Quilts Made with Charms

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  • Total submissions: 21
  • Total countries: 6
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4 patch D9P 4 patch D9P
By: Mary, Washington, USA

I wanted to use the Charm Squares from the “Little Bear and Cottontail” fabric line that I bought. The Pink & Blue squares were used in the 4 patches & the square in a square around them. Then I put them in two opposing corners of the 9-Patch to make this quilt. It was given to our Guild Charity

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Andrew's Rag Quilt Andrew’s Rag Quilt
By: LaRue Wilson, Texas, USA

I started this quilt with one Charm Pack, as this was the first time I had used one. After it was finished, I decided to enlarge it by adding a border of one of the Moda fabrics, giving it an extra ten inches all around. My grandson loves it!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 45"

Baby Scraps Baby Scraps
By: Quilting Sue, Texas, USA

I made this baby quilt for a friend’s baby boy. She wanted each piece to mean something to the family, so she chose each piece of fabric and I cut them into 5″ charm squares. She loved the quilt and it made the baby’s Grandpa cry!

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 60"

Blue and Green Birthday Quilt Blue and Green Birthday Quilt
By: Riel, New Brunswick, Canada

I made this for my son’s 6th birthday. He helped me pick the fabrics which I cut into charms. With the leftover squares I made a little matching neonatal quilt to donate to the hospital.

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 60"

Butter Churn Butter Churn
By: Linda G., California, USA

I made this quilt in conjuction with one of the very first quilt alongs I participated in when I started writing my blog. This was also the first time I had used a charm pack to make a quilt – I know, hard to believe. It opened up the world of small quilts to me – and I love them!

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

Charming Placemats Charming Placemats
By: Mary Miller, Ohio, USA

I made these place mats based on a tutorial that can be found at the Moda Bakeshop. They were fun to do! I am going to make more for Christmas with the names of the entire family as a gift for my mother inlaw.

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 15"

Charms for my sister Charms for my sister
By: Nancy Lee, Missouri, USA

I made this for my first great-nephew…

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 60"

Clams Incognnito Clams Incognnito
By: Beth D, Michigan, USA

This charm quilt has 180 fabrics, each one a different print. All machine pieced and machine quilted. I traded fabrics by mail with quilters all over the world.

Quilt size: width: 45″" height: 45″"

Cotton Candy Cotton Candy
By: Linda Brown, Ontario, Canada

This quilt was inspired by a pattern I saw on the Moda Back Shoppe site, I really wanted to try it so gathered by bundle of 5 inch squares and got to work, really love how it turned out.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Elvis Has (not) Left the Building Elvis Has (not) Left the Building”
By: Nellie Durand, Tennessee, USA

The picture in the center is cut from a child’s T-shirt that I over-painted. It took well over a year to collect the “doo-dads”. It’s hand-sewn and hand-quilted.

Quilt size: width: 20" height: 24"

Floating Stars Floating Stars
By: Heather Spence, Washington, USA

I didn’t want to cut up the charms from Moda’s Maypole line of fabrics. They were so yummy!! Instead I highlighted them, took an accent fabric to create the stars then bordered with the white. It turned out beautifully and I’m more than happy with the results.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 71"

Flurry Flurry
By: Patsy McHaffie, Missouri, USA

I just finished this small quilt, It is my first try at machine quilting. Quilting for the 9-block pattern I used Sulky Blendables #4107; the sashing was quilted with Mettler silk finish 100 % cotton #105 (this was also used in the bobbin); the outer border was quilted with King Tut Tone on Tone #9

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Fresh Diamonds Fresh Diamonds
By: Samelia’s Mum, Australia

I love the Bliss range of fabric by Moda. This lap sized quilt was made with 2 charm packs and some white yardage. It is so fresh and the colours are very “me”. I seem to make quilts for everyone else, so this one is definitely all mine.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 54"

Mei nocht en wille ( it was fun to make this one) Mei nocht en wille ( it was fun to make this one)
By: Jelly, Netherlands

Heel veel scraps gebruikt en deze verwerkt in verschillende blokjes. De inspiratie n.a.v. workshop op een regiodag.

Google: Lots of scrap used and processed in different blocks. Inspiration Reflecting a regional yearly workshop.

