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20/30? Organized? Ha… I need help!
Since I am fairly new to quilting I only have two fat quarters right now. When I decide what project I want to work on that is when I purchase my fabrics. One of these days I will have a stash.
I couldn’t begin to count them – they’re in a recycled sports locker in stacks, by PROYGBIV (with separate sections for White, Brown, Grey, Black, and Undefineable).
Hahha, do I really have to answer this? Uhhh probably about 400 fat quarters…plus yardage. What can I say? I love fabric! I organize them by color for tones and by theme otherwise. Thanks for the chance to satisfy my fabric hunger. 🙂
I have too many fat quarters to count them! I organize them by collection or color family.
I have approx 100 fat quarters. Right now I have them organized by color in a wooden shoe holder.
No one ever said “Tell me Mr. Van Gogh, how many tubes of paint do you have?” My FQs are my tubes of paint so I don’t count! Some FQs are loosely organized by style, some by colour and some are happiest just nestled with a bunch of others with no rhyme or reason as to why they are there!
I have hundreds of FQ that are organized in small tubs!
I am sure if I was honest, I have hundreds along with many yards of other fabric. I have them all organized by type and then by color.
virgin FQ? (The ones you have never cut into pieces….?) I guess I have 3. No, I know for sure. I am just a beginner and still use all the fabric I should hide.
i have about 10 to 20 fat quarters. Most of mine are a quarter yard but not the fat variety. I have about 5 boxes that are like shoe boxes but aren’t. They are awesome for storing quarter to half yards.
I have 100+ FQs, likely more since it is the cut of fabric I prefer to purchase for scrappy quilt making. I generally organize my entire stash, FQs and yardage by color and special theme (1930s, 1800s, black & white, etc).
I have over 200 FQ’s, I guess. Most were bought separately, and are in baskets on a shelf. The rest were purchased in bundles, and are tied together, so they are just on a shelf. If I have plans for a bundle, they are in a project bag with the pattern, awaiting their turn to star in a quilt!
I love fat quarters. Have about 100 organized by color on open shelves inside a cabinet (. Because I also enjoy just seeing them)
My fat quarters are organized by colour. How many? Um…….maybe 50? Maybe more? I’m still building my stash.
I think I have about 20, if not a little more, and I sort them by colour into my normal fabric stash boxes 🙂
Way too many. I have always loved fat quarters. I love getting just a taste of fabric. c.teasley@yahoo.com
Way to many, I am not sure I could count them all. I kind of have a problem. Organization? Does throwing them, I mean folding and stacking nicely, in a bin count?
Hundreds all by color on shelves my honey built for me.
HELLO! I’m a Beginner Quilter, so I can tell you about 100 and they are stored in the most beautiful wooden cabinet of 6″x6″ spaces which my DH built for me! I do love fabric,so I’m sure to buy more!
Happy Stitching all !
I just counted my FQs last week, and I have 12 gaboons, give or take a bazillion. They’re sorted by either batik, theme, Kaffe-like, wild, or sorta tone-on-tone-ish, where they’re sorted by color.
way to much my husband says
I have no idea how many fat quarters I have in my stash. I am currently putting all my fabrics onto comic card bolts.
I have about 150 fats stored by color and special prints (like repros) and stored in a Ikea butcher block cutting table with drawers.
20 FQs in my stash. Not sorted at all. Half is in at my mom’s house and half is at mine.
I have about 50 fat quarters and have them sorted by color stored on shelves.
Oh my that’s a loaded question, if I answer it there’s evidence of my fabric hoarding! About 300…guilty, organized by line of fabric and then singles are by color. Don’t tell anyone but there’s more that are stored away with UFO’s….SHHH
I have quite a few FQ’s….some are color coordinated bundles and some are singles. I have them in a cabinet. Thanks to the Fat Quarter Shop for sponsoring this week. I forgot to enter my squares and rectangles quilt…with DH recently retired, I have trouble remembering what day it is….everyday seems like it is Saturday. Thanks for the chance! Happy stitching, Pauline
I have probably 100 or so fat quarters. I have most organized by color, but a few fabric lines (Cuzco and Simply Color) I have kept separate and organized by collection.
