Quilts for Babies

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  • Total submissions: 56
  • Total countries: 10
  • Total provinces: 4
  • Total states: 20

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A Star Is Born A Star Is Born
By: Claire Alexander,
Oregon, USA

Two starters: my pregnant daughter didn’t want to know the baby’s sex till birth, so I made equal parts pink and blue. Second, I had bought Karla Alexander’s Curves for Squares Ruler and had to try it. So I designed this quilt. The name comes from the star blocks and prints as well as the occasion.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 40"

Antonia's Quilt Antonia’s Quilt
By: Steffi,

This quilt is a co-production of my mother and me. We designed it for my niece Antonia nearly four years ago. My mum did the appliquè and I did the piecing and quilting. Pieced by machine, appliquèd and quilted by hand. We used cute novelty 30s fabrics to match her red crib.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 40"

Baby Boy Schaffer Baby Boy Schaffer
By: Beth,
Michigan, USA

A first baby for one of my cousins prompted this quilt. The mama-to-be supplied me with the color theme they’d settled on for the room/bedding, then I dove into my stash like a madwoman. Being unemployed has made me thrifty & adventurous, & I was able to finish this in time for Edison’s arrival.

Quilt size: width: 33.5" height: 47"

Baby You're a Star Baby You’re a Star
By: Carolyn Braun,
New Jersey, USA

This quilt was made for a Project Quilting challenge. I made this quilt for either a girl or boy. The background is a fun texty baby newsprint and the stars are made with plaid and argyle fabrics. It is bound with a fun yellow plaid. I echo quilted the stars, adding a lot of texture to the quilt.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 35"

Bear Alphabet Bear Alphabet
By: Deb V.,
New York, USA

Cross stitched Bears from Leisure Arts, started when my 22 yo son was a baby. Cross stitch was done, but only quilted last year. I picked the bright colors for boy/girl & tie quilted it. At least it is ready for a grandchild.

Quilt size: width: 35.5" height: 38.5"

Bear Hugs Bear Hugs
By: Norma,
Ohio, USA

This was a test quilt using flannel backed satin. I quilted the satin to a thin piece of muslin and then “tied” or tacked the quilt to a flannel back. I used wool batting for the top and a thin cotton between the front and the backing. I have since made three more for nieces babies.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 52"

Bold Dreams Bold Dreams
By: Cynthia Brunz Designs,
Oregon, USA

Had some bits of bright fabrics I wanted to use for a fun baby quilt but I didn’t want to cut them up small so I decided to make some big bold blocks using soft curves. The finished quilt is fun and playful.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 38"

Carter's Quilt Carter’s Quilt
By: Lynn,
Oregon, USA

I made this for my Great Grandson. Carter!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 45"

Circus time Circus time
By: Rumi,

Once upon a time we were children and circus came in town.We have eaten sugar floss and were happy.That was the idea when I began designing this quilt.I made different blocks I have in my mind remembering circus.Tent, elephants, jugglers, magician, balloons, pinwheels, banners.And the clown!

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 51"

Come Grow with Me Come Grow with Me
By: kmby0418,
Georgia, USA

I made this out of left over baby fabrics from other quilts I have made. I machine quilted the bars, tied it with yellow baby yarn and hand quilting around the monkeys.

Quilt size: width: 52.5" height: 59.5"

Counting Sheep Counting Sheep
By: Gisele,
United Kingdom

My 1st quilt made in 2010, a gift for an expectant work colleague, she chose lilac & a very simple design, which was perfect for me to attempt my first quilt. Haven’t looked back since!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 48"

Critter Community Baby Quilt Critter Community Baby Quilt
By: Persimon Dreams,
Wisconsin, USA

I’m making this quilt for a baby shower I’m going to next week. I’m *ALMOST* done with it – I just have a few more inches of hand binding left.. I started with fun Critter Community Panels from Suzy Ultman for Robert Kaufmann. I built the colors I used from the critters. She’s having a boy!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

First Friends First Friends
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

I always like to have baby quilts on hand. This crib quilt will cheer any baby girl’s nursery.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 43"

Flower Girl Flower Girl
By: Dolores Fegan,
Kentucky, USA

This is an original design made for my new grandbaby. The background is pieced of yellow scraps. The girl is appliquéd to the quilt. The center of the flower is made of yoyo’s. Athough you can’s see them in this photo, the entire background is quilted with butterflies.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 56"

For a boy For a boy
By: Aliza Prinsloo,
South Africa

a friend of mine had a little boy last year, and this was my first baby quilt I gifted…

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Garden Guys 'n Gals Garden Guys ‘n Gals
By: Vickie Clontz,
North Carolina, USA

Whimsical veggie characters were inspired by my daughter Maxi’s childhood drawings and hand-embroidered by my mom, who made me a cuddly stitchery quilt when I was a youngster! A story lies behind each block…the green pepper carries a medical bag (Dr. Pepper), etc. Featuring fabric by Pat Sloan.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 51"

Half Hexie Quilt Half Hexie Quilt
By: Cathy B,
Michigan, USA

I bought a half Hexagon plastic template grabbed a charm pack and started cutting and sewing. I was going to make a table runner and ended up with a baby quilt. Love how the template worked. Love how my quilt turned out.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Happy Dance Happy Dance
By: Rhoda Forbes,
British Columbia, Canada

I made this quilt for the Children’s ward of our local hospital.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Hidden cats Hidden cats
By: Turid Bakken,

I love to make quilts for children. These quilts have a perfect size to quilt on my own sewing machine. This quilt is for cat lovers.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 32"

Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar
By: Sally Manke, Fiber Artist,
Michigan, USA

Snugly and warm flannel in bright red and green are the perfect back drop for the Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar block in the center of this tossed 9 patch quilt. It is backed with oh-so-soft green Minky fabric on the back. Meandering quilted in variegated thread. Bound with Minky.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 51"

I Spy Boy's Qulit I Spy Boy’s Qulit
By: Barbara @ Nähtante Quilts,

Actually I made two of these quilts, each with my sons’ names appliquéd onto them.
Machine pieced and machine quilted with a grid along the blocks, poly batting and striped Very Hungry Caterpillar binding.
The quilts are put to really good use. 🙂

Quilt size: width: 75" height: 50"

Josephine's Animal Friends Josephine’s Animal Friends
By: Rebecca Burch,
Wisconsin, USA

I made this little quilt for a friend’s first baby. The blocks are machine embroidered with animal toys & set together with various red/white prints. I got this pattern from a book by M’Liss Rae Hawley. It’s quilted in an overall stipple.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 58"

Jungle Baby Jungle Baby
By: aggie quilter,
Texas, USA

This is a jungle theme quilt for my baby nephew Canaan. It was my first large quilt that I made including my first attempt at free motion quilting.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Karly's Baby Quilt Karly’s Baby Quilt
By: Judy Stone,
Michigan, USA

Karly’s (my great niece) quilt is my variation of Bunny Hill’s “Gingham Cherry”. The animals were needle-turned applique and the initial K was quilted in 4 of the blocks. Phrases like “Mommy loves Karly” and “Karly loves Daddy” were quilted in the inner border. Pieced and quilted on my Bernina.

