Quilts for Babies

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1001 Peeps 1001 Peeps
By: Jess Frost, Australia

I made this quilt for my baby daughter last for Christmas 2011. It is made using the gorgeous 1001 peeps fabric designed by Lizzy House, using Kate Conklin’s fussy cut fairytales pattern. It’s quilted using an all over echo shell pattern. My daughter loves it!

Quilt size: width: 55" height: 65"

9 patch on point 9 patch on point
By: Debbe, Indiana, USA

This is crib sized quilt that I made for a very special little boy’s first Christmas

Quilt size: width: 41" height: 55"

A crawl through the woods A crawl through the woods
By: Backyard Baby Quilt, West Virginia, USA

I created this quilt for the newest member of our family David Michael Platt born on January 31, 2012 to Justin and Amanda Platt. The fabric is awesome with bugs, trees, birds, dogs and playgrounds just everything a little boy needs to begin using his imagination.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 60"

A Dragon Good Time A Dragon Good Time
By: Debi, Texas, USA

My dear friend Barb gifted me the beautiful machine embroidered Dragons which I turned into my 6 month old granson’s favorite blanky!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 38"

A Modern Baby A Modern Baby
By: Janet / What Comes Next?, British Columbia, Canada

Playing with a few charm squares that were left over from another quilt, and wanting to have space to practice some free motion feathers, I came up with this design and layout. I love the crispness of the grey and white with the small hits of colour, and am really happy with the quilting.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

A Tumbling We Will Go A Tumbling We Will Go
By: Sharyn H, New Jersey, USA

This Tumbling Block quilt was made for my friend’s grandson. It was made with parallelograms and triangles.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 54"

Alphabet Soup Alphabet Soup
By: Kaaren Biggs, Ontario, Canada

I made this as a sample for a class I taught on piecing the alphabet. I used fabrics such as a boat print for B, elephant fabric for E, northern lights for N, zebra fabric for Z, etc. The border fabric looks like a blackboard with white letters and numbers on it.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Annasquilt Annasquilt
By: Berit Stavik Hansen, Norway

This is a quilt i sew when Anna was born.

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 44"

Arthur's Quilt Arthur’s Quilt
By: Pauline Gacal, United Kingdom

This was made for my friend’s first grandchild – we have been freinds for over 50 years(!!! ) since we started school together and have laughed and cried over many cups of coffee.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 30"

Baby Blocks Baby Blocks
By: Susanne, Germany

Made with Kona Cotton Dimensions. Quite simple but colourful 🙂 This was my very first baby quilt. It was gifted to my friend and her first baby boy.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 55"

Baby blue Churn Dash Baby blue Churn Dash
By: Nancy Hamm, Pennsylvania, USA

This was made with thirties blue fabrics and traditional fabrics. It was one of my first quilts, pieced and quilted by myself.

Quilt size: width: 54" height: 54"

Baby clothes quilt Baby clothes quilt
By: Wendy Bottorff, Ohio, USA

This quilt was made using the baby clothes of a little girl who is about to have a baby brother. Her mom did not have any use for the baby girl clothes, since she is expecting a boy, so this quilt is a keepsake of her daughter’s first year all wrapped up into a quilt! ADDISON is her name appliqued.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 75"

Baby Friends Baby Friends
By: Flo@ButterflyQuilting, Saskatchewan, Canada

I made this little quilt as a gift for my niece…she loved the bright colours. And I loved the giraffe!!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 45"

Baby Fuzz Baby Fuzz
By: Laura, New York, USA

I made this quilt for my grand-son Aedan. He loves anything fuzzy against his face, so I knew Minkee was the material for him. I lined the quilt with a brown Minkee so the fuzz would always be next to him. Sewing Minkee is not my fabric of choice, it travels everywhere. This was a real labor of love

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Baby Giraffe Baby Giraffe
By: Mariana, Portugal

Made for my baby girl born on November 2010. I was working on this quilt when I went she finnaly decided to come to meet me. I guess she wanted to see it! Then I just got to finish it when she was 3 months!

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 47"

Baby Pinwheels Baby Pinwheels
By: Diane Brasier, Idaho, USA

I made this quilt for my youngest brother and his wife, who are expecting their second baby this month. I had made the pinwheels months before, and put them away until just the right baby came along to finish it for. It was presented at her baby shower, and I was very happy that they loved it!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Baby Signs for Brennan Baby Signs for Brennan
By: MarycV, Ontario, Canada

My grandsons were taught baby sign language. When the 3rd one came along I saw the Baby Talk line of fabric from Elizabeth’s Studio and knew this was the perfect fabric for his quilt

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 50"

Bear Hugs Bear Hugs
By: Chris Leclerc, Alberta, Canada

I made this quilt for my husband’s great nephew. It has minky teddy bears appliqued on the top, a minky backing and it’s so soft and snuggly!

