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I don’t make smoothies, per se, but I mix Green Vibrance (dried raw green food powder) with V8 to drink daily. HUGE improvement in my energy levels, and nutrition.
no, i don’t make smoothies, but i’ll be back to see the other’s recipes. i’m older, don’t eat much at a time and would benefit from a healthy ‘snack’ midmorning to boost my energy levels, too.
Not a smoothie maker…unless margarita’s count!
I keep frozen fruit and cut up bananas in my freezer and when I want a smoothie I add juice (depends on the fruit I’m using) and I add either kale or spinach for the nutrients, you can’t taste it but it turns the smoothie green.
I drink smoothies or shakes as I call them with Iso 100 protein powder, fruit (mostly berries) and water. I have added flax, oatmeal and when hubby and I are doing our detox plan I add that powder as well. Sometimes we add veggies but I mostly do frozen berries from Costco. I blend in my bullet.
I don’t make smoothies, but I like them when someone else does. LOL
Thanks for the giveaway!
I make smoothies with fruit and freeze them into popsicles for my son!
I have a fruit/vegies smoothie every morning.
I use 1 cup milk, very large handful of spinach & kale, banana, any berries I have on hand, 2 tbs. ground flax seeds, scoop of Emerald Balance greens powder & scoop of unflavored whey protein powder. Blend on high.
That Bake Sale charms would make a great table runner!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I just bought a Nutribullet and really need recipes!
I have never made a smoothie before and aren’t even sure that I have ever drank one!
I haven’t made smoothies, either. Sorry I can’t help! Mark Lipinski’s Facebook page sometimes has some recipes, though. Good luck in your search.
My daughter usually makes the smoothies with bananas, strawberries, vanilla yogurt, milk and any other fruit we might have and want to try. I like blueberries in mine.
Apple pie smoothie:
1/2 cup apple juice
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1 cup bananas
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 pinch nutmeg
1 teaspoon agave nectar or honey
2 cups ice
My favorite smoothie is mango with coconut milk topped with chia seeds!!! Super yummy 🙂
I make what I call milkshakes with 2% milk, ice cubes, banana or other fruit and a little sugar and vanilla flavoring. Blend it up in the blender. If it’s not for the grandsons sometimes I add some yogurt. My grandsons are allergic to so many things. We have to make everything from scratch for them. This one of their treats, but without the vanilla. For a smoothie the milk could be replaced with fruit juice. Frozen fruit works well in place of the ice cubes.
Unfortunately I don’t make smoothies, but I like fruit smoothies…Cherry, raspberry and banana 🙂
I make mango pineapple smoothies. I don’t have a recipe. Just use 2 to 3 mangos, a handful of ice, about a cup of vanilla yogurt, pineapple juice, blend and enjoy. Oh, and a touch of honey!!! Yum yum. Not a healthy low fat one though. LOL
I make fruit smoothies with any kinds of fruit. I do add jicama and carrots if I have any.thanks for the chance
I love fruit smoothies. My favourite ones have strawberries or peaches in them… This is making me thirsty!
I don’t make smoothies myself but I do like drinking them! My sister made a delicious one for me that had green grapes, peaches, and strawberries in it. She added in a bunch of shaved ice so it was cold and like a milkshake (but without the milk). 🙂
I make a strawberry smoothie. Frozen strawberries, skim milk, and a little Torani Sugar-Free Raspberry Syrup. Sometimes I add my 2 teaspoons of healthy oil; you can’t tell the oil is in there.
I love smoothies, love making banana/strawberry.
I don’t make smoothies but I do make ice cream from frozen bananas! Frozen banana chunks, maple syrup, maple extract and walnuts! or carob! Sometimes I add a little coconut milk. Yummy stuff!
We make them sometimes. I freeze overly ripe bananas when I buy too many. Later blend frozen bananas, frozen strawberries, milk, apple juice and plain yougurt. No added sugar and no ice. Perfect!
