Quilts for Babies

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  • Total submissions: 62
  • Total countries: 10
  • Total provinces: 5
  • Total states: 23

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Aaliya's Wonky Log Cabin Aaliya’s Wonky Log Cabin
By: Lisa Ann, Colorado, USA

I made this quilt with some help from my sister. We wanted to make a quick quilt for our new niece, Aaliya. This was an easy project but it did allow us to spend a few hours together doing something we both love!

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Baby Animals Baby Animals
By: Susan Lesh, Indiana, USA

When I first learned the pattern disappearing 9-patch I explored with different settings. Thus this result. I had these nice large areas for some pretty quilting but then got the bright idea to practice needle turn applique.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 48"

Baby Blues Baby Blues
By: Mary Ellen, New York, USA

I had great fun rummaging through all of my blue fabric for this quilt. It’s a simple pattern made of triangles and squares that mimics a log cabin design. The quilting is wavy lines done by hand.
One of my next projects is to do this pattern in pinks.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Baby Boy Quilt Baby Boy Quilt
By: Kay Stephenson, Georgia, USA

This baby quilt was designed for a mom that had a great sense of style and didn’t want her nursery to look like every other blue or pink room on the block. I designed the applique blocks for a baby who is all boy and has a blue tick hound as a companion, as little Everett does!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Baby Bricks Quilt Baby Bricks Quilt
By: Mandy Davenport, New Mexico, USA

I made this quilt for our college friends’ first baby. He loves his quilt!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Baby Dylan - Boy or Girl? Baby Dylan – Boy or Girl?
By: CathyW, United Kingdom

Isn’t it difficult to choose a colour scheme when no-one knows if it is a boy or a girl? I tried to choose something nice and fresh, suitabe for either boy or girl… At the end of the 9 months, Dylan turned out to be a boy, who has now taken his quilt to go and live in South Africa.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

Baby Faces Baby Faces
By: Quiltma, Illinois, USA

This quilt was made for my newest granddaughter Lilly.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 60"

Baby in the Bathtub Baby in the Bathtub
By: Angela Pollok, United Kingdom

The moment I saw this pattern I had to make it. It suits my sense of humour.
I hope it makes you laugh too.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Baby Pinwheels Baby Pinwheels
By: Mary on Lake Pulaski, Minnesota, USA

Pinwheel quilt made for a very special great niece using Swanky by Chez Moi for Moda.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 36"

Baby quilt (Elly Schellekens Koenders) Baby quilt (Elly Schellekens Koenders)
By: Elly Schellekens Koenders, Netherlands

Baby quilt gemaakt voor mijn nichtje

Quilt size: width: 150 cm" height: 150cm"

Baby Quilt (Jay Martin) Baby Quilt (Jay Martin)
By: Jay Martin, Virginia, USA

A simple, soft flannel baby quilt done for charity. The back is the reverse of the front.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 46"

Baby Safari quilt for Alex Baby Safari quilt for Alex
By: Phyllis Carlyle, Missouri, USA

This baby quilt was designed by my daugher-in-law and me for a first baby. She selected some cute animal wall appliques, and the Benartex Baby Safari line coordinated perfectly. The fabric selection and block piecing was her idea. I added borders and made valances and other accessories to match

Quilt size: width: 26" height: 52"

BabyBear BabyBear
By: Agnethe, Norway

A familymember asked me to make a babyquilt for both girl and boy, so I choosed neutral colors. The fabrics are brown and yellow, and the bear is stitched in beige DMC.
The quilt around is reverse spin wheels.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 35"

Bart's quilt Bart’s quilt
By: Roos Kuypers, Netherlands

When my brother and his wife came to tell that they’re gonna have a baby I asked if I may make a quilt.I never designed a quilt before but when I saw the panel with the dogs it all fell in place. The look and the tears in their eyes showed that I made the right decisions.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 28"

Bear Hugs Bear Hugs
By: Christine Leclerc, Alberta, Canada

I made this quilt for my husband’s great great nephew. It’s so adorable, minky teddy bears appliqued on the front and minky backing. I did a piped binding on it as well.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 53"

Beetle Bugs Beetle Bugs
By: Jess, Australia

I fell in love with this fabric from Australian designer Saffron Craig, and its just perfect for a baby quilt. I designed this myself, and have used grey, orange and crimson to highlight the colours in the beetle fabrics. Even better, it would suit a girl or boy!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 47"

Beloved Teddy Bear Beloved Teddy Bear
By: Zlata Ratskevich, Russian Federation

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 32"

Bunny Luv Bunny Luv
By: Sandra Wriedt, Nebraska, USA

I have a quilt shop in Wayne, NE. My daughter found several rolls of flannel layer cakes from maywood in my closet. I had forgotten about them. Waiting for the right project! Machine applique center and easy crazy patch border. A great baby gift. Original pattern and kits available from Just Sew.

