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  • Total submissions: 18
  • Total countries: 5
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 10

You can click on the photo to view a larger version.

A Winter's Tale A Winter’s Tale
By: Gilly,
United Kingdom

This was a fun Christmas project made using a jellyroll of “Blitzen by Basic Grey” for Moda and a sweet red dotty fabric from my stash for the sashing & border. I fussy cut the little snowmen squares and machine quilted with slightly squiggly lines.

Quilt size: width: 68" height: 58"

And In The Meadow... And In The Meadow…
By: Susan Cook,
Pennsylvania, USA

This quilt is my first original design. When I first published it, I made the carrot button noses from polymer clay and I could make about 60 of them an hour. My hands were stained orange for 3 days after. Since then, I’ve had my buttons made by a company that reproduced one of my handmade buttons.

Quilt size: width: 33" height: 41"

Cheery Snowman Cheery Snowman
By: Colleen,
Alberta, Canada

This is a Patrick Lose pattern, and I bring him up to grace my hall table every year at Christmas. He is so cheery, I leave him there until Valentine’s Day!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 39"

Christmas Cardinal Christmas Cardinal
By: Donna Martin,
Michigan, USA

This was a challenge to my abilities! I found the paper pieced pattern online at Paper Panache. The tiny pieces almost took my sanity, but I believe it is the most beautiful thing once finished! I gave it to my mom to decorate her house for Christmas.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Dressing For Winter Dressing For Winter
By: Glenda,
British Columbia, Canada

Appliqued children flit about, as bright as winter birds.
Trees are cloaked in snowy shawls, animals change their coats of brown and grey for white and children play outdoors dressed in scarlet and blue, green and gold. The math of mid-winter is simple. Snow plus friends equals fun.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 13"

Friends Friends
By: ZSuzsa Benko,

I used thread painting for the cheerful little penguins, and then applied them to the middle of the picture.
I designed and stiched the scrolls myself. I used shiny little rhinestones for the embellishment to create the impression of snow or ice shining around them.

Quilt size: width: 22" height: 22"

January in Upper MIchigan January in Upper MIchigan
By: Lceesay,
Michigan, USA

Original design. Raw edged fused applique over pieced background. Embellished with sequins, beads, rhinestones, fabric paint, glitter nail polish and glitter and glue. Was inspired in January by the winter snow and wearing winter clothes to stay warm.

Quilt size: width: 26.5" height: 18"

Looking Out My Window Looking Out My Window
By: Jenelle Boxberger,
Kansas, USA

I love to decorate with snowmen. I fell in love with this guy that is looking in the window. Some of it is machine embroidered and I pieced it together. I did the quilting on my Brother ULT2003.

Quilt size: width: 21.5" height: 24.5"

Penguins mugrug Penguins mugrug
By: Mariangels Ferrando,

A little mugrug with funny penguins

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 10"

See no evil, Hear no evil,Speak no evil See no evil, Hear no evil,Speak no evil
By: ana-ane,

Pequeño Quilt realizado con el método de aplicación y festoneado, el interior y los bordes están acolchados a máquina de forma libre.

Los croquis de este proyectos los adquirí en una feria.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 18"

Snow Lady Snow Lady
By: Lynn Provencher,
Florida, USA

This is one in a series of little seasonal quilts designed by Kathy Schmitz. It was a fun to applique and embellish with buttons.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 23"

Snowman Forest Snowman Forest
By: Annmarie Tegen,
Wisconsin, USA

This mini was made from June Dudley’s “Snowman Farm” block in the Winter 2010 volume of Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks. It makes me smile!

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 13"

Snowman Quilt Snowman Quilt
By: piecrust,
Georgia, USA

This quilt represents my family and friends as snowmen. Fun to make, and even more fun to characterize someone as a snowman. There is Patti the nurse, Chris the postal worker, Ernie the engineer, Barry the cowboy and Vickie the quilter. Oh, and least I forget Frosty, the traditional snowman.