Quilt size: width: 53" height: 82"

Olympic challenge Olympic challenge
By: Andrea, United Kingdom

I wanted some hand work to do whilst watching olympic games.I cut 1 piece from every fabric in my stash and sewed them all with the English Paper Piecing method.I had 567 fabrics in my stash at the time (Summer 2008) I refer to this as my charm quilt and it is my favourite one.I hand quilted it too

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 72"

Pinwheel Sleepytime Baby Quilt Pinwheel Sleepytime Baby Quilt
By: Gwen, Manitoba, Canada

Pinwheels and prairie points make up this little baby quilt I made for a friend of mine. I used Sleeptime fabric by Moda. It was fun to make and made a lovely baby gift.

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 42"

Quilty Hugs Quilty Hugs
By: pennysmom, Pennsylvania, USA

I made this quilt for my sister-in-law when she was going through chemo and radiation treatments. I used a Moda charm pack, machine pieced and machine quilted it in just over a week.

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 70"

Say Say “Please”
By: Sylvia, Alberta, Canada

Currently, my favorite fabric line is Pure by Sweetwater for Moda. I fell in love with this little applique quilt from “Country Threads Goes to Charm School”. I just had to make it.

Quilt size: width: 32.5" height: 32.5"

Scraps for Kim Scraps for Kim
By: Deb M., Illinois, USA

I’ve made a lot of grandmother’s flower garden quilts but have recently discovered half hexagons. The halves make such different patterns from the whole! I really enjoy putting together each little Y shape and then deciding where they will go in the finished quilt.

Quilt size: width: 30″" height: 40″"

The Charming Rainbow Quilt The Charming Rainbow Quilt
By: 13 Woodhouse Road, India

Made from colorful Charm Squares along with a subtle grey solid, this quilt really makes a dramatic impact on the viewer… I wish I had better snaps to do justice to the quilt…

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Verna Charm Baby Coin Quilt Verna Charm Baby Coin Quilt
By: Elizabeth Garner, Texas, USA

I am fairly new to quilting. This week I finished a baby crib quilt using Moda Verna charm squares for my third daughter who is due to arrive in about five weeks. This was the first time I tried free motion quilting (stippling) and while it’s not perfect, I loved both the process and the results!

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 46"

7 responses to “Quilts Made with Charms”

  1. Katy Adams Avatar
    Katy Adams

    The Verna coin quilt is beautiful. It is amazing that she is a beginner. It is very sweet. This will be a lovely addition to her nursery.

  2. Linda Broadbent Avatar
    Linda Broadbent

    Beth did a great job with the CLAMS INCOGNITO quilt. I was impressed a design like this could come out of charms!!


  3. princess pudge Avatar
    princess pudge

    i nearly entered this one but my work doesn’t feel half as good as what i always see entered here!! great job everyone <3

  4. Nellie Durand Avatar

    Now, this is amusing … my funky quilt full of hanging charms among all those beauties. Guess this is a gage of how far out of the mainstream I am in the quilting world. Now I know “charms” pertaining to quilts means 5″x 5″ squares of fabric.

  5. Sandi Avatar

    I love working with charm squares. They are such a fun way to get a little bit of all fabrics in a particular fabric line. Funny thing, though, I’ve been in the quilting world a long time and when I first read this one, I was thinking traditional charm quilt as in…….not two fabrics alike so it’s called a charm quilt. Or so I learned many years ago. Now the terms “charm”, “layer cake”, “honeybuns”, etc. have all taken on a completely different meaning and quilters who joined my grandma around the quilting frame would wonder what is going on with quilting these days. LOL!

  6. janet gordon Avatar

    Seems forever since I’ve been around for a visit – and you went and moved all the furniture Michelle!! Lol!!
    I just started working on a charm quilt using 2.5 inch squares I won in a Blackbird Designs giveaway publicizing their new Moda line: Antique Fair – love it!!
    Blogged about it this morning; come see!
    Amazing varietry of entrants this week!

  7. Elizabeth G Avatar
    Elizabeth G

    These were all such beautiful quilts! Although we have different tastes in design and fabric, there was such talent showcased. Thanks for inspiring me and thank you to those who voted for my quilt, whether you know me personally or not!

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