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 53"

Beary Patch Beary Patch
By: Barb in MI, Michigan, USA

I saw Beary Patch in a magazine – and just had to make it!
Friends helped with brown & beige scraps.
When it was done I kept looking for the right recipient and heard that Lina was born.
It was a perfect match with a Pink-Brown nursery and I hear the quilt is being used daily!

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

bed of roses bed of roses
By: webGurl, Ontario, Canada

I gambled on them having a girl- AND they named Rose- so this was a fitting quilt!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 36"

Bennett's Quilt Bennett’s Quilt
By: Lindy, Washington, USA

Great Gramma Lora had me make this quilt for her newest great grandson from a pattern she had had for YEARS! Old fashioned, but way cute!

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Brady's Scotty Quilt Brady’s Scotty Quilt
By: Tina, Florida, USA

The inspirtion for this quilt was a stuffed toy Scotty that a friend brought for show & tell. I designed and made this quilt for my for my grandson. The ears on the Scotty blocks 3 dimensional. Fabrics are reproductions.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Bright Baby Boy Quilt Bright Baby Boy Quilt
By: Kelly Bee, Ohio, USA

All of my friends are having babies . . . and they’re all boys! I made this quilt for my best friend’s new baby boy out of my scrap stash. I wanted it to be bright, fun, and not too babyish—and definitely look like a boy!

Quilt size: width: 36.5" height: 36.5"

Brooklyn's Quilt Brooklyn’s Quilt
By: Debbie Grasley, Minnesota, USA

This is the baby quilt I made for my first grandchild born January 8. She is just adorable.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 48"

Catching Willa Rose Catching Willa Rose
By: Linda Conlin, Nevada, USA

These UFO blocks from 2002, were bordered to make them all the same size. then assembled into a quilt for my 9th grandchild, Willa Rose. Intended for everyday use, it is to “catch” her sleeping, rolling over, playing peek-a-boo and reading. Made by her Nana, who “caught” her when she was born!

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 52"

Charlotte's quilt Charlotte’s quilt
By: Karen Hughes, United Kingdom

Baby quilt and monster softie; my own designs.
Quilt is free motioned with hearts and backed with the purple fleece the softie is made from.
It is with it’s owner and the softie has been nicknamed “Yarp”!

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 45"

Circles of Love Circles of Love
By: KatFish, Florida, USA

One of my best friends was expecting her 1st baby, so when she picked the colors for the nursery, I designed this quilt based on the fabrics she had chosen for the bedding… and anyone who knows me knows I love circles, so I was stoked! 🙂 So happy they can enjoy this quilt for years to come! 🙂

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 38"

Counting sheep Counting sheep
By: Jossie, Netherlands

This quilt I made for our godchild’s baby girl. Our niece loves sheep and the pink and white quilt fits perfectly in the very girly pink and white nursery.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Critter Caboodle Critter Caboodle
By: Jill Majers, Utah, USA

I made this quilt for my oldest grandson using a design by Brandywine Designs. I machine appliqued it using a satin stitch. It was a fun and challenging quilt. I was able to make it almost completely from my stash.

Quilt size: width: 51" height: 56.5"

Crumb Quilt Along Baby Version Crumb Quilt Along Baby Version
By: Jo’s Country Junction, Iowa, USA

Last fall on my blog I hosted a crumb quilt along. Readers and I all made crumb quilts. This is the quilt I made from my crumb blocks. The red solid colors in the quilt are accented by the alphabet letters in the border.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 51"

Darian's Blankey Darian’s Blankey
By: Lorri Ackland, Iowa, USA

I made this for one of my nieces in CO. Her husband is in the Army, in Afghanistan, hence the Army Star, with taggy pinwheels. This is one of 6 I have made this year. This was machine pieced and quilted.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 60"

Down on the Farm Down on the Farm
By: Janet, South Dakota, USA

I made this for our great nephew John Wayne.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 54"

Duck Wallhanging Duck Wallhanging
By: Lori, Michigan, USA

This pattern was featured in Quiltmaker Magazine last year.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Ducks and Rattles baby quilt Ducks and Rattles baby quilt
By: Cheryl Parker, Illinois, USA

I made this for my Best friends grandson. Another friend quilted it for me. It is backed in Minke. I found the pattern during a shop hop. I have 2 more cut out, ready to sew together when needed.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 52"

Early frog Early frog
By: Patricia, Switzerland

In Switzerland we have an association that collect baby quilts to bring to the hospital for prenat babies. The parents can choose one that will be put on the “baby aquarium”and when they can go home with the baby, they can take the quilt!
That is one baby quilt I made for that association.

