Scrappy Again! Quilts

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  • Total submissions: 35
  • Total countries: 7
  • Total provinces: 2
  • Total states: 18

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Brown Crumbs Brown Crumbs
By: Elizabeth Kelbaugh, South Carolina, USA

I love to work with crumbs of fabric. I was inspired by Bonnie Hunter’s work with crumbs and a quilt of Joy Saville’s. I sorted my crumbs ( I save anything larger than 1″) and started free piecing.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 63"

coin quilt coin quilt
By: cindy fellabaum, Oregon, USA

This coin quilt I made for my friend who has been diagnosed with lymphoma.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 80"

Crazy Quilt, Of Course (A Bit Dotty) Crazy Quilt, Of Course (A Bit Dotty)
By: Sandra Starley, Utah, USA

I took a ‘crazy quilt’ challenge literally using about 125 different fabrics, a bit of my black & white collection. Victorian stitching took over and I had a blast trying out fancy stitches and finishing with a stitched swag border to complete the design. Paperpieced and machine embroidered. Enjoy

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 16"

Dream Big! Crumb Quilt Dream Big! Crumb Quilt
By: Jo Kramer, Iowa, USA

This quilt was inspired by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville’s Crumb pattern. The quilt is made with recycled 100% cotton shirts. It was designed as a gift for my daughter. The letters around the outside say her name and the words, “Dream Big!” I am hosting a crumb along to make the quilt on my blog.

Quilt size: width: 76.5" height: 76.5"

Dream Catcher Dream Catcher
By: Pat Ferguson, Utah, USA

During December of last year, I challenged myself to make a 7.5″ block daily for this quilt. I had made several quilts from many of these fabrics and was growing tired of them. This quilt used up the main portion of my scraps from these Moda fabrics and some others I had that blended with this.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 85"

Dresden Plate Dresden Plate
By: marjorie henwood, New Brunswick, Canada

This quilt used up a lot of the scraps I had laying around at the time. I always like navy and white together; is now with a family in Ontario.

Quilt size: width: 88" height: 98"

Emma's Garden Emma’s Garden
By: Kristin, South Carolina, USA

A bright and cheery scrappy quilt made for my daughter. All flower centers are hand appliqued. This quilt traveled with us on our move across the country. 7 states and 2 years later she finally had her quilt.

Quilt size: width: 96" height: 84"

Everything from Black to White Everything from Black to White
By: CathyW, United Kingdom

My nephew Tom (age 19) asked for an abstract quilt in “Everything from Black to White and all the colours in between”. I used left overs from 6 other quilts, and a few bright fat quarters that jumped out of my stash. His sister says he will love it, but it’s waiting for his birthday in November!

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Half Square Diamond Half Square Diamond
By: Lori, Michigan, USA

Scrap Bin Buster – half square triangle of light/dark arranged to create a diamond pattern.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 88"

Higher Hope Higher Hope
By: Debbie, South Carolina, USA

This is a very easy, scrappy braid that uses lots of different values of fabric to get the blending effect. Each braid run is banded with black strips so that they seem to float across the quilt. A great stash buster.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 80"

Joey's Quilt Joey’s Quilt
By: k3n, United Kingdom

I had to sort my scraps, the tubs wouldn’t close! I cut lots of 2 1/2″ squares then pieced 4 patches and it became this! I’m not good at scrappy – too much of a control freak, so was pleased that it began to fall into groups of colours. I added the red/ cream HSTs for unity. My son, Joey’s quilt.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 80"

Kaleidoscope Scrappy Quilt Kaleidoscope Scrappy Quilt
By: Michelle Young, Maine, USA

Made with various yellows, purples, oranges and greens, with solid black, this quilt was created during a quilt-along done by Elizabeth at “Don’t Call Me Betsy.”

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 112"

Kansas Troubles Scrappy Quilt Kansas Troubles Scrappy Quilt
By: Starwood Quilter, Colorado, USA

This quilt started out as Kansas Troubles Quilters 5″ charm packs – from as many lines of their fabric as I could find. Since all of the Kansas Troubles lines coordinate, I knew I could get the scrappy but pleasing look that I wanted.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 104"

laughing is the same language laughing is the same language
By: liesbeth Wessels, Netherlands

This is a block of the month made in 2009 and finished this year. I made it by hand. Most blocks are made in Italy on vacation. Only the border is made by machine .

