Quilting Close-Up

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All Seasons Basket - Christmas All Seasons Basket – Christmas
By: Pamela Boatright,
Oregon, USA

This was made as a shop sample to promote my pattern. I finally got around to quilting it this fall – but had a hard time deciding on design, thread. Finally just started quilting and am delighted with the results! I used some poly threads, rayon, and cotton. Quilted on my Juki TL98E.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 45"

Appalachian Spring~To God Be The Glory Appalachian Spring~To God Be The Glory
By: Lavinia Sala,
Arizona, USA

Spring is my favorite season, when everything bursts out in God’s glory. For 30 years I could not do hand applique, and made up my mind to do it or else. The design is by Theresa Field of Ft. Pierce, FL. and machine quilted by Donna Patrick of Mount Carmel, Tennessee, an absolutely stunning job.

Quilt size: width: 104" height: 104"

Block of the Month Batiks Block of the Month Batiks
By: Mary Beth Frewin,
New York, USA

This quilt was a block of the month at my local quilt store. I paid $5 for the first block, finished it in the month then got the next for free, It took me 8 more years to finally put it together. My sister-in-law, Christine Scholz, who has a long arm quilting business, quilted it freehand.

Quilt size: width: 66" height: 66"

Christmas Dresden Plate Christmas Dresden Plate
By: CathyC (aka CrafteeCC),

This was my first attempt at a Dresden Plate and ended up being a tablerunner for a Christmas In July Swap. The quilting echoed the blades of the Dresden Plate.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 10"

Colours Colours
By: Maria,

Background quilt: Linen, PaintSticks, FMQ
Little quilt: Muslin, Frottage, Inktense pens, acrylic paint, Paint Sticks, FMQ
I had a lot of fun and this quilt makes me happy.

Quilt size: width: 15" height: 26"

Feathered Crosshatch Charity Quilt Feathered Crosshatch Charity Quilt
By: Kathy S.,
Ohio, USA

This is a charity quilt for my local quilt guild. It sold in a silent auction for Autism awareness.

Quilt size: width: 45" height: 79"

Fiorabella Fiorabella
By: Sally Gould wright,
California, USA

My SAQABenefit auction quilt a couple of years ago! this little quilt features a flower painted with Tsukineko inks and then thread painted and quilted. 100 wt YLI silk thread was used throuought. I used many of the free motion quiltingtechniques learned in a class with the wonderful Diane Gaudynski

Quilt size: width: 12" height: 12"

Hexagons Hexagons
By: Kelliebelle,

Made for Kay who was helped me while I coped with my husbands cancer followed by my total knee replacement. Both successful so far. The quilt is all hand done has almost 370 hexagons and took over 600 hours to complete. Kay is very special to us both

Quilt size: width: 114" height: 104"

Just doodling Just doodling
By: Rosalind Pollock,
United Kingdom

This is literally a quilt worked out from a doodle! It is a wholecloth and any colour is just thread.

Quilt size: width: 83" height: 39"

Kid's drawing baby quilt Kid’s drawing baby quilt
By: 3patch,

I have to design a baby (kid) quilt for the first baby of an artistic family. So I have sewn this quilt and love the result.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 45"

Linen Doily .... Linen Doily ….
By: Fiona from BubzRugz,

This is a mini quilt using an old linen handsewn doily. I laid it on linen, then wadding and backing. A lot of stitching around the edges of the embroideries and then quilted tiny feathers and patterns…. the piece showing in the picture is about 5″ square and the quilting took over 18 hours.

Quilt size: width: 13" height: 13"

Loopy Knots Loopy Knots
By: Eileen,
Minnesota, USA

I made this tablerunner as a gift, and went on to write the pattern for it (my 1st!). This is actually the back of the quilt, the quilting shows up much better here.

Quilt size: width: 36" height: 14"

Maggie's flowers Maggie’s flowers
By: Elna Munro,
South Africa

It ws just a lovely pattern that I wanted to do

Quilt size: width: 62" height: 65"

Marcia's Barn Quilt Marcia’s Barn Quilt
By: Marcia,
Wisconsin, USA

I created this quilt for a Project Quilting Challenge in 2012. I used 4 photos of barns & windmills & based my project on a combination of them. Raw edge applique’ with thread painting on the barn quilt.

