Quilts for Little Ones

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  • Total submissions: 61
  • Total countries: 11
  • Total provinces: 3
  • Total states: 21

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Веснянка Веснянка
By: Vika Yaniff,

It is my first child’s blanket, it is done some sewing for a first-born. Sewed from tailings of ordinary byazey, and the coloured fabric is a skirt of my mother-in-law 🙂

Quilt size: width: 39.4" height: 39.4"

A Tall One A Tall One
By: Mary on Lake Pulaski,
Minnesota, USA

I used the fabric as the idea for the center applique.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 52"

A Whaling We Will Go A Whaling We Will Go
By: Karen Pollard,
Kentucky, USA

A friend of mine was having a second baby boy this past winter and asked me to make a whale themed quilt for them. We selected the fabric and she had given me an idea of what she was looking for. This was the quilt I designed and made for their new baby, Lincoln. It’s quilted in ocean waves.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Around the Block Around the Block
By: Pat Hanevich,
Alberta, Canada

This quilt top was made for my daughters best friends little girl for her first birthday. The mom likes very bright colors.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 51"

Aunt Arctic and Puffles Aunt Arctic and Puffles
By: Susan Stephens,

I was asked my granddaughter to make her a quilt with Aunt Arctic and the 10 Puffles from Club Penguin. All the Puffles on Club Penguin are different colours with different face expressions. Aunt Arctic is the editor of their newspaper. Club Penguin is a computer game. The design is my own .

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 82"

Awesome! Awesome!
By: Becca,
Maryland, USA

Awesome was made for the Ladies Axillary of the VFW. They will be having a dinner and cancer fund raiser. My aunt asked me to make something and this was the result. Flannel backed and gender neutral, I think it will make some little person very happy and raise money and awareness.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 48"

Baby Archer Baby Archer
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

Paper Foundation using 2.5 inch strips –

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Baby girl quilt Baby girl quilt
By: NinaMe,
Russian Federation

Hello everybody! This is the first time I take part. The quilt was assembled and quilted by me for my friend’s newborn niece.
It is very soft and very cotton 🙂 (top, back and lining).
In my blog there are more pictures and quilting instructions.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 47"

Baby in the Jungle Baby in the Jungle
By: Barb@Witsend,
Ontario, Canada

I made this quilt in March, for my friend’s first baby. It is bright and colourful. I left the blocks whole so they could play “find the animals” with the quilt. I tried a new pattern for me, the Disappearing Nine-Patch. It was fun to shift the sections around. You can see how its made at my blog.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Baby Rail Fence Baby Rail Fence
By: Debbie Lange Quilting,
Indiana, USA

I wanted to make a bright Rail Fence baby quilt with black, which is known to stimulate a baby’s visual development. I started with the black circle print for the center rail and chose other bright tone on tone solids, small prints and dots for the outer rails. Center black rail is slightly narrower

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 41"

Baby's Garden Baby’s Garden
By: Angie in SoCal,
California, USA

I bought this panel then realized it was too narrow for the baby quilt I wanted to make. So I cut off the small squares above/below the main part and alternated them with Roman stripe blocks. Came out to 36″ square. Backing is flannel brought forward. Since I needed it delivered quickly, I tied it.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Bamboo Baby Bamboo Baby
By: Sam,
Saskatchewan, Canada

This is a pattern that I have made. I hope to eventually sell my patterns, but as most of us know it’s a long road 🙂

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 56"

Be-Ribboned Be-Ribboned
By: Mary C in WA,
Washington, USA

This is one I just finished. By request for my new Grand-daughter coming soon! A Princess to join 3 Prince who live in WY. An original Pattern I designed for the 2011 McCalls Quilt Design Star. I did it all myself! Piecing and Free-Motion Quilting

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Beary Special Beary Special
By: Quilt N Lynn,
Oregon, USA

This was made for my Great Niece “Nevaeh”. Which is Heaven spelled backwards.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 36"

Blue Farm Blue Farm
By: Iwa,
Czech Republic

This one I made for my youngesr nephew. It was inspirated by book Simply fat quarters (Marbles).