I would say I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 fat quarters. I organise them in 5 colour bins, just like my scraps (red/orange, yellow/green, blue/purple, neutral & mult-coloured). Thanks for the giveway?
I would say I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 fat quarters. I organise them in 5 colour bins, just like my scraps (red/orange, yellow/green, blue/purple, neutral & multi-coloured). Thanks for the giveaway!!
I have very few fat quarters and they are stored with the rest of my material.
I don’t know how many. they are mixed in with all my fabric and organized by color.
I stopped counting at 999 and if they all stay in nice piles in boxes, I am very happy.
I probably have about 50 or so, as I go more for yardage. They are organized by color. My yardage is organized by type … floral, blenders, etc. Thanks for the opportunity!
My best friend and partner in crime live near each other in Australia, but we discovered we can get a good selection of fat quarters if we order online from America. Fat quarters here are priced from $5-12 each, but we have a plan. A couple of times a year, we order a scrap bag of them online. Even with postage, we still come out ahead. We don’t get to choose what we get, but we used to get 100 fq for $100. This has since been reduced to 80 fq for $100. We go in half on all the costs and then we take turns picking from the pile one at a time. We both do applique, online swaps, make bags, etc… SO FUN!! xx debbie
Hmmm, let me think…I have about 100 fat quarters but if you divide my yardage I may have a gazillion! I tend to colour code my fabrics & going from light to dark within each colour group. Fun times!
hhahhaha…. just got home from another shopping spree !!!
Around 50 at least, lol. I love fat quarters and collect ones I like when I hit the shop, easier to store and I put them in bins, on shelves and in baskets.
Right now they are organized by FQ or not FQ. 🙁 I hope to organize by colour when I go on holiday.
Actually, fewer than most quilters probably should. I love fabric so much that one little fat quarter just isn’t enough. I really like to make quilts using the same collection too so I always seem to need a bunch!! 🙂
hmmm…100s…. is that okay to admit? I have all my fabrics sorted by colors – anything fat quarter or bigger. Smaller than fat quarter goes in my scrap bins.
I have probably 100 FQs and store them by color, except for the 30s repros and novelties. They are kept separate from the rest.
Love all the quilts this week. It was hard to choose!
I would guess I have about 200 fat quarters. I could probably answer better if I knew what “organizing” means. That’s a foreign concept in my sewing room!
Since I just received a lovely PB&J fat quarter bundle from the FQS (best birthday gift ever!), my total has climbed. I’d guess I’m up around 250. I recently organized my fabric by color, and I loved both the organizing and the results.
I only have maybe around 30ish but they are mixed in with my yardage fabric by color.
I have not much FQ, only some collections from my favorite designer, in boxes.
Not sure,never got around to seeing how many fat quarters I have.
Some wonderful quilts this week by people of all ages.
Happy days.
I’m not so organised, i’m afraid.!
¡¡Uy1!! MUCHAS, imposible de saber cuantas, cmpro telas cuando me gustan y me gustan todas
I have about 50 – they are bundled together by colors! thanks you. The quilts this week are inspiring!
Goodness – when I first started quilting I went FQ crazy. Sooooo I have a lot – like more than 500! They are sorted by color and I keep them in 3 storage units that are actually stackable cubbies meant to hold shoes – made of pressed board & painted white. Love to open that closet door & see all those pretties!
I’m just newly FQ crazy, so I’ve got about 150 FQs in my stash. I haven’t found a way to systemize them yet, I keep them in their respective collections.
Unfortunately, due to an income that is almost non exsistant and cancer (chemo isnot going well). I dont have a stash but i do love reading about other quilters stash. babscorbitt@gmail.com
I love seeing the quilts each week!
Not many fat quarters yet as i am fairly new at this,maybe 25 and arrange according to color.
