Quilts for Mothers

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7 Grandchildren 7 Grandchildren
By: Upstatelisa, New York, USA

My mother has 7 grandchildren and I made this quilt about 6 years ago with a block representing each child and their personality. This was a gift to my mother, who had not really appreciated my quilts, until she received her own :-). It hangs proudly on the family room wall.

Quilt size: width: ?36" height: ?60"

Apples don't fall far from the tree Apples don’t fall far from the tree
By: majik, Missouri, USA

This was a BOM from my guild, which I really liked. Each block was made by a family member using fabric picked out by my daughter. The backing is denim, it is tied. I love using it as a table cloth at family gatherings.
Blocks were from my 3 daughters, neices, nephew, granddaughter and grandson.

Quilt size: width: 69" height: 69"

flower basket flower basket
By: aida harun, Malaysia

made for my sister …she wants it as a gift for her mother in-law for this coming Mother’s day….glad i finished it on time..

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 78"

Fons & Porter Sampler Fons & Porter Sampler
By: Ida Houston, Kansas, USA

This is the first quilt I made for my mother and my favorite quilt to make. I had the most fun as I learned so much about piecing with this quilt along with different quilting strategies. My mother has passed, but this quilt still gives me comfort as I feel my mother’s presence cradling me.

Quilt size: width: 70" height: 94"

Grandma's Helping Hands Grandma’s Helping Hands
By: Kathy, Virginia, USA

The quilt top is made with outlines of all my mother’s grandchildren and great-kids. We traced all the hand prints and I layered them with bright fabrics then frayed the edges. I gave it to my mom a couple of years ago but now need to add my nieces triplets. I should have left empty blocks.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Hanky Panky Hanky Panky
By: KathyQuilter, Arizona, USA

I made this quilt using the hankies my mom collected when she was little. There are 45 hankies on the quilt and I still have a shoe box with more. She loves this little quilt and has it hanging in her guest bedroom.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 30"

Mom's Dresden Plates Mom’s Dresden Plates
By: Jill Majers, Utah, USA

I designed this quilt in honor my Mom (who passed away in 2008 at age 96). She always admired Dresden Plate quilts. She also loved the reproduction 30’s fabrics. I think they took her back to when she was newly married and had a young family. The blocks are 4 inches square.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 19"

Mom's Sunday Best Christmas Quilt Mom’s Sunday Best Christmas Quilt
By: Debbie Grasley, Minnesota, USA

My mom loves red, so I made her a Dresden Plate Christmas Quilt. It is a lap quilt to keep her warm during the cold winter months.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 71"

Mother and Child Mother and Child
By: Paula TheQuilter, Colorado, USA

This quilt was inspired by a photograph taken when my son was 6 months old. This quilt was entered in the “2004 Journal Quilt Project: A Page From My Book” and displayed in a special exhibit at International Quilt Festival in Houston that year.

Quilt size: width: 8.5" height: 11"

My Heart My Heart
By: Nanbon, Florida, USA

My heart quilt. It is the only quilt that my mom and I made together, she was the quilter not me. Mom had cancer and I moved in with her for two months when she was getting chemo. I made the top and Mom quilted it, her last quilt. I made a second quilt for her, but she passed before it was finished

Quilt size: width: 120" height: 112"

Quilt of Hope Quilt of Hope
By: Thearica Burroughs, North Carolina, USA

November 2007 my mother was diagnosed with cancer. Many of my friends prepared a quilt block ready for applique for her to sew while recovering from surgery. This quilt is made from those blocks. She called it her quilt of hope. Mother passed away Sept. 2009 and I buried her, wrapped in her quilt.

Quilt size: width: 98" height: 112"

The Grand Hands Quilt The Grand Hands Quilt
By: Denise :), Alabama, USA

This quilt was my mom’s 2008 Christmas gift. There’s a block for each of her (then) twelve grandchildren. I surveyed the grandkids and got their favorite colors, hobbies & pastimes. Then I coordinated the fabrics to reflect those. In the center of each square I appliqued the child’s hand print.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 76"

3 responses to “Quilts for Mothers”

  1. Linda Kountz Avatar
    Linda Kountz

    These are all beautiful quilts, thank you everyone for sharing.

  2. Verlin Collins Avatar
    Verlin Collins

    Love it! It is as pretty as the quilter.

  3. Antonia Queren-Wolf Avatar
    Antonia Queren-Wolf

    It is so hard to just vote for one!! definitely had 2 favorites.

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