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Diamond Tread - Aeroplanes Diamond Tread – Aeroplanes
By: Vera,
Czech Republic

It started with backing fabric which features aeroplanes. This crib size quilt is going to little boy from family with aeroplanes models and the real one as well. I wanted some simple and modern design so I picked up pattern by Lee from Freshly Pieced called Diamond Tread.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Disappearing 4-Patch Disappearing 4-Patch
By: Carolyn’s Quilts,
South Africa

This quilt was pieced and quilted by myself for my nephew and his wife’s first baby, a little girl, expected in September. I used a charm pack plus additional white yardage, appliqued little animal motifs and quilted “Jester’s Hats” within the squares. I love the wavy border with plain stippling!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 50"

DJ's Sensory quilt DJ’s Sensory quilt
By: Alison Saunders,
Missouri, USA

I made this quilt to help DJ with his sensory needs. It has Cuddle soft border, his favorite colors and cows – a few on the front and many more comical cows on the back. He was very happy to receive it and it is very much loved by him. It goes everywhere with him and he cries when it is being washed

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 60"

Easy Baby Quilt Easy Baby Quilt
By: Karin,

Second quilt I have made in this design. Easy to do and the design lends itself well to showcase some of those cute conversational fabrics for little ones that are currently on the market. The quilt is quilted with an overall loop design.

Quilt size: width: 36.5" height: 48.5"

Filip's blanket Filip’s blanket
By: Máculka,
Czech Republic

I made this blanket for my nephew Filip when he was born.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 48"

First Sight Mod Mosaic Baby Quilt First Sight Mod Mosaic Baby Quilt
By: Mary Ann,
Oregon, USA

My cousin had a baby and I had a blast making 2 different quilts for her red, black, white, and gray nursery. Michael Miller’s First Sight Fabric line was the perfect color combos plus cute animals!

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 40"

Forest Friends Forest Friends
By: Heather,
Florida, USA

This is an adaptation of the quilt Hidden Forest by The Vintage Spool. I designed a new layout and the zigzag border to suit my style.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Googly Monster Googly Monster
By: Paula Coleman,
Kansas, USA

A sweet girl I worked with is having a baby boy and she showed me the monster theme she is using. I made up this Googly Monster quilt for her. The blue fabric in the quilt has several fun monsters, with several stash fabrics to match.

Quilt size: width: 44.5" height: 44"

Grams Loves Karah Grams Loves Karah
By: Laurie Edwards,
California, USA

I had saved cute t-shirts from when my grand daughter was a toddler thinking they would make a cute quilt. Put it together with a cute fabric she picked out (she is 5 now) and machine quilted it on the LQS longarm. Hand quilted the t-shirt blocks with various colors to match. She loves it 🙂

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 66"

Gumdrop Stars - Raspberry Lullaby Gumdrop Stars – Raspberry Lullaby
By: Linette Greene,
Montana, USA

I made a series of three of these quilts, using some star blocks I made for a block of the month club.They were intended to be a twin quilt. I designed the setting for the block myself. This one went to a young single mom as a gift for her baby. I quilted it on my Brother sewing machine.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 42"

Hipster Baby Hipster Baby
By: LizM,
Kentucky, USA

This is my first quilt! I made it for my nephew. The fabric choices were all things that reminded me of his hipster parents. The back is a blue flannel with different color nuts and bolts. It was a lot of fun and I’m already working on a different version of it!