I’ve never made smoothies but I like the pineapple/mango one at McDonalds
I love smoothies.. I usually make them with some nutritional powder, fruit, almond milk and spinach, also throw in some low cal activia yogurt sometimes.. they are yummy. Thanks for the chance at winning. 🙂 I voted, too. xo
I’ve only had smoothies from fast food places, but would be nice to try it at home also.
I have never made smoothies so I’m afraid I’m no help for a recipe. Sorry! Have a great weekend and thanks for the chance to win.
Deconstructed smoothies are about as close as I get I guess. I love eating frozen fruit; cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries. Even better than ice-cream.
And, I love greek yogurt topped with marmalade. Whizzed all together would be good, but separate is great too.
This may be hard to believe but I’ve never had a smoothie! Although I do love coffee flavoured milk shakes. Does that count?
I don’t have a hard and fast recipe but love to make juices – some ice, a kiwifruit, some grated root ginger, oranges, pineapple – yummo!!
I love smoothies with fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries… Really looking forward to those this summer!!!
I love to make milkshakes in the summer when it is really hot and I don’t feel like cooking a meal.
I really like all the contests you run. Sometimes it is really hard to choose a favorite.
When I taught family and consumer sciences my students enjoyed making orange Julius drinks.
1 cup milk
1 cup water
6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate
1/4 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
8-10 ice cubes
Puree in blender. It is also very good with a banana added or using grape juice instead of orange or using fresh fruit, especially strawberries.
I don’t make smoothies much but if I do I just throw in a mix of fruit, honey and some grainy brekkie cereal and swoosh it all together. That way I figure I’m at least getting some fibre in there!
Sorry, not a smoothie maker. Love milk shakes, though! 😛
I make a lot of smoothies. My favorite is yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and mango. Frozen fruits are fine too.
I loooove Smoothies….but sorry to say….have never made one myself. Must try…will! 🙂
Bananas, Strawberries, French Vanilla Yogurt, Silken Tofu, ice. adjust ratios until you get the consistency you like. My daughters had them for breakfast often when they were in high school.
I rarely make smoothies but if I do it is bananas, strawberries and yoghurt – yummy! Otherwise I am a coffee drinker!
I like fruit smoothies but don’t have a recipe.
1 banana, a good handful of frozen strawberries, cover all with orange juice and whizz in the blender. Yummy!
Sorry, I don’t make smoothies. No recipes.
I make fruit smoothies for breakfast sometimes. No recipe–just pour some juice (fave is oj), some dollops of plain or vanilla yogurt, banana, and whatever frozen berries I have on hand.
I make smoothies now and then, but I don’t have a special recipe, I just throw in all fruit that has to be used and add a very small piece of ginger and maybe a dash of lemon juice.
Thanks for the chance!
I used to make smoothies but we switched to lemon water with fresh fruit on the side! My whole family found it more refreshing 🙂
I have a summer CSA (community supported agriculture) subscription and I never know what to do with all the kale and radishes that show up in the box. I found this recipe recently, and plan to try it this summer. I’m not convinced it will be tasty, but it will sure be healthy!
Thanks for assembling another week of beautiful quilts!
Smoothies are delicious! But leave me feeling very unsatisfied, I like chewing…LOL For that high of a calorie count I’d rather have a chocolate banana milk shake!
I don’t make smoothies 🙁
I make smoothies occasionally but don’t have a recipe. I use whatever fruit and/or juices I have on hand with yogurt and skim milk. Never bananas. Can’t abide those. Thanks for the giveaway!
I don’t drink or make smoothies. Drink water and eat the fruit :0)
This is one of my favorite smoothies, High in protein and energy and tastes wonderful.
1 small Chobani greek yogurt
1 Tablespoon ground Chia seed
1 Tablespoon ground flax seed
1/2 banana
1/2 cup milk or orange juice
1 cup mixed fruit (fresh blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc)
1 or 2 ice cubes
Put in a blender, puree and enjoy!
