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4 patch D9P By: Mary, Washington, USA
I wanted to use the Charm Squares from the “Little Bear and Cottontail” fabric line that I bought. The Pink & Blue squares were used in the 4 patches & the square in a square around them. Then I put them in two opposing corners of the 9-Patch to make this quilt. It was given to our Guild Charity
Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"
Andrew’s Rag Quilt By: LaRue Wilson, Texas, USA
I started this quilt with one Charm Pack, as this was the first time I had used one. After it was finished, I decided to enlarge it by adding a border of one of the Moda fabrics, giving it an extra ten inches all around. My grandson loves it!
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 45"
Baby Scraps By: Quilting Sue, Texas, USA
I made this baby quilt for a friend’s baby boy. She wanted each piece to mean something to the family, so she chose each piece of fabric and I cut them into 5″ charm squares. She loved the quilt and it made the baby’s Grandpa cry!
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 60"
Blue and Green Birthday Quilt By: Riel, New Brunswick, Canada
I made this for my son’s 6th birthday. He helped me pick the fabrics which I cut into charms. With the leftover squares I made a little matching neonatal quilt to donate to the hospital.
Quilt size: width: 52" height: 60"
Butter Churn By: Linda G., California, USA
I made this quilt in conjuction with one of the very first quilt alongs I participated in when I started writing my blog. This was also the first time I had used a charm pack to make a quilt – I know, hard to believe. It opened up the world of small quilts to me – and I love them!
Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"
Charming Placemats By: Mary Miller, Ohio, USA
I made these place mats based on a tutorial that can be found at the Moda Bakeshop. They were fun to do! I am going to make more for Christmas with the names of the entire family as a gift for my mother inlaw.
Quilt size: width: 12" height: 15"
Charms for my sister By: Nancy Lee, Missouri, USA
I made this for my first great-nephew…
Quilt size: width: 40" height: 60"
Clams Incognnito By: Beth D, Michigan, USA
This charm quilt has 180 fabrics, each one a different print. All machine pieced and machine quilted. I traded fabrics by mail with quilters all over the world.
Quilt size: width: 45″" height: 45″"
Cotton Candy By: Linda Brown, Ontario, Canada
This quilt was inspired by a pattern I saw on the Moda Back Shoppe site, I really wanted to try it so gathered by bundle of 5 inch squares and got to work, really love how it turned out.
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"
Elvis Has (not) Left the Building” By: Nellie Durand, Tennessee, USA
The picture in the center is cut from a child’s T-shirt that I over-painted. It took well over a year to collect the “doo-dads”. It’s hand-sewn and hand-quilted.
Quilt size: width: 20" height: 24"
Floating Stars By: Heather Spence, Washington, USA
I didn’t want to cut up the charms from Moda’s Maypole line of fabrics. They were so yummy!! Instead I highlighted them, took an accent fabric to create the stars then bordered with the white. It turned out beautifully and I’m more than happy with the results.
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 71"
Flurry By: Patsy McHaffie, Missouri, USA
I just finished this small quilt, It is my first try at machine quilting. Quilting for the 9-block pattern I used Sulky Blendables #4107; the sashing was quilted with Mettler silk finish 100 % cotton #105 (this was also used in the bobbin); the outer border was quilted with King Tut Tone on Tone #9
Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"
Fresh Diamonds By: Samelia’s Mum, Australia
I love the Bliss range of fabric by Moda. This lap sized quilt was made with 2 charm packs and some white yardage. It is so fresh and the colours are very “me”. I seem to make quilts for everyone else, so this one is definitely all mine.
Quilt size: width: 50" height: 54"
Mei nocht en wille ( it was fun to make this one) By: Jelly, Netherlands
Heel veel scraps gebruikt en deze verwerkt in verschillende blokjes. De inspiratie n.a.v. workshop op een regiodag.
Google: Lots of scrap used and processed in different blocks. Inspiration Reflecting a regional yearly workshop.
Quilt size: width: 53" height: 82"
Olympic challenge By: Andrea, United Kingdom
I wanted some hand work to do whilst watching olympic games.I cut 1 piece from every fabric in my stash and sewed them all with the English Paper Piecing method.I had 567 fabrics in my stash at the time (Summer 2008) I refer to this as my charm quilt and it is my favourite one.I hand quilted it too
Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"
Pinwheel Sleepytime Baby Quilt By: Gwen, Manitoba, Canada
Pinwheels and prairie points make up this little baby quilt I made for a friend of mine. I used Sleeptime fabric by Moda. It was fun to make and made a lovely baby gift.
Quilt size: width: 30" height: 42"
Quilty Hugs By: pennysmom, Pennsylvania, USA
I made this quilt for my sister-in-law when she was going through chemo and radiation treatments. I used a Moda charm pack, machine pieced and machine quilted it in just over a week.
Quilt size: width: 62" height: 70"
Say “Please” By: Sylvia, Alberta, Canada
Currently, my favorite fabric line is Pure by Sweetwater for Moda. I fell in love with this little applique quilt from “Country Threads Goes to Charm School”. I just had to make it.
Quilt size: width: 32.5" height: 32.5"
Scraps for Kim By: Deb M., Illinois, USA
I’ve made a lot of grandmother’s flower garden quilts but have recently discovered half hexagons. The halves make such different patterns from the whole! I really enjoy putting together each little Y shape and then deciding where they will go in the finished quilt.
Quilt size: width: 30″" height: 40″"
The Charming Rainbow Quilt By: 13 Woodhouse Road, India
Made from colorful Charm Squares along with a subtle grey solid, this quilt really makes a dramatic impact on the viewer… I wish I had better snaps to do justice to the quilt…
Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"
Verna Charm Baby Coin Quilt By: Elizabeth Garner, Texas, USA
I am fairly new to quilting. This week I finished a baby crib quilt using Moda Verna charm squares for my third daughter who is due to arrive in about five weeks. This was the first time I tried free motion quilting (stippling) and while it’s not perfect, I loved both the process and the results!
Quilt size: width: 37" height: 46"
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