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"

Hooo Loves the Baby Hooo Loves the Baby
By: Sue Rand,
Alberta, Canada

This baby quilt is from a pattern by Amy Bradley. I made it larger and enjoyed making the owls very scrappy to match the nursery colours.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

In the Wonky Forest In the Wonky Forest
By: Janis Tomasek,
Washington, USA

I have designed lots of quilts in my head but this is the first one I have actually made up. I had lots of fun creating the blocks which only involved straight line piecing and no pesky triangles.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 47"

Isaac's Stars & Moon Isaac’s Stars & Moon
By: Robin Sinn,
Arizona, USA

Isaac’s favorite bedtime story book is Goodnight Moon. Now he has his very own moon to keep him company at night.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 46"

Isaiah's I spy Isaiah’s I spy
By: Dorian,
California, USA

This is a fun filled I spy quilt. Those little colorful squares are flaps that lift up and show you a picture of something of that color. Vehicles and animals, as that’s what my boy likes.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Jacob's Jungle Jacob’s Jungle
By: LizG,
Kansas, USA

Jacob’s Jungle was made for my grandson with fabric my daughter selected. Fussy cut large animals were framed and set in horizontal rows, which required math skills to calculate the extra strips added to individual blocks to make each row the same height. Won blue ribbons at county and state fairs.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 47"

Jaxon's Quilt Jaxon’s Quilt
By: Jean Kester,
Washington, USA

This baby quilt was made for the unborn child of Granite Mountain Hotshot Sean Misner who lost his life fighting a fire with 19 others in Yarnell, AZ. The baby boy’s name is Jaxon.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 42"

Jazz Jazz
By: Pam Benson,
Ontario, Canada

I made this first quilt for my grandbaby Jazz. It is foundation pieced with fabrics of colour and texture to make a 3D tactile quilt. Background is quilted in bamboo pattern with butterflies and free quilting within the animal squares. It was great fun. Quilt designed by Ruth Jensen, Thimble Art

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Krazy Katz Krazy Katz
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

A challenging design to assemble from a purchased pattern (sorry I don’t remember the designer’s name), but a fun quilt to look at – be sure to look at it upside down as well!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 50"

By: Linda Douglas,
Montana, USA

“Little Bow Ties” is an attractive charity crib size quilt that I made for a little boy. It is a simple block machine pieced and free motion top-stitched. The backing and binding were of white.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 48"

Little Creatures Little Creatures
By: Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

For my cousin’s baby shower I created this fun, wonky log cabin quilt with all these fabulous creatures fussy cut to be shown off! It was perfect for her new little guy!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 32"

Little One Little One
By: Terri Bohling,
California, USA

I had a piece of fabric that mostly had labels to put on the back of quilts, plus four large squares. I designed the quilt myself. In each block, I wrote a milestone for the baby’s first year. I gave my daughter the pens to write the dates on each block so it would be a keepsake.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Love is.... Brennan Love is…. Brennan
By: Mary S,
Michigan, USA

This was made for my very first grandchild. Our beautiful boy Brennan.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Mason's Sea Friends Quilt Mason’s Sea Friends Quilt
By: Adelle,
New York, USA

This was only the second quilt I had ever made in my life, and this is the first quilt where I actually quilted on my own, echoing around the different fish. Made as a play blanket for my son.

This pattern is Sea Friends by KariePatch Designs (kareipatch.com)

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Monkey Business Monkey Business
By: Gayle Pulley,
Washington, USA

Monkey panel is hand painted with setasilk paints on cotton. Borders of purchased fabric.

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 39"

Mosaic Owl Mosaic Owl
By: Patricia Moffitt,
Alaska, USA

I do not like to applique so when the new mom wanted an owl I searched for a pieced one. This is actually a cross-stitch pattern that I converted to 1 inch squares. A lot of cutting, but it went together easily with gridded fusible web.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 62"

Nyx's Goth Baby Quilt Nyx’s Goth Baby Quilt
By: Delia Hardcastle,
United Arab Emirates

Baby Nyx is on the way, hopefully to arrive on my birthday mid-August. In anticipation of her birth a celebratory Goth quilt is in readiness for the Little Princess. There are several other Goth quilts for her, including a smaller version, on my website.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Owls & Bells Owls & Bells
By: Blanca Rico,

I made this quilt (100% cotton fabrics) for my grandson Tiago.
I sewed the pieces by machine and quilted the whole thing by hand.
It has little bells in each bang and they softly sound when it is shaken.