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 53"

Buttons and Bows Buttons and Bows
By: PattyAK, Alaska, USA

I made this for two great nieces from different families. I actually left off the buttons as they were for babies! It is a one block quilt that uses the block in different orientations to get the look of something that took lots of time and effort – my favorite kind of pattern.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 65"

Chevron Quilt Chevron Quilt
By: Nicole Daksiewicz, Illinois, USA

This quilt is made from Central Park by Kate Spain for Moda fabrics and Kona cotton in White.
This was my very first Chevron style quilt so it will always be special to me.

Quilt size: width: 33" height: 41"

Circus Bears Circus Bears
By: Cheri, Kansas, USA

I used a whole cloth center of the bears and pieced some striped strips left from another quilt and added squares in the corners. This bright baby quilt went to Japan to comfort someone after the Tsunami.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 48"

diamonds are a girls best friend diamonds are a girls best friend
By: sahm4605, Missouri, USA

This quilt was made for a baby shower for a good friend. I don’t know the name of the pattern because I saw a pic online and broke down the pic to the easiest to sew. It is made completely from batiks. Hope you like it.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Dick and Jane Dick and Jane
By: Joy Janes, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

This quilt is done by tracing then coloring. placing brown paper over the squares and ironing them,removing the wax and leaving the colors on the fabric. I remember the Dick and Jane Books from school and am sure others do who attended school in the 60’s. Nice to put them in a quilt for a baby

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Eat Play Sleep Repeat Eat Play Sleep Repeat
By: Colleen, Alberta, Canada

This is a pattern from the Moda Bake Shop. It makes me smile whenever I see it.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 43"

Elizabeth's Veggie Tales Elizabeth’s Veggie Tales
By: Eileen Hoheisel, Minnesota, USA

This quilt is made from leftovers from another quilt. I didn’t know it was “Elizabeth’s” until she was born–they chose not to find out ahead of time. My daughter loved VT, so I knew the leftovers would make a baby quilt for her some day.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 37"

Floating Stars Floating Stars
By: Stephanie :), Iowa, USA

I made this fun very bright quilt for my dear friends baby. My friend loves lots of bright colors and she loved this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 54"

Fluttering By Fluttering By
By: Melissa, Washington, USA

This is the first quilt I ever designed. I made it for my baby girl and she loves it. I was going to enter it into our county fair and when I took it out of her room she burst into tears. Best compliment I have ever received on a quilt! Butterflies are machine appliqued & it was my first FMQ!

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

For Emily For Emily
By: Jolene, Washington, USA

I made this baby blanket for my friends daughter. I have all boys in my family (sons and nephews) so when I found out she was having a girl I just had to make her a quilt. This was also my first quilt done completely by myself and using a full pattern. I was very proud of the outcome!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 43"

gijsjes bears gijsjes bears
By: fien777, Netherlands

I don’t know exactly what came first…the discovery of this gorgeous pattern, or the announcement that a little babyboy was on his way to our family.
I just had to make it for gijs, our little nephew

Quilt size: width: 33.5" height: 39.4"

Hugs and Kisses from Above Hugs and Kisses from Above
By: LynCC, Florida, USA

A minky-backed concept quilt made for a deceased beloved cousin’s first grandchild, representing the hugs and kisses that Kelly would rain down on her grand-baby if she could.

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 61"

Irene's quilt Irene’s quilt
By: Julie Fukuda, Japan

I have made a baby quilt to greet each of my seven grandchildren. This was the only one made without knowing if it was for a girl or boy. Irene was born in the year of the ox so it is at the top of the border. The one inch blocks framing the alphabet are prints to illustrate that letter.

Quilt size: width: 57.5" height: 79"

Jacob's Quiilt Jacob’s Quiilt
By: SandyQuilts, West Virginia, USA

Jacob’s parents are sweet young people. We danced at their wedding 2yrs ago. We even taught Jacob’s mommy and Jacob’s grandfather to dance the waltz for their father/daughter wedding dance. Jacob is all boy and the animals fit him perfectly.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Kallie's Quilt Kallie’s Quilt
By: Sunni, Washington, USA

I made this simple Victorian Crazy baby quilt for my best friend’s new baby girl, Kallie.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 56"

Kissing Koi Kissing Koi
By: Patti, Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this quilt based on the tutorial by Lee at Freshly Pieced. The majority of fabric is Frolic by Sandy Gervais. I did 2 rows of hand stitching using perle cotton in the triangles around the perimeter of the quilt.