Quilt size: width: 16" height: 25"

Moose Madness Moose Madness
By: Beret Nelson,
Alaska, USA

This is the back of the sample quilt for a new pattern by my local quilt shop. I did not make the quilt, I just did the quilting. It ended up getting another backing over this muslin layer, if I had known how fun it was going to look on the back, I would have done a regular backing and left it 🙂

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 25"

Oriental expressions Oriental expressions
By: Jenny in NZ,
New Zealand

Custom quilted for me by John Nielsen, an extremely talented NZ long arm quilter in a mix of gold and silver metallic threads. I feel John did the most beautiful quilting in total sympathy with my quilt and take this opportunity to show his work and thank him once again.

Quilt size: width: 86" height: 86"

Pastel Whirlygigs Pastel Whirlygigs
By: Irene de Aragon,

A quilt made for Jan Pol, a grand nephew who was born two months ago. This photo is from the back side of the quilt, because the quilting shows off in better way from this side.

Quilt size: width: 42" height: 42"

Pick Up Sticks Pick Up Sticks
By: Diane U.,
Ontario, Canada

Quilted on a long arm machine – beautiful swirls.

Quilt size: width: 64" height: 74"

Potpourri Potpourri
By: Debbie,
South Carolina, USA

Quarter log cabin blocks are used to create a faux braid design. The diagonal layout was a perfect place to fill with long sweeps of feathers. Waves of feather plumes were stitched in the border too.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 62"

Red and Green Traditional Applique Red and Green Traditional Applique
By: Karen,
Arkansas, USA

a traditional style applique and red and green . The blocks are from two different books the setting and most of the blocks are from a book by Jeanna Kimball. This quilt has been 2 years in the making and I am half way done with hand quilting. The applique is needle turn.

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 100"

Red, White, and Blue for Christopher Red, White, and Blue for Christopher
By: Tammy Pettus,
Alabama, USA

This quilt is made from my Daddy’s shirts, he passed away in November of 2010. I am making all of his grandkids a quilt. This quilt is for my oldest nephew. It is machine pieced and hand quilted. It took me exactly three months to complete this quilt.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 63"

Rose Quilt Rose Quilt
By: CattleKate,
Utah, USA

“Rose Quilt” using the Stix Strips pattern. I made this quilt using various rose and flower patterns, then quilted it with a rose in each block and a vine of roses in the boarders.

Quilt size: width: 100" height: 110"

Salt Water Bargello Salt Water Bargello
By: MC,
Alberta, Canada

A modern bargello quilt for a a graduation present. Each octopus and flower are separately outlined with matching thread, and the background is filled in with a boxy design in black for texture.

Quilt size: width: 72" height: 90"

Scrap Happy Scrap Happy
By: Becca,
Maryland, USA

This is just one look at a quilt made up of scraps from years and years of quilt-making. Every block in the quilt was pieced together from orphan blocks and leftovers. The binding came from the leftover bin and the back was pieced, too. The quilting was meant to be as random as the piecing.

Quilt size: width: 60" height: 70"

Scrappy Squares Scrappy Squares
By: Kathy,
Manitoba, Canada

This was a guild project were we exchanged 3″ squares and made a scrappy star quilt. I had fun quilting feather motifs, faux border cross hatching and continuous curves.

Quilt size: width: 50" height: 65"

Smowman Wall Hanging Smowman Wall Hanging
By: vandy,
Ohio, USA

I made a few wall hangings for Christmas gifts and tried a quilting technique that i learned in my quilt guild. I did this on my regular sewing machine.

Quilt size: width: 17" height: 28"

Spinner Spinner
By: Marlene @ KISSed Quilts,
Washington, USA

Designed a layout for Electric Quilt’s challenge, this was the result. Also, my first attempt at ‘quilting to death’. Honored that it was chosen as their winner! My blog has a tutorial on how to draft the layout yourself and links to all the flag blocks. Stop by and leave a comment.

Quilt size: width: 58" height: 58"

Strippy Firefly Strippy Firefly
By: Vicki in MN,
Minnesota, USA

Firefly is a free pattern from Canoe Ridge Creations blog. I had so much fun quilting it on my Nolting Longarm.

