Quick stats:

  • Total submissions: 14
  • Total countries: 2
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 10

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10 Minute Block - Michael Neal Jr 10 Minute Block – Michael Neal Jr
By: Kelly Kreft,
Colorado, USA

I know this isn’t fancy, but a lot of love went into making this. Michael served our country and he died shortly after returning home. His mom was a classmate of mine so I made this for her. It gives her comfort to curl up in this. God Bless our Veterans, Past, Present and Future. Never forgotten.

Quilt size: width: 62″" height: 74″"

A Hero's Quilt A Hero’s Quilt
By: Mama Spark,
Michigan, USA

A family friend was injured in Afghanistan. He was sent home for treatment. I asked friends to help me make blocks for a quilt for him. Many blocks were sent and a beautiful string quilt was made. I embroidered a purple heart label. More about Matt www.mamaspark.blogspot.com/2010/03/heros-party

Quilt size: width: 80" height: 90"

Americana Americana
By: LaRue Wilson,
Texas, USA

This quilt was made for and sent to my nephew who served two tours in Iraq between 2009 – 2012. I had been sending him cookies and bags of chips so, when the quilt arrived he was surprised and thrilled by it!

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 80"

Family of Vets Family of Vets
By: Patricia Moffitt,
Alaska, USA

These are all the military veterans in my husbands family. I made this for my Father-in-Law (center photo) and it was a great hit.

Quilt size: width: 65" height: 65"

Memorial Quilt for JJ King Memorial Quilt for JJ King
By: Stitchinggrandma,
Delaware, USA

JJ Kings daddy was killed in the line of duty at Andrews AFB MD in February. I worked with his friends, and was honored to make a quilt to help a little boy “know” how proud his daddy was to serve in the USAF. Pattern- The Boxer, designed by Jeni Baker for Aurifil, March 2013 Block of the Month.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 75"

Norm's Memories Norm’s Memories
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

I purchased the paper foundation pieced pattern directly from the Dutch designer – my husband had been a member of the Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry and this was the perfect gift for his 75th birthday! He still had the shoulder flash from an old uniform and it added the perfect touch

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 22"

Patriot QOV Patriot QOV
By: Vicki W,
Virginia, USA

All of the fabrics in this quilt are hand dyed. The palette that I used is one I designed specifically for making QOV quilts. In the link you can see a veteran’s quilt that I made from all of the leftover fabrics.

Quilt size: width: 63" height: 81"

Proud to Be an American (Shannon C) Proud to Be an American (Shannon C)
By: Shannon C,
Oklahoma, USA

My partner was a US Marine, so when I decided to make him a quilt, honoring that service was a logical choice. He requested the lone star pattern and I went from there. Each of the four designs in the setting squares, including the USMC seal, are hand appliqued.

Quilt size: width: 49" height: 49"

Proud To Be An American (Thearica Burroughs & Kim Story) Proud To Be An American (Thearica Burroughs & Kim Story)
By: Thearica Burroughs & Kim Story (duo quilt),
North Carolina, USA

Kim made this quilt for a wounded soldier and I offered to quilt it. She chose the perfect fabrics and pattern design. I quilted fire crackers going off in the stars as though it was a 4th of July celebration. I quilted the chorus to Lee Greenwood’s song God Bless The USA in the inner border.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 84"

Remembering Dad Remembering Dad
By: Vandy,
Ohio, USA

When my dad passed I ended up with all of his patches and pins from his Pistol Sharp Shooting days in the Army. After 10 years I finally found a way to display them in a wall hanging. I even found 2 photos of him, his enlistment photo and 1 later when he was stationed in Germany.

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"

Remembering Peace - Quilt of Valour Remembering Peace – Quilt of Valour
By: Susan Kalcsits,
Saskatchewan, Canada

The quilt was made in support of the Quilts of Valour program in Cda. I showed it at my Remembrance Day presentation supporting my son’s colleagues who were injured in the same tour of duty as his. It will be sent to the QOV coordinator to gift a deserving Afghan veteran.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 64"

scrappy lap quilt for vet scrappy lap quilt for vet
By: Claire Witherspoon,
California, USA

My local guild provides lap quilts to wheel chair bound veterans. What a great cause to make quilts for! I’ve donated about 9 in the past year. At 36″ by 48″ these quilts are a great way to use scraps, orphan blocks or left overs. visit my blog for more charitable ideas.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 48"

Scrappy Swoon Along Scrappy Swoon Along
By: Kathy S.,
Ohio, USA

This quilt was made during the Scrappy Swoon QA at Hopeful Homemaker blog. I did it in red, white, and blue and made it as a Quilt of Valor dedicated to my dad, “Red”, who served in WWII. Veteran’s Day, 2013, I sent it to a childhood friend who has retired from the Navy and now lives in Brazil.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 72"

Ultimate Sacrifice Ultimate Sacrifice
By: Mary-Anne Buist,
Alberta, Canada

Made for my cousin in the USA who lost his life as the result of a tragedy after serving in Afghanistan. The quilt is a reproduction of the hands of my cousin and her two young sons holding his dog tags. Outline printed on linen, stitched, tarapunto and painted.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 9"

54 responses to “Remembering Veterans Quilts & Give-Away”

  1. Kristen Helton Avatar

    I would love to own the “Brown Bear, Brown Bear fat quarter bundle”. Its super cute and I could make a quilt for my son.

  2. Kiska Avatar

    What lovely quilts! A wonderful way to pay homage to vets.

  3. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    I LOVE the “Water a Garden for Olivia” fat quarter bundle.