Quilt size: width: 33" height: 40"

Elizabeth's VeggieTales Elizabeth’s VeggieTales
By: Eileen, Minnesota, USA

I made this quilt before my daughter’s first baby was born–didn’t know she was ‘Elizabeth’ until she was born. Cari always liked VT, so I knew that this fabric was for her. I also made a diaper bag out of the same fabric.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 37"

Ethan's First Quilt Ethan’s First Quilt
By: Geraldine Pritchard, British Columbia, Canada

This is a Fat Quarter Quilt. I have made a few of these already, and it is super easy. The pattern name is “Sweet Baby Quilt” and I found it in “Sew Special Fat Quarter Gifts” book. Ethan’s Mother was thrilled with it, she loved the colors. I even managed to quilt it myslef, nothing fancy.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 37"

Field of Dreams in 3D Field of Dreams in 3D
By: Kathy S., Ohio, USA

This Double Irish Chain quilt was made for my great neice, Breanne. The bright flowers are in 3D. This was my first attempt at applique and echo quilting. The back of the quilt displays the name “Breanne” using Bonnie Hunter’s Word Play book instructions.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 60"

Fit For a Princess! Fit For a Princess!
By: Oh Sew Tempting, United Kingdom

Fit For a Princess is the 3rd quilt I’ve made from start to finish myself. I designed my own pantograph so I could hand guide my machine to make the spirals. You can find details in my blog post entitled All’s Well That Ends Well. It was difficult to get the spirals the correct size! But I had fun!!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 51"

For Camille For Camille
By: Carolyn Berroeta, France

I hand sew and hand quilted this quilt for my grandson Camille. All the fabrics used for the Sunbonnet Sues and the Overall Bills come from family clothes; there is a little from each : Mum, Dad, grandparents on both sides, and 2 uncles too !!

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 45"

For Silas For Silas
By: Kristine, Australia

This quilt was made for my newest nephew Silas.

Quilt size: width: 31" height: 36"

Hearts for Maddie Hearts for Maddie
By: Sharon, Michigan, USA

The quilt was the first quilt that I paper pieced. I got the pattern out of the book Quilting for Baby by Jeanne Stauffer and Sandra L. Hatch.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 55"

Hugs and Kisses Hugs and Kisses
By: Tarnyia, Australia

I made this quilt for my daughters best friends who have just had their first much awaited and wanted baby girl.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 40.5"

I Spy Baby Quilt I Spy Baby Quilt
By: AnneP, Ontario, Canada

Was gifted some I Spy type fabrics and some solids – so decided to match them up and make a baby quilt.

Quilt size: width: 35" height: 42"

Irene's quilt Irene’s quilt
By: Julie Fukuda, Japan

This alphabet quilt was made for my youngest grandchild before it was known she would be a girl. I selected a green gingham for the border and appliqued the animals of the oriental zodiac running around it, with the ox in the middle as she was an ox-year baby.

Quilt size: width: 57.5" height: 79"

Lillia's Quilt Lillia’s Quilt
By: meg murray, Virginia, USA

Gift for a friend’s baby; had a Moda candy bar lying around and I wanted to use it!

Quilt size: width: 30" height: 35"

Loving Hands Loving Hands
By: Linda Gilli, California, USA

My guild donates quilts monthly to area hospitals for their NICU’s under the name of Loving Hands. I pledged 2 little quilts each month & this is 1 of my March quilts. These quilts cover the isolettes & are for the family members to use when holding the baby & then are sent home with them.

Quilt size: width: 32" height: 32"

Maya's Crawling Quilt Maya’s Crawling Quilt
By: Sheila P, Ohio, USA

Mt first grandchild….what a thrill! After making her a newborn quilt, I made her this crawling quilt, a way to encourage her to move while on the floor. I included different textures, bright colors, and pix of her parents and grandparents! She’s now 11 mo old, and an excellent crawler! How fun!