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 50"

Little Mitts Little Mitts
By: Marjorie Henwood, New Brunswick, Canada

A quilt covered in little mittens tied together; not to be lost..

Quilt size: width: 39" height: 45"

Magic Hexagons Magic Hexagons
By: Chris Deering, Illinois, USA

Made from a pattern – hexagons are sewn together, then cut apart with a template and rotated. Amazing!

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 58"

Memory quilt Memory quilt
By: Berit Stavik Hansen, Norway

Made this quilt to a litle girl Eva-Marie. Her name is embroderied on it, and the day she was born and how big she was on the bornday:-)

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"

Monkey See Monkey Do Monkey See Monkey Do
By: StitchinRN, Arizona, USA

Made for a new grandson. The family had just returned to the states after living in the caribbean- St. Kitts. When I went to visit the monkeys were visible everywhere and since this was the first little boy for the family with 3 girls I knew he was going to be quite the handful.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 56"

Mystery Quilt Redo Mystery Quilt Redo
By: Jennifer Newberg, Indiana, USA

These blocks started as a mystery quilt and I hated how they looked with the alternate blocks. After a guild lecture by Sharyn Craig, I went home and sashed all the blocks to put them into a baby quilt. I had a blast quilting it on my HQ16 as I was learning to use it!

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"

Newton Newton
By: Jane Anderson, Kansas, USA

I saw the Newton fabric while in Arizona one winter. Then I found the OESD Newton embroidery collection. The quilt was made for my first great grandson.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Now I Know My ABC's Now I Know My ABC’s
By: upstatelisa, New York, USA

This is a quilt for the arrival of my cousin’s second daughter. The letters are quilted in the ditch and surrounded with free motion stars in the yellow dotted fabric. I quilted the song, “ABCDE…Now I know my ABC’s…” in the blue border and more free motion lines in the outer border.

Quilt size: width: ~40" height: ~48"

Octopus Quilt Octopus Quilt
By: Bejeweled Quilts, Virginia, USA

This quilt is such a fun quilt with all the baby things. Was designed in Amerika Samoa when I lived there.

Quilt size: width: 46 1/2" height: 46 1/2"

pinwheels for paige pinwheels for paige
By: grace thorne, Maine, USA

daughter’s friend had her first baby, little paige, so i made this for her. the fabrics were so easy and beautiful to work with, machine pieced and hand quilted. so very girly, girly!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

playquilt for my granddaughter playquilt for my granddaughter
By: liesbeth Wessels, Netherlands

My newest granddaughter is 6 months now. By her birth I made this playquilt for her. Her room is decorated with the figures of Dick Bruna, a very famous artist in the Netherlands, This are the animals from his childrenstorybooks. It is my own design with te drawings of Dick Bruna

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 40"

Pretty Diamonds. Pretty Diamonds.
By: Jodi from Tickle & Hide!, Australia

Pretty Diamonds was a delight to the senses to make and quilt! A first for me using voile and flannel, it’s SO soft and I loved having it draped over my lap as I hand-quilted around the little designs. I usually go for bright, bold quilts, but I love the soft, floral, relaxing effect of this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 48"

Pretty In Pink Pretty In Pink
By: Linda Brown, Ontario, Canada

This is a one of a kind quilt started from a baby book panel. It has lots of frills and lace and trim. There is no pattern for this quilt I just started playing on the design wall and this is the result.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 54"

Quilt for Helen Quilt for Helen
By: Julianna, Poland

This is the first baby quilt I finished myself from A to Z. It’s a gift for newborn Helen, lovely baby of my friend’s daughter. I really enjoyed making this quilt and learn a lot.

Quilt size: width: 23" height: 47"

Quokka Quilts Quokka Quilts
By: Laura of Quokka Quilts, Australia

This is a quilt I adapted from a New Zealand pattern for two very dear Christian friends having their first baby.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Rainbow Cabins and Stars Rainbow Cabins and Stars
By: Sylvia Schaefer, Georgia, USA

This quilt was made for the first child of a good friend from college and his wife. I have seen in in quite a few Facebook pictures since, so I think it is being well loved!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Rainbow Quilt Rainbow Quilt
By: MGM at Hooked On Needles, Massachusetts, USA

This Rainbow Quilt is my own original design using squares I received in a Swap A Rainbow fabric swap. I pieced, quilted and bound it myself. How colorful for a little baby, don’t you think? I also posted a tutorial for making this quilt on my blog today, 9/6/2011, in case you want to make one.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 43"

Reece's Quilt Reece’s Quilt
By: Rhianon Taylor, United Kingdom

My own design, machine pieced with hand applique, Hand quilted.