Quilt size: width: 47" height: 47"

Patric's Teddys Patric’s Teddys
By: Dolores Sedore,
Ontario, Canada

Patric is my second grandchild and I have had this pattern in mind to make for a very long time. It’s a pattern from the June and July/Aug. 1990 issues of Quilters Newsletter. The little teddy bears all needed their own unique personalities. They were a lot of fun to make.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 44"

Peppermint Dreams Peppermint Dreams
By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada

I had some leftover blocks after making my first quilt using the Drunkard’s Path blocks. I arranged them into a pattern and added a few more! I then added the first piano key border I ever made from some other leftover scraps. It reminds me of peppermint candy! I love the green polka dot binding!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 46"

Pete's Zebras Pete’s Zebras
By: Sally,
Arizona, USA

Made by me (4 blocks) and fellow quilters from The Quilt & Needle ‘Quilty Aunties’ group for grandson Pete. I drew the zebra pattern up and all had fun. Goes with a similar one with giraffes on it.

Quilt size: width: 59" height: 59"

Precious Things Precious Things
By: Zurn Perry,
Pennsylvania, USA

I imagined a small child learning to identify each thing on the quilt with delight, the type of quilt that in your adult years you remember from when you were little.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 39"

Priscilla Priscilla
By: Michelle Marr,
Oregon, USA

My goal this year is to make 50 baby quilts for the local pregnancy center. Priscilla was one of the first ones

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Raggamuffin Raggamuffin
By: Needled Mom,
California, USA

This little quilt was made from a Quiltmaker magazine pattern for one of our grandsons when he was born.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 54"

Robot Love Robot Love
By: MC Simard,
Alberta, Canada

This is the top of a quilt for my cousin’s baby-to-be.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 46"

By: Sam’s Little Quilt,
Ontario, Canada

From cotton scraps and remnants of a border print of Pooh and Friends I made this little quilt for a friends newborn baby living in Holland. On it I went totally free and went wild embroidering words and phrases relating to little people and their fun activities while growing from infancy to toddler

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Some bunny loves you Some bunny loves you
By: Margaret Convery,
United Kingdom

I started making cot quilts when my great niece had twins. One of the twins underwent open heart surgery. To show my thanks to the unit for their care, and with help from friends We have donated 49 quilts to date. This quilt features stitcheries designed by the very talented Arlene Neely.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 45"

Spinning Hearts Spinning Hearts
By: Spinning Hearts,
California, USAtarget=”_blank”>quiltfabrication

The hearts were hand appliqued a couple years ago and put away. I finally got them out, designed this quilt, and quilted beautiful feathers on it. My husband’s coworker’s baby is now enjoying it!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Swedish Girl Swedish Girl
By: Tammy Kuse,
Illinois, USA

I had bought 2 themed quilt kits – one for Sweden and one for Germany because my ancestors came from Sweden and my husband’s from Germany. I made them each and then put them together back to back. This is the Swedish side. I thought it would be cute for my kids to have.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Sweet Dreams, Jude! Sweet Dreams, Jude!
By: mitmeg,
Virginia, USA

Jude’s Teddy Bear is tucked in safe and sound under his own pinwheel quilt. Made for a good friend’s firstborn. 🙂 Measurements are approximate.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 54"

Sweetness Sweetness
By: NaiNai McMahan,
Georgia, USA

I have a big family and am in need of baby gifts often so I loved this fabric and thought it would make a really cute baby quilt.

Quilt size: width: 25.5" height: 36.5"

Traveling Turtles Traveling Turtles
By: Joy Voltenburg,
Illinois, USA

The top was pieced by my friend Lorna and I quilted it for her on my longarm. I love the texture the quilting added to it. The lucky little boy who received this couldn’t wait to get his hands on it!

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 66"

Tumbling Fun Baby Blanket Tumbling Fun Baby Blanket
By: Jessica Salter,
Alaska, USA

I designed and made this quilt for my friends’ baby boy. I used the AccuQuilt GO! to cut out all of my shapes so it went together really fast. The fabric is all from Moda and is very cute.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 49"

W kinie W kinie
By: Grażyna Hurny,

Kołderka dla chłopca o tematyce kosmicznej .