Quilt size: width: 82" height: 82"

Snowmen Follies Snowmen Follies
By: Mtn Mama,
Oklahoma, USA

Made of soft flannels this quilt boasts 20 machine embroidered Snowmen blocks. Each snowman is “acting out” in a different way. I designed this quilt during the great Snowstorm of 2011 in Oklahoma.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 84"

Tommy's Snowman Tommy’s Snowman
By: Marianne,
Ohio, USA

My son helped pick out the fabrics, and did some of the sewing. Sadly, the thrill of sewing hundreds of blocks wore off after about an hour! 🙂

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 48"

Welcome Winter Welcome Winter
By: Julie Cefalu,
California, USA

I started this quilt over two years ago and I made it my January 2013 UFO to finish. The pattern is from Holly Hill Quilt Designs. I love all of the winter elements especially the snow globes and the snowmen. It is machine appliqued and machine quilted by me.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Winter Weekends Winter Weekends
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

An extra-long cuddle quilt for my son who is 6′ 7″ tall – snowmobiling is how he relaxes after a busy week in the corporate world! I have made many versions of this design I call Georgetown Squares – it’s quick and easy to make and I call it my “go to” quillt.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 70"

Winter Welcome Winter Welcome
By: Nancy,
Utah, USA

My first attempt at applique and I felt the house looked too lonely, so I decided to add a snowman waving hello. This guy hangs on my quilting room door from November until March, welcoming me into my quilting ‘sanctuary’ and ‘stress relief’ room.

Quilt size: width: 19" height: 19"

190 responses to “Quilts with Snowy Friends”

  1. Mickey White / Harleywife57 Avatar

    I use off white the most in quilts .

  2. Brenda Wells Avatar
    Brenda Wells

    My solid color that I use the most of is blues (mainly dark).

    Thank You

  3. Tammy Avatar

    Very tough decision on the snowman quilts!
    As for the “entry question,” the solid color I use most often is probably white.
    Good luck to all of the quilt entries!

  4. Mary Spriet Avatar
    Mary Spriet

    Mostly some shade of green. Seems to go with most things.

  5. Tubaville Avatar

    I definitely use white the most. Off-white is a close second.

  6. Stephani Avatar

    As a new quilter I don’t have a lot of fabric but out of the few yardages i’ve bought, instead of fat quarters is dark maroon, wine like color! Bought some for first quilt. Love it so much went back and bought the rest of it! Love it!

  7. Jennifer Fraunfelder Avatar
    Jennifer Fraunfelder

    Navy blue

  8. CathyC Avatar

    very difficult choice of quilts this week 😉
    As for solids I use the most – even more difficult to pick, but going on my most recent finishes, it would be a toss up with white or blue 😉

  9. Nouveau Stitch Avatar
    Nouveau Stitch

    Definitely green!

  10. Karen Avatar

    the solid I use most is white – I always have several bolts of several different shades on hand.

  11. Melissa Avatar

    I’m a typical modern quilter – I use white and gray alllllllllll the time!

  12. WaggonsWest Avatar

    Some cute quilts this week!

  13. Jennyroo Avatar

    I use Kona pepper the most (almost black, but not quite!)

  14. tubakk Avatar

    I definitely use black as a solid in my quilts. It makes my bright colours shine.

  15. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    mostly white recently

  16. kbo Avatar

    I see a lot of blues in my quilts.

  17. Jenelle Boxberger Avatar
    Jenelle Boxberger

    probably what I use the most is shades of white to tan to beige. But my favorite color is red. Lots of nice quilts to pick from

  18. Lea Avatar

    White seems to be my fave color for backgrounds. It seems to be most traditional and makes the rest of the quilt stand out. When buying white I buy the whole bolt…the other colors just bits and pieces.

  19. evelyn Avatar

    I would probably use neutrals…shades of tan… the most. I am trying to include whites as a background color but find this hard to do.

  20. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    I prefer white or off-white… something to make the colours pop!

  21. laurie Avatar

    What I have used the most is off white, but I am thinking I want to do some black backgrounds.