Quilt size: width: 46" height: 51"

Monkey See, Monkey Do Monkey See, Monkey Do
By: stitchinRN, Arizona, USA

The Sock Monkey pattern was a free download from Moda. I saw it several years ago. I have a granddaughter with the nickname “Monkey” by her Dad. So this was appliqued, pieced and quilted by me for her.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 68"

Nightime Cat Antics Nightime Cat Antics
By: Joanne, New Zealand

I won the star blocks at my quilting group BOM challenge. After repeatedly rearranging them on my table at home I came up with steps. The blue color suggested night-time and I love cats so when I combined the two I came up with this quilt. It is for my daughter’s next baby! Quilted by Jeanne Balemi.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 57"

Original Quilt with Winnie the Pooh Original Quilt with Winnie the Pooh
By: Judy Bowers, Washington, USA

A friend wanted an original quilt for her soon-to-be- grand-daughter, with a Winnie the Pooh theme. The bear is made of cuddly fabric and is reverse appliqued onto the quilt.

Quilt size: width: 28" height: 52"

Polka dots and Turtles Polka dots and Turtles
By: Joyce Coley, Pennsylvania, USA

This was an experiment to see if I could use up some fabric I wouldn’t ordinarily put together. Gave to friend’s grandson.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 54"

purple passion purple passion
By: Lynda H, Washington, USA

I like bright modern prints and have this pattern that uses 5 fat quarters and a bit of yardage. I made the top and searched for a flannel backing and found the elephants – the two looked as if they were made for each other. Finished envelope style and a bit of stitching in the ditch finishes.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Quilt for Len Quilt for Len
By: joma, Belgium

Inspired by the birth announcement, based on “MBS his and hers personalized baby quilts”, using my embroidery machine for the name and the swirls on the bibs, happy quilting leaving some swirls as an extra accent. Receivers were pleased.

Quilt size: width: 29" height: 29"

Quilt for little Sebastiaan Quilt for little Sebastiaan
By: laura Hettich, Netherlands

A quilt for little Sebastiaan, in green, the favorite colour of the parents.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Quilt of Forgiveness Quilt of Forgiveness
By: Marcia King, Virginia, USA

After a friendship hurtfully ended, I was made aware of the birth of this friend’s granddaughter and was inspired to make a quilt for the new baby. With each stitch I prayed for the baby and the Lord gave me the desire and ability to forgive her grandma, making it a quilt of forgiveness and healing.

Quilt size: width: 43" height: 43"

Rainbow Bright Cot Quilt Rainbow Bright Cot Quilt
By: Vicki Purnell, Australia

This embroidered insert quilt uses one of the RAG design sets from Hatched in Africa. All the sashing and border pieces are 2 1/2 inch strips with no strip wider than the standard width of the fabric.

Quilt size: width: 37.5" height: 45"

Reach for the Stars Reach for the Stars
By: Leah, British Columbia, Canada

This quilt is for my son’s teacher who just went on maternity leave. The centre block of the quilt is the school tshirt, the star blocks started from the Solstce Stars QAL at Fresh Lemon Quilts Blog. I added 3 extra stars to make 8 blocks.
Quilting was done on my longarm using a stars pantograp

Quilt size: width: 44" height: 44"

Rio Rio
By: Elaine Mork, United Kingdom

Made/quilted by me in 2011 for my great nephew Rio, it uses Moda Lily & Will and Nancy Halvorsen’s Art to Heart book. It uses patchwork, applique and stitcheries – great fun to do. It is freemotion quilted. Rio is the first child of our page boy from 22 years ago so he is very special and adorable.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 60"

Sadie Baby's Quilt Sadie Baby’s Quilt
By: Robyn Tischner, Utah, USA

I made this quilt for my brother’s daughter. He lives in Samoa and it is hard to do things for him. Last year we got an email saying that they were going to adopt a little girl. His wife has always had a hard time getting pregnant, it truly was an answer to prayer. This is the quilt I made for her

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 60"

Sleeping Teddies Sleeping Teddies
By: Cindy Pelkey, Kentucky, USA

I designed this quilt with a sleeping baby in mind. The teddy bears are appliques on and the rest of the quilt is pieced. I had a hard time coming up with the colors I wanted in the quilts, but finally settled with what is in the picture.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 63"