I mostly keep the collections or designers together. If I have yardage I sort that in colors.
My stash contains about 2500 different fabrics. Lots of them are leftovers from my Friends. I mainly buy fat quarters, sometimes fat eights if they are available. Since I live in the Netherlands, quilting fabric is quite expensive here. My fabrics are my paint, my quilts are paintings. 🙂
Wow! have never thought about counting my fat qtrs., and would have to take a guess …mmmmh? 300+ and no, they are not sorted by color. I have one bin w/cat ones, 1 bin w/30’s repro, and 1 drawer w/flowers…then ???
I just recently started quilting, but I went absolutely nuts buying fabric so I have about 200+ FQs. (We won’t even mention the layer cakes and yardage…it’s really getting ridiculous!) I store them by color in a shoe organizer of all things; unless I bought a bundle for a specific project, then they go in a clear plastic box with the other items needed for that project until I am ready to use them…however, I am running out of room so The Hubs is going to build me a storage cabinet with glass doors for my new found addiction! (It’s going to be my Mother’s Day present from him and the furbabies!)
Some beautiful designs here. Each quilt is like a visual story of experiences being presented in artfully thought out color patterns. In others words, so cool!
I finally organized my FQs and scraps into big plastic drawers sored by color. Bad thing – now I don’t want to “mess them up”. Creativity and messiness go hand in hand for me, I guess.
I think I have about 20 fat quarters now. Most of them are cut into probably for various things. I have my fabrics stored in one very large bin that is certainly not the easiest way to find that right fabric in a hurry!
It’s hard to pick a favourite ; )
I probably have 50-60 in clear plastic shoe boxes. I am starting to buy fq’s instead of yardage. That way I get more of a varied stash.
I think I have between 70 and 80. I have my family and friends trained to give me fat quarters for all gifting occasions. They are all stored in shoeboxes and more or less organized by color.
I have a couple hundred organized by color.
I like to get the FQ Bundles…kinda new to quilty world…helps that they are co-ordinated for me…& store them bundles together on my shelf (a bookcase)…then add colors or print when ready to use them. 🙂
I have no idea how many FQ I have–a lot and they are everywhere. I’m really bad. I intend on getting them organized one of these years.
Oh my. I honestly don’t know how many. A whole lot, I have been quilting for almost 38 years. The ones that I bought as a collection are still together. As for the others. they are where ever I can stash them. I hope to be more organized when I move into my new sewing room (wait – that sewing studio).
Beautiful jilts!
such beautiful quilts. My husband says I have too many fat quarters does this give a hint to how many I have? Honestly I’ve never counted them. I organize by color.
I have to admit that I didn’t count how many FQs I have but I guess about 200. I made cardboard boxes especially for FQs that fit perfectly on the shelves in the cupboard where I store fabrics.
I probably have about 300 and I keep them stored in a fabric bag that has a vinyl top. That way I can see all the colors without having to open the bag.
Not organized, ever and I have about 50 fat quarters. I keep all my fabric in glass front door cabinets. I can see it but it’s a mess.
I guess I must have around 500 fat quarters in my stash and I keep them by theme; batiks, modern, Japanese, etc. in drawers. That way I can always find what I need, at least most of the time.
I love fat quarters! You have a great piece of the design. Right now I have them stacked on my shelf. I don’t have that many so I enjoy them daily!
I probably have about 50 or so. I have much more 1/2 yard increments. I just have them folded on shelves.
I have about 40 FQ’s in my stash. I am a member of our LQS and get a free fat quarter every month. I choose mostly batiks for my freebie of the month.
I’d guess about 60, organized by color. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have about 30 fat quarters as part of my fabric collection.
I have about 60 FQ and I arrange them by color. Thanks for the giveaway. Great quilts submitted as always.
I have about 250 fat quarters and they just stored randomly in a tote
Really hard to choose! 🙂
I have approximately 100 fat quarters and they are strewn randomly in my sewing room because I haven’t organized my room in over a year. I keep meaning to get in there and organize but I haven’t done it yet.
