Quilts for Fathers

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Celtic Dragon Celtic Dragon
By: Amy, Louisiana, USA

My father is a HUGE Dragon fan. Especially the medieval type. I found a tattoo pattern and turned it into an applique. I designed the quilt using EQ. He LOVES it!!

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 62"

Dad's 75th birthday quilt Dad’s 75th birthday quilt
By: Cynthia Lynn, North Carolina, USA

This sampler quilt started as Blocks of the Month from my favorite local shop – but as I looked at the patterns, I decided to vary color placement to see how it changed. Dad was totally surprised, I’m so glad I did it.

Quilt size: width: 98" height: 98"

Dad's Legacy Dad’s Legacy
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

This pole was my Dad’s 6th b-day present. He passed it, and the love of fishing, on to me about the same age. Photos on fabric of me fishing, of ‘critters’ at the lake, sun on the water, mountain block joined w/lures,bells, line, baubles. Dad died at 46. I was 23. This pole represents good memories!

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 60"

Daddy's Quilt Daddy’s Quilt
By: Ellison Lane Quilts, North Carolina, USA

I made this quilt for my Dad for his 63rd birthday. He’s so generous and giving, I wanted to make something special just for him. He loves bright colors and to make it extra special, I appliqued the word “Daddy” on the front. There were tears in his eyes when he opened it.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 69"

Fish Frenzy Fish Frenzy
By: Darlene Gerber, Ohio, USA

For the last year I have been testing patterns and Fish Frenzy by Purple Moose Designs was one I recently tested. For many years my Dad enjoyed fishing in Ohio and Florida. So this quilt would be perfect for him. See how the Fish blocks go in different directions, just like they do on the line.

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 73"

Golf Course for Daddy Golf Course for Daddy
By: Katie Wiseman, West Virginia, USA

When I asked my dad what he wanted in his quilt, he said “a golf course” ..and then laughed his infamous laugh. Well I think I accomplished all the COLORS of a golf course anyway. …you can see the rough, the fairway, the sunshine, the water…the sand bunker..etc

Quilt size: width: 90" height: 100"

I'm a Fan of Father's Day (Ties) I’m a Fan of Father’s Day (Ties)
By: Shout4Joy, Pennsylvania, USA

I made this quilt as a tribute to Father’s Day, especially the ties that are ubiquitous on Father’s Day.

This the fabrics come from ties (the fans), shirts (the background fabrics), and chambray for the sashing. All came from thrift stores as my dad and husband still wear their shirts and ties.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 45"

Is This Big Enough Is This Big Enough
By: Del Soden, Australia

I have never measured it, but it’s sitting on a kingsized bed in the photo.

He-Who-Suffers was forever pointing out to me of each quilt I made that “it’s bigger than mine” refering to a ‘lapquilt’ I made him when I first started quilting. So I made him this.
Spectacular quilting by Belinda Bet

Quilt size: width: approx 8ft" height: approx 9ft"

Joseph's Coat Joseph’s Coat
By: Mary Val, Nebraska, USA

Made from 100% plaid cotton shirts from the Goodwill.

Quilt size: width: 94" height: 104"

kleurryk bouwurk kleurryk bouwurk
By: Jelly Sloot, Netherlands

I made this building with stripes, light and dark fabrics. It was made on a workshop color and 60 inch diamonds.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 44"

My father's 80th birthday quilt My father’s 80th birthday quilt
By: inge d’heere, Belgium

My father has collected stamps since he was 7. For his last birthday, his 80th, I made him a quilt with stamps…

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 50"

Not My Dad's Bowties Not My Dad’s Bowties
By: Kathy E, Virginia, USA

I used the traditional bow tie block and drew spiral design in it as instructed by RaNae Merril, author of Simply Amazing Spirals. Can you see the individual blocks? I chose this block because my dad used to wear bowties to work everyday. He died on Father’s day 5 years ago at age 92.

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 26"

Perfect Weekend Perfect Weekend
By: Carol Klein, Minnesota, USA

Quilt size: width: 85" height: 94"

Quilt for My Father's 75th Birthday Quilt for My Father’s 75th Birthday
By: upstatelisa, New York, USA

I gathered a bunch of photos of my dad as a kid, as well as a newlywed, as a dad, as a grandfather, along with photos of his family as a momento to celebrate his 75th birthday which he now proudly displays on the den wall of his home.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Railroad Ties Railroad Ties
By: Nann, Illinois, USA

My dad was a railroader and had many railroad-themed ties which I used in this quilt. It was made for our guild challenge, Name That Tune. Mine was I’ve Been Working on the Railroad. The railroad emblems were cereal box premiums in the 1950’s.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

The Big One The Big One
By: Linda Douglas, Montana, USA

Watercolors of greens and blues in cross sttich and machine quilting for my dad who loved to fish!

Quilt size: width: 14" height: 18"

Tradition meets the Fisherman Tradition meets the Fisherman
By: Alberta Price, Georgia, USA

I made this for my husband who is a fisherman… the centers show the fishermen fishing from the boats and the arcs show fishing lures. It shows that you can use a traditional pattern and make it anyway you want to by changing the fabrics accordingly.

Quilt size: width: 81" height: 92"

Vern's 80th Birthday quilt Vern’s 80th Birthday quilt
By: Shelley Rodgers, California, USA

There were about 80 people at my Dad’s 80th birthday party. Digital pictures were taken of everyone and they signed a muslin strip. The pictures were printed onto fabric and the signature were sewn to the appropriate photo. The photo Snowball blocks alternate with 9-patches. There are 3 borders.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 69"

2 responses to “Quilts for Fathers”

  1. Anna Feldman Avatar
    Anna Feldman

    What remarkable quilting. Your aunt is proud of you.

  2. Sandi Avatar

    Lots of beautiful quilts but the one that caught my attention was Joseph’s Coat. How neat that the maker used cotton shirts from GoodWill that were probably worn by many, many fathers. I love that idea. My own dad loved to shop at GoodWill so he would have found this one pretty cool! 🙂

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