as leaders & enders. When I want to make a quilt I dip in to my huge pile of nine patches. I pulled pink & red blocks. I’m making from my stash. A free pattern for this quilt will be posted on my blog soon!
Quilt size: width: 69" height: 82"
Color Block Scraps By: Nina,
Virginia, USA
This quilt was born out of my frustration with a growing pile of scraps. It was designed as I went along. Initially I was just organizing the scraps by color. It has a cozy fleece on the back and the quilting is free motion meandering.
Quilt size: width: 44" height: 76"
Cool! By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,
A quilt made of all my cool fabrics, blues, greens, purples. 4-6 pieces (2 inch square) of each fabric.
Quilt size: width: 61" height: 83"
Country Strings Christmas Tree Skirt By: Gail Straka,
Arizona, USA
I love to make Christmas tree skirts. This pattern, which I designed, is great for using up those scraps. This one is Country, but also great in brights, blues, neutrals..
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Crayon Box By: Margie Young,
Texas, USA
This quilt is made from many scraps of fabric leftover from other quilt projects.
Quilt size: width: 70" height: 84"
Crazy About Scraps By: kristi_d,
Wisconsin, USA
Overwhelmed by my scrap pile, I decided to piece what I had into blocks. I didn’t expect to have enough blocks for a queen size quilt with fabric left over!
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 82"
Crazy Baby Quilt By: Ramona,
Arkansas, USA
Made for a friend who is pregnant with her first child. She is a psychiatrist and when I asked what sort of quilt she wanted told me she wanted one of my crazy quilts, “the crazier, the better.”
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 42"
Destiny By: Maggie Boucher,
North Carolina, USA
This is my first attempt at a double wedding ring. My daughter asked me to make this for her for her Best Friend for her engagement. I used peaces from 8 jelly rolls for the rings and for the binding and it is complete applique.
Quilt size: width: 78" height: 80"
Doll Quilt By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada
Edyta Sitar’s Doll Quilt pattern – I just loved making this one.
Quilt size: width: 25" height: 25"
Fading Charms By: Claire Alexander,
Oregon, USA
I had been saving fabric samples for years, I and was happy to find a tutorial on Deanna’s blog. I modified it to be rectangle and to use my 1 1/2 inch fabric samples instead of 2 1/2 inch
Quilt size: width: 38" height: 60"
Fallon’s First Star By: Robin Sinn,
Arizona, USA
This quilt was made in 1989 for the birth of my niece. It is from a 1988 Quilter’s Newsletter pattern. The quilt was started in Maryland and was finished in our new home in Arizona. My sister tells me it was well used and loved to pieces.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 56"
Family Reunion Giveaway Quilt By: Ann,
Florida, USA
I made this to giveaway at our 2012 Family Reunion. I had a sweet label embroidered for it with last names of family and in honor of our grandmother. Fun idea.
Quilt size: width: 55" height: 70"
Flower Basket + Weed Wacker By: Debbie Lange Quilting,
Indiana, USA
I pieced the border Weed Wacker blocks first with an assortment of bright colors. With the portion of the half square triangle that is normally discarded I pieced the traditional Flower Basket blocks. I used a tulip blocks as part of the setting triangles and scrappy sashing around the Flower Basket
Quilt size: width: 80.5" height: 96.5"
Fractured diamonds By: Carol Johnston,
Idaho, USA
This is a scrappy sample of all my batiks and a couple of charm packs of batiks I ordered. It is my most masculine colourful quilt, which I quilted on my domestic machine at home
Quilt size: width: 76" height: 91"
Full of Flowers By: Jane,
Tennessee, USA
This is a beautiful quilt made with only 2 blocks. Look careful for the blocks are extended right to the edges. I used beautiful fall colors, which are my favorite. It was machine quilted in an all over flowers design.
Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"
Growing up By: DeborahGun,
This mini quilt was for my nieces 21st birthday. The embroidery of the little girl is to symbolise her letting go of childhood, and the tree is to symbolise my prayers for her – that she will remain rooted in the foundations that her childhood has given her and that she will flourish as an adult.
Quilt size: width: 16" height: 24"
Happy Scrappy Stars By: Theresa Litz,
New York, USA
Started July 2012 when attending a Bonnie Hunter workshop. She designed and offers this pattern named “My Blue Heaven” on her website free. It took a year to complete. During a new workshop this year, I proudly showed her my completed quilt. I am the short one on the right. Bonnie Hunter in back.
Quilt size: width: 82" height: 89"
It’s just peachy By: Anne Laguette Hollebeke,
Colorado, USA
Peaches, corals and cream Daughter-in-law picked the pattern and colors for my future granddaughter due in mid September. She lives in Arizona, and I live in Colorado. We kept texting and sending pictures of fabric for the quilt. Just finished it yesterday, I quilted it myself too.
Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"
Kaleidoscope By: Lauren aka Giddy99,
Tennessee, USA
My first bed-size quilt (a KING), is Kaleidoscope – a gift for my mom! Many of the fabrics are Anna Maria Horner, Amy Butler, Kaffe Fassett – all cut from “my precious” section of my stash. The sashing and stars are Kona Charcoal. Quilted by Jennifer Davidson Jones (Granny B’s, Dickson, TN).
Quilt size: width: 99" height: 99"
Kaleidoscope kid’s quilt By: Poppy,
I enjoyed to make classic kaleidoscope pattern with my scrappy bag on hand. The combination of colors turquoise, pink, black and blue was a bit extraordinary for me but inspirational.
Quilt size: width: 39" height: 47"
Kitchen Sink By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada
I led a group of quilters each making her own quilt with monthly sections of this design from an Australian magazine. When it was done it seemed to have everything BUT the kitchen sink, so I scanned a photo of a kitchen sink and included it on the label!
Quilt size: width: 83" height: 110"
Leaves and Geese By: Md White,
Sewn in 3 different countries. Started w/a Flying Geese block exchange in Seattle, WA. Pieced the columns in Colombia. Machine appliquéd the leaves while back in Seattle. Quilt finished in Kenya. Pattern based on Julie Hendrickesen’s Small Measures. Longarm quilted by Deanna Gaudaur in Kenya.
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 106"
Liberty Fields in Scraps By: Fiona,
I used lots of small scraps for this quilt… the biggest pieces were 4 1/2″ and I had loads of HST’s to trim. The main cream was a purchased piece. The pattern is by Kathy Doughty in the book Material Obsession. It’s my favourite quilt and covers my bed…
Quilt size: width: 79" height: 87"
Logs & Geese & Batiks By: Lisa Marie,
Kentucky, USA
This pattern is Geese in the Cabin from Quilter’s Newsletter March 2005. It took years to paper piece then it waited more years to be quilted. Just for fun, I calculated the number of pieces when it was done — 2925 ! It’s made from my stash of older batiks. The back has additional piecing.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 104"
Material Evidence By: Annie Houston,
California, USA
This was a mystery quilt by Debbie Caffrey from my local quilt shop, Monica’s. With the exception of the butterfly fabric for the large squares, all the fabric for the top was from my stash! Unfortunately, there is still a lot of material evidence that my stash is getting out of hand…again!
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 70"
Nickel 1 By: Susan Arnold,
California, USA
I was trying to use up some nickel squares but didn’t have enough yellow. So, pulled out some scrap yellow fabric and starting cutting. And now I have MORE nickel squares than when I started!!
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 64"
Nighttime Jewels By: Kay E Smith,
Washington, USA
Our guild’s monthly lotto block was 9″ scrappy stars. I decided this was the time to make my quilt. Most of the star points were made using triangles left over from other projects. I really love how this turned out.
Used Bonnie Hunters 6″ and 12″ star quilt pattern and added the 9″ stars.