I have about 30. I have them in a storage container stored by collection/color.
I would think I have 150 fat quarters, but it is hard to tell since I have them in various places. If they came together then I keep them bundled. But others are folded in plastic boxes.
I have about 60 fat quarters. I have them organized by color and either print or solid. I use CD stackers, each slot will hold 2 fat quarters. I fold them into squares and insert a small piece of cardboard to make them stiff. Works really well, each CD stacker hold about 50 fat quarters. 🙂
I have about 300 fq’s. they are stored in bundles on shelves, and in a few various containers: by project. 🙂
I Would Guess Around 200 . They Are Mixed In With Their Fabric Type…Civil War, tThirties, Thimbleberries, Batiks, Florals, Hand Dyes ,Ect
More fat quarters than I can count. I store most of them by color, but if I have a collection that I plan on using together, I keep them together.
I would hate to count them! Some I keep as collections as I just can’t bare to split them up and others are by colour.
I probably have about 100 sorted by colour. I tend to buy 1/2 yards as I find them more useful as I might want to cut binding from it.
I have a bundle of fat quarters in Christmas fabrics, that I think has ~20 in the bundle. I do love fat quarters and used to buy them at random, to add to my stash. I’ve gone thru that part of my stash and now just purchase fat quarters in bundles.
I guess I have about 150, sorted by color
I would have to guess that I have about 300. Yikes! That’s way too many for this quilter’s stash. I’m going to have to sponsor a giveaway soon!
Mmmmm, maybe I have about 200 fat quarters and they are arranged by color…
Ouch! Several hundred for sure. I have about 12 to 15 fat quarter bundles I haven’t even opened. I leave them in the bundles until I start a project, and then I have boxes or the plastic art bin carries for each project…..plus about 4 or 5 bins of fat quarters by color. Why too many that’s for sure.
Gorgeous quilts this week. I have no idea of the number of fat quarters that I have in my stash, at least 300. I love making scrap quilts so I mostly buy fat quarters. They are stacked on shelves by colour.
I actually have no idea – but it would be in the hundreds easily. I have them folded and stacked on shelves in colour groups.
wow love the quilts and voted
I have fewer fat quarters than other precuts, but I just bought a new bundle, so I have about 60 now. I usually keep them bundled together until it’s time to use them, so that I know just where I put them. 😉 The rest of my stash is kept…um…free range, shall we say.
I am embarrassed to admit that I have no idea how many fat quarters I have, but I am sure it is over 100. I do not keep them with yardage. I try to keep them uniformly folded and stacked in one of 4 places. One group is all Moda fat quarters kept in a drawer in my sewing closet, a group of black, white, and red that I have been collecting for a quilt is in a drawer in the armoire in my sewing room, a pile of miscellaneous and tone on tone are in a separate drawer, and novelty fat quarters are in a huge Rubbermaid storage box.
I have about 450. They are organised by colour and some by theme (1930’s are altogether, done by colour). All are organised in vertical CD/DVD cases, as when folded, an FQ fits perfectly in this. To see a photo – http://laren.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/stash-reorganisation.html
I’d guess I have about 300 fat quarters. I store them and all my other fabrics in boxes by color, normally. If I ever buy a fat quarter collection, then I store them in a box for collections.
I think most of my stash is made up of fat quarters. I hardly ever have yardage on hand.
There is no telling how many fat quarters I have! I have many that are stashed here and there with no organization other than they “fit” and others grouped with patterns for a future project. I have a lot of my FQs stored in the top of an old hutch with glass doors, and these are arranged by theme, color, project and/or line. They look very pretty!
I don’t have very many fat quarters. About 20 maybe. I always want more fabric than a quarter. Greedy, I guess! But I store all of my fabrics in plastic totes. You worked hard and did an awesome job organizing all those fat quarters!
I have around 100 and they are organized by color.