Quilt size: width: 130" height: 170"

Wynken, Blynken, & Nod Wynken, Blynken, & Nod
By: Mary Anne Drury,
Pennsylvania, USA

I designed this quilt for my niece and her husband. They are expecting their first baby (a boy) in September. The theme of the baby’s room is sailboats … and one of my favorite children’s poems is “Wynken, Blynken & Nod” sailing off in a wooden shoe through the night sky.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 50"

You Are Loved You Are Loved
By: Kathy Howard,
Vermont, USA

This is a two sided signature quilt that I made for our pastor’s daughter for the birth of her son. The rail fence blocks on one side are signed by people from church and the frame on the other side is signed by family members. Her dad signed both sides! She was living far away at the time.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 52"

78 responses to “Quilts for Little Ones”

  1. Missy Avatar

    What a lot of cute quilts!

  2. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    My favorite is either a lap quilt or throw.

  3. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    I prefer lap size quilts. Thanks.

  4. Nita Avatar

    I like both for different reasons.

  5. shawn Avatar

    A wall hanging or mug rug.

    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

  6. Karen Walters Avatar

    I love to make baby quilts–That’s the only size I can seem to finish.

  7. Sue Avatar

    Very cute quilts.. I nearly always make queen size. It’s just what my family want to use, harder for me though!

  8. Jan Avatar

    My favorite size quilt to make is anything throw size and smaller.

  9. Vera Avatar

    My fav is crib size. Easy and quick to make plus good size for home machine quilting. Thx.

  10. Deborah Avatar

    I lkie making the comfort quilts (48″x60″ approx.). They go fast and are usually for charity.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    My favorite size of quilt to make is whatever I have enough fabric for!

  12. Pam Avatar

    My favorite size quilt is lap or throw blanket size!

  13. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    I like to make large lap size quilts. Every evening I love to choose a different quilt to snuggle with in front of the TV.

  14. Maryellen Avatar

    I like lap quilts, because the size is easier to quilt, and table runners, because they can change with the season. I’ve tackled all sizes, though.

  15. Gale Avatar

    Lap size is my favorite. Baby quilts are second runner up. Making large quilts are o.k. but it usually takes me a lot longer to get my act together and quilt them. I have some three years old and still waiting :^)

  16. Carla Finley Avatar
    Carla Finley

    I’ve only made lap size and smaller. Looking to have my first big one done in a few weeks.

  17. Carol Ann Johnston Avatar

    There are some wonderful pieces of work here! Lots of talent

  18. Karen Drew Avatar
    Karen Drew

    I enjoy making 180cm X 225cm Quilts they take a long time but they are a labour of love and make the best presents in the world

  19. Gunda Avatar

    My favorite sizes are wallhanger, lap and thows

  20. Judy Avatar

    I don’t have a favourite size. I design most of my quilts as I go so they finish however big (or small) they finish.

  21. Peggy Starkey Avatar
    Peggy Starkey

    There were too many wonderful quilts to choose from to vote. I think the sampler is just what I need to learn about piecing blocks!

  22. Peggy Starkey Avatar
    Peggy Starkey

    lap quilts

  23. Joyce Avatar

    I am into making Queen size for my HS graduating …grandchildren

  24. Karin Avatar

    My favourite size is a lap size quilt…

    Wonderful quilts above…very hard to choose.

  25. Miranda P Avatar
    Miranda P

    Right now I love making table runners and lap quilts. As a beginner they are perfect sizes for me! This book would be awesome to have for a beginner like me! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  26. Lorna McMahon Avatar

    Thanks for hosting the Show and Tell each week! It is always a pleasure to drop in and see all the entries. My favourite size of quilt to work on is baby size. I am working on a 100″ x 100″ scrappy quilt right now…. And it is a bit much! But I am almost finished the quilting!


  27. Kathy Avatar

    Lot’s of beautiful quilts and talented people… My Mom and sister both quilt, maybe I need to start!! Was very hard to pick- they were all great and hold special meanings to the creators, but I had to vote for my friends quilt to be fair!!!