  22. M-R @ Quilt Matters Avatar

    Purple! Thanks for the giveaway, Katy and Michele!

  23. Rhoda Forbes Avatar

    I like the theme this time and their are some lovely pieces. The giveaway is a nice array of fabric:)

  24. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    I use Kona Snow or Bone the most.

  25. Nancy Avatar

    I mostly use off white as a solid.

  26. Rebecca Avatar

    I use white the most 🙂

  27. Cleary Kipe Avatar

    I use purple the most

  28. Nita Avatar

    Mostly cream or other neutral colours.

  29. Mary Johns Avatar
    Mary Johns


  30. Jo Avatar

    Aqua keeps showing up mo matter how hard i try to stay away from it. Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  31. Crystal Avatar

    Bright white

  32. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    green! i love all shades, hues and tones of any green and some in most of my quilts.

  33. sara Avatar

    I use Kona White … or a white on white …

  34. Mary Avatar

    If white counts as a color, that’s what I use most as a solid, but if it doesn’t count as a color, then red is what I use most. Love those checkered fabrics.

  35. Lori Avatar


  36. Sharon Lichter Avatar
    Sharon Lichter

    I like a pop of orange in my quilts.

  37. Mary Grace McNamara Avatar
    Mary Grace McNamara

    I generally use Kona Bone for my solid since it seems to go so well with all the fabrics I like to use. And I buy it by the bolt at Joann’s using the best coupon I can find so I save a TON of money on it!


  38. Karen Birkby Avatar
    Karen Birkby

    I use a lot of blue

  39. Maria do Carmo Avatar
    Maria do Carmo

    Uso muito branco e cinza.Adorei esta votação em particular…amo e coleciono bonecos de neve.Parabéns a todos os participantes


  40. Dot jozwiak Avatar
    Dot jozwiak

    RED!!! Is there any other color?

  41. Patty Avatar

    I like using white. It seems to really set off the other colors in the quilt.

  42. Judy Avatar

    For solids, white gets used the most, I buy it by the bolt, then black, and lately I’ve grown fond of grays.

  43. Melanie Avatar

    I probably use cream or soft grey.

  44. Debby Avatar

    I would have to say this was the most difficult week to pick a winner I have voted on. They are all so much fun and so beautiful. Good luck to all.

    My most used solid is still white, but I would like to jump on the red is a neutral train of thought.

  45. Gill Avatar

    I use white most! it goes with almost everything!

  46. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I use white and grey solids most, the go with every kind of fabric. I always purchase black solid in higher quantities, too, but I wouldn’t use it as main solid in a quilt because it becomes either too dark or too contrasty.

  47. Lisa Avatar

    The solid I use most often currently is butterscotch, but after that, I think it would be black. Beautiful quilts!

  48. Heidi Avatar

    I love a sollid deep red shade:-)

  49. Penny Avatar

    White, usually tone on tone instead of solid.

  50. Anne Stark Avatar
    Anne Stark

    I would say I use mostly tan and/or beige.

  51. ane Avatar

    Utilizo mucho los colores sólidos, pero quizá el que más uso es el beig.


  52. Joyce Avatar

    I am not made for Winter!
    as a “snopey” character said,however i do like pics of snowmen and spots of bright color, like the cardinal.

  53. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    I use off whites and/or a deep brown color most often — depends on the colors of the main fabrics in quilt blocks!

  54. malen Avatar

    Depende del trabajo elegido pero el que mas utilizo ,rojo- verde…SALUDOS.

  55. Teresa Avatar

    I use red most often

  56. lynaeve Avatar

    probably pink. thanks for the chance

  57. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    Lately I’ve been using a lot of blue, but usually I use white or cream.

  58. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    I loooove using shades of green!!! (tho does depend on what other colors I’m usin’ in a quilt lol) I loooove green! 🙂

    Thanks for chance to be in your drawing!

  59. Faye Rucker Avatar
    Faye Rucker

    All of them are great I just wish I knew how to make them all

  60. Yvonne Avatar

    I use a lot of reds. Barn red is my favourite. Being a country quilter, it works!