Quilt size: width: 40" height: 50"

Summer Fun Summer Fun
By: Marija Vujcic,
New York, USA

This quilt is a play with 3D Flying Geese blocks and its design possibilities – curved edges, added fabric on top, color effects.
Even thought blocks have great texture and effect, it is with quilting that all of it came alive, for me. Loved doing some echo quilting and some free motion quilting to

Quilt size: width: 24" height: 24"

The blues The blues
By: Lies Bos-Varkevisser,

In 2007 I had a fabric exchange with 14 quilters in the Netherlands. I wanted to make a big (queen size) quilt with lots of blues from very light to deep dark. The quilting was done on my home sewing machine (Janome).

Quilt size: width: 94" height: 94"

We Gather Together We Gather Together
By: Gayle Pulley,
Washington, USA

This quilt is whole cloth, hand painted on cotton. I machine quilted it on my home machine.

Quilt size: width: 25" height: 18"

White Quilt for Kate White Quilt for Kate
By: Mary Manson,
North Carolina, USA

Quilted in white, off white and tan/gold, this white wholecloth quilt is heavily quilted in a feather and heart design. Lots of quilting! I make wedding dress quilts, and although this isn’t made from a wedding dress, it showcases some of my designs.

Quilt size: width: 38" height: 38"

72 responses to “Quilting Close-Up”

  1. Sharon Andersen Avatar
    Sharon Andersen

    I love the Santa sack. I would make one for each of my daughters and fill it with goodies for Christmas morning!

  2. joyce scaggs Avatar
    joyce scaggs

    I would love the snowman and snow lady sacs

  3. Kathy Avatar

    Love the present sacs, happy Holidays to you and your family!

  4. Kristen Helton Avatar

    They are all so darn cute but my favorite Santa Sac would have to be the Santa and Rudolph and I would make it for my son. He is in love with Christmas, but more this year, so we already have our tree and decorations up!

  5. Beret Nelson Avatar

    This is a great idea, I love the Rudolph and Snowman ones. I have several velvety fabric bags in different sizes that I made a few years ago for wrapping presents for our family in, boy have those been handy on late Christmas eve wrapping nights! I could use some more though, these are great.

  6. JoAnn Hyde Avatar
    JoAnn Hyde

    I would love the Snowman or Snowlady sacs. I would make for my daughter

  7. Marianne Avatar

    Choose One! You’re kidding, right. They are all so cute 🙂
    Though I must say, the snow girl and snow boy are perfect for my 8yo granddaughter and 2yo grandson.

  8. Christine M Avatar

    All the sacks are gorgeous. I can’t choose between Santa and Rudolph and Snowman and Snowlady. Maybe I could make the Snowman and Snowlady for my husband so we could have matching sacks!

  9. Betsy Avatar

    I would make the reindeer one for my grandaughter

  10. Joyce Mitchell Avatar
    Joyce Mitchell

    The Angel Santa Sac is my favorite & I’d make it for my husband’s niece. Thanks.

  11. Karin Avatar

    Jen’s sunflower is gorgeous, and I’d have to make one Santa Sack for each grandchild, so they’d all be different!

  12. Ronnie Avatar

    Beautiful designs….love the Santa Sacs!

  13. sara Avatar

    Love the sacks…all of them are adorable

  14. Betsy Rodgers Avatar
    Betsy Rodgers

    I love the reindeer bag. It is my absolute favorite but I would love to make all these bags for my granddaughters.

  15. Joni Avatar

    I like snowgirl and snowboy. I would make them for my grandchildren.

  16. Lise Avatar

    I love the Snowgirl and snowboy and would make each of my 6 grandchildren one for Christmas 🙂

  17. Alison Saunders Avatar
    Alison Saunders

    I love the Santa Sacks. I would love to do one for all of my grandchildren.

  18. Barbara Orozco Avatar
    Barbara Orozco

    I like the snowman sack best, I’d make two of them for my sons. Thanks for the chance!