I don’t make smoothies (mainly b/c my blender is packed up and it is a pain to get it out and find room in my mini kitchen) However, once we move at the end of the month, that will change. I am looking at the smoothie recipes with great interest.
Smoothies of all varieties are popular at our home. I use whatever fruit’s on hand. However, one of our favorites is vanilla yogurt, bananas, walnuts, and a splash of vanilla extract.
I never make smoothies, just drink them when other people make them. I’ve tasted them with fruits in, not vegetables. I love Lori Holt’s fabrics, and would be happy to win some.
I use my Bullit and try to make smoothies everyday but fruit only I’ve never tried veggies though.
I occasionally make a smoothie with strawberries & bananas. I add a carton of plain yogurt and some protein powder then fill the blender with soy milk.
I don’t make smoothies but I like the fruit ones whenever anybody makes them.
All I do is Bananamilkshakes with vailla or choclate icecream 😉
Sorry, no help here as I don’t make them, but would love to drink them. Beautiful quilts this week. Looking forward to seeing your weekend project.
I have a Magic Bullet and make fruit smoothies in the summer. I enjoy them more than ice cream. Don’t really use a recipe. Just put in half a banana, about 5 strawberries, and a cup of frozen mango chunks with some fruit juice and mix it up. Yummy! Hubby puts yogurt in his with blueberries banana and strawberries. {Using frozen fruit you don’t need to add ice.}
I have never made a smoothy. But my son was talking about making them and he said when he has an over ripe banana, he cuts it into cubes and freezes them. Then he uses the frozen banana pieces instead of ice in his smoothys.
Oh yes I like smoothies, I like the strawberry, kiwi an d orangejuice version. In fact I love all kinds as long as it doesn’t have banana in it. I like bananas but not in a smoothie. I have a juicemachine so making a moothie is very easy to do and so healthy too.
I don’t make smoothies, but will be looking at the recipes you do get.
Strawberry Smoothie –
1 cup almond milk
4-5 ice cubes
1 small bananna
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 Tbls ground flax seed
2 small dates chopped up
1 cup fresh strawberries
Put all into blender and blend on high until smooth!
I have never made a smoothie. The recipes that are in the comments section sound delicious though.
I do not make smoothies. I prefer to CHEW my food. I have been known to buy a smoothie. Maybe 4 in my lifetime. Take apple juice, add frozen strawberries to it, add frozen bananas to it. Blend. Ideal for a hot summer day. That is my extent of smoothie recipes.
Yes!! I love smoothies!! I start with plain, Greek yogurt, soy milk, a banana and add whatever else I have on hand.
I like smoothies after a trip to the gym. I use a frozen banana, peanut butter, protein powder, and milk. YUM!
I love smoothies with raspberrys. I usually check what I have in the house, use like 2 cups of various veggies or fruit and add one banana and 2 cups of raspberrys, 1 tbsp
sugar and maybe a drop of vanilla.
Sorry, I don;t make smoothies, just tooo much trouble.
I don’t make smoothies since all the recipes I see use banana and I am allergic to it.
Love smoothies but do not make them myself.
we lov esmoothies here. I make then quiet a bit fo rbreakfast and aslo for cool snacks.
I lov eto add fresh fruit and milk or water to mine. Sometimes I also add greek yogurt or keifer. I als add ground flax seed. Sometimes I added fiber powder or vitamin powder. Sometimes I also add vanilla protein powder. SOmetimes I make one from chocolate protein shake powder add intant coffee , sweetner, and skim milk & ice It is kinda like a mocha frapachino healthier though
Yes, I love smoothies – it’s the easiest way of getting your daily fruit & veggies ‘eaten’.
I have never really measured but use the following:
2 handful of fresh Baby spinach
a few leaves of Kale
1 spoonful of sesame seeds
1 apple
coconut water
Enjoy – got to go and make one for myself. Thanks for a chance!