  61. Gale Avatar

    I have been using a bright green for the past year. I love how it brightens up my quilts.

  62. Paule-Marie Avatar

    I use a lot of black. Not always a solid black. There is a Black batik I adore because it has some texture, but not enough that it shouts out that it is textured.

  63. Debra Avatar

    I use cream or black, though I used chocolate brown recently and loved it

  64. Susan Doty Avatar
    Susan Doty

    I love black anc white but I use mostly blue.

  65. Vreni Avatar

    It used to be white, but lately I’ve taken a “shine” to grey.

  66. Cassandra Avatar

    I seem to be using a lot of greens lately, and it wasn’t intentional! lol

  67. Jim Jessen Avatar
    Jim Jessen


  68. lee Avatar

    I love blues – especially Navy. thank you!

  69. Joy Smith Avatar
    Joy Smith

    Pretty quilts. I like to use off white and white a lot.

  70. rosa Avatar

    Wonderful projects.Green is my favorite but lately blue and white.Thanks

  71. Rachel Avatar

    I use a lot of Kona snow solid in my quilts. It’s not bright white but a slightly duller white.

  72. Bert Klimas Avatar
    Bert Klimas

    Solid? Wow, that’s as tough as choosing only one favorite this week. It’s rare for me to use a true solid what with the wealth of tones on tones, mottleds, and “read as solids” like batiks. My initial response was going to be black for what it does to other colors (POP!) but I’ll actually go with red. It’s always effective whether as a whisker-thin stripe on a black and white quilt or an in-your-face splash. I don’t often quote designers, but Bill Blass once said, “When in doubt, wear red.” I think it applies to quilts, too.

  73. Polly @ Helping Little Hands Avatar

    I think black is what I use most since I used it so much in bindings.

  74. Jan Avatar

    These quilt entries all showed great workmanship and wonderful colour choices. They were an inspiration for next winter–right now my thoughts are turned to spring! I love jewel tone colours and use them most often.

  75. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I use more grey and white than anything, because it can often make a nice background. I’m trying to be more adventurous though and use other colors for backgrounds sometimes.

  76. Edny Raknes Reiten Avatar

    I love all colours.

  77. Daryl Avatar

    I use black a lot in my quilt. Sometimes as a background to batiks and hand dyed fabrics, and I use black for borders and bindings. That’s the one color that I run out of.

  78. AlessandraLace Avatar

    amazing quilts! I love blue,m my favorite colour. hugs

  79. Lesley Avatar

    About the only solid I use is white…but i love using it! Thanks for the very generous giveaway!

  80. Ellee Avatar

    Mostly dark blue.

  81. Jo Avatar

    My most used solid colors are all tones of white, thanks again for this give away

  82. Debbie Grasley Avatar
    Debbie Grasley

    I usually use white or cream, but it really all depends on the pattern. Thanks so much!

  83. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    My background fabric on sampler style quilts, in the past has been mainly beige tone on tone hues, but lately I have been drawn to solid white, and greys. Especially the gorgeous greys that are popping up. Thanks for a chance and good luck to all who entered quilts this week. I love them all!!!

  84. Sandra Bassett Avatar
    Sandra Bassett

    I use a lot of cream colour background fabrics, mainly because I enjoy embroidering colourful designs on them to incorporate into my quilts.

  85. Dana Avatar

    I use a lot of light blue, for some reason it combines great with almost any other color 🙂

  86. Maria Avatar

    Kona charcoal and snow are my favorite colors.

  87. Carol Avatar

    I especially like January in upper michigan. Very unique work and I love this artist work.

  88. Lynn Reynolds Makrin Avatar

    I tend to use white or off-white in most of my quilts. Don’t really know why, however, white it is.
    The quilt “January in Upper Michigan” is awesome!!!!!

  89. Tricia M. Avatar

    There are so many talented quilters this month that I had a hard time just choosing 3 as each was simple beautiful in it’s right. Being a mid-Michigan girl I so can relate to “January In Upper Michigan”.