  28. Deborah DeBerry Avatar
    Deborah DeBerry

    So much talent. Choosing just one was terribly difficult.

  29. Robin Avatar

    Most of the quilts that I make bed size quilts.

  30. Sarah Avatar

    I like to make lap size.

  31. Brenda Hulsey Avatar
    Brenda Hulsey

    I like to make large size quilts, enough to hang over a full size bed.

  32. ~Kristie Avatar

    Currently lap size quilts are my favorite, but I’ve only been quilting for a year so maybe I’ll venture out to larger sizes in the near future.

  33. Dolores Avatar

    My favourite size is a wall hanging and then in second place are bed sized quilts.

  34. Jessica Avatar

    So many cute quilts! It was really hard to pick only six to vote for. Good luck everyone!

    I love making lap size quilts and smaller projects like wall hangings, bags, and table runners.

  35. Patricia Dawe Avatar
    Patricia Dawe

    I now prefer to work on smaller projects, with a lap sized quilt being the largest….. because….. I have sooo many larger quilt tops machine pieced and still waiting to be quilted.

  36. DebV Avatar

    I like to work on lap quilts, you can never have too many to cuddle with. I have been working my way to twin size lately.
    Beautiful quilts for little ones. Was really difficult to pick my favorites.

  37. Liz Avatar

    I like to make lap size quilts, great for taking a quick nap. 🙂

  38. Toye Mason Avatar

    Queen sized rag quilts are my fav to make!

  39. Hanke Avatar

    I like to make a quilt you can use. No wall hangings 🙂

  40. Joyce Kellogg Avatar
    Joyce Kellogg

    My favorite is a single bed sized quilt, but have king’s too.

  41. ane Avatar

    Mis preferidos son los tamaño de cuna de bebé

  42. Joni Keskey Avatar
    Joni Keskey

    I like making all sizes, including table toppers and placemats. Always have at least one large and a couple of small projects going.

  43. Suzanne Avatar

    My favorite siz quilt is what I call a TV quilt, as it is just the right size to snuggle under on a cold evening while watching TV. It’s about 40 X 68.

  44. Tish Bilby Avatar
    Tish Bilby

    I love making crib size quilts the best. There’s something magical about making them, knowing the receiver will have a piece of their childhood for years to come. Ultimately passing it on to their son or daughter.

  45. Tish Bilby Avatar
    Tish Bilby

    The size I love making making are crib size quilts the best. There’s something magical about making them, knowing the receiver will have a piece of their childhood for years to come. Ultimately passing it on to their son or daughter.

  46. usairdoll Avatar

    So many beautiful quilts! I love making the large lap size. I have made all different sizes and sometimes it’s nice to do something different.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  47. Sandy Youngblood Avatar

    Anything small enough that I can quilt on my home machine.

  48. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    i like a twin sized not to big to handle on my janome

  49. kaholly Avatar

    I don’t make big quilts much anymore. But I do have a few in progress. My favorite size is lap size, seems to be popular. It’s manageable.

  50. Susan Avatar

    Bed size. Bigger the better. I want to be able to use them so a small bed size is good for a large throw on the couch if needed.

  51. Dianna Whitehead Avatar
    Dianna Whitehead

    Hi! I guess my favorite size quilt to make is queen, although I also like to make king-size. Seems everyone in my family has a big bed and like to just wrap up in the quilt and be all cozy! Thank you for the chance to win! Oh, and I have made some lap-size and twins, also, but mostly queen.

  52. Maureen Latta Avatar
    Maureen Latta

    I tend to be drawn to very large quilts, almost king size especially since I incorporate piecing and applique and use my quilts as wall art. I have a couple of large decorate rods in my lounge and alternate my quilts every 6 months or so or whenever I have the energy and motivation to get up on the ladder and change them over.
    Thank you for the chance to be a winner

  53. lindawwww Avatar

    I don’t have a particular size quilt that I like to make. Whatever suits the pattern or my mood at the time. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  54. Candace Crider Avatar
    Candace Crider

    I like making quilts for Quilts of Valor so usually make 60 inches wide by 72 to 90 inches long

  55. Nancy W Avatar
    Nancy W

    Oh I go between full/queen and almost king size :). Sometimes time or the pattern will dictate the size though.