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 46"

L is for Lucy L is for Lucy
By: Nouveau Stitch,
Michigan, USA

I made this quilt in celebration of the birth of our first grandchild, Lucy. Now that she’s nine months old, she absolutely loves it! Notice the “L”s throughout.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 70"

LB's Quilt LB’s Quilt
By: GeoMama,
Alberta, Canada

This is a raggy quilt made with Northcott’s Reptile Rumpus Collection of fabric. I made it for my 6 month old son. The pattern is based on the tutorial “Make it: Rag Quilt for Baby” by Jenae at ICanTeachMyChild.com.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 56"

Lighthouse Lighthouse
By: Trudy,

I just designed and finished this top this week. I paperpieced the boats and had enough after 4 , haha! So found myself a lighthouse and….tadààh!
It is going to be a charity blanket for sick children for the Dutch organisation

Quilt size: width: 47" height: 59"

Lincoln's Navy and Orange Puff Quilt Lincoln’s Navy and Orange Puff Quilt
By: Jessica Pyykkonen,
Missouri, USA

I made this quilt for my nephew to match his nursery. It is a puff quilt. I got the PDF Pattern from Honeybear Lane on Etsy.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 55"

little flower little flower
By: Glenda Penner,
British Columbia, Canada

My granddaughters first name is shared with a flower, so flowers became the inspiration for the quilt center. Her middle name, a bird, hence the border print. Mitered borders for her carpenter dad, yellow for mommy and green for big brother make this a truly diplomatic baby quilt. A family project.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Look Out the Window Look Out the Window
By: Kaaren Biggs,
Ontario, Canada

A pretty blue print with Noah’s Ark designs was the inspiration for this quilt. My sister bought it and gifted it to a new baby whose Mom is a veterinarian!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Love U Too Love U Too
By: craftytammie,
Kansas, USA

I made this quilt for our son Sawyer using a charm pack of Deb Strain’s Love U. I used fabrics from my husband’s grandmother’s stash for the border and binding. My son is now 2 1/2 and still sleeps with it at night!

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 36"

Macie's quilt. Macie’s quilt.
By: Julie Feldhaus,
South Dakota, USA

The pattern is a Willow Bay Design called Pony Tales. The 4 patch blocks are made with Macie’s great grandfathers shirts. It is a memory quilt for her as she never got to meet him. When I saw this quilt on another blog I fell in love with it and knew it would be perfect for Macie.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 40"

Maddy's Quilt Maddy’s Quilt
By: Mary Lines,
Washington, USA

I used only scraps from my stash and Bonnie Hunter’s directions from her Quiltville blog to make this quilt for a baby girl.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Modern Paper Pieced Baby Quilt Modern Paper Pieced Baby Quilt
By: grapes and hearts,

I finally used my first ever Paper Pieced Blocks in a Baby Quilt for our friends who are expecting their second baby girls soon.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 30"

Nautical Baby Quilt Nautical Baby Quilt
By: Debi R.,
Nevada, USA

My high school friends were expecting a grand baby, a boy. The parents requested a nautical-themed quilt. The block is a disappearing nine patch. The quilt was a hit! I hope they get many years of cuddle time with it!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

new baby quilt new baby quilt
By: barbara woods,
Georgia, USA

beautiful baby quilt made by me

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 40"

Oh Baby Baby! Oh Baby Baby!
By: Susan,
California, USA

Love the Glorified 9-patch, and it was fun to quilt!

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 41"

Pastel pinwheels Pastel pinwheels
By: Iret,
Ontario, Canada

Pastel pinwheels and hand quilted hearts , on alternating blocks. I arranged the colors in rows diagonally for a little different look. I think this would be a nice little quilt for a newborn baby girl.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Pauline's Stars Pauline’s Stars
By: Brodeuse Bressane,

In the middle of the stars there are little cross-stitched animals etc. I stitched up when I was pregnant with my son (now 8 years old) and I never used them. Now a friend is pregnant and I incorporated them in the quilt for her daughter Pauline (to be born in the beginning of july).

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Ponies Ponies
By: Judy MacLeod,
Ontario, Canada

Designed and made for a friend’s infant granddaughter. I’ve cropped the picture to keep the baby’s name private. The baby is in Great Britain, so British Thelwell ponies were perfect for the theme. The colours used for the ponies matches the colouring of Grandma’s horses.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 48"

Precious Cargo Precious Cargo
By: Yvonne Bamlett,
Alberta, Canada

Scrappy engines, cars, railway tracks, for a 2013 New Years Baby. Ethan’s daddy works for the railroad, so this is a fun way for Ethan to learn about past day trains. Ethan is the precious cargo!! A great nephew for me.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Rainbow zigzag Rainbow zigzag
By: AmandaK@whatthebobbin,
Texas, USA

I made this quilt for a friend who just adopted a baby girl from China.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 58"

Rocky Road to Kansas Rocky Road to Kansas
By: For Quilts Sake – Pam Geisel,
Ohio, USA

I made this quilt for my niece when she was born, using strip pieces from the “Save the Children” fabric line in a Rocky Road to Kansas pattern but eliminating the outside triangles to make an overall circular pattern.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 35"

Sani's Quilt Sani’s Quilt
By: Debbie Grasley,
Minnesota, USA

Made for a dear friend’s daughter’s first little girl.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Snowman Snowman
By: Lorna,
Quebec, Canada

This hand embroidered Snowman Quilt, was made, 10 years ago, waiting for my first grandbaby, of which, has yet to make an apperience. I still have my fingers crossed.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 52"

Spring Baby Spring Baby
By: Lorna McMahon,
Ontario, Canada

It’s been a long winter. And I wanted to lift my spirits by designing something that would put me in a spring mood.

I especially enjoyed hand embroidering the bee’s trail through the appliqued flowers!

Quilt size: width: 34" height: 39"

Spring spots Spring spots
By: Ritamae’s blog,
Missouri, USA

I was looking for something spring like and girlie. This is such cute fabric with the little bugs and polka dots. I have some pretty pink and purple paisley flannel for the backing. Hope you like it. 🙂

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 44"

Talk to the Animals Talk to the Animals
By: Sally Wright,
California, USA

For a friend’s daughter Talk to the Animals includes a number of modern fabrics pieced in blocks which contain machine embroidered animal designs antique spencerian handwriting exercises. I didn’t know but the pinks, chartreuses and browns I used exactly matched the planned nursery. Serendipity!

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 55"

Teddy Bear Days Baby Quilt Teddy Bear Days Baby Quilt
By: Homesewn by Carolyn,
New Hampshire, USA

My niece, Wendy Mierop, is the artist of these adorable teddy bears. Wendy does the drawing and I created them with fabric. What fun we had. The quilt block I used is called Wheel of Time from my favorite quilt book, “Around the Block with Judy Hopkins”.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Teddy with butterflies Teddy with butterflies
By: Line Sekkingstad,

I love to applique, and this little bear and the butterflies were so cute. The rest of the quilt is my own design.

Quilt size: width: 27" height: 35"

Tic Tac Toe!! Tic Tac Toe!!
By: Lil Miss V,
Florida, USA

This is the first baby quilt I ever made~ and it was sent to a very dear friend upon the birth of her daughter. :o)

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Tiny Tots Tiny Tots
By: Heather Scott,
California, USA

When this fabric came out, I loved the retro-ness of it. Since it had large prints (or small panels, depending on how you look at it) I wanted to be able to showcase them. I took a block and started designing the quilt around that. I like the way it turned out!