    As for my answer about the solid color currently I’m stretching my color legs to get out of my comfort zone and have been working with yellows of late as I wasn’t sure if “Natural Muslin” would be considered to be a color.

    Thank you for the chance to win such yummy fabric.

  90. Vi Avatar

    Since I am doing quilts specifically for other people…I have used their colors. But a quilt for me….blues. Love all the shades of blue.
    Also wanted to say…..really, really hard to pick just 3.

  91. Pala Avatar

    I some how end up using most of off-white for a background fabric.

  92. Ann Avatar

    any shade of pinks ,love that color.

  93. Betsy Lynn Avatar

    Lately I’ve been using Moda’s Porcelain, it doesn’t stand out as much as a white does. Otherwise it’s been a soft aqua, love that color!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  94. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    im fairly new to quilting, so as yet my main solid color is white. it seems to go with everything no matter what.

  95. Heather Avatar

    I probably use a rich beige the most. This year, perhaps, I might attempt an entire quilt in solids.

  96. Cherilyn Avatar

    I use a lot of red in my quilts. It was hard to choose the top 3 they are all great.

  97. Martha Raiford Avatar

    I use a lot of white…love the way it sets off bright colors. Love all the quilts.

  98. Eva Avatar

    I love all colors, hard to pick just one.

  99. Dea Avatar

    Such lovely quilts. Compliments to all participants.
    I use off=white to beige for most backgrounds. Sounds boring, but I think it shows the patterns best.

  100. Sandra Avatar

    I use a lot of PINK! Crazy, but I’m a pink lover. 🙂

  101. Terry Avatar

    I would say black, but lately I have been using a lot of gray, and bubblegum pink also!

  102. Hanke Avatar

    For background I choose off white or an other light one. Thanks for the chance

  103. Judith Tomlinson Avatar
    Judith Tomlinson

    I rather sadly use only white, should be bolder with my choice! So hard to choose just 3

  104. Ruth Hampson Avatar
    Ruth Hampson

    Ivory is my go-to color!

  105. Deb Cline Avatar
    Deb Cline

    I use white most of the time, but I have started using some gray.

  106. PersimonDreams Avatar

    I would say that I use black the most in my quilts…as far as solids go…

  107. Janny Avatar

    I use a lot of gray for the background.

  108. Suzanne Avatar

    I use mostly white. I love those 30’s reproduction fabrics and they just demand white.

  109. Nancy Avatar

    I use shades of blue the most in my quilts.

  110. Teresa Felgueiras Avatar

    I use mostly white or cream.

  111. Sue Avatar

    I use mostly grey for my backgrounds.

  112. Joni Avatar

    I”d say I use off white more than any other solid color , I like the way it makes all of the other fabrics stand out more.

  113. Norma Avatar

    I love bright colors so I usually use those. But if I need to pick one specific color , I would say Orange.

  114. Carolyn J Avatar
    Carolyn J

    I have always, always used creams and off whites but the new modern quilts have me thinking about white backgrounds and possibly grays. Am amazed that I am using some white and worked out of my comfort zone.. but am liking the clean effect.

  115. Gailene Avatar

    Black. I use it to frame, enhance and outline colours in the printed fabrics mainly.

  116. kris Avatar

    I probably have to say black solid. Maybe gray is coming in second.

  117. Paula Avatar

    Mostly white. Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  118. Nann Avatar

    I rarely use solids — my style is contemporary/traditional — but when I do I use Kona Snow or the equivalent. I’ve been trying to resist getting sucked into Modern Quilting because my stash of “regular” fabric is ginormous enough….but, oh, those designs are tempting! Is solid gray in my future? (With lime and turquoise. Hmmm….)

  119. Tracee Avatar

    After thinking about it, I would have to say white.

  120. Linda Avatar

    Mostly , yellow or aqua but I have recently used Kona Ash. These Giveaway fabrics are great!