Fat quarters are not a thing to find in Japan. (nor are jellyrolls or packs of cut squares). I sort my fabrics by color into clear buckle boxes that stack in a hall. I cut scraps into the largest square they can make and store those in tin boxes by size.
I have maybe 23-40 fat quarters…I usually shop for yardage at 1/2, 1, 3, 5 yard amounts. Right now my fabric is arranged by size first and then color; the fat quarters are in the 1/4-1 yard boxes along with the bigger pieces.
I have about 30 FQs and I keep them on a shelf.
I started quilting with square s, and it is very interesting to see what can be achieved with a simple geometric shape, many colors and love.
All of them are beautiful to me and I barely managed to decide for whom to vote.
I was delighted to see the variety of quilts that can be created from such simple shapes. R
They are something I like to collect. I have dome with a th theme and the rest I hope to use in a crazy quilt.
I tend to buy large pieces of fabric, but do buy some fat quarters if the fabric is unique and I know I will use it, or if I love it and have no idea how I would use it. I arrange them by colour or into lines that goes together.
Wonderful quilts. I’ve voted for my favorite.
Heb niet veel fat quarters
prachtige quilts
I don`t have many Fat Quaters, but I sort my fabrics in colors.
I probably have about 150 fat quarters. I don’t have them arranged in any particular order. Single FQ I keep all together in a basket and FQ bundles along with larger cuts of fabric are kept in boxes under my sewing tables. I don’t like putting them on a shelf as I don’t want them to fade from the light coming in the window.
I probably on have 30 or so,,,and they are organized firstly by collection (if I have a bundle) and then by colour (if I don’t have a bundle).
My husband would say “way too many” – but compared to some here hardly any. I would guess about 40. I keep them in plastic shoe boxes – that way they keep clean but I can still see them and find them quite easily.
I’m sure I have at least 100 FQ’s all sorted by theme and color. Oh, and then there are the bundles that are still all tied up with company ribbon.
I have about 2 dozen fq, which I thought was a pretty good amount until I saw some people have 100s!! I sort mine by colour into plastic drawers.
I have about 45 fat quarters in a basket grouped by color; however, there are more mixed in with the rest of my stash sorted by color and/or theme.
Most of my stash is organized in plastic totes according to color and most of my stash is fat quarters. Around 500 I’d guess, but always need more! I don’t live close to a quilt shop so when I start a new project, i have to shop from my stash. Thanks for the chance.
Organize?! I do not know how many I have because my daughter helps in the buying. We pick up things “just because” and the collection just keeps growing.
I group my FQs by color and “plan.” Doesn’t always work, but I’m happy with it!
I have no idea how many. At the moment they are not really organized, but I’m working on getting them all “filed”.
I would be afraid/ashamed to count them all! Lol! They are arranged by type (batik, homespun, regular), then by color. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I have MANY fat quarters which, sadly, aren’t really organized. Some are in the bundles they came in, some are sorted by color with other stash fabrics, some are stacked with other fabrics for a planned project.
I would say I have about twenty to thirty fat quarters in my stash now. Since I have started to do appliqué and portrait quilts they are so handy to have a selection. I have them sorted by colour tones especially the facial tones they are the ones hardest to acquire. I would love to win some to add to my stash. Good luck to everyone.
Bunny (Veronica)
I think I have 1001 Fat Quarter, because I collect fabrics for many years. I have just oranized them. I have a lot of boxes called “Fassett”, “Amy Buter”, “Scraps”, “pink”, “Dots”, “Tilda” and and and….
I´m from Germany!
HI there,
I know that I don’t have alot of Fat Quarters. So, I will guess about 75 or so. I usually sort my fabric by color so these are also placed in with the appropriate colors too.
I’m guessing I have between 20 and 40 fat quarters. I usually buy yardage so I have more to work with. The ones I have are arranged according to color, along with the rest of my fabric. Then it’s easy to find the colors I want to use for various projects.