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 43"

Tuur in de natuur Tuur in de natuur
By: Joma,

Quilt for my great nephew Tuur, design inspired by frank-n-friends a free pattern by Henry Glass, for quilting I used the fabric as guide, the dots, leaves and animals are popping, thanks for looking

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 42"

Up Up and Away Up Up and Away
By: Pauline Francis,
Michigan, USA

The pattern is by Amanda Jean Nyberg and is in her first book ‘Sunday Morning Quilts’. The fabric I used was Lily and Will II by Bunny Hill Designs and Moda Ivory for the background. It has 589 little triangles….This is one of my favorite baby quilts.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 53"

Welcome Home Welcome Home
By: Kristin S.,
Minnesota, USA

This was my first baby quilt (and the biggest one I’ve made so far.) It’s my own design but obviously modeled after the many cross/plus quilts so popular right now. It was made for my husband’s niece who just had her first baby. The label includes a tiny schoolhouse block-my favorite!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Wisdom and Grace Wisdom and Grace
By: Nann Hilyard,
Illinois, USA

I like using novelty fabrics to make I Spy quilts for babies. This time I tried a Bear Paw variation. The back has Sophie Anne /Wisdom and Grace” in wonky letters. (That’s the meaning of the name.)

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

365 responses to “Quilts for Babies”

  1. donnak Avatar

    I love the names Jared and Jessica!

  2. cathy schantz Avatar
    cathy schantz

    would love this to make a small quilt

  3. Suzi Berryhill Avatar
    Suzi Berryhill

    Favorite girls name is Emma Blake my future grand-daughter due in August…so I need to get started on a quilt for her….and would love to win the fabric….

  4. Tammy M Avatar

    I love the name Alexis Lynn. Just enough syllables, and easily written in most text formats!

  5. Linda V Avatar
    Linda V

    Love the name, “Grace” for a girl and “Luke” for a boy. Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Lise Avatar

    I love the name Chase, thank you for your wonderful website , love it love it… 🙂

  7. Roxanne Ende Avatar
    Roxanne Ende

    I love the names: Robert and Joseph for a boy, and Allison, Gianna, and Sophie for a girl!

  8. Roxanne Ende Avatar
    Roxanne Ende

    I love your website. Have a great weekend, everyone!

  9. Flo Avatar

    I think the most beautiful name for a baby girl is Summer. It just evokes all kinds of thoughts of warm, colorful beauty.

    Riley is also a very nice name as in Riley Blake fabric which is my absolutely favorite. Working with his Apple of my Eye fabric right now.

  10. Kathy Mathews Avatar

    Modern Paper Pieced Baby Quilt was so exquisite – I loved the use of negative space.

  11. Jeanne McBrayer Avatar

    If we had ever had a little girl, we would have named her Heather.

  12. Heather Ferris Avatar
    Heather Ferris

    Well I am a bit biased but one of my favorite girl’s names is that of my daughter: Lindsay Anne!

  13. Lauren aka Giddy99 Avatar
    Lauren aka Giddy99

    My favorite baby names are Elwood and Penelope (my suggestions have been shot down more times than I can count). 🙂

  14. Cindy Prince Avatar
    Cindy Prince

    Such beautiful quilts! My favorite baby names are those of my daughters, Emily Dianne and Billye Lynne, as well as the names of my grandchildren, Wren Alexandra Lee, Carter Wayne Thomas and Mason Bradley! The jelly rolls are lovely and perfect for baby quilts. Thank you for hosting!

  15. Martha-Ann Wilkie Avatar
    Martha-Ann Wilkie

    My favorite names for children would be Lilly (girl) and Hayden (Boy)

  16. Carolyn Avatar

    If I ever have a baby girl I want to name her Aurora Rose.

  17. Joan Avatar

    I like the names Jeffrey for a boy. Linda and Holly for a girl.

  18. Lee Ann L. Avatar

    Favorite name for a girl would be Anne Shirley.

  19. Pat Avatar

    Right now I’m loving the name Jessie, and Sophie has been on my heart for a long time.

  20. Carla Finley Avatar
    Carla Finley

    Rhonda and Theresa, my daughters LOL and Anna Grace my granddaughter. 🙂

  21. Lea Avatar

    Amanda Lynn is my favorite, that’s may daughter! If you say it fast it sounds like the musical instrument mandolin.

  22. Eileen Gamache Avatar
    Eileen Gamache

    I love the name Katherine!

  23. Rina Mason Avatar
    Rina Mason

    Amber for a girl, Benteen for a boy.

  24. Janice Avatar

    I love the name Scott.

  25. Betsy Avatar

    Love the Baby Boy Schaffer quilt!! That girl knows how to stitch! 🙂

  26. Maria Avatar

    My favorite name for girl is Noa and for a boy is Antonio

  27. Michelle Avatar

    I love the name Aiden.

  28. LeAnne L Avatar
    LeAnne L

    I never thought about baby names because never wanted any kids, although I love to make baby quilts for other people’s kids.

  29. Bethany Avatar

    I have always tipped the scales in favor of more classic (and Biblical-based) names. Had I had a daughter, she would have been called “Johanna” – also a nod to my maternal grandmother. My sons should have been Eli and Jacob (or Augustus), but the ex didn’t appreciate either, so they are Brian and Karl.

  30. Rebecca Schatzley Avatar
    Rebecca Schatzley

    For girl: Madison…Boy: Wyatt

  31. Lila Avatar

    I like Carolyn and Andrew!

  32. Brenda reed Avatar
    Brenda reed

    My favorite baby name is Philip Michael.

  33. craftytammie Avatar

    I love the name Evaline – Evie for short!

  34. ~Kristie Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Chloe. I never did get to use it though since I never had kids. Oh well.

  35. Kit Lang Avatar

    My favourite names are Nathan and Eli (my sons’ names). 🙂

  36. Jan N. Avatar
    Jan N.

    My favorite baby name is Gemma.

  37. Mary on Lake Pulaski Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Vincent – my newest grandson’s name!

  38. Nan Avatar

    My name would be Brecon (works for a boy or girl).

  39. Gun Adrian Avatar

    I´ve always loved the name Cecilia if it´s a girl. Boy´s name will be Gunnar!
    Gun, Sweden

  40. Jocelyn Avatar

    I love the names Emily and Elisabeth. Sweet old fashioned names.

  41. Jenelle Boxberger Avatar
    Jenelle Boxberger

    I’ve always liked the name Breanna. But I also adore my daughters name Danelle

  42. Sue Avatar

    Still love the name Michael for boys–it always shows up on top 10 lists, but I don’t know any little Michaels

  43. Marjorie Nath Avatar
    Marjorie Nath

    Two of my favorite baby names are Alissa and Mathew.
    Thank you for the chance to win this giveaway,I’ve never used a Jelly roll.

  44. linda savage Avatar
    linda savage

    Emmie for girl and Cooper for boy

  45. Karen, aka mom and Yaya Avatar
    Karen, aka mom and Yaya

    I love the names Nicole and Alexander!

  46. Cynthia Brunz Designs Avatar

    I love the name Henry!

  47. Sarah DiDomizio Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Mackenzi.

  48. Bethany Avatar

    Of course, my mom’s name is Sunday, and I have always loved her name!

  49. Lawana Whaley Avatar
    Lawana Whaley

    Reed as it is my son’s name

  50. Anya Avatar

    Nicholas, of course! Thanks for the chance!

