Quilts for My Girls

Since I can’t enter this week’s quilts for little girls contest, I wanted to share with you some of the quilts I’ve made for my nieces.

I have two nieces, Lucy just turned 4 last Saturday, and Alice is 1.5, she’ll be two on Halloween. While I don’t live close to them, my sister does a fabulous job sharing their lives with me via pictures, videos, daily chatting, and her blog.

Lucy and Alice showing off their Olympic gear

For Lucy’s fourth birthday, I made her an art portfolio from Geta Grama’s fabulous tutorial.


I filled it with sketch pads, markers, construction paper and STICKERS!


Since I mailed the package to Lucy, my sister let her open it before her birthday. Here’s the video. “I think it’s made out of fabric!”

Lucy had a princess/fairy/barbie birthday party on the weekend. Here’s the fabulously creative cake my sister made … and more pictures of little girl cuteness.


For Lucy’s third birthday, I made her this doll quilt and used another of Geta’s tutorials for the fabric baskets.


For Christmas 2008, Alice received an Elmo quilt:


And for Lucy I made a Dora quilt:


As the girls get older, I’ll start to make them more complex keepsake quilts. For now, I want to make them things they can use, love and enjoy.

3 responses to “Quilts for My Girls”

  1. Jenice Avatar

    I’ve made what I call comfort quilts for my kids and grandbabies. They have minkee on one side and flannel on the other. They are wonderful to cuddle up in.

  2. linda brown Avatar
    linda brown


  3. Carly (the sister) Avatar
    Carly (the sister)

    We are so thrilled and touched by all of your creations (and secretly, they’re MY favourite presents). Handmade gifts crafted out of love are the best!

    You have to write about the girls’ wall hangings, too, than hang with pride in each of their bedrooms…

    Thanks for being a great sister and Auntie! We love you.

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