Quilt size: width: 38″" height: 50″"

Royal Progression Royal Progression
By: Dinah Tackett, New Mexico, USA

This was made for the baby of some friends of my who play in Medieval Reenactment, thus the medieval theme. The front is strip pieced with free motion stitching on the solid strips and on the border. The backing is a light weight canvas for use in the grass but still light enough for the crib.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 45"

Scott's Quilt Scott’s Quilt
By: Pat Healey, New York, USA

Made in 1975 in anticipation of my first child’s birth, I used leftover fabrics from my hand-sewn maternity clothes and curtain fabrics for his room to create the quilt. I hand-embroidered the rabbits, dogs and cats and doubled the batting. Once Scott was born, I became to busy to finish signing it.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Scrappy Baby Quilt Scrappy Baby Quilt
By: Marcia’s Scrappy Baby Quilt, Wisconsin, USA

I created this pattern and quilt for a Project Quilting Contest in Jan. 2011. We had to use Red, Yellow, and Blue as our main color theme. Used assorted strips to border the seersucker fabric for the main blocks. I had fun with the quilting and quilted repetitious Zentangle patterns.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 48"

Shooflies in the Snow Shooflies in the Snow
By: Jan Cooper, Alabama, USA

This is a baby quilt that I made for an old friend of mine from high school when she had her second baby. I designed the pattern myself. I started with a snowball block then added cornerstones and sashings around the squares. This made a secondary pattern of shooflies emerge.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 38"

Sky Blue Sky Blue
By: Jeannie Smith, Georgia, USA

This quilt was made for a new baby girl named Skylar Blue. The thank you from the parents was this photo of her lying on her quilt. Note her name monogrammed in center circle.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 55"

Sock Monkey for Azaria Sock Monkey for Azaria
By: Sharon Scott, California, USA

Expecting my first Grandchild with the theme of sock monkeys, I found this cute pattern and made a quilt for my new little ones arrival. I made several other sock monkey quilts for Azaria, but this was her first.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Sonneschein/ Sunshine Sonneschein/ Sunshine
By: lieblingsdecke, Germany

This quilt is a ray of colors and patterns. I called it Sunshine because it lights up a room and my mood when I look at it.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Tessa Tessa
By: Bette Gove, Virginia, USA

I designed and made this quilt for a very special very much wanted and loved baby. So I decided she needed a very special quilt. Each of the items on the quilt mean something very personal.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 56"

This Bears for you This Bears for you
By: Judith, California, USA

This was a kit that I picked up at a quilt show, just before my grand-daughter was born and it was incomplete. So I had to figure out a way to finish it. It took some time but, it is done and I think it is adorable.

Quilt size: width: 41’" height: 54’"

Toyland Toyland
By: Martine van Meeteren, Netherlands

Pattern from Better Home and Garden.
I loved the stitcheries.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 58"

You Are Loved You Are Loved
By: Jessica Hoenig, New Jersey, USA

This quilt was made for a beautiful baby girl from a free pattern from Quilting in the Rain. I picked out my favorite girly fabrics for the heart and free motion quilted flowers, loops, and hearts all over. Also, I quilted in the baby’s name and “you are loved” on two of the heart lines.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 50"

7 responses to “Quilts for Babies”

  1. Antonia Queren-Wolf Avatar
    Antonia Queren-Wolf

    This was so difficult!!! I loved half of them, or more. Lots of inspiration for future grandchildren!!

  2. Del Sexton Avatar
    Del Sexton

    Very creative!! Elizabeth should love it – and it has meaning for her mother and grandmother also.

  3. Cindy Gurtin Avatar
    Cindy Gurtin

    Elizabeth’s Veggie Tale quilt is “ADORABLE”.

  4. Barb Schreiber Avatar
    Barb Schreiber

    What a lucky girl Elizabeth is! This is so unique!

  5. Amber Avatar

    There are a lot of great quilts this week! I really like the overall look of Baby Blues, and Eat Play Sleep Repeat is so true that I laughed.

  6. Nadine Penn Avatar
    Nadine Penn

    Weren’t they all wonderful! What a great idea to show them all. Thank you for the treat!

  7. Sandi Avatar

    That was an almost impossible task to vote for just one! What a lot of lucky babies there are out there!!!

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