  19. Hanke Avatar

    Snowgirl and Snowboy Christmas Santa Sac Pattern, is the one I love the most. We have Sinterklaas in the Netherlands, so I don’t make a Santa Sac 😉 Thanks for the chance!

  20. Lee Avatar

    I love the Christmas Trees Sacs and would make them for my nieces!

  21. Sandra Visser Avatar
    Sandra Visser

    I like the snowman one the best. I would make them for my nephews & niece

  22. Betsy Rodgers Avatar
    Betsy Rodgers

    I really love all your sacks. I would love to make all the snow people for my granddaughters. What a great idea for gift wrapping that lasts a lifetime.

  23. Shelley D Avatar
    Shelley D

    I love both of them. I’d have to make at least four so two of each….one for each of my daughters and matching ones for my son and his girlfriend.

  24. Chantal Avatar

    It was hard to vote this week. I wish I could vote for 10 quilts instead of just 4.
    I too love the Snowman family sacks the most. Thanks for the chance of winning.

  25. Bette Avatar

    There were so many really good quilting projects that it was hard to vote for just 4. the Santa sacks are adorable!

  26. Gale Avatar

    I would have to pick Santa and Rudolph and make them both for our granddaughter who is going to be celebrating her first Christmas. One from grandma and Pops. A keepsake for sure.

  27. Deborah DeBerry Avatar
    Deborah DeBerry

    I like the Rudolph sack best, but Santa’s sack is hanging in there really close!

  28. Hilly van Zuylekom Avatar
    Hilly van Zuylekom

    G’Day from Oz. I love the Santa sacs, so handy. Do I really have to make a choice? OK, here goes: I would make Santa for the GD of my neighbours (who do things for me I can’t do anymore) and Rudolph for my new, 4-month old GGS.
    PS Love the snowmen too!

  29. Regina DeMatteo Avatar

    My favorite is the Snow Boy and Girl sacks. I would make one for my great-granddaughter Ally who is three years old and ready for Christmas already.

  30. Sallie Avatar

    My granddaughter would love the Rudolph sac!

  31. Lee Avatar

    I would definitely be making the Snowboy Sac for my 3 year old grandson. He is currently living in the USA with his mum and dad for two years and I miss him terribly but this will be his first year with snow at Christmas time and I know he will be making snowmen.

  32. Evie C Avatar
    Evie C

    I like the Christmas trees sac and would use fabrics from my stash to give to the grandkids.

  33. Barb Colvin Avatar
    Barb Colvin

    I like the Star and Angel pattern best. I’d make the star for my grandson Malakhi and the angel for my granddaughter Izabella.

  34. Tammy Lyons Avatar
    Tammy Lyons

    I love the Santa Santa sack the best. I would make it for my great neice Chloe and for my 2 kids and for a elderly invalid gentleman I know. It would cheer him up to get a sack full of little goodies. This is the first time I have seen theses sacks. Love the idea.

  35. Linda Fleming Avatar
    Linda Fleming

    I love all the sacs!
    I’d choose the Santa for my husband and Rudolph for my sister’s grandson!

  36. Pam Avatar

    The gift sacks are so cute! I like the reindeer the best.

  37. Melanie Avatar

    Christmas Tree Santa Sack – I would make it (with goodies inside) to place under the K-Mart Wishing Tree (an Australian initiative for those who have to donate a gift to those who don’t).

  38. Eva Avatar

    I love the Santa sacks, they are so unique and personal. Awesome quilts this week.

  39. Lia Avatar

    Love the Snowgirl and Snowboy ones. I’d make some for my cousins and little brother 🙂

    Thanks for the chance!

  40. kbo Avatar

    The Snowman and Snowlady Sac would be my first pick. I’d create one for child I’m sponsoring for the “Adopt A Child” Christmas project our guild hosts. If it’s big enough it could hold the quilt I’m making.

  41. Pam Avatar

    They are all delightful, but I like Santa and Rudolph best

  42. lori Avatar

    The Santa Sacks are beyond cute!

  43. suzanne Avatar

    I like the Rudolph sac and would make it for my sister in Ohio’s Christmas gift. How fun!