  51. Kelly Cline Avatar
    Kelly Cline

    We are having a new granddaughter any minute now and her name will be Juniper. Junebug probably will be her nickname 🙂

  52. Di Wilsey Geer Avatar
    Di Wilsey Geer

    Sean and Danielle; fav kiddo names!

  53. Gisele Avatar

    I love the names Alexander for a boy & Charlotte for a girl

  54. MissEnota Avatar

    Great quilts this week! My favorite name for a girl is Primrose…but I’m afraid that Hunger Games book/film might have taken all the coolness out of it.

  55. Nealich Avatar

    I love the names JOSEPHINE and ALEXANDER !!!

  56. Fran Garris Avatar
    Fran Garris

    For a girl, Malley or Heather and for a boy Zachary or Tristan.

  57. Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy Avatar

    My favorite baby name would have to be “Audrey”!

  58. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    I have always loved the name Jillian for a girl, and with a new one arriving soon to be named Landon, that is my boy’s name pic.

  59. Bette Avatar

    It was so hard to choose. there are so many wonderful quilts this week.

  60. Susan Avatar

    I like Sydney and Skylar …. Olivia is a beautiful name too. I would absolutely love to use the giveaway in a new jelly roll quilt for my sister’s birthday gift.

  61. Richard Healey Avatar

    My most recent bay is Julia Dawn so that is my favorite name.

  62. Nina Avatar

    My favorite for a girl Catherine, for a boy Christopher or Matthew.

  63. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    Emma for a girl, and Lawson for a boy.

  64. Joan Avatar

    I love the name Sophia.

  65. Agneta Ekholm Avatar
    Agneta Ekholm

    I love the name Julia, as it is international, fictional and historic at the same time.

  66. Elizabeth G Avatar
    Elizabeth G

    My favorites are Lauren, Sloane and Tatum, which just happen to be my girls names. 🙂

  67. margaret Avatar

    I’ve liked Joshua

  68. Angie in SoCal Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Emily

  69. sharon Avatar

    I like Ben for a boy

    for a girl either ISabella or Alaire

  70. Jules McTool Avatar
    Jules McTool

    Emily and Mashall as those are my childrens names. Lovin’ your bog!

  71. Esther F Avatar

    My favourite name is Jacq’Anne.

  72. Judy Stone Avatar
    Judy Stone

    I love the name Daniel for a boy and Elizabeth for a girl.

  73. Sunnybec Avatar

    My niece has just had a little boy and called him Noah so at the moment this is my favourite baby name.

  74. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    I have to agree with Judy—my favorite name is Elizabeth!

  75. Tammy Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Savannah which is what i named my Daughter.

  76. Kris Avatar


  77. Wanda Avatar

    My favorite baby names: Josiah for boy, Jasmine for girl

  78. Sophie Avatar

    I have no children, so haven’t ever had to choose a baby name. I like old-fashioned names or family names, something that isn’t necessarily trendy. Francis is the name that popped in my head when I read your question.

  79. Judy C in NC Avatar
    Judy C in NC

    Punkin Snookles – was his name and Taylor Scott he became. Love the names Mom’s really call their children. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Judy C in NC

  80. Suzanne Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Michael.

  81. Maria Avatar

    Lots of beautiful quilts this week…
    Favorite girl’s name is Zoe and boy’s name is Alexander…

  82. Nancy in Utah Avatar
    Nancy in Utah

    My favorite baby name would be any of these four, Jacob, Braxton, Rainee, Joel…!!! Yup, they are my grandkids names. I can’t choose just one, LOL . Thanks so much for a chance in the giveaway.
    Absolutely GORGEOUS baby quilts. So hard to choose favorites.

  83. Maria Avatar

    Lots of beautiful quilts this week..

    My favorite girl’s name is Zoe and boy’s name is Alexander.

  84. Béatrice Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Robinson.

  85. Barbie K In NC Avatar
    Barbie K In NC

    Beautiful baby quilts! I love the names Lyric for a girl and Angus for a boy!

  86. Cindy Avatar

    Difficult only 1 name….. Blake

  87. Cecilia Avatar

    Elise and Benjamin.

  88. Nancy B from Many LA Avatar
    Nancy B from Many LA

    My favorite baby name is anything my son and daughter-in-law pick for my upcoming 1st grandchild – we just found out 2 days ago!

  89. Rosalee Avatar

    All beautiful quilts! Favorite names: Jeffrey and Kimberly, thanks!

  90. Cathy Avatar

    Renee is my fav name!

  91. Patricia S. Avatar
    Patricia S.

    Bella 😀

  92. Karen Avatar

    Gorgeous baby quilts! fav girl name – Kimberly, fav boy name – Sam

  93. linda crosby Avatar
    linda crosby

    Love the name Hunter for a boy and Sophia for a girl. Thanks for the chance to win.

  94. Roseflora Avatar

    Justine or Alex are my favorite baby names.

  95. Wanda Avatar

    This is hard since I have several names to choose from. Robin is probably a smidge above any other with Rose right behind.


  96. Regina Avatar

    I am a sucker for Matthew

  97. Inge Christensen Avatar
    Inge Christensen

    Two children, one name! Well, my three year old is called Lasse, which is my favorite name right now 🙂
    Lovely ladybugs, must be made into a girlie quilt for a friend’s three year old daughter.

  98. Jane B Avatar
    Jane B

    Favorite girl name: Kate
    Favorite boy name: Nate
    And they are my favorite kids, too! 🙂

  99. Susan Avatar

    It would have to be a tie between Megan and Alyssa (my granddaughters!)

  100. Tracy in SW WA Avatar

    I am a bit old fashioned; I like Elizabeth. Not necessary because of any movie star or royalty, but because the name is so versatile. A child (or adult) can be called Ellie, Lisa, Liza, Liz, Beth, Betty, Betsy, Betts, Bitty… It’s truly a versatile name!

  101. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    Emmett (my baby boy’s name)

  102. Lee Franklin Avatar
    Lee Franklin

    My favorite name are McKenzie, for my great-grand daughter, and Kaleb, for my great-grandson. They have a new brother too, named James, so the prize would be put to good use!

  103. Janice Humphrey Avatar
    Janice Humphrey

    I have made baby quilts for my 16 grandkids and now am starting on the two newest greatgrandkids of seven. Favorite name? Sarah Anne but no one has used it yet-maybe soon.

  104. Lorna McMahon Avatar

    My favourite baby name, right this second, is Jessica. This is the name of my niece and she is on my mind today.

  105. Verna T Avatar
    Verna T

    Samantha is my favorite name for girls and Perry for boys.

    And the Rolie Polie giveaway is absolutely darling. Thanks!

  106. Nita Avatar

    Well, I have one child and his name is Michael. So of course that is my very favourite of baby names ever!

  107. Brian Avatar

    Trying to vote for a quilt my mother put in, and there are no buttons to click in order to vote.
    Is there another link with these buttons?

  108. Alberta in N GA Avatar
    Alberta in N GA

    my favorite names are Diane Joy for a girl and Michael David for a boy… and I would love the giveaway as it would be perfect to use for a baby quilt for my second great-grandaughter due in June.

  109. Linda Cartwright Avatar
    Linda Cartwright

    I love my Grandson’s name… Dylan Marley

  110. Janie Kemp Avatar

    My favorite baby name is John, a tried and true name that will always be around, I think.