Quilt size: width: 33" height: 50"

lovers' links lovers’ links
By: cityquilter grace thorne, Maine, USA

an old fashioned pattern made out of 30s repros; machine pieced and hand quilted

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 80"

Mod Circles Scrappy Baby Quilt Mod Circles Scrappy Baby Quilt
By: Lindsey, Georgia, USA

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

By: Linda Douglas, Montana, USA

MONTANA is a bold scrappy machine quilted square of brightness for any neutral colored wall.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

My Fall Quilt My Fall Quilt
By: Roolen, Russian Federation

my favourite colors + my favourite season + my favourite scraps = my fall quilt

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 82"

My interweave My interweave
By: Milka Rajic, Serbia

Quilt size: width: 93" height: 93"

Pigs On the Farm Pigs On the Farm
By: Thearica Burroughs, North Carolina, USA

My quilting buddies know my hubby and I collect pig pottery so they are always sending me pig themed fabrics. I made this quilt using all of those fabrics for the circles. The green background fabric was given to me by one of the ladies when we met in NH at a quilting retreat. Friends are such fun.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 70"

S-crappy Economy S-crappy Economy
By: Yankee Quilter, Georgia, USA

Years ago I picked up a bag of vintage blocks and immediately wanted to reproduce them for a quilt. “S-crappy Economy blocks” was written on the bag and for a long time I thought that was the name of the pattern…it’s not…it was just a bag of inexpensive scrap blocks!

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 75"

Scrappy  Half Logs Scrappy Half Logs
By: Sharon Vrooman, New York, USA

Free form half log cabin blocks using a ‘black chimney’ and scrap strips. This quilt was donated to our local Flood Victims Charity on behalf of the 100 Quilts for Kids project.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 62"

Scrappy Bargello Scrappy Bargello
By: Karen Simons, Louisiana, USA

I made this from bundle of fat quarters and scraps from stash. I love how the colors blended!

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 84"

Scrappy stars Scrappy stars
By: Denise, Italy

With all the scraps leftover I made a full star sky.
After I quilted it free motion with little stars.

Quilt size: width: 84" height: 60"

Scrappy Trails Scrappy Trails
By: Christine L, Washington, USA

This quilt is made with 20 fat quarters. The pattern is a variation from Thimble Creek called Licorice and Lattes.. I gave this to my Dad in 2008. Scrappy Trails fits the Cowboy that he is and the backing has horses on it. I enjoy the simplicity yet character that this pattern gives a quilt.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"

scrappy trips around the world scrappy trips around the world
By: Sue K, Indiana, USA

I made this for a friend’s Mom who has pancreatic cancer. She takes it to chemo treatments with her.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 84"

Simply Glowing Simply Glowing
By: Jayardi, Wisconsin, USA

I love a controlled scrappy. When I decided to go green, I had to enlist the help of my friends to acquire the 300+ fabrics. Then it took 2 months to put them in value order. The border is raw edge, fussy cut leaves and FM echo swirls to mimic leaves blowing in the wind done on my Sapphire 830.

Quilt size: width: 68.5" height: 87"

Summer Bow Tie Summer Bow Tie
By: dawn, Illinois, USA

This was made as a summer quilt along this past summer. I made mine scrappy using 150 different fabrics from my stash.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

Sushi Sushi
By: StitchinRN, Arizona, USA

I made a round table topper and used a 10degree wedge ruler. So what was left was a lot of fabric and a lot of strips cut into odd wedge shapes and lengths. So I made this wall hanging. I called it Sushi, because to me it means ‘all mixed up’. I left the angles and the widths to add character.

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 50"

Teresa's Quilt Teresa’s Quilt
By: Kathy Stockbridge, Washington, USA

This quilt has 2,607 pieces. I made it for my dear friend Teresa. It is a pineapple block and 9 patch quilt. I machine quilted it myself in strips, and then put the strips together.

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 96"

Thunderstorm Quilt Thunderstorm Quilt
By: Kelley Donner, California, USA

When I was pregnant with my first son, I decided to clean up and get rid of stuff, and make something for my son that he would have for a lifetime. Since I had a lot of was jeans, I made a quilt using my old denim blues as a thunderstorm rolling in on the horizon with the sun behind the clouds.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 72"

Tilda Tilda
By: Ineke van den Akker, Netherlands

This is my first Quilt ever. I’ve made it for my granddaughter. She is 3 years old now. It was a Birthday present.

Quilt size: width: 75 cm" height: 110 cm"

Tristen's Garden Tristen’s Garden
By: Amy B, Utah, USA

This is a Disappearing 9 Patch pattern with appliqued pieces. The little girl it was made for had a bug themed receiving blanket but out grew it. I decided to make her a big girl quilt with bugs somewhere on the quilt. The quilt is named for her. By the way, she loves the quilt!

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 61"

Tumbilng Down Tumbilng Down
By: Krista Zaleski, Ontario, Canada

I wanted to make a baby block quilt, with the blocks falling into a pile. It was a design I’d been thinking about for some time. I pieced all the blocks from scraps, and laid out the design of the tumbling blocks as I went. The entire quilt is pieced – no applique.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 36"

Twirligig Twirligig
By: Candace, Iowa, USA

Twirligigs is a scrap quilt that I made from 5″ squares of Kaffe Fassett fabric. It’s a variation of a disappearing nine patch quilt that I came up with for my Double Nickel Quilt Challenge.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 52"

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