  121. lindawwww Avatar

    Whites and off-whites. I’m a very traditional quilter.

  122. amyc Avatar

    I have to say cream is my favorite solid.

  123. Mary Avatar

    I almost always use beige/off white as the solid “common factor” in all my quilts. I dont like the starkness of pure white, and with off white/beige, I can match that with any other colour and/or pattern.

  124. Wendy Avatar

    Boring, I know, but I go through yards of Kona Snow at a time. It goes with everything!

  125. Jane Avatar

    So far, I’ve seldom used solids except for white or cream. Most recently, I did finish a quilt made with a deep chocolate brown and loved it!

  126. Cindy Avatar

    I try to sneak orange into every quilt. I think it makes everything else pop!

  127. Sheila Avatar

    I would say Red , is my favorite solid color to use . Thanks for the chance .

  128. Amy C Avatar
    Amy C

    I use Kona white the most in my quilting. I do love the crisp-ness of white in a quilt

  129. Candy S Avatar
    Candy S

    I use a lot of green in my paper piecing.

  130. Sheila Bayley Avatar
    Sheila Bayley

    Yellow, I think. Don’t use much in the way of solids but like the punch of yellow.

  131. Colleen Avatar

    I think I probably use more greens than any other color. 🙂

  132. Katie Avatar

    I use a lot of black solids in my work. In the past, it’s help the patterned fabrics I used really pop!

  133. carolyn Avatar

    I use greens the most. I am starting to us more white since doing more scrappy quilts.

  134. Judy@GrandparentsPlus2 Avatar

    I use a lot of pinks and reds.

  135. Susie Avatar

    Sky blue pink…. ( I wish) sadly it’s boring old black 🙁 although, for my huge hand dyed bed quilt I dyed the fabric myself, outside in the garden, in the sun….

  136. Tammy Avatar

    Hmmm I am gonna say turquoise or aqua. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  137. Wendy B Avatar

    I’m thinking its usually neutrals, either black or white but lately it’s been stone or coffee brown.

  138. Tammy Avatar

    I seem to use a lot of creams or I’m the total opposite with black.

  139. M Raquel Machado Avatar

    The color of fabric that more use is green, I love this color.

  140. Joy V Avatar

    I use a lot of neutrals, but if I had to choose a single colour it would be black. I love the way black makes the other colours sing, especially if I’m using brights.

  141. Barb@Witsend Avatar

    I have been using a lot of white. It is a modern looking colour and sets the bright colours off and leaves large spaces especially for machine quilting.

  142. Dedalina Avatar

    Generalmente uso el blanco o el natural . El blanco es más fácil de conseguir en nuestro país. El negro también me gusta mucho.Un beso a todosl.

  143. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    Most often I’d use Black or a version of white as a solid…although I’d really like to say I used some form of blue-green!

  144. PAT Avatar

    I use mostly creams.

  145. Cambria Thompson Avatar

    I use mostly white for the quilt tops and darker solids for backs of quilts, especially when working with fleece.


  146. Duane Avatar

    I gravitate towards blues and greens.

  147. Janie Holbrook Avatar

    ooo, thanks for the giveaway and the view of the wonderful winter piecing. I am lately using so much chartreuse that I had to buy more on etsy! I love pushing myself to new places, and that bright neon green is it!

  148. Theresa N Avatar
    Theresa N

    I use a lot of yellow.

  149. Judy C in NC Avatar
    Judy C in NC

    Solid color fabric would be off -white and sometimes I combine that with white on white. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Judy C in NC

  150. Brenda Sanderson Avatar
    Brenda Sanderson

    I love red fabric as it looks great with black, white, cream, greys just so many colors even purple, pink and orange to name a few. I love red so much that my van, truck,house, washer and dryer are even red.

  151. Gunda Avatar

    Hmmmmmmmm good question……….think black and cream 😉

  152. Joni Keskey Avatar
    Joni Keskey

    I’m using white now a lot.

  153. julie Avatar

    White! It’s so versatile.