No help, sorry Michele, I don’t own a blender so no smoothies made here, but I think you can use pretty much anything that takes your fancy…experimenting could be fun, especially with your summer coming and lots of fresh fruit available.
Yes we make smoothies around our house. We never use a recipe just add fruit and milk or juice to the blender and blend until smooth. If our fruit is not frozen we add ice cubes into the mix and blend a little longer. We don’t like ours real sweet so don’t add any sweetener as the fruit is usually sweet enough. The combinations of fruit are whatever you personally like we like to use frozen strawberries, bananas and mangoes if we have them.
I never make one the same way twice, it seems. As I can’t tolerate dairy, I have enjoyed adding coconut milk or almond milk to whatever fruits I have on hand. I try to add some chia seeds too.
I don’t make smoothies but I DO make Banana Milk from any too ripe bananas. I freeze them after slicing them up and then whirl them in the blender with milk. Tastes great! I’m kinda sad I didn’t get my Mom’s memorial quilt sent in this week. All the entries are awesome!
I`m from Spain and love gazpacho.This is my spanish recipe,it`s delicious.Here is:
Gazpacho Andaluz (4 vasos):
1 kilo de tomates bien maduros ,muy rojos
1 pimiento verde tipo Italiano (unos 60 gramos)
1 pepino (unos 250 gramos)
1 trozo de cebolla (unos 100 gramos)
1 diente de ajo
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
Vinagre de vino blanco (cantidad al gusto, me gusta muy fuerte)
1 cuchara pequeña rasa con sal( a gusto)
I don’t do smothies, sorry!
Pick up smoothie.
Frozen fruit(strawberry, pineapple, blueberry to name some) and soda water, dash of sugar, blend to the consistency you like, adjust sugar to taste, add one serving of your favourite non dairy protein powder in a light flavour such as vanilla or citrus.
Apologies, I don’t make smoothies either. But I do love chocolate milk shakes!!! Not good for the waistline, but great while reading a book!!
i do not make smoothies but would adore anybody that made me one from fruits. I do eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables instead.
I make smoothies frequently and love adding kale and a bit of spinach when I have them. Three smoothie recipes for you:
apple pie smoothie
2 tbsp Almonds, Ground
1 medium Apple, Raw, chopped
1 Banana-medium, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup Soy Yogurt
3/4 cup Almond Milk
3/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
<bDoug McNish has an awesome green smoothie
1 cup Almond Milk
1 scoop Brown Rice Protein Powder
2 tbsp Canadian Ground Flax Seed
1/4 pear
2 leaf kale leaves
1/4 cup Mixed Greens
1 Banana-medium
3 Dates, Medjool
and for fun
Carob Cherry Smoothie
1 cup Almond Breeze Nut Milk
1 scoop Brown Rice Protein Powder
2 tbsp Flax, Ground
2 tbsp Carob Powder
1 cup Mixed Greens
1 cup Frozen Dark Cherries
We love smoothies! We always use 1 banana, 2 cups frozen berries, 1/2 large vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup orange juice, 2 tbs flax seeds, and sometimes spinach (but you can’t taste it I promise!) These amounts are guesses, we just eyeball it depending on how many are thirsty!!
Smoothies? I think they take a machine and electricity. Coffee with a bit of milk takes less time and trouble.
I wish I had a digital picture of the quilt I made for my Mom-in-law. She slept under it every night from the day I finished it until she died at age 98. My son keeps it now.
I drink smoothies….love them…but don’t make them. I just go to Smoothie King. Sorry that doesn’t help you. Quilts were beautiful and difficult to pick from. All were were so nice.!
I kind of do whatever I feel like for a smoothie. I like to get the big bag of “color spectrum” frozen fruit at Costco. Strawberries, pineapple, honeydew, peaches of two types, blueberries. Put about a cup or so of frozen fruit in the blender. Pour in some milk, about 1/2 cup, and some vanilla yogurt. sometimes a throw a few teaspoons of fiber, like Metamucil. Sometimes I add orange juice. Blend it all up to a consistency you like, adding more milk or juice if you want. Pour into a tall glass. Drink immediately (I like a straw!).