I’m not sure how many fat quarters I have. I don’t buy them too often but I’ll guess around 80 or 100. I do have a couple sets that I just can’t seem to cut into yet.
I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 300.I Try to organize by color but when you are pulling out it seems “someone” does not put them back in order.
I keep my fat quarters organized by color, batiks and home decs are separate. I have no idea how many I have – hundreds! I love to just look at them, touch them, smell them. Ahhhhhhhh, fabric!
I probably have around 50 fat quarters, organized by color in the cotton section of my fabrics.
I have a fairly large plastic container that keeps my fat quarters nicely. I have them arranged by color which helps when I am looking for specific colors. I would like a different system but this works for now 🙂
Not sure but I’d say about 30. I have them in a drawer in a plastic stand. If I had more I’d probably try to sort them but color or theme.
I have way too many to count. Everywhere I go I look for more and love to find more for my stash. It is fun to look at all the different colors and patterns and dream of new projects.
I probably have about 25 fq…not sure. I sort my fabric by genre: asian, large print, batiks etc, so I just put them where they fit.
Don’t tell my husband (but it takes up so much room I think he knows already) – I would literally have thousands of FQ’s. More than 4 cubic meters spread across more than 30 crates spread across three rooms and two additional closets. They are roughly organised by colour with different boxes for Christmas fabrics and children’s novelties. I love scrap quilting and rarely buy more than a FQ of any print, although I have been known to go really crazy and get a half metre now and then.
I’m kinda new to fat quarters, but I have a few stashed by color in fat quarter containers or on display in my sewing room. I buy them when the material makes my mouth water or for a certain project or when I just want to!
I don’t know how many fat quarters I have, maybe 50? I just put them in with my regular stash, organized by color, with the batiks arranged separately.
I have about 25 fq but I need to get more. I want to make baby quilts for the future and fq are perfect for that. I have a wooden folk art piece shaped into a birdhouse and the fq are in there and look great in my sewing room.
Love the quilts this week; they prove that quilts don’t have to be intricate to be beautiful.
I have thousands of fat quarters because they are so handy in just about every project I make, and they’re organized in clear totes on floor to ceiling shelves.
Should I count the number of FQ’s in the yardage I have stashed? LOL! Without that, I probably have about two billion FQ’s! 😉 I have no idea, actually… a couple of hundred? At least they are in order… some by designer or type (modern, 30’s. CW etc.) but all by color! 😀
I probably have 50 FQs. I keep all my fabric sorted by color and they are mixed in with that.
I have well over 2000 fat quarters and they are mostly stored in an old metal check filing cabinet. I like scrappy quilts so FQs work perfectly for me.
I have about 100 and they are sorted by colour and stored in a tall slim DVD cabinet.
I LOVE fat quarters! I probably have between 200 and 300 (I’m relatively new at quilting). They are arranged by colour, batik and then novelty (where choosing one colour is impossible!)
Way too many fat quarters to count – 200 plus? They are arranged by both collections and color.
Love the bargelo was really pleaseing to the eye
I have about 300 FQs. I use hanging shoe organizers and dresser drawers to help keep them orderly.
Love,love..too many to count have to pull out my hidey holes.Some would call us quilters hoarders..ha ha ha..NEVER enough fabric.
I wanted to count them so bad but way too many. …Hundreds! I use them for baby quilts – applique – anything quilty.
Thanks! Lynn
I have 50 fat quarters and TRY to keep them sorted by color. I keep them on display in my mom’s old hutch that I use as my sewing storage. I loved my mom and love quilting. It makes me happy to open the doors and and smell the double pleasure of my mom’s kitchen and fabric.
my wife has abunch,they are everywhere..great quilts
I didn’t count them but I did recently organize them by color groups and it filled up the tall CD shelves over my desk…so I guessing 75 or more…LOL
LOVE LOVE LOVE FQs!!! Such a fab way to try different colors and patterns without breaking the bank…unless you buy a FQ from each bolt in the shop!!