  154. Jeneta Avatar

    Definitely white!

  155. MissEnota Avatar

    I use white. Specifically, Kona PFD (Prepared for Dying) but grey is a close second.

  156. Julianne Avatar

    I use a lot of black.

  157. Elizabeth in VA Avatar
    Elizabeth in VA

    Shades of White.

  158. cathy fox Avatar
    cathy fox

    Red. I like to add a little red in all my quilt and projects.

  159. Susan Clarke Avatar
    Susan Clarke

    I use Kona “Snow” for an all-purpose white. It seems to go with both cool and warm colours.

  160. Di Avatar

    white as a background, but sash with whatever is a suitable

  161. Christine Graf-Gore Avatar
    Christine Graf-Gore

    Lately I have been into the yellow-creams, (verging into pale yellow). It’s been really sunny here the past few days, so maybe I am just trying to rush spring. SOOOOOO ready for winter to be over!

  162. Cecilia Avatar

    White is the color I use the most. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the houndstooth fabric.

  163. Penny Avatar

    I use a lot of blues..over run in boy babies..lol

  164. Lis Martion Avatar
    Lis Martion

    Neutrals like calico color & white lately.

  165. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    I tend to use a lot of blues but not necessarily solids. Were I to look in my solid fabric bins, probably I have more shades of blue ready to use than any other color.

  166. jean Avatar

    I have been using more solid white lately.

  167. appkle blossom Avatar
    appkle blossom

    love to be entered in giveaway thanks

  168. appkle blossom Avatar
    appkle blossom

    oops forgot to answer


  169. Cynthia Brunz Avatar

    I’ve been using various shades of gray lately…both dark and light.

  170. hafza Avatar

    I used a lot of white solid… all range of white. Voting for only three this week is really tough…so many beautiful works!

  171. janine Avatar

    I used light pink for my last quilt because that was what I had on hand, but think I’ll be switching to white or cream for future ones.

  172. susana Avatar

    Los azules y toda su variedad de celestes pegan con casir todo lo que hago .Gracias a su increíble trabajo y a Katy.Cariños.

  173. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    Oh my, the quilts this week are so charming, it was very difficult to choose.
    When I dó my own sewing, I guess green solid is my number one colour, simply because my stash is overflowing with green solids. They seem to grow in number lol. I really love green, it makes the Warmer colours shine.

  174. Djoekie Avatar

    ik gebruik momenteel veel paars


  175. Chris Jones Avatar

    It depends, but often neutrals like calico.

  176. mary Avatar

    I’m using Kona’s Stone most lately.

  177. wilma young Avatar
    wilma young

    I like to use a little bit of red in a lot of my quilts. I use shades of white often too.

  178. Peg Avatar

    White is kind of my go-to solid, but it’s not actually solid usually, more tone-on-tone.

  179. Beulah Avatar

    Great work everyone! It was hard to select only 3!
    The solid color I use most in my quilts… Blue!

  180. Lee Avatar

    I am not really partial to any one colour. but if I look at my scrap bins, blue and white/lights are over flowing these days.

  181. Susan Avatar

    I would say it is a tie between blue and green.

  182. Rose Avatar

    The solid colour I use most is blue.

  183. Cindy A. Avatar

    If I use a solid it is yellow which is more often than not the background color.

  184. Peggy Gibbs Avatar
    Peggy Gibbs

    I use Ecru quite a bit when I sew.

  185. Rhonda Marshall Avatar
    Rhonda Marshall

    mostly creams.

  186. Sparkle Jane T Avatar

    I love to use a lot of bright colors, but blue is my favorite.

  187. Marjie Moran Avatar
    Marjie Moran

    Seems to be red, judging by my stash pile.

  188. Vickie Maloy Avatar

    I can’t live without a green of some shade.

  189. Loly Avatar

    Pink. Many women is that we are home!

  190. Rebeckah Avatar

    I use dark blue. And that is because the quilts I make are all tardis quilts. Though when I make other quilts I usually use a pannel and not a lot of solid.

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