  111. Terrie Avatar

    I love the name Violet for a girl and I love the name Kevin for a boy.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  112. regina Avatar

    Let me see I have several grandchildren os I guess the name of my great granddaughters would be my favorites so lets go with:

    Maycie and my second favorite all time name is Olivia.

  113. Janine Avatar

    At the moment I’m liking the name Sophie 🙂

  114. Sheryl W. Avatar
    Sheryl W.

    My favorite baby name is Avery.

  115. AmandaK@whatthebobbin.com Avatar

    My daughter’s name Freya.

  116. Kathy Avatar

    My very favorite name is Kara Rose
    Love these fabrics so colorful.

  117. mickey white Avatar
    mickey white

    I have to go with 2 : Sophia and Mason ( my grandkid’s names !!! )

  118. Stacey Avatar

    I love the name Tanner for a boy….. I have no idea why either!

  119. Tammy Avatar

    I can’t pick just one favorite baby name, since I have two daughters. So my TWO favorite baby names are Jessica and Madison.

  120. Kay Eyles Avatar
    Kay Eyles

    It has to be Susannah. I have loved it since I was a girl and read Susannah of the Mounties. Of course, I named my daughter it too. I think it is beautiful and graceful.

  121. tubakk Avatar

    My favorite name is Hanne or Hannah. Thanks for this giveaway!

  122. Sandy (aka Stitches) Avatar

    It’s a toss up, Abby or Emily

  123. Linda Avatar

    My granddaughter’s name Annalise. Would love to win the super a giveaway!

  124. Karen Avatar

    they woud first be my son Jason, then my nieces, Megan, Heather, Julie, Melissa, Lori, Jessica, Katherine, Taylor and then my great nieces, Ryleigh, Madison, Hailey, Dikira, Ava, and then on my boyfriend’s side, Alana, Adalyn, and Zoe. I love them all! If I had a daugher, she would have been named Jasmine.

  125. Karen Avatar

    My favorite name is my granddaughter’s of course. Sloane Kaye. I’m still making her quilts and she’s 11.

  126. Pat Avatar

    My favorite baby names are Cynthia and Christopher, after my children. I think the Ladybug Garden Rolie Polie is adorable.

  127. Betty Baerg Avatar
    Betty Baerg

    I’ve always liked Jane.

  128. Karen Avatar

    If I ever had a girl, I wanted to name her Linell.

  129. Suvarna Annapragada Avatar
    Suvarna Annapragada

    I love the name Rohit
    It means Raising sun.
    Always like it 🙂
    Beautiful quilts for this contest. Very hard to choose just 6.

  130. Julie Avatar

    Fun and colorful!

  131. Julie Avatar

    Favorite baby name is Julia – my granddaughter!

  132. Pauline Avatar

    Rylee, Leah and Emma for a girl and Kyler, Luke and Jonathan for a boy. Thanks for the chance.

  133. wilma young Avatar
    wilma young

    I have always loved the name Molly but I never had a daughter. I don’t think my son would have liked to be struck with the name Molly. lol

  134. quiltzyx/sue Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Ariana for a girl & Jeremy for a boy. :^)

  135. Deb Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Desiree. Was going to name my first born that, but he was a boy! ha ha

  136. Nancy Avatar

    I like the names Leigh, Margeaux & Julie of course. No boy names, as I had all girls : )

  137. Mary Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Amy for a girl and Jonathan for a boy.

  138. Pam C Avatar
    Pam C

    I like Kyle for a boy and Sarah for a girl.

  139. Kath Avatar

    Favorite baby girl name “Amorena” which means a little bit of love.

  140. Nancy Tanguay Avatar
    Nancy Tanguay

    Lovely quilts. My favorite girl name is Harmony. Of course I named my daughter that.

  141. Rebeckah Avatar

    I am partial to the name James 🙂

  142. Rosemarie Graham Avatar
    Rosemarie Graham

    My fave name would be sam

  143. GeoMama Avatar

    Favourtie Girl Name: Sarah
    Favourite Boy Name: Eli

  144. Sally Manke Avatar

    Can I have three favorites? You know three grandchildren.

    Keagan Paul
    Madeline Cassity
    Gavin Alexander

  145. Leslie Sorenson Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Linnea but (sigh) I had boys.

  146. Nati Avatar

    If I have a daughter I would love to name her Maria as my grandmother. Thanks for the chance to win!

  147. Christine L Avatar
    Christine L

    Of course I love the names Ashley and Catherine for girls and I would have to say Jordon Tate for a boy.
    I love the ladybug fabric 🙂

  148. Joyce Kay Avatar
    Joyce Kay

    I had 2 boys but would have named my daughter Kimberly

  149. Nancy Angerer Avatar
    Nancy Angerer

    I love the name Bronwyn for a girl and Peyton for a boy.

  150. Rosemary Youngs Avatar

    I really like the names that I have picked for my children, I am really excited about my daughter who will be having a baby next month, his name is Josiah, I think that is just such an awesome name.

  151. sandy Avatar

    My favorite girls name are Shanon and Michele ….. names of my own girls. Thanks.

  152. Tracey Holzer Avatar
    Tracey Holzer

    My favorite girls name is Lauren and for a boy Aidan. I have an Aidan for a son, but no Lauren!

  153. ga447 Avatar

    I love the name Sarah for a girl and for a boy Francis.

  154. Helen R Avatar
    Helen R

    My favorite name for a girl is Rani Celeste.

  155. Teddi Munslow Avatar
    Teddi Munslow

    Of course my grand-daughters name Brynn Theodora might be a little bias since my name is Theodora lol

  156. Mary Avatar

    My favourite baby name is Malakai–my grandson’s name, of course!

  157. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    I only had one baby and I named him Kevin so that is my favorite name! Had I had a girl I would have named her Allison which is a nice name too.

  158. Penny Avatar

    Well I have three favorites but I’m a little biased.. LOL>

    Gillian, Matthew & Hannah

  159. Elizabeth Robinson Avatar
    Elizabeth Robinson

    My favourite baby names are: Gabrielle, Tina, Skie and Samantha The names of my four granddaughters.

    Now my favorite names for boys are: James, Nathan, Joseph and Nicholas My grandsons names.

    I have been blessed with 8 healthy grandchildren.

  160. Rachell R Avatar

    I’ve always wanted to name a girl Isabelle after my great grandmother.

  161. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    My favorite baby name is Elizabeth.

  162. Karen Schultz Avatar
    Karen Schultz

    I was unable to have children, but would have named them Anna Sofia and Charles Magnus, some family names on my Swedish side of the family. Thanks for the giveaway – I sew want to win! 🙂

  163. Terry Aske Art Quilts Avatar

    My favorite name would be Morgan.

  164. Lavinia Sala Avatar
    Lavinia Sala

    Guess I am just old-fashioned, but love Elizabeth.

  165. Cleary Kipe Avatar

    My favorite name is Crystal for a girl and Brant for a boy

  166. Britta Avatar

    My favorite quilt is “Wisdom and Grace”

  167. Pat Groeller Avatar
    Pat Groeller

    My favorite baby name would be Robin.

  168. Stray Stitches (Linda G) Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Aiden.

  169. Rhonda Marshall Avatar
    Rhonda Marshall

    I love the name Tahia Rose so soft and pretty’

  170. Melanie Diederich Avatar
    Melanie Diederich

    I have always wanted a girl in the family named Sidonie. My paternal grandmother was Sidonie and she had already passed when I was born. She was from the old country, Belgium.