I must have at least 100 fat quarters. My whole stash is arranged primarily by color, but some fabrics — batiks, holiday, tonals, and solids — are separated from the rest and also arranged by color.
I have at least 30 FQs in my stash, maybe more! I sort them by project. I don’t always know the project, but I by my FQs in bundles to go together in a project.
Probably around 100 – organised by colour (sort of!!)
I have too many fat quarters to count! Most of them are batiks.
How many? Likely hundreds! I have no idea. They are mostly organized in see through drawer units by color. Some I keep in small wooden crates on my desk for design inspiration. Have a super day!
I probably have around 30 fat quarters , I do love them , they are so versatile . Thanks for the chance,
The number of FQ’s… that’s a hard question. I have probably somewhere between 50 and 75 individual FQs in my stash. I organize them in two different ways – 1) if they are part of a specific fabric line I will keep the fabric line together, and 2) if they are individual pieces (not part of a set) I sort them by color/value.
I have about 150 fat quarters in my stash all organised in by color
I have over one hundred fat quarters in my stash and they are sorted by collection – fall prints, novelty, paisley, flannel, homespun, etc. Each collection in their own plastic storage container so I can look at them and dream of projects…..
I group all my fabrics by color in plastic storage drawers. But when I am working on a project thery explode over all available surfaces
I have about 40 fat quarters in my stash, I just used several in a project. I try to keep them organized in plastic shoe sized boxes on my shelf. I try to separate them by color.
I have an insane amount of fabric and about 35% of it is fat quarters – I do a lot of baby and lap quilts so fat quarters works well. I just love fabric. I have an 8’x8′ cube piece that I use to store fabric, it is full.
I probably have 200 or so and file them on edge in an under-bed storage tote.
I guess I own about 60 FQ and keep them stacked by colour.
Lord help us all!!! I’ve no idea how many fat quarters I have as I tend to buy in three yard increments which would equal twelve fat quarters were it cut that way. Needless to say, I have lots of three yard cuts…lots and lots…
I tend to organize my fabric by style, i.e. ’30s, Thimbleberries, Civil War, etc. and then by color within those styles. I tend to assign a “feel” to my fabrics and haven’t arrived at the point where I can look at fabric as just a color rather than at the pattern.
I actually don’t have a lot of FQ’s. I have tons of scraps though. I think right now I probably have about 15 FQ’s and I use them in everything I do, which is why I’m running out! I am cutting 5″ squares for a CW quilt I am making right now.
I keep them in a fabric basket that I had made 🙂
How do I even begin to count??? And organize???
A hundred? More? Mostly organized by color family. Sometimes organized in groups ready to put together for a quilt once I decide what pattern I’ll use.
Too many to count! I arrange all my fabric according to colour.
I don’t have many… still building my stash!
I have around 75-100 they are arranged in kits to be made the rest are by colour or theam
I have at least two big deep drawers full of fat quarters. Let’s say close to 300 and they are organized by color. Thanks so much!
Believe it or not…..I only have about 5 fat quarters!
I would estimate that I have about 50 fat quarters right now. I organize them by type (batik/children’s/floral/etc) or designer, and then by color.
I have over a hundred and store them in drawers.
I have way too many fat quarters to count. Some are sorted according to color, some are in their fabric type, such as batik, civil war, 30s, etc. and some are still in the coordinating bundle they came with. They are so fun to buy and use.
I have about 200 – 250 fat quarters. Most are Civil War era and are all organized by color.
I’d say I probably have close to 200 fat quarters. They’re not organized at all. I mean it. I don’t have a sewing room or anywhere to set them out and do any arranging. Consequently I don’t do a whole lot of sewing either…but I do have a teenaged daughter who will be moving out to start college in the fall…can you say sewing room, boys and girls? 🙂
I have about 40 fat quarters or so. Some were bought as fat quarters and some are leftovers from larger yardage…do those count?
I have around 400 fat quarters. I keep fabric lines together, then sort by color and style.
I have 100 plus and sort them by type, batik, floral, tonal, etc
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