  56. Sara Avatar

    I prefer twin size quilts as that is the size of my bed

  57. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    My favorite size to make is lap size or wall hangings. They go quickly, and I love to share what I make with others.

  58. Julianne Avatar

    I don’t have a favorite size that I like to make my quilts. Lately tho I have been making smaller quilts and wall hangings table runners. It takes less time to make those and I have not had a lot of time lately for my projects. Besides I really do not need any bed quilts right now.

  59. Kristy Avatar

    I love making baby quilts and lap quilts. I feel like the smaller size gives me more flexibility. I am still a beginner and am trying to learn different techniques and styles and that is easiertsmall quilt. I am seriously addicted!

  60. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    I don’t know if it is a favorite or not, but single bed size are the most useful when living in a very small space. I have learned to make “baby” quilts single bed size so they can be used beyond the crib stage.

  61. Jo Avatar

    My favourite size is lap quilt.

  62. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    So many amazing baby and children’s quilts. Every one is a winner for me!!! Good luck to all the wonderful entries!
    My favorite size quilt is fairly large…say 75″ X 80″ give or take for a throw, or on up to bed sized quilts. I’m fairly tall, as are my daughters and grandchildren, so other than a “little quilt” for fun or table toppers, I like a quilt I can wrap up in by tucking it under my feet and up under my chin with lots of room to move around left over. Very comfy and also large enough to tuck in under for a nice nap! Hugs…

  63. Susan N Avatar
    Susan N

    My favorite size quilt to make is baby or crib quilts.

  64. Rosalea Wright Avatar
    Rosalea Wright

    I prefer queen/king but have made baby quilts also.

  65. Kristi Avatar

    I have several bed sized quilts so now I make large wall hangings or lap sized quilts.

  66. ANNabeLL Avatar

    I love big blanket. One should do it curl up and feel the safety of them;-)

  67. Daryl Avatar

    I enjoy working on smaller wall quilts because not only can I get them finished, but I add a lot more special touches to a smaller quilt like hand embroidery, rick rack, beads, buttons, etc. Plus a small quilt is so much easier to quilt.

  68. Janet Pittman Avatar
    Janet Pittman

    I don’t have a particular size that I always make. I pick a pattern or design and just go with it until I like it. The largest I’ve ever made was a queen size quilt.

  69. Tammy Avatar

    My favorites is wall hanging or baby quilts. Fast finishes and I can get on to antoehr project again. As I get bored with each project fairly quickly.

  70. Donna Shannon Avatar
    Donna Shannon

    I usually make lap and twin size,

  71. Gail Avatar


  72. Judy Avatar

    My favorite quilt size to make is lap size.

  73. Carol Avatar

    I like to make crib quilts or wall hangings best. They are easier to handle and quilt on my home machine.

  74. Sallie Avatar

    I like making baby quilts.

  75. Mania Avatar

    I make quilts just over one year and have not sewed a large quilt on the bed. I sewed baby quilts and table runners. But now I feel that I could sew already a greater quilt. 🙂

  76. Debbie Avatar

    I like making wall hanging size quilts.

  77. Becca Avatar

    My favorite size quilt to make is what I refer to as a crib quilt. There are so many sites out there telling you what size a crib quilt is, or a lap quilt or whatnot. I just go with what I think is perfect for the little ones. Around 40″ x 50″ is just about right (no piecing for the back, unless you want to). Great for when they’re little and need tummy-time. Great for when they’re toddlers and need a comfy quilt to nap under and even when they get a little bigger and just want that little bit of personal comfort that comes from your very own personal quilt that was created just for you. Not that I’m against a bigger quilt, by any means.

    This week was really tough on the voting front. So many wonderful quilts out there. All those little people are so fortunate to have them. As always, I look forward to next week’s entries.

  78. lee Avatar

    I usually do queen size quilts. thank you!

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