  171. Jan Avatar

    If I had a girl I would name her Sarah Elizabeth, but I had all boys. So I’m partial to Matthew, Martin, and Stephen.

  172. Laura Avatar

    Mackenzie Lynn…it’s a combination of new and old family names. Mackenzie has so many options for spellings and nick names too!

  173. Jen Avatar

    Hmmm…favourites change all the time, but I like Liam or Finn for boy’s names.

  174. sandie Avatar

    Baby quilts are so much fun! My favorite name is Avery.

  175. barbara corbitt Avatar
    barbara corbitt

    My cousin had a daughter and named her winter her last name was green, yep her baby’s name is winter green babscorbitt@gmail.com

  176. Rita Goshorn Avatar

    my favorite baby name is ‘cutie’ … for my eight grands and 3 greats, until they were about four years old.

  177. Margaret Avatar

    Well, I have a granddaughter named Estelle Violet. Both names I love. I also have a grandson named James Parker and I love that one too. If we have another girl I would love the name Pearl and Grayson for a boy.

  178. Karen Avatar

    I have two sons: Brian and David.
    If they had been girls they’d be Sarah and Megan.

    Lots of good names in these comments!

    I’m fascinated by how we choose names, how people feel about their own names, and changes in popular names.

  179. Kitty Owens Avatar
    Kitty Owens

    Favorite name is Clarie (my grand daughter} named after my Dad , Jim Clary, who died when I was 11 months old.

  180. Carrie P. Avatar

    Christine is my favorite girl name. Bradley for a boy.

  181. KatieQ Avatar

    If I had it to do all over again, I would still name my children Matthew and Patricia.

  182. Karen Avatar

    Chloe or Zoey for a girl, Jason for a boy

  183. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    I am going to pick my granddaughters names which are Elana and Clara. Cute names for two cute little girls.

  184. Deb M. Avatar
    Deb M.

    I love Noah, or Addi or Lili.

  185. Kate Avatar

    My favorite name is Trine (my grand daugther) and Eric for a boy.

  186. rosa Avatar

    Sofia and Noa,they are my life.

  187. Jana Avatar

    Love our newest granddaughter’s name…..Kinsley.

  188. Lori Mahar Avatar

    I have always loved the name Sheena Mae.

  189. Susan Avatar

    There are so many names I like. I couldn’t carry to term, but I had chosen Karis Irene if ti was a girl and William Michael if it was a boy.

  190. Becky Coyle Avatar
    Becky Coyle

    My favorite baby name is Mia~it’s sweet and feminine.

  191. QuiltinGram Avatar

    Catrina Ann…been my favorite since I was 13yrs old…Fifty years and still love it.

  192. Sandy Y Avatar

    I love baby quilts. I keep hoping I will be making one for a grand baby- but not yet. Thanks for the drawing!

  193. Linda Avatar

    My favorite is Ian.

  194. Jaime Avatar

    I love Jonathon. Too bad I only have girls! Thanks for the giveaway

  195. Laura Avatar

    Rylee Jane

  196. Janet Aquadro Avatar
    Janet Aquadro

    My favorite name is Shea (my daughter) and Bill (who goes by Will now, my son) and if we could have more children they would be Cherchton or Xabi (pronounced sch-ob-e)

  197. Marilyn Smith Avatar
    Marilyn Smith

    My favourite name is Sarah Anne (with an “h” and with an “e”) LOL

  198. Christy Avatar

    My favorite boy name is Nathan, of course. (That’s my son!) I’ve always loved the name Emily Grace for a girl.

  199. Daryl Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Amber.

  200. Joyce Carter Avatar
    Joyce Carter

    I love the name Dakota for a girl or a boy.

  201. kathy pfaltzgraff Avatar
    kathy pfaltzgraff

    My choice would be short, sinmple and easy to say and spell. AMY is my choice.

  202. claire A Avatar

    Ever since Laugh-In days (dating myself) on TV and Lily Tomlin, I’ve liked Edith Ann.

  203. evelyn Avatar

    Rachael for my daughter and Gregory for my son, can’t forget Erik and Zack, my grandsons sons

  204. Christa Avatar

    Favorite boy’s name…..Roman
    Favorite girl’s name…..Scarlett

    Yep, a proud grandma…

  205. Eileen Caspers Avatar
    Eileen Caspers

    Favorite girl name: Letitia
    Favorite boy name: Scott

  206. Barb Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Gianna, which of course is my granddaughter.

  207. cindy Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Emma.

  208. Mhairi Avatar

    I love the name Niamh (Neve) and Seamus although my children have different names.

  209. Mania Avatar

    My favorite name for a girl, Kate ( his name is my daughter) and for two months I really like the name Lily – is the name of my little granddaughter .. Names for Boys is-my son Darius and Leon – two years grandson. 🙂

  210. Maria do Carmo Avatar
    Maria do Carmo

    Nomes?Minhas filhas;Catiúscia,Catiene e Catierine.

  211. Patti Avatar

    My very favorite baby name is Chloe and this is the name of our youngest granddaughter and she is just so snuggly and cuddly and huggable it isn’t true.

  212. Toni Anne Avatar
    Toni Anne

    I love the name Anthony for a boy. I don’t really have a favorite girls name.

  213. SueAnn Wirick Avatar
    SueAnn Wirick

    I have to say that Charlotte is my favorite baby name these days……

  214. Quilt Link heather marie Avatar

    love Spring Baby. Sew fresh!

  215. Linda Field Avatar
    Linda Field

    My Goddaughter has given birth to her first Baby, Isabella Grace. A wonderful sweet name.

  216. Susan Avatar

    My favorite name is Emma.

  217. Lori Avatar

    I can’t pick a favorite.

  218. Debbie Avatar

    My favorite boys name is Raymond Wesley, girl’s name Emily Elizabeth

  219. Ann Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Sweetpea that is what we nick named our daughter Heather

  220. Linda King Avatar
    Linda King

    I love the name Linnea for a girl and Ryan for a boy.

  221. laurie Avatar

    My favorite is my baby’s name, Cody.

  222. Cassandra Avatar

    Landon, my very first nephew. 😉

  223. Lis Martion Avatar
    Lis Martion

    I luv unusual names, so my eldest daughter is named ‘SHASTA’. She was named after a movie with Robyn Nevins in it called ‘Water Under the Bridge’.

  224. Iva Avatar

    My favorite boy’s name is David; and favorite girl’s name is Isabella.

  225. Maureen Latta Avatar
    Maureen Latta

    My favourite name is Elli Jade

  226. Salley Avatar

    My current favourite name is Amelie because my 4 month old granddaughter has this name!

  227. Reagan Avatar

    We chose Keira for our little girl, born last summer. It suits her well and I still love it.

  228. Laetitia Avatar

    My 3 sons names: Sterling, Peyton & Trenten (not spelled Trenton) 😉

  229. Barb in MI Avatar

    How about Madeleine and Tobias.

  230. CathyC Avatar

    I usually love traditional names, but have grown to love my Great Nieces names, Teneya and Zoe 😉

  231. Kathy Gentry Avatar

    I love the name Anna, my daughter’s name.

  232. Peggy Gibbs Avatar
    Peggy Gibbs

    Favorite baby name is Elana.

  233. Sandra B Avatar

    Hannah for a girl and Jonathan for a boy.