  44. marilyn Avatar

    I think I could take all the patterns and make one for each of my Grandies – all different that way. But my favourite is the snowgirl and snowboy ones. I would give those to my 3 yr old Grandson and his 1 year old sister.
    I have to say that I love the peppermint candy quilt.

  45. Cindy Ferrell Avatar
    Cindy Ferrell

    I’m partial to the Snowman and Snowlady. But they’re all adorable! I’d make one for my husband and both my children. Maybe even one for the cats!

  46. Rose Miller Avatar
    Rose Miller

    I love all of them but am partial to snowmen. I think these are a great idea for my great nieces and great nephews.

  47. Debbie Jewell Avatar
    Debbie Jewell

    Love the Santa Sacs!!

  48. Phyllis Carlyle Avatar
    Phyllis Carlyle

    The peppermint quilt is very cute.

    I had the hardest time picking my favorites this week.

  49. susana Avatar

    Tenia que votar 4 ,pero el talento increíble que tienen todas para acochar …. solo admiración.

  50. Debbie Avatar

    I think my favorite is the snowgirl and snowboy. I would make it for my nephew.

  51. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    love the Santa Sacs. and quilt is awesome thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  52. apple blossom Avatar
    apple blossom

    oops forgot to say I love the snowman and snowlady sacs

  53. Linda Webster Avatar
    Linda Webster

    I love the Santa and Rudolph Sac pattern.

  54. JeanP Avatar

    I like the Rudolph sack the best! I would not make one–I’d have to make at least 7 of them–one for each of the grandchildren!!

  55. Lori Smanski Avatar
    Lori Smanski

    Wow these ladies really made it hard not to be able to pick them all. They are all winner’s in my book. Fantastic job all of you. Those Santa sacks are so adorable.

  56. Lynda wright Avatar
    Lynda wright

    I just love the Santa sacks. I think I would do the Santa one as I am about to have a first granddaughter in time for Xmas and it would be the ideal thing to make that she could cherish and use for years to come. Love your site.

  57. Judy Avatar

    My favorite are the Snowman and Snowlady. I would make one for my daughter.

  58. mariajose Avatar

    !gracias por el esfuerzo,de mantenernos semanalmente informadas!

  59. Frances Avatar

    Love your snow people sacks and I have a sweet niece who would love to receive gifts in such a special package.

  60. Naomi Vela Avatar

    My Favourite santa sack would be Snow boy and snow girl.

    Thanks for the chance to win


  61. Becca Avatar

    Some very beautiful quilts this week! You inspire me to go work on my quilting. Definitely need more practice to run with this crowd. 😀

  62. Peggy Avatar

    Awww, they are all pretty cute, but Rudolph is my favourite.

  63. jackie Avatar

    I love them all, but if I have to choose it will be Rudolph, and I will make him for my 5 year old grandson, CASH, who loves all animals. Thanks for the opportunity. Love your site. Jackie

  64. Tammy Pettus Avatar
    Tammy Pettus

    My favorite is the Christmas Sac with Santa on it. I would make it for my great nephew.

  65. SewCalGal Avatar

    All of the Sac bags are so cute and I’d love to make them all, but Santa and Rudolph Christmas definitely has my attention.


  66. Barbara Pricola Avatar
    Barbara Pricola

    I love your Christmas Sacs. My favorites are the Santa/Rudolph sacs and the Star/Angel sacs. I would make them for my sister-in-law and nieces. I also love all of your quilt patterns, particularly the Bargello Sunflower and the Bargello Dahlia.

  67. Helen Bazinet Avatar
    Helen Bazinet

    I love the Santa and the Reindeer. with 6 great grandchildren could sure use the patterns.

  68. Linda McCoy Avatar
    Linda McCoy

    Those Santa Sacs are delightful! I like the Star the best!

  69. Marlene @ KISSed Quilts Avatar

    How fun to see all the quilting details this week!

  70. Mary Chevalier Avatar
    Mary Chevalier

    All of the sacs are beautiful .They are all winners too me.

  71. Joan H. Avatar
    Joan H.

    My favorite are Santa/reindeer patterns. I would like to make Santa for our great granddaughter.

  72. Calina Avatar

    My favorite santa sack is the snowman. Because I have tons of snowmen in my Christmas decorations… But they are all adorable!

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