I love Riley Blake fabric!
Mango and frozen yogurt! YUM!
ik maak geen smoothies sorry
I really don’t make smoothies. Somehow it reminds me of being sick and those crazy things “we Moms” would give to our kids, hoping to get them to drink anything. I like to chew and taste my fruits and vegetables.
We wing it every time: a bit of yoghurt (plain not flavoured), whatever fruit is on hand (frozen or fresh), milk to get it to the preferred consistency. Sometimes a tablespoon of oatmeal (blend for extra time if you’ve added oats) too.
Or a monkey’s milkshake: yog/milk/banana/peanut butter. Add a bit of chocolate ovaltine powder (a staple in our house) for chocolate flavour.
!!Que bueno,hasta recetas de pasteles!
Tarta manzana y/O perafácil,fácil:
150 mantequilla.
150 azucar.
3 huevos.
150 harina.
1 pizca levadura.
1/2 vaso licor o coñac.
2 manzanas o dos peras,o una manzana y una pera.
-Se mezcla la mantequilla derretida con azúcar. Luego 3 huevos enteros (pero sin cáscara, jiji).
Luego el harina y licor.
-Se pone la mitad masa en un molde,se ponen manzanas y/o peras encima,y se tapa con el resto de masa.
3/4 hora en horno a 170 º.
bon apetit
Yes I make fruit smoothies for breakfast and it is my favorite thing to have. Must have a banana and I usually have pineapple as a base, then whatever fruit is on hand like berries or mangoes, sometimes an apple.
Sometimes I will add spinach or kale for a green smoothie.
Me encanta la papaya y el mango con yougur natural
I don’t make smoothies but my husband does.
Thank you for reposting the voting page to facebook as i have looked for it since Friday and when i went to your site i could not find it…just thought you needed to know that.
hum, smoothies , i havnt really made any but i have seen lots of recipes on food sites that feature eating whole foods or gluten/diabetic type sites.
I don’t make smoothies, but would like to try one some day.! I hope you find some good recipes.
I love smoothies. I do a simple one that 4 year old granddaughter likes.
a few strawberries, a banana, greek yogurt, unsweetened Almond Milk, tsp vanilla and ice cubes. Blend well.
I have never made a smoothie but do make milkshakes and malts.
I do make smoothies – fruit. I put a banana, half an apple, and a handful of berries in a blender or Magic Bullet with ice, add about 1/4 cup of raw oatmeal and, if I have it, a handful of flaxseed, cover with orange juice, and blend. If I have fresh fruit, great, but I also put fruit that is getting soft but is not yet bad into the freezer to use for smoothies. If I use frozen fruit, it reduces the amount of ice I use. No real measurements, though – I make my smoothies the way I make my quilts – no patterns.
I have made smoothies, using strawberries, bananana, and juice. But I prefer to buy them then I can get the extra kick added when I need it.
I’ve never made a smoothie. But we do like to make peanut butter milkshakes!
sorry I dont’ make smoothies but I’d love to try some. I’ve heard that using agave instead of sugar is good for diabetics . I dont’ understand the whole concept of sugars but I think those that do will be able to explain why 🙂 Thanks for the chance to participate in the judging, I always enjoy this.
Smoothies are tasty. I have made them using strawberries, drained pineapples, low fat yogurt and a bit of low fat sour cream. Yummy!!
For a bit of crunch fold in a teaspoon of chopped walnuts and enjoy!
I have never made a smoothie.
I have always wanted to make a smoothy. Someday I will try
Wow, now that’s a close race for first! Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Thanks for the chance to win that fabulous fabric! I have never made any smoothies….
Thanks for sharing that gorgeous fabric. Never made a smoothie myself.
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