  234. Ginny Dorris Avatar

    My favorite name for a girl is Bernadette. For a boy, Greg, Eric or Peter, my 3 sons!

  235. Heather Avatar

    Like many of the earlier entries, I have to go with my kids names, Andrew and Shannon

  236. Paule-Marie Avatar

    I’m not really sure. I like traditional names. There has always been a William Joel or Joel William on my mother’s side of the family.

  237. Michele T Avatar
    Michele T

    My favorite baby name for a girl is “Sophie”.

  238. carla bynum Avatar

    Hi!!!! I love the names Bella and Pria for a girl!!!! My grandsons name is Jager (Yager) Edge Mathew and he is one of a king!!! My grand daughters name is EmmaLee DixieAnn and she is one of a kind too!!!!

  239. Maryjo Avatar

    I love both the Flower Girl And Rainbow ZigZag quilts for babies! With a new grandf child on the way I am now looking for baby quilt ideas.

  240. Marie Delliazza Avatar
    Marie Delliazza

    My favorite names are Nora and Marco. We should have been able to vote for 56 this week. Every one of them is a winner.

  241. gail Avatar

    Andy–it’s such a friendly name!

  242. Marla Nelson Avatar
    Marla Nelson

    Thanks for having such a great give away. I never had a sister and always wanted a girl and had two boys so never got to name a little girl. I always loved Shelby. I had to wait until I had a grand daughter to have that little girl. Now I have two grand daughters and two grand sons. How lucky am I?

  243. Yvonne Avatar

    My favorite boys name is Liam
    Girls names Keatyn and Payten
    Yes, they are my grand children.

    Not quite the Ken, Doug, George and Tom of my own siblings!

  244. Tonya Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Rebekah for a girl and Matthew for a boy. Rebekah is my grandaughter and Matthew is my son! :O)

  245. Heather Avatar

    Well, my favorite would be Timber Ann….but that’s only because that was our baby girl’s name. 🙂

  246. Frances Avatar

    I have always liked the name Isabella. Such a pretty name.

  247. Ruth Avatar

    My favorite name is Rachel. 2nd favorite is Audrey.

  248. Crystal Avatar


  249. Nancy Avatar

    My favorite girl’s name is Elizabeth and boy’s name is Andrew.

  250. Barb@Witsend Avatar

    My favourite baby name would have to be Robert or Yvonne.

  251. JoanS Avatar

    My favorite name for a girl is Elizabeth, and for a boy, Robert.

  252. Debbie St. Germain Avatar

    I love the name Joshua. We are expecting our first grandson this spring, so looking forward to being a grandma.


  253. Pam Avatar

    I like the name Natalie!

  254. Lynn Avatar

    Favorite girls name – Bella
    Favorite boys name – Joshua

  255. sara Avatar

    Favorite name – what I named my daughter – Tara Danielle

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  256. Helen Meppem Avatar
    Helen Meppem

    I like Madeline for a girl , and boys name would be Peter.

  257. Heather Avatar

    Camryn Michelle. If I had another girl that would be her name.

  258. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    Alissa or Megan or Emma

  259. Paula Wedig Avatar
    Paula Wedig


  260. HeideW Avatar

    Honeybee is what my Dad nicknamed me. But my favorite was when my Grandmother would call my daughter, Kelly, Sarah Burnhart, after some fictional character. Guess she was quite dramatic!

  261. Betty Avatar

    My favorite is Elizabeth.

  262. jatajomi Avatar

    My favorite name is Alisha for a girl and Ben for a boy !
    Greatings from Germany !

  263. Josie Avatar

    For a girl…. Isabella
    For a boy… Jack

  264. Djoekie Avatar


  265. Gill Avatar


  266. Jenelle Avatar

    My favorite are my daughters, Rori, and my sons, Brody & Keaton

  267. Ellee Avatar

    My favorites are Sandra and Daniel.

  268. Bonnie McQuat Avatar
    Bonnie McQuat

    My favorite baby name is Alina.

  269. Pat D Avatar
    Pat D

    Girl: Isabella
    Boy: Brody

  270. Carol Avatar

    The colors and the animals in First Friends really caught my eye since my soon-to-be granddaughter’s room is decorated with jungle/zoo animals. How lovely!

  271. Lisa Avatar

    Michaela and Olivia – really it’s a tie!

  272. Jane Avatar


  273. Mama Spark Avatar

    I love my children’s names but wish I had heard of Aiden for one of my girls. I love that it is of Celtic origin and means heart of the home.

  274. Cindy Avatar

    I know this may sound odd, but I love Josephine Elizabeth. If I would have had a girl all those years ago, that’s what she would have been named. But I was still blessed with two beautiful boys! 🙂

  275. Mom C Avatar
    Mom C

    Depends on the moment. Right now it’s Katelyn.

  276. Lil Miss V Avatar

    My favorite for a boy is Jonathan (my lil man!)… and for a girl, Rosalie or Anethia. :o)

  277. Becky Greene Avatar
    Becky Greene

    I have always loved the name Anna – never had a little girl, though….

  278. Jan Avatar

    I like older names like Sophia or Emma for a girl. Michael or James for a boy.

  279. Joyce Avatar

    what beautiful baby quilts..It was a hard choice for me.

  280. Joyce Avatar

    If my daughter had a girl (she has 4 boys) it would be Rachel Elizabeth

  281. Debby Avatar

    Loved looking at and dreaming over the baby quilts, they are all so beautiful. I named my daughter Indy, never having been to Indianna, been to a car race, and before the Indianna Jones movies came out, still love, love, love that name for a girl.

  282. Jessica Avatar

    My favorite name is Mikala (Mih-Kah-Lah) that is what I would have named my first child if it were a girl, but it wasn’t so his name is Mikko (my husband is Finnish).

  283. Carolyn Avatar

    Elliot and Lily 🙂 I just love your quilt.

  284. Edna/WV Avatar

    Favorite girls – Amber and Amanda
    Favorite boy – Jacob

  285. carol broughton Avatar
    carol broughton

    I love the name Elizabeth.

  286. Shirley Clark Avatar

    I love all of the quilts, and I voted for my favorite one.

    My favorite baby name is Emily. It’s a very old name, and we gave it to our daughter almost 39 years ago. It’s still my favorite name of all.

  287. Patty Ryker Avatar
    Patty Ryker

    Girls name is Belle
    Boys name is David

    And all the quilts are winners.
    Thank you.

  288. Jenny Avatar

    My favourite name is Jordan for a boy or a girl.

  289. Kris Avatar

    My great niece is Sophia and I love that name. (I also have a niece with that name). 🙂

  290. Vivian Avatar

    Our granddaughter, born last week, is named Maddison. What’s lovely name for a lovely baby.

  291. Vivian Avatar

    A lovely name for a granddaughter is Alexis.

  292. Kaat Avatar

    My favourite name would be Sophie

  293. Lori Morton Avatar
    Lori Morton

    Favorite girl’s name…Chloe Elizabeth (my Grangirlie!!) & favorite boy’s name…..Jonathon (Grangirlie’s Daddy!) 🙂

  294. Carla Avatar

    My daughter is expecting a baby girl any day and if I got to choose, I would name her Rossie…after my wonderful grandmother! But…I don’t get to choose.

  295. Patty Moffitt Avatar
    Patty Moffitt

    I taught school for 25 years and have run into some strange and wonderful names. My favorite of all is for a girl – Cassie!