Quilt size: width: 70" height: 82"
Ninnie Nines By: Tina Craig,
Rhode Island, USA
Most of the 9-patch blocks were made by other members of the Ninigret Quiltes and swapped at meetings. I needed to make 10 additional blocks to complete the design. The layout was inspired by the Niner pattern by Thimble Blossoms. I plan to use up leftover binding after it is quilted.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 76"
No Name By: Karen Pantony,
Quilt made using leftover strips cut into squares and sewn in medallion style. ‘No name’ will be given to local aged care facility where each person gets to choose a quilt for themselves.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"
Nova By: Nancy Tanguay,
Connecticut, USA
This is an adaptation of the New York Beauty design that I made to try different positions for the blocks. I wanted to also use some of my scraps that were taking over my sewing room!
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 80"
Oh My, Scrappy Stars! By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada
A scrappy neutral background featuring warm and cool coloured star blocks, this quilt consists of 50 rows and 50 columns of 2″ finished squares.
Quilt size: width: 100" height: 100"
P. S. I Love You By: Nancy Hamm,
Pennsylvania, USA
This is a simple 9 patch quilt using fabric from my stash but the border has hearts spilling over the edges because there is just so much love to give with this quilt. Pattern by Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith from their book “Plentiful Possibilities”
Quilt size: width: 58" height: 78"
Paul’s Big Boy Quilt By: Julie Fukuda,
When my first grandson switched to a bigger bed, his baby quilt no longer worked. I went through all my blue and green scraps and cut one piece of everything. These were sewed into 5 inch blocks and then into 10. I was lucky to find the blue/green batik for the border. Hand pieced and hand quilted
Quilt size: width: 76" height: 86"
Pink denim By: Turid Bakken,
I love to reuse fabrics, especially denim. This I made from old denim jeans and all of my pink scraps.
Quilt size: width: 64" height: 80"
REAL Scrappy Quilt By: JOY B,
Kentucky, USA
A cousin I hadn’t seen for years connected with me via facebook and found out I was putting quilts together for orphans/charity/gift. He sent me a box of scraps. I had to keep the quilt for his memory.
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 48"
Red Hexies By: Marianne Jeffrey,
Colorado, USA
This quilt is made up of 4inch hexagons. Every piece of fabric was from my stash, I used almost every red fabric I owned.
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 80"
Rundt og rundt By: Berit Hansen,
Quilt size: width: 67" height: 87"
Scrap Control 1 By: Susan,
Alabama, USA
This quilt started very innocently with someone telling me about using used dryer sheets as a foundation for scrap quilts. I googled this concept and this is how I upcycled used dryer sheets and a lot of 1 1/2″ and smaller wide strings. It has been a fun and addictive work in process.
Quilt size: width: 74" height: 80"
Scrapalicious By: Samelia’s Mum,
My scrap tub was overflowing so I decided it was time to use up my scraps and leftover pieces of favourite fabrics to create a scrappy, improv quilt.
I absolutely love the finished quilt.
I quilted some words and family names into the quilt and my children love trying to find the quilted word
Quilt size: width: 80" height: 92"
Scrappy I By: Mary Lines,
Washington, USA
I threw all the pieces in a bag and pulled them out at random.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 57"
Scrappy Patriotic By: Cynthia Brunz Designs,
Oregon, USA
This is a recent finish of mine. I pulled my scrap 2 1/2″ strips in reds and blues and came up with this fun two color pattern. It went together quickly and easily. I really like how it turned out!!
Quilt size: width: 59" height: 68"
Scraps for the Road By: Peg,
British Columbia, Canada
Trying to use up scraps, I randomly made various style blocks of strips and HST’s and small squares, added a few random blocks left over from other projects, and ended with this nice colorful quilt that seemed to suit our trailer perfectly. So it’s on the road with us all summer!
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"
Scrapspectrum By: Willeke de la Chambre,
I made this quilt a few years back and used all the scraps I had at that moment.
Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"
Scrap~Yard Picnic Quilt By: dawn,
Illinois, USA
My scrap quilt was made as part of the Sew Scrap Along at Pleasant Home blog back in 2012. My challenge was to use only red, green, blue, and yellow fabric from my scraps. The border and backing was from my stash.
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 79"
Skittles By: Carmi,
Oregon, USA
This was a design by Judy Laquidara from Patchwork Times and was made with my stash. My grandson picked it out for his when he saw it.
Quilt size: width: 68" height: 58"
Spider web By: Mina,
Texas, USA
I was in serious need of taming my scrap boxes! I found the tutorial on Quiltville and made a Spider web quilt. I am pleased to say that I no longer have a scrap problem
Quilt size: width: 74" height: 84"
Spring By: Helen Hubert,
Ontario, Canada
The mountain of scraps was getting out of control, so I pulled some yellows and greens for this project. The pattern is pretty easy, using 4 1/2″ squares and 2 1/2″ strips. On completion, this was donated to the Quilts of Valour program.
Quilt size: width: 66" height: 78"
Star Light, Star Bright By: Peg,
British Columbia, Canada
In response to a rainbow challenge, I started making these wacky stars from scraps left from another rainbow quilt. The challenge seems to have disappeared, but no matter. The quilt isn’t assembled yet, but should be shortly and then I hope to send it along to Alberta for the flood victims there.
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 54"
Starburst By: Gail F,
New Brunswick, Canada
A summer project designed to clean up some of my stash. completely hand pieced and hand quilted…
Quilt size: width: 90" height: 90"
Tassels By: Karen,
California, USA
Using my tutorial and blocks from Friends+Fabric=A Modern Stash Bee along with a few extras for a good size, I created Tassels, a quilt that I treasure. Sewn together at our first MQG Retreat made it even more memorable, playing eye spy of designer fabric at 2am. Pieced and quilted by me at home.
Quilt size: width: 61" height: 73"
Toddler String Quilt By: NitaDances,
Yukon Territory, Canada
This is a small “Because You Matter” quilt, the the first of 3 quilts made by request for three young brothers in foster care. The social worker requested small “blankie” sized quilts, so as this one was for a 2-year-old, I made it especially small. I used string scraps from my scrap bin.
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 36"
Treasures from the scrap bin By: Laila Kristiansen,
This quilt was finished in 2012. The smallest squares finishes at 1″ x 1″. Design is by Nancy Eriksen and it is beautifully quilted by Quiltestallen.
Quilt size: width: 49" height: 76"
Twister: A Coins Quilt By: Becca,
Maryland, USA
Found this pattern and thought it might make a good Quilt for Kids pattern if it was downsized. I couldn’t bring myself to make it smaller, though. So here is the final result. Completely created from my stash, including the backing which was made from leftovers. Long arm quilting by me.
Quilt size: width: 56" height: 56"
Under the Boardwalk By: Nancy K,
California, USA
The play of light and shadow reminded me of sitting under the Boardwalk in Virginia many years ago. The song played over in my head constantly. It is all batiks and the outside edge are shells.
Quilt size: width: 65" height: 51"
Vintage Scrappy Kaleidoscope By: Glenna Hailey,
Oklahoma, USA
This little quilt was made from fabric salvaged from a beat up old quilt top. Most of the prints are feedsack. It is backed with a fabulous old feedsack as well and bound with a turquoise and red feedsack print. The flowers are also feedsack and embellished with vintage buttons.
Quilt size: width: 31" height: 31"
What Would Kaffe Do? By: Brita Pingry,
Tennessee, USA
I pulled equal numbers of Kaffe Fassett-style fabrics and neutral tone-on-tone fabrics to make this pattern. However, it looked pretty boring. So I tossed the tone-on-tones, and substituted some of Kaffe’s neutrals, or rather, less-than-in-your-face fabrics, and it turned out exciting!
Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"
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