Since I can’t enter this week’s quilts for little girls contest, I wanted to share with you some of the quilts I’ve made for my nieces.
I have two nieces, Lucy just turned 4 last Saturday, and Alice is 1.5, she’ll be two on Halloween. While I don’t live close to them, my sister does a fabulous job sharing their lives with me via pictures, videos, daily chatting, and her blog.

For Lucy’s fourth birthday, I made her an art portfolio from Geta Grama’s fabulous tutorial.
I filled it with sketch pads, markers, construction paper and STICKERS!
Since I mailed the package to Lucy, my sister let her open it before her birthday. Here’s the video. “I think it’s made out of fabric!”
Lucy had a princess/fairy/barbie birthday party on the weekend. Here’s the fabulously creative cake my sister made … and more pictures of little girl cuteness.
For Lucy’s third birthday, I made her this doll quilt and used another of Geta’s tutorials for the fabric baskets.
For Christmas 2008, Alice received an Elmo quilt:
And for Lucy I made a Dora quilt:
As the girls get older, I’ll start to make them more complex keepsake quilts. For now, I want to make them things they can use, love and enjoy.
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