  296. Annmarie Avatar

    I love the name Elizabeth for a baby girl because there are so many nicknames she can grow into.

  297. De Avatar

    My babies are Jordan and Meghan… So those are my favorite 😉

  298. Colette Avatar

    One of my favorite names is Xander. It was a way of using his great, great, great grandfather’s name without being named directly after him like so many uncles, cousins, etc.

  299. Sarah Craig Avatar

    I’ve always thought the name Davis Anne was pretty – but there’s so many sweet baby names these days! Hard to choose!

  300. Bertha G Avatar
    Bertha G

    When I did substitute teaching in Kindergarten Classes, my favorite names were the simple ones, easy for the kids to learn all the letters!! My children have simple names that relate to their grandparents in some way! Thanks Michele for all the hard work you do!

  301. Elizabeth Johnson Avatar

    Well my favorite baby name is Zoey she is my little 8 week old grand daughter! She would look great in a stripped dress made with ladybugs! Hope I win, I always vote!

  302. Karen Torres Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Madison 🙂 My children are grown with children of their own, but if I had been blessed with a second little girl, her name would have been Madison.

  303. Kim Averitt Avatar
    Kim Averitt

    Emily is my favorite name for a girl and Andy for a boy. I work in a neonatal ICU and I see ll sorts of names but the simple ones are the ones you remember.

  304. Mara Avatar

    My favorite girl name is Rhianna.

  305. Lois Olson Avatar
    Lois Olson

    I would have used Bethany for a girl, but was blessed with a Joel.

  306. lee Avatar

    I love the name Simon

  307. SuperMomNoCape Avatar

    We always had Joshua picked out for a boy’s name but then when we did have a boy he didn’t look like a Joshua so we chose another.

  308. Melodie Avatar

    If I would have been blessed with a daughter her name would have been AUDRA MICHELLE.

  309. Elizabeth Avatar

    My newest granddaughter is named Lily and I love that name. It is simple and create a nice picture in your mind.

  310. Renea Avatar

    I have so many favorite names (I used 4 of them for my children). I seem to lean towards the old fashioned names. I really like the name Anna and Jacob. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  311. Lynn Avatar

    I like “Mikey” for a girl. I know I’ve had others but can’t think of them now.

  312. Susan Avatar

    my favorite name is my youngest sons, Elloit. it is never forgotten and either is he.

  313. Jane Avatar

    I like my mother’s unusual, for a girl, name….Dallas.

  314. Karrie Smith Avatar
    Karrie Smith

    My favorite baby name is Ashley, because that’s what I named my daughter almost 17 years ago.

  315. Abby Avatar

    I love Elizabeth. Hence my daughter is Lara Elizabeth. My sons name is Thomas which I love for its strength and confidence

  316. lindawwww Avatar

    My favourite name for a baby girl is Rebecca.

  317. PersimonDreams Avatar

    wow – favorite name! Great question. I would have to say I’m partial to Mercedi, Capri and Persimoni for girls (if they would have been boys it was Charlie, Oscar and George). If I were to magically have another one I always like the name Lyla.

  318. Brenda Wells Avatar
    Brenda Wells

    Jessica has always been my favorite for a girl. I only have 3 boys and no girls.

  319. Katie Avatar

    Eden and Bethany are my favorite baby names and the names of my babies.

  320. Karen Avatar

    For a girl I love Daphne and for a boy I love my sons name, Desmond.

  321. Elise Klink Avatar
    Elise Klink

    I like the name Grace.

  322. JanaSwa Avatar

    Too many to narrow it down to one special name! Lydia for a girl name and Toby for a boy, among thousands of others!

  323. Gene Black Avatar

    My favorite baby name is Emiliano. He is a darling boy.

  324. Gunda Avatar

    Just started a quilt for my very first grandchild. It’s a boy and he lives with his parents in Germany *sigh* His name is Henry

  325. Char Avatar

    My favorites are Jeremy and Jamie

  326. Linda S. Avatar
    Linda S.

    My favorite names for babies are Elisabeth and Jaden.

  327. Carolyn DiPerri Avatar

    My favorite baby’s name is Clara. It is a nice old fashioned name. I had two boys so didn’t get to use. it.

  328. Paula Avatar

    I just love the name Adeline, from it you can choose nick names like Adel or Addie.

  329. Melisssa Avatar

    I’m biased but I love AnneMarie 🙂

  330. Donna Avatar

    My favorite girl name is Katie Marie and my favorite boy name is William Lawson…

  331. Andrea Franklin Avatar
    Andrea Franklin

    My favorite baby girl name is: Carina

    Favorite boy name: Nathan

  332. Susan Avatar

    I’m more traditional in names–Thomas and Christine.

  333. Linda Avatar

    I was reading a novel and saw the name Arabella and loved
    it since.

  334. Janet Walters Avatar
    Janet Walters

    I like traditional names, David, Daniel, Rebecca, Anne, Doris, easy to spell and pronounce

  335. Debbie Avatar

    I like the name Shoshana.

  336. Julie Fukuda Avatar

    I wish I had seen this theme because I have made lots of original baby quilts for grand kids and friends.

  337. Jo Avatar

    there is a special place in my heart for Jef and Vic (GS) and for Lotte, Jitse and Elin (GD), my favorite is Emma, thanks for this give away

  338. Linda Hohensee Avatar
    Linda Hohensee

    My favorite baby name for a boy is Heath

  339. Elita Avatar

    My favourite baby name is Faith (yep, it’s my daughter’s name). Thanks for the giveaway!

  340. Vickie Clontz Avatar

    Annie is a sweet name for a little girl, we named our daughter that, after my mom.

  341. Sandra V Avatar
    Sandra V

    Have always liked Dawn for a girl.

  342. Lucy Ladley Avatar

    My favorite girl’s name is Nell. Nell is the name of one of my grandmother’s that we also named our daughter.

  343. Lauren Avatar

    So many cute baby quilts. VERY hard decision again this week. Good luck to all

  344. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    It’s a really hard choice this week, so many gorgeous quilts.

  345. Ruth Hampson Avatar
    Ruth Hampson

    It was VERY hard to choose 6 baby quilts. They are all wonderful and express the joy of a newborn baby!!

  346. Becky Avatar

    Favorite boys name: Deacon
    Favorite girls name: Lola

  347. Cindy Waye Avatar
    Cindy Waye

    Favorite baby name girl: Hannah
    Favorite baby name boy: Ryan

  348. Mary Avatar

    Favorite names, Melissa and Matthew, my kids names

  349. Rose Avatar

    Favourite names: Boy–Michael

  350. Sallye Avatar

    I like the old names like Susan, Mary, Alan, and Patrick. They are much easier on a teacher and for them to learn to spell.

  351. Christine Sherman Avatar
    Christine Sherman

    I love the L is for Lily quilt!!
    My favorite baby name is Mia for a girl and Gage for a boy

  352. Emily C Avatar

    I love Dylan and Nora.

  353. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    Love Natasha and Carissa

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  354. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    forgot boys name


  355. Carla G Avatar
    Carla G

    What fabulous quilts!! 🙂
    My favorite girl name is Zara and boy name is Davin. 🙂

  356. Nancy Avatar

    I tge name Jordan (boy or girl)

  357. Janet Avatar

    Fiona for a girl. Lancelot for a boy. Hmmm… seems I’m into old English.

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