Sophisticated Baby Sophisticated Baby
By: Angie, Virginia, USA

I wanted a baby quilt that had a Victorian/vintage type feel in rich warm colors, instead of the typical pastels and novelty prints. I used Luna Notte from MODA for the front, Warm and Natural batting in the middle, and the back is a rich warm tie dyed flannel in a caramel color.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 44"

Stacked Coins Stacked Coins
By: Lizzy Taylor, United Kingdom

I made this quilt for a baby in our family. I wanted to make one of similar size to the one I had made for his cousin and in order to make it purely from stash fabric based it on the Stacked Coins baby quilt.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 40"

Strawberry Picnic! Strawberry Picnic!
By: Patchworkdelights, Ireland

I made this cot bed size quilt for a little girl called Nicola. I used Kona White white with Michael Millers Strawberry Tea Party range. I just fell in love with the strawberries! Thanks for the chance to enter this competition!

Quilt size: width: 56" height: 40"

Sunny Days Sunny Days
By: Mandy Stokes, Texas, USA

I made as a shop sample to display some new fabric and to practice my quilting.
I had always wanted to try Marti Michele’s Kaleidoscope ruler and it worked really great, I have made others since this one. I love rick rack on a baby quilt so it was fun to use it on this one in the first border.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 48"

Sunny Lanes Baby Quilt Sunny Lanes Baby Quilt
By: Homesewn, New Hampshire, USA

Sunny Lanes is the name of the quilt block. I am currently making 200 quilts from my favorite quilt book, “Around the Block with Judy Hopkins”. I am also blogging about each quilt I make and the different variations.

Quilt size: width: 37" height: 46.5"

The Lil Lion that Roared The Lil Lion that Roared
By: Ann Marie, Florida, USA

A customer had her first child and had to fight for his life for the first 6 weeks. She named him Laith, which means lion. So I made her a quilt ” The lil Lion that Roared” he is doing great now. When she seen the quilt, she told me it matched his room exactly! Guess it was meant to be!

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 48"

The Very Hungry Caterpillar The Very Hungry Caterpillar
By: Rebecca Grace, North Carolina, USA

I made this quilt for my son’s first grade teacher, when she had her first baby, using Eric Carle’s Hungry Caterpillar fabric collection. It was my first try at free motion quilting (through the quilt top and a thin cotton batting, with no backing) and then I added Minky backing and satin binding.

Quilt size: width: 48" height: 52"

Valerie Prideaux Valerie Prideaux
By: webGurl, Ontario, Canada

These are my favourite colours and was a fun quilt to make. Hope their baby girl, due next month, loves it as much as us!

Quilt size: width: 52" height: 38"

Will's quilt Will’s quilt
By: Warm Hugs, California, USA

Having a new grandbaby named Will due in June. I had a blast making this for him. It came from the Moda Bakery and I found all the material mostly Michael Miller Fabric on Fabric.com. I had fun designing the center with his name and the elephant family of 5 Will has 2 older sisters.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 58"

Zig Zag Zoom Zig Zag Zoom
By: Melissa, Washington, USA

I bought this kit 3 years ago and started making it, then stuffed it into a drawer because life happened. When I found out my sister-in-law was having a baby I pulled it back out and finished it up for her. I hope my nephew will love it! Another UFO bites the dust and another baby stays warm!

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 72"

15 responses to “Quilts for Babies”

  1. Linda C Avatar

    There are a lot of lucky little babies out there!

  2. Debbe Avatar

    The quilts are all beautiful!

  3. sarah Witter Avatar
    sarah Witter

    They are all so beautiful it was hard to pick.

  4. Cisca Avatar

    Beautiful quilts!

  5. Carol Avatar

    The Beary Patch

    Absolutely adorable.

    All these quilts are wonderful.

  6. denise Avatar

    le quilt for Camille me semble le plus beau

  7. annie. Avatar

    helee mooi quiltjes allemaal.

  8. viviana Avatar

    lovely quilts!!

  9. Donna Klessner Avatar
    Donna Klessner

    It was very difficult to pick only seven! There were so many adorable quilts!

  10. lindawwww Avatar

    Wow! So many beautiful quilts

  11. Elaine Lattimore Avatar
    Elaine Lattimore

    It is my choice Hugs and kisses

  12. Elaine Lattimore Avatar
    Elaine Lattimore

    I have chosen Hugs and Kisses

  13. Patty Hill Avatar
    Patty Hill

    Beautiful. great talent

  14. aaltje westen Avatar
    aaltje westen

    What a beautiful quilt. Much succes.

  15. Валентина Avatar

    Сколько талантливых мастериц!

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