  4. Joyce Avatar

    so many to choose from ,but i would love to have
    ” Victorious civil war melodies” or “Serene Hampton Ridge”

  5. Sallie Avatar

    Attic Treasures Fat Quarter Bundle
    Gerri Robinson for Red Rooster Fabrics

  6. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    all wrapped up

  7. LINDA Avatar


  8. Béatrice Avatar

    Beach House Buggy Barn, would love to have it.

  9. Tina Gilley Avatar
    Tina Gilley

    My Grandsons Would Love City Construction.

  10. Sandra Visser Avatar
    Sandra Visser

    I just love Driftwood Dovetails Batiks II Fat Quarter Bundle
    Jo Morton for Andover Fabrics

  11. Tiffany Avatar

    Katie Jone’s Bloggers choice bundle!

  12. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    Jason Yenter’s Winter Wonderland. Always like his holiday line.

  13. Hanke Avatar

    Elderberry Jam Batiks Fat Quarter Bundle. Like the colors!

  14. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    Driftwood Dovetails Batiks II……can’t wait for it to come in!!!

  15. Ann Avatar

    Napa Tonga

  16. Teri powers Avatar
    Teri powers

    I love the gingerbread bundle

  17. barbe price Avatar
    barbe price

    there are too many i ‘need’ lol but i really like Noir Minimalista

  18. Elaine Avatar

    Zest would be my choice! thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Carol Broughton Avatar
    Carol Broughton

    I would live to have the newest collection from Me and My Sister Designs, called Hubba Hubba!

  20. Michele Timms Avatar
    Michele Timms

    Maybe you should ask which ones I don’t want!! That was tough decision making but I narrowed it down to: Cool Kaffe Fassett Collective Fat Quarter Bundle (the Hot bundle would be my second choice).

  21. Kristi Avatar

    I would love to own Tula Pink’s Nile Acacia.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Nancy Avatar

    I like snowflakes. I like Frolic A Winter Wonderland Fat Qt. Bundle. The colors are appealing to me, too.

  23. Gunda Avatar

    In need of “Ice” fabric to make a Hockey quilt for my son, who is serving in the German Army

  24. Sandy A in St. Louis Avatar
    Sandy A in St. Louis

    I would love to own a bundle of Avoncliff!

  25. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I would love La Creme de la Creme Fat Quarter Bundle.

  26. Emily Breclaw Avatar

    I would love to win the Sibyl Downton Abbey bundle. Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    Happy Low Volume Fat Quarter Bundle has my attention.

  28. Diane Avatar

    So many choices … loving Sweet Serenade Fat Quarter Bundle BasicGrey for Moda Fabrics. Thanks for the chance!

  29. Suzanne McFadden Avatar
    Suzanne McFadden

    I like Water A Garden for Olivia. Thanks for the giveaway! Love the Fat Quarter Shop.

  30. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    Jazzy Anything Goes FQ Bundle is my favorite. Thanks.

  31. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I’d like to own the 30s Playtime FQ bundle. These calicos are so wonderful. Thanks for the chance!

  32. Ms Lottie Avatar

    I can’t bring myself to vote this time. They are all so important, made to honour the people who have served their countries, sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice. Too hard to choose.

  33. Lea Avatar

    Pam Kitty’s designer Select makes me giggle like a little girl!

  34. Susan Avatar

    I’d love to use the new batiks by Jo Morton Oak Dovetails or Elm Dovetail Batiks! And I’d like to vote for either Fields and Fiber (and don’t see it listed) as well as the double listing for Proud to be an American.

  35. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    There are so many beautiful bundles.
    I loved the window shopping !
    But, for today, I’d pick the Jumping Around Town Bundle by Whimsicals for Red Rooster.

  36. Marilyn Emmons Avatar
    Marilyn Emmons

    So hard to not vote for all the valor quilts, Heros nicely done. Would love to make Holiday Frost mine. Those little reindeer are cute.

  37. Betsy Avatar

    Driftwood dovetails

  38. Annmarie Avatar

    Giggles by Me & My Sister Designs is my favorite FQ bundle. Thanks for the chance. I love looking & voting each week.

  39. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    Melissa Corry’s Blogger’s Choice is a beautiful collection.

  40. Sarah Avatar

    I really like honeycomb minimalista! Beautiful, muted, and sophisticated… not overdone. 🙂 That was fun!

  41. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    Maybe it is just the season, but I love the “Bows All Wrapped Up” — Such great bundles!!

  42. Regina DeMatteo Avatar

    A beautiful display of tributes. Each of them deserved a vote.

  43. linda Avatar

    What heart warming tributes!

  44. Judy Avatar

    I would love to own Holiday Magic.

  45. usairdoll Avatar

    Loved seeing all the Remembering Veteran quilts. They were all beautiful a d hard to only choose two. FQS is wonderful and would love to have a FQ bundle of Sunnyside by Kate Spain.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  46. Evie C Avatar
    Evie C

    I must choose “Water a Garden for Olivia” since that is the name of my only granddaughter

  47. Betty H Avatar
    Betty H

    Giggles by Me & My Sister is one I would like to own!

  48. Barb C in WA Avatar
    Barb C in WA

    I’d love a bundle of Squared Elements to play with.

  49. Gale Avatar

    I would have to pick Arabesque Collection by Anna Griffin to make something sweet for our little granddaughter. Love the fat Quarter Shop.

  50. kbo Avatar

    How fun would 5 Funky Monkeys be sew? A Barrel Full!!!!

  51. Debbie Avatar

    Fat Quarter Shop is always so generous. I like the Riley Blake small tone on tone dots.

  52. Allison D Avatar
    Allison D

    I really want Melissa Corry’s blogger bundle

  53. Mama Spark Avatar

    I would choose Bluebird Park or Don’t Let the Pigeon drive the bus!! I love BOTH of those FQ bundles!!! Thank you to the FQS!!!

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